BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunardsCommunismCommunist ManifestoLeninMarxMarxismParis CommuneSocialismTerrorism

Terrorism and Communism.
THE WOMMUNIT FOUR In January 1519, the Neue Reinim, ung chameteries the horole epilogue of the revolutionary movement of the year 1818 tho terrorien of the Hungarian revolutionarios in the following term. For the Arst time in the revolutionary By BYSTRIANSKY.
movement of 1549, for the first time since 1793. nation surrounded by superior counter the Paris. ommune of 1871, whtch WAS pre revolutionary forces tan the boldness to oppove tho Thanks to the pen of the wollnown roruvolutionary passion to the timorous against cisely un example of this fratricidal war be wrath of the counter revolution (Die feigen negade Karl Kautsky. new work tween proletarians which Kautoky fears HO gegen revolutionarea Wub die revolutionera Commuulem has just appeared, entitled Tor.
rorism and Communista.
much. Those proletarluns who fought in the Luidenschaft. camp of Thiers against tho Communards wero To this work, whore author is forevor oxAll of Marx sympathies were 13 wo cluded from the ranks of the Marxists, Lenine Indeed doceived by the Versaillese. The whole see it on the side of the revolutionary terror.
has devoted an articlo in the 5th number of world knows tho inspired pics that Marx de There WHB time however, when Kaut the Coinmunikt Inigruntional. entitled How dicatod to the meinory of the Paris Commune: sky was capable of judging Terrorism and the Bourgeoisto utilizes the Renegader. The we shull only quote the following lines: communism more objectively. We have seen of the Rous kursian counter revolutionaries his work The working clash did not ask the Conon the subject which appeared in skala Jisn appearing in Helsingfors, d) not this mune to perforin aily miracles. It did not ex. 1895, Die Vorlatender Sozlalismus absolving pornit an advantageous exploitation of peet to realizo complete Utopias prepared in the Communist movement of the past age and last outburst of the renegade.
advance by tho wish of the people. It igboros of the epoch of the Reformation from all the calurany with which Undoubtedly. Kautsky has more than onco nothing in der to obtain Its Ilberty and to the bourgeois historians had blackened its memory.
Intrenched uself behind the authority of Marx attain to superior forms of existence towards in order to excuse his attacks against Bolo which modern Rociety Irresistibly tende by Tho mont Heteresting pages of this work shevism; nor has he abstained this time from reason of a series of historie procoses which are thoro dedicated to the Commune of unmaking any appeal to the shadow of the great will transform entirely both men and circumster. this New Jerusalem of the epoch of master in order to justify the priucipal thesis Blances.
the Reformation, At the end of of his work.
1639, the And thus Marx conceived this difflcult Anabaptists, the Communists of that epoch, Thoso who pin their faith in the Political struggle tho struggle for power of which the bad selzed power at Munster in Westphalia, Novolution are in error in Kautsky opinion.
Paris Communo was the first act A! Berles Numerous indeed are the Do you want to know the arguments he adof historic processes, which algnilies according accusations gainst which our historian had to defend himvances in support of his allegations? revoluto him the civ war had to extend over an sell in his Precursors of tlon such as bus been achieved in Russia, 11 entiru epoch.
Socialism. precursors too precocious of the springtime of extended to Europe would embroll the entiro world in civil war for a whole, generation, and Such is the essence of true, revolutionary Communism; he was not able to forbear taking this Civil War would not be a struggle between Marxism, whose principles are revealed in the up the question of the terror.
the classes, but what is more, a fratricidal war works of the great master and which the Kautsky reasoning on this subject is very between the proletarians!
miserable charlatans try Invain to falsify, Marx Important in order to rightly appreciate his is with us and not with our enemies. CommunLet us analysoin our turn the opinions real attitude to the Red terror of the Russian inm 19 differetn thing from revolutionary of Mary concerning the Proletarian Revolution Marxism ralized in practical life during the Communists: As the bly differs from the earth in order to establish whether he conceived it BO do they dixer from his true opinions.
period of the social revolution.
