BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismFranceGermanyImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorkers MovementWorking Class

TWO After the war, these fame agencies made sorte disillusioned every day, and the ComParty will lease note tursed the transition from a war basis to a peace 19 cuerpite this task fore the lalkyusts 1x is in this country possible for the capitalOfficial orgad of and Berger: get opportunity to play the ex ist class. Tlacy strengintend capitalism and cutioners of the working class in the per ermitted the post war era of Llack reaction, THE COMMUNIBT PARTY OF AMLKICA iod of revolution by comivance, betrayal provocations and published by the silence Ji anything, conservative organized labor CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Letting the Cat Out of the (including the Socialists. is more react Vol. 10 December 16th, 1920 ionary in America Ulian in Europe. The Gom Bag pers, the Hillguits, ine Hillmans, Schloss bergs, the Schlesingers, are all birds of one The American Counterparts It is very seldorn that a far sighted and ftather. They are all the servile trols of class conscious capitalist ever lets the cat American Imperialism the Labor lieutenants of Ebert, Scheidemann and out of the bag so uncerunoniously as does of the capitalist class. The order of business Paul Warburg, former Vice Governor which history has set before the Communist Noske.
of te Federal Reserve Board, in an article Party is discrediting and expelling these in Times Vov. 141h. In this article, entitled, labor fakers, social patriots, Tportunists, The recent statement of the National Europe On The Brink. the author, who Executive Committee of the Socialist arty, has just returned from a European tour of social pacifists and yellow syndicalists from the ranks of the labor movement as the inin which it openly repudiates the Communist investigation sets down his impressions and dispensible condition for the victory of the International should be final convincing proof analysis of post war liuropean conditions in American proletariat the destuction of the of where the Socialist Party stands in the very plain terins. As the title of his article bourgeois state and the establishment of the international revolutionary proletarian move implies, be sees that Europe is on the brink Dictatorship of the Proletariat in the form ment. It is a party of Eberis, Scheidemanns oí revolution and he sees that nothing can and Noskes, who, if they ever get the op stop it except the union of progressive of a Suviei Goremment in America.
portunity, will prove to be the same willing capital and constructive labor. And ihen he Lutchers and hangmen of the workers for proceeds to let the cat out of the bag in the The Yellow Leaders of the their capitalist masters, as the Majority So following manner: cialists of Germany. It is the union of these two construc. W.
The fact that the National Erecutive tive facitons that may be hoped to save Comınittee (and Debs) categorically rejected what will prove worth preserving of our There can be no doubt by this time all th conditions for affiliation laid down by old society. Of these two. however, constuc that the referenduin ior affiliation to the the Communist International means nothing tive organized labor in Europe has shown Communist International in the at all. These conditions were never intended itself quicker to recognize its duties and op has been defeated.
for such a party 25 the Socialist Party of portunities. Constructive organized labor has This is quite evident ever before the America. How could a party definitely com. found ways to get together across national vote on the referendum has been announced.
mitted to a policy of social patriotism, op lines, and it has shown the courage and It can le observed in certain acts of comportunism and compromise a party which vision to think and act, both nationally and mission on the part of the yellow leaders internationally at the openly rejected the principles and tactics of same time. IT IS of the during the last few weeksCommunism even seriously consider any of COXSERVATIVE ORGANIZED LABOR The first act of commission was the the 21 points laid down in the conditions. IN ITS VARIOUS FORMS LET US expulsion of the editor of Solidarity for These 21 points presuppose an agreement on MAKE NO MISTAKE ABOUT IT showing too much sympathy with Comº fundamentals at least. As far as fundamen THAT HAS SO FAR STEMMED THE munist propaganda.
tals are concerned the Socialist Party and the TIDE OF BOLSHEVISM IN EUROPE.
Their second act of cominission, was Cominunist International are as far removed IT IS OX THE SANITY AND SAGAas the North and South poles.
