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COMMUNIST BIX The and the Third International.
תו) יז סמן נF principler. The four points of the 8, P.
oro dipped in the dirtslied polron of DOUDT and SOLICITUDE FOR THE GOOD NAME OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL which is being unge more intompcrato thon Jilliquit ever und baudied about by Belrappointed com inittees IL IN Extremely Amusing to watch the in.
it ranged itself against the Third loternational of Coumnitoints in western Europe and even tellectual RymnaFUCA of the Weekly People, and denounced Its principles and tactics.
in America, laking npon themselves the func.
omiciat orgu of tho of America, froin tion of speaking na Committees of the Third week to week, particularly on Wstions affectThe call for tho second Congress of the International.
Ing the Third Communist) International. Fur that Third International found the weekly Tarrow, dumatic, non. Marxian sect, attempting to evade the issue by claiming that Mark you, it is the which becomes deceased Livin on its һик was in no position to send delegates. In this the champion of the Third Interuntlopu founder. Daniel Del. con, these last six years, manner It fooled its meinberehin BUT TI1 against its traducers, The Communist Parties And sing its vanom on the Third Inter.
of Western Europe and Ain rica! Why, it even WITH national and its aflated parties throughout LEGATES BECAUSE IT DISACREED champions the third luternational against som the world, it has no cqunl anywhere.
THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL OX TIE SAME of it legs well balanced leaders in Rusela!
revolutionary and more The younger GROUNDS AS ALL OTHER SOCIALIST You see, all of them are unbalauced but some cloinents have long ago split away from eter.
PARTIES OF EUROI AND AMERICA, are less well balanced than others!
HOLL bet and what is left is constantly un.
parturition urder the Now that the Congress 18 over and the To enter into discussion with such a bunch dergoing the Interne Socialist parties of the Right and Centre gledchanımes blows of tho Third of scoundrels 18 waste of time. Our task in tionn! Just the same as all other official 80have been carefully excluded and the conditions tho to expose then and leavo them to the well the promulgated foredraission have been claliat parties formerly Miliated with deserved contempt of every honest class con.
few Bicond International. What is left are a Weekly People comes out denouncing the scious workor.
Bond worshippers of DeLeon, who never knew for not afiliating but the writer must have Point (1) makes the dishonest ascumption the flaw in DeLeon cmnsculation of Marx.
had bis tongue in his check while doing so.
that there are leaders of the Third Internation.
1sin find who to. day ate incapable of learn.
While ortevaibly an attack against 11il1quit and al who difter on the question of mass action ing anything or forgetting anything.
the more Epace is devoted to perverting and the inevitability of a violent revolution to tho 186ue to prove why the could not The Russian Revolution has passed them Itself affiliate and in attempting to prove that overthrow the capitalist governments of the luy and left them cold. L! ke the world.
nothing the reasons which uctuated the were they prato stupidly that they have different than those which actuated the to learn from the Bolsheviki. The new orient.
the revolutionary proletarian move.
DUCE THE ation in How does it prore its case? By calling the WRITING OF ANY OF THE ment in Euro; And America has found them RUSSIAN LEADERS OF THE THIRD INTER Communist parties which accept mass action upumbling their old Bbibboleths bequeathed and armed insurrection and civl. war as an. NATIONAL, LENIN, ZINOVIEV, RADEK, EU.
then by clcon and hurling anathema at any Mass Action itsell Archists.
is called an CITARIX, TROTSKY, ETC WHEREIN THEY who would rouse them from their meaningless anarchistic doctrine, They refused to give up STATE THAT THEY ARE OPPOSED TO THE incnntations, their legalistic and opportunistic theories they USE OF HORCE IN THE PROLETARIAN REThe growth of the left Wing movement demand the right to preach their own doctrines VOLUTION OR PROPAGATING THIS TACT IC TO THE MASSES!
in this country, in response to the betrayal of and national autonomy.
the principles of revolutionary Sociallem by the existing Socialist. nioveinent in this country The very tanie position taken by the The cheap, sinister, provocative attempt of its case 18 But the pretends that (Tho And the P. the post war the to denounce the Communist Party different. The hypocricy of the 18 BO to the Government by using the term conditions and tho Russian Norenber Revolu. physical tion wbich placed the Communist Party of self evident that it needs no further cominent. forco Instead of nase action bich latter is the recognized terminology for this tactic ta Russia (Bolsheviki) in power, called forth the In the current issue of the Weekly People most bitter denunciation from the Weekly the Third International 1s obviously intended (Octobur 9tb) the returns to the altack to scare away its inrubership from discussing People upon the heads of the leaders of this movement branding them 23 of the by analysing and proving that the and anarchand understanding this question.
