CapitalismCommunismGermanyImperialismUnited FrontWorking Class

TU COMMUNIST Lessons of the List Election FINANCIAL REPORT.
69. 70 450. 00 OY 1989. 17 ܗ ܝ ܘܚ ܗ 356, 50 50 We shall begin with an Rasis of our CASH STATEMENT, OCT. 1920 rectorate. Who are the voters? What are the CASIL RECEIVED. CASH PAID. articular portal classes and crounu that Rou.
Ducs: to the make up of the leteregeneous political Dintr. Sec. Tech, Dept.
to the make up of the heterogeneous political 39 00 Sal (2 6 wkr. 150. 00 State: 17. 80 ont Supplies 47. 20 First, in order of social influence and prol5 80 Rents 49. 00 itical power, COINCs our ruling class, the hig Fed. Jew, cang. Sent. Acct.
60. 00 lite 16. 00 hankers, merchants, and manufacturers. This Leit Aug. br. 173. 00 Miscl 18. 26 579. 46 Jase, numerically the onlleet of all the clas.
Sept 125. 20 sex. hak Rt present no single political MinLith. Sert 1073. 60 Edit. Dept.
tion. It is neither definitely Republican or De Oct. Acrt.
300. 00 Sal. x wks. Matic, As matter of fact, the rapitalists Muss. Sept 992. 00 Miscl 11. 80 461. 80 of America support and finance both partir kr. Sept.
551. 80 3396, 90 1t 18 only on the of a national election Distr. Sal.
that our ruling class throws in the full welcht Day Pay: Dirir.
269, 38 (5 wks. 225. 00 of its influence upon the scale of either one 1063, 36 POD. wk. 175. 00 of the two parties, and in making their choice 605. 03 (S. wks. 175. 00 our capitalists are concerned mainly with who 596. 34 (S. Buck 63, 55 will be the winner. To the prospective winner 3 wks. 193. 00 goes the support of the capitalist clash. The ap906. 88 5480. 16 (5 3 wks. 228. 33 parent differences between the Rep. and Demo (D. WR. 226. 00 crate parties matter. llttle. Both of these parties Org. Fund: Distr. 115. 50 (S. Temp. 30. 55 are committed to the defense of the existing 133. 05 (5 wks. 225. 00 1642. 43 order of society. Both of them are ready and 25. 50 willing to stand by capitalism and do Its will 78. 15 Distr. Trav. 19. 77 In all the importa:t matters that concern the 497. 55 849. 75 147. 22 political and social life of the nited States, 66. 55 If so, then the only considerations that are Defense Lith. Fed.
300, 00 113. 38 really decisive for the capitalistic choice of Pol. Fed.
14. 25 60. 14 political afiliation are; which of the two parties Dixtr. 500. 77 44. 14 481. 20 will pull the largest vote. and which of the two Distr. 500. 00 1816. 02 will better and more efeiently conduct the Distr. Miscl. 33 06 political affairs of capitalism. In the last electCommunist: Distr. 20. 35 68. 53 ion the capitalists of america chose the Re146. 90 24. 26 publican Party as the custodian of their politic 10 13. 75 al power.
15. 76 52. 76 The League of Nations which the Republic 97. 85 42. 46 254. 81 an and Democratic politicians have been try6 71. 55 ing to present as the most important problem Int Del. Sal.
275. 00 275. 00 confronting the United States and the Leullets: Distr. 45, 50 16. 50 Nat Org. Sul. wk.
45. 00 45. 00 merits of which they pretended to disagt e. Mtg. Exp.
146. 14 146. 14 was nerer in reality an issue for our ruling Lit. Russ.
500 Communist: Prtg.
516. 60 class. Since the very beginning of the war in Distr. 78. 00 Miscl.
73 31 589. 91 1914 he imperialists of America have viewed the 42 15 bloody struggle between Germany and the Al3 98. 75 lies us nothing else but their supreme opport.
137. 26 Leaf. Prt.
29. 10 unity for world domination and exploitation.
Misel, 30. 00 46. 40 299. 40 Our masters forced us into the late 266. 00 war for Prtg the single puriose of securing for themselves Juit. Fees: Distr. D. 3 Prtg.
222. 75 14. 00 a Pooting in the imperialistic game of the 21. 75 00 D3, Deliv.
European Towers. This being so, and since the 4, Prt.
270. 00 28. 00 Wilson League of Nations aimed at pre Deliv.
24. 96 26. 00 cisely the same thing, what real interest was 6, Prtg.
155. 00 there involved in the partisan struggle over 73. 60 Miscl.
35. 45 1463. 16 the Peace Treaty? None at all. It was a sham Conv. Apress. Distr. 20. 00 battle staged for the benefit of a bunch of cap Lit. Prtg 482. 70 itallst politicians who had to hare an 1980e 50 Miscl.
32. 65 616. 25 47. 00 to justify the separate existence of their two 50 parties. If there was anything of real importCasc 00 1000. 00 Defense: s ance in this battle, it was the fact that the 70. 00 Chic.
194. 02 1494. 02 Republican politicians have shown a better un Loans Pay. kr. Fed derstanding of the needs and interests of Ameri 250. 00 Distr. Der 200. 00 200. 00 Loans Rec. Jew.
can imperialism than did the Democrats. And 150. 00 400. 00 Twr.
