BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

. Two THE COMMUNIST trade relations lind recognition of Soviet THERE CAN BE NO NEUTRAL THE COMMUNIST Russia, but to bind the coming Soviet Rc. POSITION IN THIS WAR OF THE Official organ of public of the United States in bonds of CLASSES!
close fraternal unity with the Sovict Rc Those who arc against the Communist THE COMMUNIST TARTY OF AMERICA public of Russia.
International are for the capitalists and their published by the honchinen.
CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE The of the have conExit John Sandgren. victed themselves of trying to maintain this Vol. JANUARY bth, 1921. Ne 16 untenable position of neutrality. It led their Elsewhere in this issue will be found the editorial policies directly into the camp of Comrade Martens is Deported Board of the as printed in the their instrument of articulate expression their tool in applying those policies. To disAfter a year of dilatory estigation on ing the vote on the recent referendum and miss this tool, without at the same time and off the Secretary of Labor, Wilson, also THE REMOVAL OF JOHN SAND changing their policy of neutrality to one (former jabor faker who ivas rewarded by GREN AS EDITOR OF THE ONE BIG of active and wholchcarted support to the his capitalist inasters with a soft berth) has UNION MONTHLY. for attacking revo international Communist movement, is the ordered the deportation of Contrade Clutionary organizations of this and other shecrest hypocricy and deceit. Martens, commercial representative of countries in a manner which is contrary to Soviet Russia in America.
the policy laid down by the General ExeImmediately upon the publication of the cutive Board at its previous scssico. Another Mission Goes to order Comrade Martens notificd Soviet Rus However, despite this tardy acknowledgesia, which answered that he return immediate ment of the counter revolutionary activities Russia.
ly with all his stati of Russian citizens in and writings of John Sandgren which the a scathing denouncement of the brutal policy Communist has consistently exposed time One of the post revolutionary factors of the American capitalist government. So, and again, this step is no indication of any which Russia is suffering from with admirself restraint we here this issue will be in the hands of its radical change in the policies of the able self possession and readers, Comrade Martens will be on the as carried on by its On the con missions should judge is the influx of high scas lound for Moscow, thankful no trary, this move of expelling Sandgren seems from this or that Socialist party or labor doubt to shake the dust of this glorious to be only another attempt to string a red organization from every part of Europe. The republic from his shoes.
hierring across the trail of the anti revolu wear and tear, the tinie wasted by Bolshevik leaders in performing the necessary formal.
There is more than blind stupidity in tionary policy of the itself.
this cynically brutal more of the It is not true, as the claim, that itics, the answering of silly questions, and the scarch for those dainty morsels which are so Government. It is an earnest of the unflinch Sandgren acted contrary to the policy laid ing attitude of capitalist United States todown by the After the endorsement indispensible to the proletarian appetites of wards Soviet Russia. All the venom, all the of his attacks in the October One Big Union these missionaries. has generally been overlooked in condemning the Bolsheviki. Surely hatred, all the fear which the capitalists of Vonthly upon the Communist movement in America fcel towards Soviet Russia is emthis country and the Communist International these missions have had something to do bodied in the act of deporting Russia un and its sections abroad, Sandgren, in the with keeping Russia in a state of chronic recognized representative.
Too far away Noveniber and Dçcember issue simply car impoverishment?
from Russia to bar her directly through inricd out the policy of the to its And now comes the news that another vasion conscious that all the money she logical conclusion. Not a retrogression from mission is to visit Soviet Russia, to add has loaned France, Poland, Yudenitch and the policy laid down by the but too to Russia troubles and the gayety of the Wrangel to overthrow the Soviet Republic much zeal in carrying it out with all its nations. The Socialist Party of America is has been spent all in vain and that she can full implications, is the cause of his removal sending Oncal, Trachtenberg, Joseph For the report of the special Cohen, never be re imbursed the US Government meeting of October 18th, as taken from the Berger to study Russian conditions at first Algernon Lee and Mrs Victor is venting its concentrated hatred upon One Big Union Monthly of December, reComrade Martens and driving him from its hand. This is a remarkable aggregation of shores.
veals the following item. Mensheviks and traitors only comparable So he it. Those whom the gods would the policy followed by the editor of the Made and Seconded. That we endorse the Labor Party mission of which the notorious Mrs. Snowden was a member.
