BourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyImperialismItalyLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeWorking ClassWorld War

THREE THD COMMUNIST The Communist International to the American Socialist Party.
the Stato Sociollets and inverted social dat riots, Victor Berger: by Cannon And Saltia, Karlin und Berlin. all of whom have no place in a party amliated to the Communiat Interne tional There was a Left Wing Engdahi, Kruse. Tucker. Holland, etc. bich demanded aflation to the Coinmunist International and Dear Comrades:partica, pushed onward by pressure of the a revolutionary restatement of Party Principles; maser3. now come to us desiring admission to but this group was a pitiful minority. Its ideas The Mcial notification from the Socialist the Coraimunikt Internntional. This is even more were confused, permeated by cowardly comproParty of the United States of Athiliation to the true of the liquits and Lees of the American mike and petty bourgeois prejudices, in all the Cominunist International, accompanied by the Party. who can while they declare themselves convention not ono Communist volce was beard.
bren resolution adopted by referendum. Ne opposed to the principles of the Communist brought before the Executive Committee of the Interational, yot do not dare to withdraw But perhaps the most significant action of Communist International, from it.
the reactionary machine, was to atifio debate We are in possession also of the report and refuse to answer questions concerning the Socialist And to all these parties the Communist of the National Couvention of the International replies: defense of the Socialist acsemblymen expelled Party held in New York in May 1920. contain: at Albany.
ing the resolution upon International relations, The Coinmunist International to not adopted by the Convention in place of that hotel, where travellers may come with their For example, the testimony of assembly.
previously adopted by referendum also the re own baggage and carry on their private affairs mon louis Waldman still member of the solation presented by Victor Berger.
The Coinmunist Juternational 18 BD army in Socialist arty fbows that he declared himwartime; volunteers who join the Army of re self opposed to the establishment of Soviet Since these resolutions will be Bubnitted volution must adopt its principles and obey its Government in the United States, that be preto referendum once more, it is necessary to orders, subniit to its discipline. None but re ferred the Government of the State of New examine all thre. All that can be said of Ber.
volutionary Communist Parties are accepted in York Which is a people government to the ger Resolation s. Arst, that it is honestly the Comminunist International. They must adopt Soviet Government; that he urges all workers reactionary: and second, that we are surprised as their prograin the program of the Commun to take part in a war of defense; that he would that it could be offered in a convention of a int International. open revolutionary 889 vote for military appropriations etc.
party which calls itself Socialist.
struggle for Communism. tbrough the Dictator This, however, is only the statement of a Bhip of the Proletariat, by means of Workers Concerning the minority resolution. which, individual meinber. Take the official defense of Soviets accepting as binding all resolutions of except for the addition of George Lansbury the arty, the Brief for the Socialist Assembly.
the Congresses and Executive Coinmitice of opinion of what Lenin thoucht, aliout conditions Gen. It apologizes for the presence of for.
the Communist Internntional. They must create of affiliation to the Communist International, is ciguers in the Party by calling them potentiel trongly centralized form of organization, a the same as the resolution adopted by referYulers, and hastens to explain that a new rulo military discipline; all Party inembers in public enduin there is more to say.
office, in the labor Unions, in all forms of requires all Party members immediately to be come citizens. It rejects the general strike us public activity, must be absolutely subject to It begins with a long preamable rondemning the Second Internationale formula which the full powered Central Committee of the a political Weapon, on the ground that if there ure enough workers to strike for political directing has become so common, even to the parties of Party, which is the supreme organ reforin, there are enough to win it by voting the Right, that it has ceased to have any mean all the phases of Party work The Soviet forin of government. ink. The section dealing with the Communist It says. seums to be good for Russia. The parliament They must constantly denounce bourgeois International reads as follows (italics ours. democracy and social satriotins. and a! so the ary form of government seems to be good for The Socialist Party of the nited States falschood and hypocrity of social pacifism; the United States. But the most base be therefore declares Itsell in support of the they must systematically demonstrate to the trayal of Socialism occurs in the passage Third (MOW) International, NOT SO MUCH workers that without a revolutionary overthrow plaining why the Socialist Party supports the BECAUSE ITS SUPPORT OF THE MOSCOW. of the capitalist state no talk of disarmament, Soviet Government: PROGRAMS AND METHODS, BUT BECAUSE: no international arbitration, Do League of NR. We sympathize with the Rusalan workers, tions can save mankind from new Imperialist 2) Moscow is DOING SOMETHING which is really challenging to world imperialism.
