CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceImperialismItalyLeninSocialismSovietSyndicalismTrotskyWorld WarZinoviev

COMMUNIBT BEVEN Congresses of the Third International. What ing up the WORKERS CONTROL OF The workers of Italy have just gone through hypocriter ind oundrels!
INDUSTRY AND PAVING THE WAY this experience and they have discovered that Point (1) RS ren further and actually FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF COM without political power without state power preclama that there Jocuments, reprinted and MUNISM. the workers are bound to lose out.
translated from the official organ of tho Ex.
utivo Coinmolto of the Third International But Russia alonc cannot bring about The only way to overthrow the capitalby the Cozarasinist PRD in America and Communism. This is the task of the work ist government is by means of MISS ACT.
Europe are frauds. Zinovlev ld a frauJ RR wol as one of the less woll balanced Icador cers oi all countrice. Only the triumpli of IUN. demonstrations, protests, mass of the Third International. So is Lenin, and the world proletarian revolution and the strikes. general strikcs, political strikes and Trotsky, and Bucharla and Rodek and Kamener defcat of world Capitalisin and Imperialism culminating finally in open collision with the Kraesin is fraud. Litvinoffis fraud. Jolto can accomplish this gigantic task.
capitalist statc armed insurrection and civil Is fraud. The Executive Committee of the war.
Third International itself is a fraud. The Wook.
The European workers are waking up AGAINST TIJE DICTATORSHIP ly People sayB 80 and it must be so.
to this necessity. They are beginning to take Strange, how quickly 1t ruprints Lenin lessons from their Russian comrades. The Of THE CAPITALIST CLASS THE letter to Sylva Pankhurst from the Bulletin Luropean workers realize the treinendous WORKERS MUST SET UP THE DIC.
Communiste printed in France by the Com. value of the existence of Sovict Russia and ITORSHIP OF THE WORKING munist group or party there! Why are there they are solidly behind it. They have noti CLASSI no nieglvings nbout this document, which the fied their Governments that any attack upon You must make your slogans. Weckly People reprints without a lino or phrase doubting its authenticity? Isn this an Sovict Russia means revolution at home.
DOWN WITH CAPITALISMI ofersight on tbe part of tho Weekly People? In the meantime the Europcan workDOWN WITH CAPITALIST GOV.
But lost the readers think that these do.
ers are preparing to overthrow their capital VENT OF AMERICA!
cuments are considered frauds by the Weekly ist governments and establish Soviet Govern Penne forever and forever, we hasten to dis.
HAIL TO THE SOVIET GOVERN ments in their place.
illusion you. The Weekly People has an in ERNMENTI fallible scheme to prove the authenticity of Of course, the European workers have any ofhelal document purporting to American from the Titra International, it simple and workers. They have just gone throgh six The Yellow Leaders of the W. it not sumicient for its purpose. Here it is: years of the most destructive and fiendish Nevertheless, When certain spec. Ac war in the history of the world. They now statement has been fencrally published and realize that all the sacrifice and bloodshed accepted as genuine by the Socialist press of the world and a suficient lapse of time has ann destruction was all in the interest of Continued from page been allowed to intervene without a protest one of other world groups of imperialist coming from Russia, then an important state.
bandits and robbers. They realize now that utely no criterion of the strong tendency to ment may be taken for authentic without fear the peace is even worse than the war. wards Coinmunism in the rank and file of of going wrong.
Innumerable wars are still going on. The the Do you see the trick concealed here? It masses are burdened with the war debts.
These yellow leaders have confused polimeans that when suficient time elapse: wita. Industry and commerce has broken down tical action with the dirty politics of the out a protest coming froin Russia, and after and capitalism is totterin its fall. The old Socialist partics of the Second Inter lius ben reprinted by the SOCIALIST PRESS of the world, that stamps document European workers are now face to face national.
as authentic. Not the Comin niet press but as you workers of America will soon be These yellow leaders have insinuated the Socialist pres. Note that! It really means with the alternative of starvation and slavery and proclaimed that the Communist Internathat Rayear lapses everybody will lorget or pruictarian revolution.
tional and the Communist Party wish to dothat the Weekly People and once minate the advanced workers of the denounced the document as a fraud and a You workers of America are now go for the purpose of subjecting them to its fcrocry.
