BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismImperialist WarSocialismSovietWorkers MovementWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST Official Organ of the Communist Party of America.
JANUARY 6th, 1921, PRICE CENT Statutes of the Third Communist International In Lorron crs quotrs as follows: ADOPTED BY THE SECOND CONGRE66 July 17th August 7th, 1920.
in 1864 Was estabil bed the in reallty only recognized the white race. The first International Association of Workers, lat.
Communist International innkes It Its task to terly known as the 1st International. The sta emancipate the workers of the entire world.
tute of the International Asociation of Work The ranks of the Communist International fra.
ternally unite men of all colors: white, yellow That the emuncipation of the working class and black the toiters of the entire world.
is to be attained by the working class 1tself The Communist International fully and unThat the struggle for the emancipation of reservedly upholds the rains of the great prothe working class does not mean a struggle for letariar. revolution in Russia, the frst victori.
clabs privileges and nonopolies but a struggle Ous socialist revolution in the world history, for equal rights and eynal obligations for the and calls upon all the workers to follow the abolition of every kind of class. domination. same road. The Communist International makes That the donomic subjection of the worker it Its duty to support by all the power at its under the monopolists of the means of pro disposal every Soviet Republic wherever It duction, e, of the sources of life is the cause may be formed, of servitude in all its forms, the cuuse of all The Communist International is aware that social misery, all mental degradation and poll.
for the purpose of a speedy achievement of tical dependence.
victory the International Association of workers That the economic emancipation of the which is struggling for the abolition of capiworking class is therefore the great aim which talism and the establishment of Communism every political movement must be subordinate should possess Orm and centralized organ.
ization. To all intents and purposes the comto.
That all endeavors for this great aim have munirt International should represent single universal Communist Party, of which the par falled as yet hecause of the lack of solidarity between the varlous branches of industry in ties operating in every country form individual absence all countries, because of the Bections. The organized apparatus of the comof the munist International is to secure to the tollers tarternal tie of working unity between the of every country the possibility at any given classes of the different countries.
moment to obtain the maximum of 81. from That the emancipation 18 neither local the organized workers of the other countries, nor a national problem but a problem of a B0cial character embracing every civilized countFor this purpose the Communist Interna tional confirms tho following Items of its ry, and the solution of which depends on the statute: theoretical and prctical co operation of the Par. The ne International Association of most progressive countries.
workers is established for the purpose of or That the actual simultaneous revival of kapizing common activity of the workers of the workers movement in the industrial counvarious countries who are striving towards a tries of Europe on the one hand awakens new single alm: the overthrow of capitalism, the hope wh! Ixt on the other hand it is a solemon cötablishment of the dictatorship of the prowarning of the danger of relapse into the old letariat and of the International Soviet Reerrors and an appeal for an immediate union public the complete abolition of classes and of the hitherto disconnected movement the realization of socialism this first step to The Second International which was estab Communikt Society.
lished in 1859 at Paris had undertaken to conPar. The new International Association of tinue the work of the First International In workers has Den given the name of THE 1914 at the outbreak of the world slaughter it COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL, Fridered a complete failure Undermined by Par All the parties and organizations comopportunism and damaged by the treason of prising the Conimunist International bear the StR lindose who had taken the side of the bourgrosie the Second International perished.
name of the Communist Party of the riven country. xection of the Communist InternaThe Third Communist International which tional. was established in March 1919 in the capital Par. The World Congress of all parties and of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Re organizations which form part of the CommunDuhl. In the city of Moscow. Bolemnly proIst Internationalis the Fipreme organ of claims belore the entire world that it takes this International. The World Congress as upon itself to continue and to complete the role convenes not les than once kreat causa bekin by the First International year. The World Congress confirms the proWorkers Association.
srammes of the various parties comprising The Third Communist International had the Communist International. The World Con.
bern formed at a moment when the imperialist STAR discuss and decides the more import Blaufhter of 1914 1918. in which the Imperialist unt questions of programme and tactics, which bourgeoisle of the various countries had are connected with the activity of the Com.
crificed twenty million men, came to an end.
munist International. The number of decisive Keep in 10! nd the Imperialist war! This votes at the World Congress for every party the first app al of the Communist International and organizalion 1s decided upon by a special to every toller wherever he may live and what regulation of the Congrese: It is found necesever langungo he may peak. Keep in mind Bary to strive for a speedy establishment of a that owing to the existence of the capitalist standard of representation on the basis of the Byklem a small group of Imperialists had the actual number of the members of the organOpportunity during four long years to compel ization and the real influence of the party in the workers of various countries to cut each question other throats. Keep in mind that the bour. Par The World Congress clects AD Exe88018 war has cast Europe and the entire world cutive Committee of the Communist InternaInto a state of extreme destitution and starvational which serves as the leading organ of tlon Keep in mind thut unless the capitalist the Communist International in the intervals Batem 18 overthrown the repetition of such between the convention of World Congresses criminal war is not only possible but inevitable. And 1x rerponsible only to the World Congren.
