BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartySocialismSocialist PartyTerrorismWorking Class

Further Negotiations Negotiations on Unity The Communist International to the American Socialist Party.
would be unablo to meet with ouro uotil.
week later, Jere the matter rorts for the preront. Jut word us to this so cnlled investigation on the Found. Dit hier this is intendei mere formality, in which case Woniny expect to the Communist Representation at the Unity Congrens shall completo unity in the period specined by the The Tinity Committee of bo proportional, nnd the basis soll be the Cominuost International, or, 1f the Party In Its negountions with the riity. om.
number of dues paying members by the lot of realy intend to Investigate on the ground. ottie of the live now reached an.
Suptember, 1920, according to the official books its the mort hypocritical and deliberato otvor stage in the negotiations, and it is ne of both parties.
plocu of cirkenery ever perpetraton, It 10 CONATY to apprike tho inomernhlp of all the temporary quito evident to any one famillar with under steps takon And reasons for the Original binned by Kobetzky. cony by break. Jardly any comment is necesary. 08 Booti.
ground organization, that it is absolutoly im.
possible to verify 11gures except with to cotho various communications areak for themchrono There documents follow in PS. Decisions of the Ex. Comm, of the Comm.
Rolves operation of our own officals. Even then this logical order: Intem. baino of the unifod party to le Com. would taku some month. But for outsiders to munist Party of Aunorica.
attempt a serious, honcst investigation withNov. 13, 1920. later decision.
out the co operation of our ocials (which der kod to they did not request and seemed not to In the Small Bureau It wr18 Wunt)
in the period of a week or 80, is a manitost TO THE UNITY COMMITTEE tako July, August. September and October for fraud An outsider can comb whole city the basis. And, in addition, that temporarily, 11NITED COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA, without finding out the organization strength representatives of both parties may take part of any underground party. Does the in the meetings of the Ex. Comm. But this 18 intend to use this fraudulent Investigation Comrades: not important. The main thing 18 that unity to hold up the nity proceedings?
MUST BE carried out, bocause all Muscow 18 considering this A8 neccufary and It is cight days now since we interchanged urgent the last of our cornmunications Ith you, and matter.
since we have been exporting to hear from you (Signed) Scott.
as to your further actions and as to another meeting with our Unity Committee Then, without directly agreeing to Unity At that time we understood that you would Convention on the basis of the decisions of be ready to give us answer to our last comtho Communist International, the communicntion and to make another appointment mittee wanted to talk about the representation. Continued from page 3)
With our conmittee in about three days. Can whereupon we bonded the following: you not vo this ADSwer and make the apNovember 24th, 1920.
The Socialist Party of the Unitod States pointment now? Or tell us why you can not submits to this terrorism; it endeavors to provo or will not do that?
Itsell harmless to the capitalist dictatorship, NOV. 24, 1920, TO THE UNITY COMMITTEE non revolutiouary and Bucceeds rather well.
We regret that our was compelled to adjourn before the negotiations were brought OF THE Swallowing the cjection of its representatives from Congre. from the State Legislatures, It to a defnite agreement, but before adjourn.
ing It was decided that in view of the time praises the xoverament, endorses even more limit set by the International, and in accordance Comradee. The Unity Committee of the warmly the bourgeois state system helping in with the decisons of the Congress we 18sue Etands ready and is einpowered to this way to escape the consequences of defendthe call for Sjeklal Convention, which is to enter into conference with your Committee ing the working class Against the capitalist be a Joint Convention with the when system. And the Convention rejects a resolution for a Unity Convention of both parties, to final agreement 19 renched. Copy of our Call of sympathy for Larkin and Gitlow, Communbat Is enclosed for your Information be held on the basis of the decisions of fighters taken prisoners in the class wur.
the com intern. as soon as you are prompt reply from you will be appreciaIf the majority of the American Socialist ready and empowerod to do so.
Party endorses the decisions of this conventioa, ted. You can communicate with us every day through the same. conuade through whom you (Sign91) Dobin, Allon, Morr18, then wo have but one thing to say to those will receive the letter, lionest workers who still remalo within the Unity Committee Party: Fraterally, You are boing decelred, The Socialist Party (Signod) Dobin, Exec. Sec. of of the United States is not a working class In reply we received the followİDE: Party, but an auxiliary organization of the Ame Nov. 14, 1920. NOV. 24, 1920. TO THE UNITY COMMITTEE rican bourgeolsle, of world imerialism. It is not OF THE leading you toward Sociallemſt is betraying TO the Central Executive Committee.
you to the counter revolution.
Comrades. The C. of tho Workers! Leave the American Socialist Communist Party Etill maintains the position, btated in its Parts. It is your enemy and ours. Already in Comrades:America there 18 revolutionary Party, the previous communications, that the intoreste United Coinmunist Party, the Arican Section In answer to your two recent communicaof the Communist novement in America of the Communist International. These are our tions the Central Executive Committee of the imperatively demand a major representa true romrades. Thousands of them have to United Communist Party, passed the following tion, arbitiarlly fized in advance, for the fered for the Revolution. This is the Party of tao resolution: CP. at the Unity Convention, not revolutionary working class.
only on the ground of its srcater numer Thnt in roply to rerent, Ictters from the ical strength, but also becnuse Its ceutr.