In any other form than that of clvil war. This shall be our subject matter.
There was a Twenty Ave years ago, Kautsky, with a Kauttime, however, when single stroke had grasped this question in its In his work. The Trial of the Communists sky himself followed Marx in the question of very essence of Cologne. Marx cites the following declara the duration of the civil war. We wish to speak tion that he had made to the Assembly of the of the work of Kautaky entitled The Road Above everything else let us not forget Central Committeo of the Communist Union, re to Power. which appeared in 1909 and with thut Munster found it helf in a state of war good reason styled his swan song united at London, Sept. 15th. 1850, in order to since the Bishop had attacked it February 10th, Justify his proposition of the abolition of the This circumstance, ordinarily. 18 Then he expressed the supposition that the never taken Untou: We say to the workers: You will have proletarian revolution might indeed last for into consideration by the historians biased to to endure 15, 20, 50 years of civil war and of several generations. Here are his own words: wards the Anabaptists.
International struggle, not only to transform the social regime but also to transform your Wm this revolutionary period last as long One must think that war 18 a Vary in selves fit to exercise political power as the revolutionary period of the Revolution significant circumstance, else how can the fact of the Third Estate, which began in 1789 and be explained in this case that the very thought Marx, us wo see him, feared not to embroll lasted up to 1871 this is what is impossible Pula historians who discovered with such per.
whole generations in civil war. Contrariwise, to foresco.
speculty the smallest circunstance bearing any he taught that that was theonly means for the intuence on the like action of monarchs, al: bocial revolution to obtain victory, and that the It is true that during the actual period Ways fail to take into consideration be atate promised land of Communism could only be all development is made more rapid; but 20 of war, when it is concerned with jucing the attained by traversing the urid desert of civil retribution, the arena of the struggle is im. Acts of a democratic society figthing for its war, measurably extended. When Marx and Engela existence To convince oneself, it suces to And Marx has not renounced examine the ordinary. idle tales of the Bour wrote their communist Manifesto, the this view arena In His work The Civil Wur in France of the proletarian revolution was represented gcoiste on the insurrection of tbe Paris Com 1848 1860, composed of articles published in the in their cyes by Western Europe alone. At that mune in 1871 and on the reign of terror dur Neue Rbeinishe Zeitung. Marx wrote: moment the field of battle embraced the ch. Ing the Great French Revolution tire world.
The actual situation brings to mind the The Anabaptists of Munster have cho The proletarian. revolution will traversing of the desert by the Hebrews led cmerge same fate. From the Russian translation of by MOHCS This war ought not only to put from the revolutionary epoch, which already the predursors of Scotialism. St.
an end to the conquest of a new world, but the begins, and which extends perhaps over the Petersburg combatants in it aro destined to disappear in entire length of a human existence, entirely 1907, page 356. order to give place to men whose education divergent from what it as when It entered.
At an opportune noment, Kautaky the hisrenders them capable of living in a new world Such were the opinions of Kautsky at the torian, in his role of publicist, likewise falls In bis 18th Brumalre, written in 1852, Mary time when he had not yet broken with Marx. to take into consideration thisery insignitcontrasts the proletarian revolution with bour.
ism Would ne, taking the pain to observe cant circumstance a bate of war when 10 geois revolutions as follows: himself, be able to compare what he has been 19 concerned with Judgmg the acts of the with what he has become?