destroy they first make mad. The Monthly in the October issue, and at Government is certainly going had these the same time we recommend that all the The visit of this Socialist mission will last few years and it is also certain that she be editors in the future adhere to the policies a fitting anti climax to the Wrangel is doomed to annihilation. Its every act has laid down by the to campaign; and we can only express our reillustrated the teachings of the Communists gret that Morris Hillquit, Meyer London that it is a democratic government in name the greatest possible extent. Carried.
and Mrs. Berger husband are not to go only but actually the most reactionary and This proves that it was Sandgren who capitalist dictatorship in the consistent.
was consistent and the who are in. along for the reception this mission will murderous reccive will be instructive and interesting if world. It forces the workers into war for The have executed a hasty renot wholly to their liking.
the sake of capitalist ambitions to be a treat, not because of a change of heart, or We suggest that they buy a wreath to world power; it shoots down workers when they go on strike; it sends the leaders of the International, but simply because of new oricntation towards the Conimunist place upon the grave of John Reed before a departing, as a token of their esteem and working class to jail; it destroys the work cowardly attempt to cover up their own in admiration of the American Communist who crs organizations; it issues injunctions herently opportunistic and counter revolution gave his life for the world revolution. Beagainst the workers and ties up their funds: it deports and jails radical workers; it ary policies. They merely wish to ward off sides, it might serve as a gentle reminder.
any blamc or criticism for their share and drives political parties underground; it in theirs is the major share in the November stigates and backs up with all the might of and December issues of the Monthly The One Big Union of its police and armed power every assault upon the rights and lives of the working commission and omission will not fool anyThis vicarious expiation for their sins of Schlesinger and Hillman.
class as a whole And at the same time it permits the rank and filc of the know these gated Clothing Workers by the clothing bosses onc with any knowledge of the facts. The Coincident with the lockout of the Amal.
greatest era of proficering and graft in the facts. The members of the Communist movehistory of the world. It permits the most ment in America are equally acquainted with union must now wage, comes the news that and the struggle for existence which this merciless exploitation of the workers. It the facts. Logically there is only one thing thiſts the tax burdens for the war upon the left for the members of the of the the five needle trade unions have created a heavy backs of the workers and the ex and that is to RESIGN their One Big Union in this industry, Of ploited. It reveals in the greatest orgy, of positions and slink off somewhere to cogitate affirmative action of the Amalgamated and course, this action was forcshadowed by the useless spending ever known. In the face on the unkind fate of those who try to of the gravest industrial crisis and unemploy straddle two horses at the same time.
the International conventions held this ment era this country has ever faced: the The Communist International, and all its fide one, none would be better pleased than year. Were this act of amalgamation a bona US government is preparing to TEED affiliated sections in the various countries, THE MASSES WITH LEAD when they are the only really revolutionary proletarian Needle trades is a consummation devoutly the Communists. One Big Union of the cry for bred.
movements capable of leading and guiding to be wished. The rank and file of the needle So it is perfectly logical for such a the proletariat and the exploited masses to the trades have been clamoring for it these government to deport the representative of overthrow of capitalism and the establisha Workers and Peasants Governments from ment of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
many years.
its hospitable shores. We are not sur They are standing in the first line trenches just as consistently thwarted any action in But the trade union bureaucracy has priced. Our only surprise is why the gov fighting the battles of the world workers, this direction in tlic past. Even af the recent clection interfered with its plans, that is 111. reačtion, flanked by the subscrvient funkeys unions the teeth were extracted from the We can conceive of no hwnanitarian reason of the Second International. Between these motion before the leaders permitted it to be for its procrastination. capitalist govern two forces battling for power there can be passed. Have these same leaders suddenly machine which grinds the workers blood organizations, like the which pre created a comenis Union that will really into profits for the master class.
tend to a position of neutrality in this merci.
The Communist Party of America sends loss war, are assisting the capitalists and the mect the needs of the needle industry?
its warmest greetings to Comrade Martens social patriots and traitors of all kinds to The pseudo organization created at the and to Sovici Russia with the house that the crush the revolutionary movements at home, Hotel Astor ly the trade union bureaucracy next representative from Soviet Russia to as well as the great Russian Revolution of the needle trades was just nnother swindlo the United States will not come to establish itself. Continuod op page)