1sts. The Left Wing itsell was designaThird International was right in branding Hill quit is a renegade and traitor. It is the first Polut (2) that due ted as scatter brained and archistic. In.
to the isolation of deed the contest betwe: the Righ: Wing of of a series and we have no doubt that the Russia she has been compelled to look at the Weekly People will lo up Fuchs mazs of the the syndicalists of the and world with Iussian spectacles. is only another the envenoined sectarians of the P. 18 evidence that will provo Hillyult apostasy to but more pernicious way of repeating Hillqult the hilt. For lil quit and the are clumsy plase of Socialism of the to who could sling the most mud at the Left western All three were traditional enemies. They hate cach other even Wing can never be decided.
type versus the doctrines that emanate from loug after the causes for hate have disappeared. Moscow. The implication is clearly equally facile and prolific at this game.
defined All three bid their traitorous action bebind They are blindly thrusting their spear into the Devertheless, in tbis statement is in Hillquit man around whose neck they will yet throw that violent revolution inay have been well smooth phrases of syispathy for the Russian bad, their areas to Fave them from those (without making it clear enough in backward, Czarist Russia, but in the Revolution which Russian Revolution they meant. As time went bold Bolsheviki. But this is another story and enightened democracies of Western Europe scd on they were couple to doopt an, bibilit: is yet to be written on the records of history. America, where the will of tho majority can What we are inore directly concr. td with be ex, ed through the ballot. hire veu and come out openly against Kerensky whom 18 the fine, cach. laveliian manner in which the capitalist institutions perunit of a they had defended against the Bolshevikl, and lawful. In favor of the Soviet Guvernmeat, with fome.
Weekly People traduces the Third International. legal change, such methods are unthinkable, in timing a mead of praise for the muddie beaded contrudistinction to the clumsy, slap stick and uncivilized.
Bolsheviks. But their fury against the Left method of Sandgren and the plodding, stupid Wing and the Communist movement role in sallies of Hiliquit, This negation is completely at variance with Mara own dictum on the origin and function inverno ratio.
After quotias some of sllquit statements from the Cail, the Weekly People introduces of the state. It exposes the bourgeois. demo The first call for participation in a Con. its Ane ltalian hand as follows: cratic ideology of those who believe that the bress at MOECOW for the formation of a new capitalist state in the form of democratic International, was grected by the There is perha; no more difficult task at parliamentary republic difers essentially from with broad hints that this document this time than attempting to take under con was the inonarchica! forin of stat, ideolar as che fraud and a forgery hatched in the mind of sideration statements which coine or purport to class struggle for the emancipation of the international spies. From then on every docu.
come from the Third International at Moscow working class is concerned.
ment that emanated from 210scow was branded The implication is that one cannot be sure in the same terns. Sometimes to allusion of the authenticity of any document that connes These eneuchs of Marxism try to make from the Third International. And for was opeu, sometimes it was reiled. But never the thie workers believe that the use of force, did the Weekly People credit the Third in.
foilowing four reasons. the preaching of force, is peculiarly product ternational with authorship. The (1) Tho accomplishment of Russian Revolution of the Russian Revolution and leretofore had gradual counter revolutionary development and the three years struggle, and that nearly no place in Marxian Socialism. Therefore the of the become more and more the entire previously recognized and leading So.
reference to Russian spectacles.
From flery denunciation of the revolutionary pronounced.
cialist movements of the Western countries have Socialists, at home and syinpathy with the either joined more or less openly the camp of It is necessary to quote from Marx and revolutionary tho enemies of hare damned the Soviets with Engels to disprove this arrogant lie. Lenin Socialists abroad. they logically to a denunciation of the revolutiontended has done it so faint praise, all these and many other circumwell in his STATE AND ary Socialists abroad. In their open letters to stances taken together may easily have caused REVOLUTION (which took the Presidcuts.
ports from England but never reads. that Senators and the Soviet leaders TO STAND SO STRAIGHT Attorney Generals they went so far as to denounce the Left Wing THAT SOME OF THE LESS WELL BALANC.
most of our readers aro thoroughly familiar and Communist parties to the ED HAVE COME TO with it.
