BourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismEngelsFranceImperialismInvasionMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietWorking Class

COMMUNIST rv We ay only remind him of the official bentonished that, driven by drepair, they but niko in the locally under the control of orders of the ronctionary Ounerals who threat. onded by losing patienco and defending them. the blahop, and comparison Was Acarcely in cncd all tho Communists with donth. Good Relves with overy DCR 1t metonining favor of tho latter. The whop attacked and Jack to the Community wroto Yudonitch in on to contrary, Uint it took Ho long for such thio Aunbaptists remixted his atenckx, Thobl his appeal published in the rat number of a state of mind to develop and that it was slop killed for he benent and the Anabaptiste the Trinevsky Krul nt Catchida and he will not general. pago 366 in order not to be wlain themselves, They fought be reminded of the fact that the cruelty of for their lives.
tho wbite democrats of the 20th Century Kautuky, hnd not asumined in respect The followers of the bishop avenged themselves by putting the condemned fell nothing short of tho princely cruelty of of the Russian Revolution, the altitudo of a the 16th century. partial historian, ho would have to death. Most often they drowned them of ruckonod with the character of our own century, which burnt them allve. At Munter they did not tor.
It Is curlous to note that Kautsky. tho falls nothing short of the 16th century in rement the condemned; two kinds of denth.
historian of tho proletarian revolution explaine penalties wore in force employed even in the gard to ruolty: for the war was an imperial.
tho necessity of the use of terror by tho 19th Ixtic enterprise for tho conquet of new nurk. humanitarian century. capital punishworkingmon cominune in the Bamo nannur ets and the enrichtent of the capitalists, and ment and running the guuutlet that tho impartial historians of the greatest has oxterdinated 10, 000, 000 men and mutilated of bourgeois rovolutions explain that of the At prescut, Kautoky seems to ignore tho 20, 000, 000.
anti feudal terror of 1793.
fact that tcrror rulgas not only in Soviet Rus TE Kautsky had been ever 80 blightly obBla, but also in the localities under the control Let Aulard Apcak (Political History of jective, in his method, he would have runom.
of the counter revolution, lle does not even ke tbe French Revolution, 3rd edition, etro bered that tho Russian Revolution was born the terror, whose victims, the German proletar grad, 1919. of a nonstrous military catnetrople and that Int. and those executed by Scheldemand and the circumstanco had to effoct the character Nocke, stand before his very eyes. Uu to August 10th, 1792, the revolution had tried to organize government on the or the cisl war, sprung from the imperialist Forsooth, the very thoughtful historian basic of legality and Ilberty. Then, when the wer.
Dows that comparison is not in favor of the opposing forces of the past liad coalesced, Our historian would have been able to rewbite terror therefore ho does not mention provoking civil and general war, when it felt menuber the words of one of the grcatest hisword of it.
itself attacked in the rear and menaced in its torians of all ages and of all peoples, who very existence, the revolution interrupted the Kautsky adds, that the Anabaptists, said that war leads to tho abuse of force.
for application of the fundamental principles of from being too cruel, geomed, on the contrary (Thucydide, History of the Peloponenlan War 1789 and employod against its enemies the Book too humane for their time and the circumstances in repressivo mesures of the old regime, since which they found themselves. Their then, always employed against it.