CITY OF THE LEADERS OF CON the Philadelphia to reverse their former decision to expel Locai of Longshorenien The answer is, that the Socialist Party SERVATIVE LABOR MORE THAN ON did not seriously consider any of the twentywho had loaded ammunition for General ANY OTHER FACTOR THAT EUROPE Wrangel.
one points which it so hypocritically de JUOPES MUST REST TO DAY (Italics Their third act of ommission, was the nounced. Like its referendum for affiliation ours, exlitor. with reservations, this statement is intended Exactly. For once we agree wholeheartfailure to remove or discipline John Sandto continue the deception in the minds of the cdly with this capitalist spokesinan. This is attacks upon the cominunist International gren for his vicious, counter revolutionary workers here, and the revolutionary mote the lesson that the Commimist International and its affiliated organizations both here and ment abroad, that the Socialist Party of and its afiliated parties are trying to drive America is a party of the Centre and not hone. This is exactly the basis fur the agres.
of the Right.
sive and ceaseless campaign of the Commun Xever have leaders of a so called reists against all the various forms of organ: volutionary It is this attempt to masquerade as a organization fallen as low as party of the Centre. and this only, which ized Letrayal of the working class aspirathe present leaders of the They is responsible for the statement of the Nation Socialist parties of the Second Internationtions in Europe and Anerica. Against the have proven themselves to be short sighted, al Executive Committee of the Socialist incomitent. vacillating and reactionary.
al and the Centre. as well as against the They seein to be in a muddle and do not Yellow insterlan Trade Union International. know how to cxtricate themselves. On the Naturally, at a time when the Socialist movement of the world is yeering sharply This has been the ceaseless cry of the one hand they pretend to be a labor organto the left, as evidenced by the split in the Communists to the workers everywhere. That ization pure and simple. Whenever the cry Independents of Germany, the major part of the leaders of the various forins of conser.
of Communism is raised they íall back on whom went over to the Communist Internavative lalvor organidations (in which are inthat ioary old fraudulent cry. On the other tional, and the prospect of the same thing labor lieutenants of the capitalist class. That delphia comes up, they pretend that they cluded the yellow Socialist partics) are the hand, when an incident such as Philahappening to the Socialist Party of Trance conservative lalor is the greater obstacle to next pronth, as well as the affiliation of the revolution. That we must win over the organevanced guard of the workers of America.
are a revolutionary organization of the advolutionary Sucialist parties elsewhere the ized labor masses and crush their old labor Socialist Party of America finds it These yellow leaders have been vacillatvenient to masquerade as a Centre party the proletarian revolution.
leaders before we can hope to accomplishing between these two contradictory and rather than reveal itself in its true colors, wholly irreconcilable points of view as suits the American counterparts of Ebert, SuicideIn all the struggles of the Left Wing or their opportunistic policies, which consists mann and Noske.
Communist parties against their opponents nainly in hunbugging the wobblies of In other words by pretending 10 dis.
agree with the conditions imposed by. Why do you fight us? You are splitting ing on the referendum, that the Commur of the Right and Centre. our opponents the last that they are a revolutionary or have never failed to raise the deceitfull cry ganization.
distract attention íroin the real truth that united and right the capitalists who are our When they found out, through the vot they disagree fundamentally with its princ common enemies!
ists, though they raised the most noise, were iples and tactics.
But this Hillquitian trick will fool the bulwark of capitalism. You stand between Our answer has always been: You are in a comfortable minority, the yellow lead urs became cinboldened and forget their nobody anymore. As far as the revolutionary niovement abroad is concerned the the revolutionary movement first scare. What will happen after all the Ps, like the Longrietists of France and the laor movement. We can never hope to win casily conjectured without any You are the agents of the burgeoisie in the ists are overwhelmingly defeated, and its goal! Votos are in and they find that the Commun selves thrown inany will soon find them the victory over the capitalists until we first Kautskians of can be into the arms of the Majority expel you from the ranks of the workers.
on the imagination. We predict that the Sweden, and the the Brantings of The Communist International was never fol What Warburg has adınitted alwut liuro slogan of the reactionary of the slogan of these yellow leaders will be the pe is equally true of America. Conservative Serialist Party last year expulsion.
ed by Ilillquit cheap sophistry. As long. of what he is Fiven in the conditions of affilia: hoods etc. luis done more to rehabilitate caBut, we predict the yellow and vacilthe Socialist parties, the Amalga: lating leaders of the are reckonmated Clothing Workers, Railroad Brothering without their host. The vast majority omitted in its diatement when quoting from italists themselves.
of the rank and file of the proletariat in the are revolutionary and class conit was intolerable that such men as Wilquit with the government during the war and bership are concerned. The issue of affiliaamong others should bxlong to the Commun truce ferendum is no real test insofar as the memº ist International made America As for the class conscious workers in the chain of governmental machinery to bleed defeat of the present referendum is absolwar jussille. They bccanic strong links in literately confused by these leaders.
participation in the world tion to Third International has been dethis country, they are growing more and and oppress the workers.
The (Coutinued on Png. T)
consever strain Swialists of Germanyerleides uſ Belgium tion (what the conveniently vitalism in America than the enlightened cap scholls, though not yet Communist. This se These organizations declared a