LEAN TOWARDS Government The aftermath of the January Taids called forth HYSICAL FORCE particularly as they are the Irrepressible glce of the Weekly People.
been fostered under Nussian conditions.
Point (3) attempts to confuse the garbled and unreliable news from Russia is printed in The Physical. forcists had (2) The 1solation of Russia due to the blockade riebly deserved. From then on every reference they the capitulist papers with the authentic and and the war against her, cutting of Russia to the Communist Party which had been driven from intercouree with revolutionists from other reliable news of the Third International which is disseminated in the Communist papers here underground for advocating the principles and countries which necessarily compelled her to and abroad. The Weekly People gives the im.
tactics of the Third International, was rat. look at the world with Russian spectacles.
hole Communists and similar derisive epithets. 3) The news pression that the documents or theses from the coming from Russia is still Finally the September st proclamation of garbled and unreliable. So for example, did Executive Committee of the Third Internatiothere appear in tho New York Sun of August are just as garbled and unreliable 83 the Executive Committee of the Third Interna.
the news printed in the capitalist papers, 31 seventeen tional, Bigned by its chairman, Comrade Zinov.
This points purporting to be the lev, was published in various radical, Socialist authentic demands Imposed by the Third Inter19 the only way in wbich it can continue to hido national for aumtreion of Socialist bodies, Its opposition to the principles and Communist organs in America. For 1098 and (1) So called Communist papers and undertactics of the Third International, tinue the Weekly eople paid no heed to It or But the else denounced it as a fraud or forgery.
ground Journals of this and other countries are Weekly People cannot deny that it knows of being crammed with official the Communist International magazine, print.
Froin a report of their convention published in Kied by the communist International. laying documents IB.
their sheet, it seemed as if this proclaination ed in Moscow and Petrograd, iu Russian, French was even debated at the convention but was down Inws and dictates which have FRAUD and Germa, which is the OFFICIAL ORGAN shelved on the pretext that its authenticity was WRITTEN ALL OVER THE FACE OF THEM.
OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE Teatly to be doubted. It must be noted here These are tho four reasons given by the THIRD INTERNATIONAL!
that Joris Neinstein, who for its policy of labor and wait. as uthorities and kone on his mission as de.
All the documents, theses, omcial statements, bad eluslud the they call it UNTIL TRULY REPRESENT ATIVE MEETING OF THE THIRD INTERNA.
communicutions etc. which are printed in the hue to the Stockholm Congress, and also final ly drifted Into Russia and actod as a delegate to TIONAL. CAN TAKE PLACE.
Corumunist papers here and abroad, and which are credited to the the Congress of the Third International Those who have read Hillquit attack upExecutive Committee of Wax, repudiated by the After tho Third International are other taken on the Third International will certainly admit Rome inontlis however, the Weekly Peoplo in that this method is crudeness itself coinpared tran. lut. from this garine. Weekly with the inethod of attack upon the Peop! u itself, in tho current issue, reprints in An open bottes to Zinovlev, turned the vials of article entitled The Working Women in so 118 Winth want the Third International as well an aninot tho Communikt movement in Juquit ulteinpt to discuss principles and viet Rundle. which is a translation from the this country in unmistakable terms. They do.
of the Coinniunist International his Socialisin of the niagazine, Ly Coinrude Gelena Blinina. Downed very principle runcinted in that pro This proves that they know of the cxlLADC Third International Max Action, Dictatorship of this magazine and do not doubt its authentic.
of tho roletarint and Soviet Power. In JAD.
ity where ordinary articles are concerned. They begin to doubt it only where the Executive Committuu of the Third International Issuu Ils ulicial documents, or tho theals of the ot what for or Third International, No. issue clatuntion as the basis for acceptancu Into the met up what ho culls Western typ as opposed to the doctrines from MORCOW fooled nione. tho morent tamo could me through Hillquit as un Alologist of soclul intretin. reformim, opportunism and prcm. lut hero WOLVO. dire rent enemy to deal with. There is no atloinpt to discuss