The historian Kautsky would have remeinwholo cruelty consisted in not permitting thembered the callousness of the Germans. the roBelves to be flaughtered like shoep: In tho The terror consists precisely in this sub Bult of the 30 y ars war, of which the Gerinan eyes of every very thoughtful citizen to pension of the fundamental principles of 1789, novelist of the 17th century, Grimmelshausen shoot at the Anabaptists is a very laudablo which was cougummnted when the danger had given ruaguficient description in his act dictated by the love of one neighbor; but reached its zenith, when Paris fully realized celebrated novel Simplicius Simplicissumus when the latter in their turn permit themselves this danger and suffered most intensely from to do sono shooting, that is something which it in tbo months of August And September Finally, our historian should have remem becoines diabolical cruelty 1793. page 245. berod the words of Marx in his Civil War in France. conceruing the soldiers who had very well know proverb from the Hot And thus the terror had been Curled fired at the Bonopartist generals, Lacomte and tentote says, do very well to take the wilo forth by the necessity of the French Republic Cleent Thomas: of my neighbor, but he does wrong to take to defend itself when its revolution WBS in mine mortal danger, when France WAS sullering The military reforms implanted in them by from foreign invasion, when the Royalists in the school of the enemies of the working Having become very thoughtful to day, concert with Girondins, Incited Insurrection class, could not be coinpletely eradicated with Kautsky. inds excuse for the acts of the Rus after lusurrection in the interior of the country. out leaviug Boine traces at the time they went sian Communists, a cts which he found naturi over to the proletarian Party.
cnough on the part of the plonger of Com. It was then that the word terror entered munism about 400 into dally speech.
indicating one of the years ago The Kautsky of 1895 would undoubtodly Deasures enployed by tho government. Sept. have been astonished to ind the workers and In speaking of the past Kautsky seems 5th, a deputation, composed of commissaries the Russian peasants 60 gentle toward their wilung enough to expOBO the bourgeois Ves: of 18 sections of Paris und of members of the enemies for so long a time; this only resulted The accusation of cruelty is closely linked Jacobin Club, came to declare to the convenin protracting the civil war.
up with the accusation of tyranny. Munster zion Legislators! consider the error AB toe seems to prove where liberty and communistlo business of tho day. At the same section, But let Kautsky cont! nue. bis description equality lead (page 359)
Bariere, speaking in the name of the Commit of the red terror at Munster.
tee of Public Safety, employed this phrase in Soviet Russia show to what the role series of fortunate circumstances had the following place in the discourse: tion of Socialism leads to, cry the alk stocking placed into the hands of the persecuted and Socialists of every country. Everything indicated. It scems, that outraged a fortifiod city when complete dismovement was prepared at Paris. The inter courigonient threatened from without The Kautsky of old knew, 25 years ago, We real worth of bourgeois Lales; now be re cepted letters were replete with declarations How would they art in the circumstances!
anent the efforts made by the agents of After the beginning of the slege, those peals them without the slightest criticism foreign governments and by the aristocracy, of the conspirators cauflit conamunicating with Let us see what our historian replies to the external cueny. who however had been in to crcato uncasiness and trouble in the big the accusations hurled at the Munster Comperfect accord with the military laws and the mune: clty, as they call it. Exactly. They will get kond example of the bishop, had not been put what they want; but this uneasiness and this to death. They were simply asked to leave the state of blege has always resulted from trouble will be organized and centralized by city. And this 18 what they call Lerror the abolition of civil rights and of Vberty, what buse bypocricy?
and of the the revolutionary army which will finally carry unlimited right of the military Terrorist out the great words uttered by the French measures of a giunilar power to dispose of the life and property of nature the bosleged population. And it is so true that Commune: Lot consider the terror the were, unfortunately, employed at the bezinning by the revolutionary proletariat. In the suminer the same expression, statc of slege. bas be business of the day.
of 1918, Arsenen, ardent defender of liberal come synononious with the abolition of all the The reign of terror, in truth, attained the journalism, still took cognizance of the fact rights of civil liberty. Communism has unfortunthat Soviet Power had not had recourse to ately, not yet discovered the marvelous elixir civil rights proclalined by the revolution. But terior until that moment which would be able to obviate these inevitablo certain blows directod against individual liber.
consequences of the state of slege.
ty, were explained by the intensiucation or Only iron necessity and the pitilegg war It is because of this fact that it has not that tho bourgeois world declared against us the severity or the lows directed against forced tho workers and peasants to take the been able to prevent, even at Munster, the state emigrants, lawy which become indispensable puth of revolutionary defense.