14. 00 this was one of the reasons why our ruling Ret (heck made good clars supported the Republican Party 100. 00 100. 00 28. 00 D1 Mimio.
in thՐ Old Conn. State Bal.
last elections.
80. 00 80. 00 Twr.
32. 00 74. 00 Old Lit. Acct. 2 14. 83 The next social group of our electorate.
14. 83 Conting. Rt by Def. 50. 00 which identines its interests with those of rad50 00 Distr. Reducing Bal.
Distr. Incr. Bal 224. 60 Italism in general, are thc shall inerchats, Distr. 65, 50 287. 64 manufacturers, brokers and investors. Dicials 224. 23 289. 73 307. 26 and managers o! corporations, better paid 161. 12 clerks, salesmen, public officials, professionals, etc. This group is by no means socially homo Total Rec. in Oct.
12821 28 170. 33 1150. 95 geneous. Its everyday interests seldom coincido Bal. from Sept.
1357. 63 with the interests of the magnates of finance Total Pd. in Oct 9273. 12 aind industry. But as a general rule of the 14178. 81 Bal, to Yos.
1906. 69 last few years, this middle clue of our cities has been looking up to our big capitalists for 14178. 81 industrial and political leadership. The reason. In Sert statenient Lett. dues 60. 80 for this is quite obvions Wis only for Distr. and Dobin Exec. Sec.
The eXtial xrowth of American industries during the war.
the increase of exports, and the general cxtenHere we certainly notice a strong movement to the results of any particular election? It sion of American finance imperialisin fats the of revolt ogztinst the economic domination of eronomic life of Europe. China. Central and Big Capital and the political doinination of the means that the make up of the political in.
South America, etc. all these factors tender to two capitalist parties. Lately, this movement stitutions of this country does not reflect the moods and consciousness of the American work make the business proberity of the initid has been intensined by the financial anti far. ing clil88. and that it is futile to look upon the States dependent upon the resourcefoney, and mis polley of the Federal Reserv. Board.
and aggressiveness, and ingenuity of that wall But for the present, and reenlts of an election us an indicator of what as far as tbe last 19 really transpiring among the working masses social kroup called Bis Cupital. It is true, that election was concerned, the farmers discontent in the United States. Keeping this in mindof all the late prosperity, big capital was kito was ineffective. It found very little political many of 115 somehow lose sight of it, we shall ting the lion share. But the opportuniy for expression. The vote polled by the Farmer enrichment created by the imperialistic advent. abor Purty is negligible, and only not be worried very much with the Republican little urety of our bix capitalists bare boso large landslide in the last election. We shall know lettes are the local accesses of the Yon Partthat the middle classe also profited h: them that this election. us all the others, indicate isan Lage. This much we must realize, that enormously nothing more than a realignment of forces This fact largely contribute. 10 we are on the eve of a great farmer movement ward increasing the prestige of Bis Capital in within the family of propertied elements alone.
usalust bis capital, which will have far reachthe middle classes.
in Foclul and political consequences.
The fact that the electorate contuins also a Then there is the social revolution Lart on the social ladder is the working few millions of workers, makes wry little ditEurope and the 10 foron for the bulk of the working club, 118 growing discontent of class. And here we are confronted with the working messes in America, situation like tha furt that only a small part of the working eal proletarian clements, are out of it.
workers who do JO8888 the As to the this would have naturally frightened the midClass 18 included the electors. The capitalists and dle claksex and put them on their guard. And thoir Boryants explain this fact away right to vote. the magnitude of the combined easily It wax. But from this it did not nearly They tell us about there being citizens and vote of the Socialists and the Farmer Labor partieg would tend to ind. cato Among thове follow hat our peily bourgeoikie must entirely alias. the lust group not being qualitied to ja bad as it did. and throw troll head yote. But this explanation does not do away workerk, a growing tendency to the left. Small lok into the arms of rinton. It was on this with the fuel that there we inillions upon mil.
0x It is the vote rolled by Deby probably rerumption that the Forty Eighters atletit.
lions of workers in the nited States, not. 11 presents very larko percentage of the total ir. to bold a Heral movement. But it falled, of them alten who are for all practical pur.
voto possessed by the workers of America now know, und for the Himplo renson, JM di franchised. There are large masses of 11: IR NO, then our criteam directed against the Chpt and their American born workers, opportunistic and social. patriouc tactfry of the polletes so called migratory workers, who Socinulat Party should enjoy a kreat reputation among our midind sympathetic can never qualify for citizen.
It is to Gnry. Morgan and their whilpnd coquently, no out of the clectorPOHONKO even among the better paid workers in the United States.
kind, that the mall melant, manufacturer, ut. The wint about the The OCR of the South, Insentor, ete. Dock for kuldance and muligheten The results of the Text of them workers, who are practically deTo summarize: inent And because of this, traditional party prived of all their political right? In short, lection present un, on the one hand, with of Mic (apital The Hublican ariy hun 1 will contablished fact thint the largest Folld and united front of me the proper.
vived the rupart of the middle clarach in the part of the syricultural and industrial proletar.
tied comments of the Cute Sta: under the wat letion int of the United States. Wool An foudership of the Big Capital, the only exception con We now come to the farmers. To the prosiderable portion of the poorer farming popula.
being the partial detection of tho furiners; and Dorted group of OUT Ugricultural population tlon, du 10 pcs the right to vote.
on tho other hand, with a growing tendoney to Now, wint does this moun with rospect the left, among the citizenship clement of tho working class.
that our bik Alt ไอต.