wars, the Russian peasants, the Russian Socialista, the Russian Communists, in maintaining their b) Moscow is threatened by the combined They must immediately break with reformSoviet Governinent NOT BECAUSE IT IS ism and capitalist fokes of the world simply because licy of the centriste; they must expe! from it is proletarian.
weir ranks all SOVIET GOVERNMENT, BUT BECAUSE IT non revolutionary elements, all opportunist loaders: they must IS GOVERNMENT OF THEIR OWN CHOOSc) Under these circumstances, WHATEVER sever all connections with the petty bourgeoisie, ING. SUPPOSE THEY HAD T MAY HAVE TO SAY TO MOSCOW AFTER ADOPTED and prepare for revolutionary action, for merciDIFFERENT FORM OF GOVERNMENT, SAY WARDS, it is the duty of Socialists to stand less civil war.
by it NOW, because its fall will mean the fall ONE THAT HAD SPRUNG FROM THE CONof Socialist Republics in Europe, and also the The report of the May Conventioa of the STITUENT ASSEMBLY, WE SHOULD NOT Socialist Party proves very clearly that this disappearance of Socialist hopes for years to SUPPORT IT ANY THE LESS.
code party is very far indeel from specification above outlined.
Is this, perhaps, what the American Bo the The reasons stated for affiliation to cialist Party will The Declarations of Principles is an efhave to say to Communist International have nothing to do Moscow with communism. and indeed imply very beri. front to the working class. It alone, if endorsed afterwards? Nosko and Mannerheim, Lloyd ous reservations concerning what the nuthor by the membership. is sufficient to separate tho George and Wilson could endorse this treacher call3 Moscow programs and methods. by Socialist Party of the United States from the ous logic with a clear conscienco.
which we take It Communism is meant. revolutionary movement The Sociallst aldermen of New York, who The rejection of the resolution endorsing IL is of course, very gratifying to have the oted for the Liberty Loan, who voted for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat is of course symputby of the Anerican Socialist Party because the Communist International 18 threat inadmisxable in any party seeking to join the money to erect the Victory Arch, the Social eved by the comined capitalist forces of the Comunist International. And we do not know ist congressman Meyer London, who con te world. This is, however, hardly a valid rason a single Socialist Party in the world which has tulated the King of Italy upon his birthay, who for a party wishing to join the Communist equalled the tion o tte American Party in International, or for the vuled for the Coininunist luternaITS AIOLISHING FROM CONSTITUTION war credits; the Socialista tional to accept toch a party, but there is no TWO YEARS AFTER THE WORLD WAR. THE legislators at Albany, who declared publicly other reason given except that the Communist PROVISIONS FORBIDDIXG LEGISLATIVE RE against Communism, the Socialist district International is doing something which 13 PRESENTATIVES TO VOTE FOR MILITARY attorney at Milwaukee who Imprisoned working challenging world Imperialisin just what the APPROPRIATIONS.