Central Executive Committee of the Communist alizod form of organization, every proud Party. part of the contents of which purport And to the leaders, officials of the Socialist of which is underground, and its organiza Party of tbe United States the Bergers, HOIto transniit a recent decision of the Executive tion policies have already eslablished the Committee of the Communist International, in qulls, londons, Lecs we have only this to say: as tho major party.
regard to unity, wo state, that we can only rely You have diegmced the name of Socialist upon our own means of communication with However, now the his recieved You apply for admission to tho Communist Inter the Executive Committee of the Communist IDan oficial mandate for unity from the Exo national; we answer by declaring war upon you, ternational and see no reason for altoring the cutivo Committee of the Communist Interprovisions for a joint convention nor the basis traitors to the Working Class, who, on the eve national, ce well as a notation that the of the World Revolution, sold out to the enemy of representation for same.
Snull Bureau of the of the has Axed the basis of representation on the to save your skins.
Fraternally, dues paid during the months of July, Aus.
Issued by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Signed) Paul Tolt, Exec. Sec.
Sept, and Oct. Tho Unlty Committee of OF THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL tho has therefore, communicated (Scal) United Communist Party of America.
Editorial Note, this decision of the of the and the decision of the Sinall Burea11, to the November 23, we received word of an appointThe following document was received in this Unity Committee of the and is ready meot to mert their unity committee. When the country as one of the documents printed in the and empowered to take the Decessary Russian Press Review. publishod in Moscow, two kommittees mct. Our committee was handed stops to carry out the decisions, COD of the issue of October.
the following document from the Communist fident that an honest statement of nom.
Internd Sonal (10 Russian. bership by both partius will fully establieh Apparently the last paragraphs of the docuTO AND the claim of the for major repro ment, in which is mentioned the United Coinfentation at the ratio of at least slideniunist Party. seems to indicato that it was Resolution adopted September 20th.
legates for the C. to four delegtes written at time when the Executive Coml for the inlttee of the Coinmunist International WAS Tho Executive Committee decides: laboring under the impresion that an over 1) To extend the term for the complete mnifica (Signed Alden, Holt, McGee.
holining majority of tho members of the Comtion of both parties in America to January 18t, munikt arty had gone over to the 1921.
This statement was considered sufficiently It will be remembered that this was the Mo satirfactory to proceed with negotiations by our whk the C. delegates spread in Russia 2) To call the attention of the American comcomunittee, in spite of the personal opinions and and the Executive Connittee had no means of rades to the extreme inconvenience of the conjectures contained verifying this fatement until our own delegate in the frit and last systematic arrival of now delegatex fron Amurl.
raru Tuphs of their statement. date set (Nov.
arrived thero with the real facts.
CA who question decisions already passed in ember Sth) for the submission of rigued stato prononco of othor delegates muntb of membership Ngurus by both sides. On Since the arrival of our delegato, the Exo November 28th, both coinmittee met and the citive Committeo has given the Communist 8) The Executive Cominittce demands as an statements were presented. Copies of theso Party full recognition and placed our delegate ultimntum, unity on the basis of the daisions statements will be found in the second state.
on the Exccutive Cumınittee with an oqual vote.
adopted by tho Becond Congress of the Comm.
ment on Unity which has already been publishIt alko laid down tho conditions for accomplishIntern od and in the land of the meinbership. The Ingunity ns printed in the last issue, which total figure pronted kive the 7552 clearly and unequivocally recognize the com6) Responsible representatives of both parties, give a pledge to the Executive Cominittee of dues paying members as the Ayerano for the muint arty with full rights in the Communist four inuntis and the UC. 4661 for the International the Comm. Intern. to accomplish unity with.
Anmo period. The Unity Committee of the out fa 11. demanded then to sco the signed stateIt is also possible that the Executive Commonts of the Foderations (Russian, Lithuanian mitteo was under the impression, when this EXCURTTA FROM THE MINUTES OF THE and Ukrainian) nad on November 30th Wo predocument was written, that unlty had already MEHTING Monted them, not only with such stateinents been whieved in this country as the first manTHE. 1, OF AUGUST but also the offical Looks of those Federations 20th, 1920, date for unity was promulgatod on Augint 7th Heard and accepted.
uw woll. No pero discrepancire were indica domnnding unity by October 10th. It is thoro Reed in Telutence to Pin of repromontation 4) Motion of Comrade te in the reg ruhniitted by hoth aldes, but iuxtend of think the fun! Dettore priminary foro quito probable that tho reference to the at the inity Controw of tho Comunist Part.
to llue the joint call, the committee les of America: United Communist Party was intended to mean lated thint they intonded to inventirato the ground. and atated that their committoo the tinihed and unitod Coinmunist pioveront 19 America