Like the Zipovlev proclamation ing through the same bitter cxperience. You own personal, selfish designs.
dated September 1st, 1919! More than one too were driven into the world war with These yellow leaders are stradlling the year after date the Weekly People condescends the slogan make the world safe for de ference and are calling for a new red trade to acknowledge its genuiness! year ago by thc mocracy. You too were promised social union international. in opposition to clalming forgery It did have to take any official action on it. year later new con justice, work and prosperity. Like Wilson RED TRADE UNION INTERNATIONAL ditions arise, new olicial documents are pub. Fourteen Points, they were only promises organized by the Conmunist Internationaland Jecciving the rank and file of the listed aud the old document is forgotten. As with which 10 fool you and were never in that they mean the Red Trade Union Infor the latest documents, why they are for tended to be kept. In fact, they could not ternational affiliated with the Coinmunist InBeries until a sufficieit timo las elapsed with. be fulfilled without abolishing the capitalist ternational.
out protest froin Russia! Therefore to action netd be taken on the new oncs. year from system. And surely there is no one foolish These yellow leaders 1:ave discharged now, those oficial documents published about cnough to think the capitalists are going clitors who have shown the slightest tenthat time will be out which will distract the 10 abolish the very systein by which they dency to sympathize with Communist prominds of the readers of the Weck! y People exploit and rob the workers and reap the páanda and who have had the honesty and from the present ouce golden harvest for themselves?
fearlessness to publish letters from CommunThis is the greatest Hittle scheme for dod.
WORKERS OF AMERICA! Don ists as well as syndicalists.
sing the burning of tho Third Inter.
natlonal ever devised by any act of opportun. let yourselves be fooled by capitalist proWe cannot and will not give up the istic, petty bourgeoig politicians for fooling its mises any more! You will only be betrayed struggle to win the fur Coinmunism.
members and sitting on the fence on all quer again. There is only one way out of this We are certain that the local organizations tions.
misery, poverty and exploitation you must will not heed the orders of the national leadWo commend this scheme to Huquit overthrow the present capitalist government «rs to expel Communists. We are certain that and Saudrea in the future.
Its got their and establish a WORKERS OR SOVIET the rank and file of the sympathize clumsy antics Leutuu mile.
with and are closer to Communist understand This is not an easy task. The capitalisting that the yellow leaders suspect.
government is a machine a national machine The Communists of the must which holds the workers by force through close their ranks. They must organize Comits police powers, its ariny, navy, courts unist nuclci in the local organizations and Continued from page burcaucracy, etc. It is the instrunicnt by carry on an intensive and more detenuined incans of which the capitalist class is en struggle with these yellow Icaders. These way for the Communist Sucicty wliere all abled to maintain itself as the ruling class Communist nuclei must become the rallying meiniurs will freely cooperate for the pro minority of the population.
in society cven though they are a small ground for all Communist propaganda and duction, distribution and enjoyment of the agitation within the necessities, comíorts and luxuries of life.
The capitalist government cannot be de Our victory in the may be deTILAT EXACTLY WHAT THE lot box. The ballot box is itself an instru: Icaders but it cannot be prevented for long.
stroyed by peaceful means, such as the bal layed by the tactics and vacillation of the SOVIET GOVERNMENT OF RUSSIA IS DOING.
ment of capitalist domination, cleverly dcThe revolutionary rank and file of the velujud so as to foul the workers into he In spite of the Allied blockade in spite lieving that they can gain their ends through syndicalist leaders. Organize your ranks and is with us and against the yellow of e counter toolutions and invasions of parliamentary action.
Kolelak, Denikin, Yudenitch, Poland und capture control of the and make it Wrangel, all financed and operated by World Systcuni boy seiring the factories without at you abolish the capitalist and ficient auxiliary for Comunist agitaImpurialism Suvict Russia is slowly build the suine time sizing the political power. tries and agricultural districts.
tion to the masses of workers in the indusJsses Unemployment.
Nor can