The Communist International makes it Its Par. The residence of the Executivo Comaim to put up an armed struggle for the overmittee of the Conjunlat International de throw of the International bourgeoisie and the cided each time at the World Congress of tho creation of an International Soviet Republic as Communist International.
transition stage to the complete abolition of Par. special World Congress of the Com.
the state. The Coinmunist International con muntat International may be convened either Widers the dictatorship of tho proletariat as the by regulation of the Executive Committee, or only means for the liberation of humanity from nt the donand of an half of the number of the horrors of capitellem The Communist In partire which were part of the Communist innational considera the Soviet form of govern ternntional at the last World Congreso ont as the historically evolved form of this Par, The chief bulk of the work and most dictatorship of the proletariat.
Temponsibility in the Executive Committen of The importillet war in responible for tho the communist International Jaye with the union of fatos of the workors of on party of that country whore, in keeping with country with the rates of the workers of all the mulation of the World Congreso, the Ex.
other countries. The Imporlalikt war empha.
ecutive Committee fud JR roadence for the more what 1x emphasized in the Um brink. The party of the country in ques.
Klantes of the First International: that the tion poudk to the Exocutive Committee not on Sanpation of labor. neither local, nor than a inom ha decisiva voto. In ad.
national task. but one of a sorinl and interne dition to this one ronntative with a deClaive wot 1x kont 10 11 Connuntut Intorna. with tronat from ton or twolve of the Inrrent of thn the traditions on the second Internation which of the communist purtlen, Tho list of theo Tepresentatives is to be confirmed by the UIversal Congress of the Communist interna tional. The remaining parties and organiza tions forming part of the Communist internetional enjoy the right of bending to the Eze cutive Committee one reprerentative cech with consulativo yote, Par. The Executive Committee to the end.
ing organ of the Communist International dur ing the conventions; the Executive Committee publishes 10 Do less than four langugan the central organ of the Communist Interna tional (the periodical The Communist Inter national. The Executive Committee makes the necessary appeals on beball of the Commo1st International, and 1ssues Sastructions obligatory to all the parties and organizations which form part of the Communist International, The Executive Coromittee ol the commonlat International enjoys the right to demand from theaffiliated parties the expulsion of TOUDA or members who are guilty of the infringement of international proletarjan discipline, as well as the exclusion from the Communist Interna tional of such parties guilty of the infringo ment of the rezulations of the World OonTers. In the event of necessity the Executive Committee organizes in various countries its technal and auxilllery bureaus. which entirely under the control of the Executivo Committee Par. 10. The Executive Committee of the communist International enjoys the right to, to clude in its ranks representatives of organiza tions and parties not accepted in the CommunIst Interntional but which are bympathetic to wards communism: these are to have CODsulatise vote only.
Par. 11. The organs of all parties and or izations forming part of the Communist Thter national as well as of those who are recognized sympathizers of the Communist International are obliced to publish all oMcial regulations of the Communist International and of Its Erecutive Committee Par. 12. The gencral state of things in the whole of Europe and of America makes neces fary for the communists of the whole world an ohilleatory formation of fleral communist organizations along with those existing legally.
The Executive Committee shall take charge of the universal application of this rule.
Par. 13. All most important political relations between the individual parties forming part of the Communist International are customarily carried on through the medium of the Executive Committee of the Communist Internationi. In Case of exigency direct relations are estab lished, with provision, however, that the Eze cutive Committee of the Communist International is informed of name at the same time Par 14. The Trade Unions which have accepted the Communist platform and are united on an International scale under the control of the Executive Committee of the Communist Inter national, form Trade Union Sections of the Communist International. The Communist Trade Unlong send their representatives to the World Congresses of the Communist International through the medium of the Communist Parties of their respective countries. The Trade Union ecetion of the Commun. International shall do.
legato e representatire with a decisive vote to the Executive Committee of the Communist IDternational. The Executive Committee of the Cominunist International enjoys the right of sending a representative with decisive voto, the Trade Union section of the Communist International, Par. 16. The International League of Commudist Youth is subject to the Communist Intern tional and its Executive Committee. Ono repro sentative of the Executive Committee of the International League of Communist Youth with decisivo vote is dolegated to the Executive Committee of the Communiat International. The Executive Committee of the Communist Inter national on the other hand enjoy the right of Bending representative with a detalro vote to the Executive organ of the International onge of cominunint Youth Organizations lations betwerp the League of Youth and the Communist party are basically defned cvery country after the same systom.
Par. 16. The Executive Committee of the Communint International confirmthe Interna tional Secretary of the Communist Women movement and organizm women Inction of the Cominunint International, Tur. 17. In the event of a member of the Communist International coming to another country ho 1x to have the fratrnal support of local member of the Third Interational tho 88 close Rize once tonal character.