Russian Communist society figthing for its ex. Bourgeois revolutions, such as the revoluIntence. It is quite ton of the 18th century, rush onward rapidi In his book Terrorism and Communiam.
natural that the good intentions uf Kautsky are taken corrisance from EUCCESS to success, their tage effects Kautsky. In the language of tho Bocal patriot showed how outbid one another, men and things seem to of by the per tho Holsheviki always succeeded Rouwakala Jian organ of Czariat propaganda bo in faming brilliants, ecstasy 18 the prein doing the opposite of what was their alm.
valling spirit; but they are short lived, they They were forced under pain of death to pro Let us Bee Again what Kaulaky has to reach their climax speedily, then fociety relo ceed to executions en masse. According to the say on the same subject apses into a long ft of nervous reaction bo Rousuknia Jion. Kautsky bald further: The fore 1t learns how to appropriate the fruits of Bolsheviki havo borrowed from Tone the story of wiakes to understand the Insur Its period of feveriah excitement the uris Commune 116 implacable terrorism rection of Munster und the aime pursued by without taking into Acount their democratic the Aduluptible, he cannot criticise their acts Proletarian revolution, on the contrary, and humanitarian foundation, Terror exhaust in accordance with standards established in Buch as thono of the 19th Century, criticino the revolutionary energy of the mass and times of peace, but contrariwine, he munt bear thomolyes constantly: constantly Interrupt preparou tho country for rebellion; it leads to in mind that a besieged city is in question, theinselves in their own course, come back the destruction of the democratic power which and one in particularly trying circumstances, to what seems to have been accomplished in 19 supported by the will of the people, Ordinary inilitary duwa did not exist for the order to Hurt over anew: Born with cruel Anabaptista; no honorable capitulation was pos thoroughness the buil measures, weaknesses and Thus it was with Robespierre It will be Bible for them. The besluged had to make ioannessor of their 11rst attempts, seem to the Bame with the Bolsheviki concludod their choice between victory and terribla throw down their adversary only in order to Kautsky. This opinion of Kautsky on the tor death. enablo Mm to draw fresh strength froin the rorism of the proletarian revolution and that earth and again to rise up against them in of the Russian peasants in Indistinguishable With regard to the rebels the most trend more kikuntic Huture; constantly recoll in tour from the opinions on the bare subject uxprea Ish puninlamont wall still 00mila for them; before the undefined monster magnitudo of Bed by Lloyd George and Clemenceau And re.
Il 1s, 18 Luther ways, good think that the their own objecte, until Anally that situation Pated in every tongulo by the bourgeolu proas gorununient fell into their handa, thena Is crontod which runders all retreat impossible, in the day ot thu tan cle.
rebel counted up the many wanguinary acta und the conditions themselves cry out: Hic committed by princely cruelty, one would be Rhodus, hic salu! et us now see what was the opinion of Lettor blu to inter what outragea aro per Marx on revolutionary terrorism petrated in the name of liberty and equality, Thus does Marx present the proletarinn ro Buch the logic of our volution to the brief bourgools rovolution; ho In 1817. In his articlo Dle Moralislerende sciuntimo lighta!
conceive it in the form of an entire historic Kritels und die Kritische Moral. ho Kuutsky, wrote: in his capacity hlutorian, porlod in which tho violent tempests of the man fonted an analyticul and very The reign of terror in Franco could con.
perspicach revolutionary Tovement wuccoud ous mind; thon, he remembered Ono Another sequently kuru to effaco all the fuudal rulo what WA with moments of culm.
most important to bear in mind, and took by unchantinunt under the blow of the Let us now 100 in what mannor Marx com terriblo mallot Tho bourgeoinle uven the most 10 Koleant circumstance in would have to conwideration protended this proletarian revolution, lived uncnully tor decades without being able to attain this ruuult.
Blow thon does it happ that now, he Precisely on the form of civil war, forget thut all of Noviet Ruia The bloody Oxcuses imore of the people NAVO Tho Civil War in Franco much to tho Borved but to whorton ita lite. An dem dit fortron bowlerod by the omnijwtent Imperial: into the wholu world byer. Does he really titlo kivan loy Munx to ono of the beauti tururires Nuehlutia von Karl Marx. Prod think that the Bund Communista havo bad ul work connotated to tu klorincution of rich Engel und Fordlund Lulu, Sulkart other turnatives that those of the ADADADL 1899, DII, 466 Ints of the 10th century.