of kicke from introducing the military dictator as esult of the meetings in which arms ship. Why then not, end once for all, ull talk But continues Kautsky: At the um of about the criminal culpability of Communism wero furnished to our enemies by the inajorthe blege It was dece utry to establigh severe and of the Communists. page 360. ity of the emigrants (page 247. regulations, and a series of executionis took place. But if one will Note how many things Kautsky understood see tlin they Were And the terror, at the time of the Great violations of the laws against diu peace of the twenty five years 560 that ho no longer under French Revolution, has received Its absoluclty: alliance with the enemy, violations of stands to day tlon before the tribunul of history!
discipline, attempts it desertion or of stirring It is bard to furnish better evidence than up trouble in the city. It is beyond doubt that The old feudal world took up aring against he hne given, or in stronger words, tho entiro the death penalty is not a greater cruelty than Inevitable logic of the development of the prothe victorious revolution by allying Iteer with war itself. It had been imposed upon them, letarian revolution it is in possible better to its cucuies in the interior of the country; the but on every favorable ouchsion they did not rerute the orcusullous of the bourgoolsle agaluut buurscolule, Btill revolutionary during that fall to express their pacife nuutiments (pase. ommunism!
368. upoch, safeguarded its acquired rights by avBut what seemed wear to the historian plying force agalust the feudal class. Why then If our historian bad cited eventy that in should not the victorious proleturlat of today he would have given an account KantkyIs now utterly beyond the comprehenhis Judgincnt actually transpired Russia, sion of Rautuky tho politician.
of only a have the right to employ against thu bour hundredth part of the objecuvity which he The Lour colele uttribute to the workers geole world which abbail it the very means the munifouls in his study of King Commune or all the base acts which they theinselves bavo bourgcolsle availed it all of during the timo Muuster; that the Russian revolutioniste put never failed to commit in the event of victory.
It overtebrew feudalism?
to death traitors to the Soclulist country, wpios Written iu 1874, Frederick Engels, in his articlo, of the Entente, all who muude ult. nupts against Dakounists at Work.
But let us louve the last word to Kautoky the revolutionary order at the time of one of Kautaky agroed to expose the bourgeois the most desperato strugdles, and those who tbo Kautsky of former days desert the ruuks of the Red Army. The Ruh.
lies in the past when it concerned absolving In his analysis of the History of the insur glan (onimuue huy Just as much right in timo fron lander the neinory of martyrs of Comruction of Munster, Kautaky co phasizes acts of a life and donul strugkle to destroy It onnuni but he repeats the lylos talos of the envies ax Ue Muntur. oulinuno hud. And these Kyrophants of the Lourgeoislo ut the expense of quite new, explaining the recruity of the anti words of the Kuutsky of old, wat thu dostu those who are continuing the work of tho Coro bourgelox terror employed by the proletarian penulty is not a Teater cruelty thun war.
munists of Munster towards the Doblo goal, of revolution: thos who are dontiued to bring About tho thun ti o war imposed upon the Soviet Republic, and thut ou very favorablo occubion, it ox.
triumph of Communism. Rather than the special wituation which presid puitle Hentiments, conform perftly Instigated budxhud, let us take into convidur.
One tonipted to buy to him with tho with the course of the Russian proletarian ation the churutter of the century, which was Junninn poot: Awake! Open your eyes, DOO revolution one of the mont kungnary and the tho what you ure and what you lavu bucomo!
most Bangunary up all Furiperly. Kaut ky comprohonded very And tho ruvolutionary proletariat, in com. The Anabaptints. living in roul woll luduod, the differences betwoou the Ited paring tho Kuutsky of our days, for whom reHovortholern wure wymtomatically pursued as say pouceAud White terror.
volutionary Marxism huw Look fastuned uge beasts, wuru cruelly turtyrud, Wo must with rovon woulx, Il Justly mtikmatize Linn Torror did not rulga Ouly at Munster, auf with tho rest of the relegadou.