men for breaking up a religious meeting; tho author evidently prefers to conceal from the American proletariat. p to the present, the American Socialist Socialist officials who called the Chicago po Party has been considered a centrist party, but Nice to expel the Communists from the 1919 This resolution evidently is based on a it definitely abandons all Socialist pretensions, misconception of the role of the. Communist Convention all these comrades are still memit definitely enters the ranks of the bourgeois International. The Communist International 15 burs of the Socialist Party of the United States: reform parties, with the adoption of the followin no sense a defensive organization. It is an ins declaration: iu fact they controlled the May Convention organ of agression, the General Staff of the World Revolution, for the forcible overthrow Its (the Socialist Party s) ULTIMATE It will be pointed out that the seloction of of the capitalist state everywhere, and the set ri politics ic to secure a majority in ConLugene Debs to presidential candidate proves ting up of the dictatorship of the Proletariat gress and in every state legislature, to win the Concernink questions of principle and fundathat the American Socialist Party is revoloprincipal executive and judicial office to be mental alms, it is impossible to consider what code the dominant and controlling political tionary party.
the American Socialist Party may have to party of the country, in order to accomplish Say to Moscow afterwards.
Socialism It is a characteristic tactic of centrist partles to make use of revolutionary phrases, of On the contrary, the Communist Interua If this childish and antiquated conception revolutionary personallties, to deceive the wordt tional has something to say to parties desir of the tosk of a Socialist Party, which even ing to allate, BEFORE they are accepted. the yellow Second International from which Ing inosses, to persuade them to follow opportuthe American Socielirt Party has indignantly bist leaders.
The Communist International is not Mos withdrawn did not dare openly to proclaim is cow but a centralized and disciplined organ the actual honest attitude of the membership Comrade Debs has fine revolutionary to ization now comprising the great majority of of the Socialist Party of the United States, cord. All the more sbame to Socialist leaders the revolutionary W011. ing tas parties of tho after all that has happened, after the World world. The Second Congress, just ended, of the American Party, who have exploited the con War the Russian Resolution, and in particular tained representatives of the revolutionary vanImprisonment of Debs for their own selfsh, nonaftos the year of work reaction in the United guard of the workers of all countries. There States, the persecution of revolutionists, the exTevolutionary purposes, and who, in nominating were also present delegates of the French So pulsion of the Socialists at Albany then we hiu for president, once moro attempt to corar cialist Party and tho Verman Independent Sodo not understand why tho American Socialist cial 1)mocratic arty, which only a few months up and justify their compromising and cowardly any wishes to enter the Communist Interna.
ago were engaged in trying to form the Two tlonul, why it does not endorse the league of attitude at the same time refusing to consider with unda hal literational, by ineuns of a COD. Nations, as Meyer London advocates, comrade Deba proposal for alty ference at which the centrist parties wonld Coin ounista.
dominate, which would establish basis for The centrist partion, the German Indepenresistance to communism, a center of Fabotago dents and the Trench Socialists are not yet Nowhere in the world is tho persecution of of the World Herolution. It is this idea which acceptable, for entrance Into tho Communist Communists, of true Socialista, more bitter on animata the Hillquit, OT injority resolution International Yat they accep: the program of the part of the capitalist class. Thousands of adopted by the Socialist Party Convention, with Mass Artion and Dictatorship of the Proletarint the except a that neither the Germans nor the be on the Soviets. Any party which still our comrades haro been deported, imprisoned Fredch Party have ever dared to dreinre them.
vorney political democracy is a thousand for long terms, tortured and beaten, in the selves anainst the Dictatorship of the Prolet times worse than those parties. It is a counter.
United States. In Americwalone out of all the Arist, es has been done by the socialist Tarty revolutionary. srheidemann Party of the United States non revolutionary countries, the Communist moThe Convention was dominated by contrist vement is illesal, must function underground This man har falled, UK the work.
and reactionary elements by the yellow Tr. those who are communists remalo so at thotr in nas of the world in favor of plain formelt politicians. quit. Leo, Stedman, It all under the leadership o the cominnuit risk of their liberty, their lives, International and the leaders of the centrist neal. Work, utiken: by the one hundred per (Continued on page 8)
chat Ameri. Meyer London, Foloinon; by