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BEVEN COMMUNIST Address to the French Socialist Party by the Communist International.
les (Continued from page 3)
could not publicly declare your departure OUR from the Second Tuterational but at tho same wothers the tollvikl succeeded in Ume demonstrate your solidarity with the Bel.
Yery short time after the Revolution in wingian Scaling with the social patriots DINK Olet the trade Vaxt tajority in the and traitors, Vandervelde, the leader of the unitn mement. The Communists of the whole world must travel the same road.
Second Interational. You have applied for ad When yomrard, in his written report to mission to the Communist laternational, but at NOscudeclans. The Confederation General she saine time your official representative Mis du Travel will not make a revolution without iral tos ther with the Bureau of the Second a revoluJpternational, during the Kapp puisch signed us (the party and will not make declaration which summoned the German tion without them (the syndicalists. he maker statement which is to say the least Dot proletariat to defend the German Republic of clear enough. One cannot make a revolution Noske and Scheldchann. Either you suppress with people who do not want to make one the orders of the Third International or you You will not make the proletarian revolution carryour representative, Frossard, annouced in With Johaux and Co. for all of their thoughts, all of their energies, are derrted to sabotaging his report which he submitted to ns in Moscow, the proletarian revolution. Tou ll make the your refusal to cater the Communist loterna. proletarian revolution only in spite of aud in tional because the great West European parte opposition to Johaus, and the Albert Thomasek.
les bare not yet formally come into our party. Renaudeis and Co. When you are cleansed But if you mean by the great West Europas your party of opportunism. when your parliaparties, such parte as are still tainted with mentary representative will pursue communist social patriotl leadership. we will state that propaganda, when you will have driven out the se do not desire the atillation of these partyellow: from the ranks of your own party, in and will never accept them into tho a word when you shall have become coramusranks o! the Communist International. AU ists. then will the workingmen and the menreally re rolutionary parties of Europe And bers of tlie trade unluas ght shoulder to America ind themselves prepared for us. The shoulder with you and azolust Jobaux. The Communis: International bas become so power sooner you get through with opportunisin, tho Tul that it has become the fashion for many sooner will you overcome the prejudices of the Socialists Many rank Centrists are beginning syndicalists to call themselves Communists and are of the The red trade unions have begun to or opinion that they can adher to the Third In ganize theniselves on an international basis.
ternational while still pursing their half re On the initiative of the Executive Committee formist policies. This the Communist Interna. of the Communist International, tbe left unions tional will not and cannot permit. It wll not of Italy. Russia, and England have created a allow our organization to be diluted. We must triple alliance which will call an International reaaln an International of struggle, the union Congress of Red Trade nions in August or of actire communist workers.
September as counter poise to the yellow We shall now inquire directly into the Trade Union International of Amsterdam. SIP question which your represeatatire, Frossard, port this action in France. See to it that your put to us in his first written report. The ques. unions join the Red Trade union International.
tion WAS. How all we conduct ourselves This is the task of the real comunists in torard the French Trade Unions (Syndical France.
ist. This is an especially important ques In the report of Fossard, the question tion and it is necessary to dwell upon it at is put to us hall reproachfalls, as to whether length.
We 1! Insist on the outer from your party From our theses and oiher official doof certain persons. This action is of serious cuments you know that we have come out in fignificance. However, cur relations with you the most deternized manner against some will tot be determined. it. We tell you left Communists who prefer to leave the frankly. in coniparison with the German Inranks of the tionary trade unions and to dependeats you have remained behind. While organize brand new, shapeless, general labor the German Independents finally hare disposed unions. Our statements refer not only to the o? tiie Guestion of Kantshy cjection. Albert frankly yellow social democratic, trade unions Taas und it: 20. 11. Prenci Yosi. cs of Legien and Co. We are absolutely opposed and Scheidemann still have equal membership to cominunists and rerolutionists deserting the rights within your paris. Yrs, we declare that trade unions eren though these unions have We are fully decided in spite of the campaign the misfortune of beng the followers of Jobuar which Longuit leads in favor of the Russian and Co. Communists must above all other conRevolution despite his lip worship of the Dic.
siderations be where be working masses tatorship of the Proletariat, the ideologs DOS re The Russian Communists were also for a long Ition and the general activity of Lon vet in time in the minority, but they have learned press and parliament reseables the propaganda how the struugle for their principles within which hautsky conducts in Germany as one the strukture o! the most hackward and re.
drop of water reserlles another. We cannot actionary Forkers organizations.
aroid Spruting ourselves from a large number of right leaders, who are reformists eren We demand op our comrades in France, to their bones.
that under no circumstances should they leave llowerer tle main question that we put the syndicats and on the contrary, in per to you is not tte ejection of ceriain persons, formance of their full duty towards the Comhut that of a break with a definite reformist munist International, should intensity their tradition. The Communist International does not work within the syndicats. The last places of demands sou that you immediately make a refuge of the social patriots, to day, are in the Soviet Revolution. Who represents that as the trade unions. Tne yellow Second Internatiobal.
demands of the Comionnist international As a political organization, fell apart like twists the true state of affairs. We demand house of cards; the new Amsterdam yellow only: that in your daily work in the press, trade union International builds yet another in the tops, in the Parliament, in meetings, house for the activities of these social patriots you systematically and uncompromisingly carry and traitors. The Amsterdain yellow Interna ou au host. unequivocal propagand. for the tional is worse than and more dangerous to ideas of the Dictatorship and Cominuaism, that the world revolution than the Peoples League you are the way for proletarian dictatorship (Volkerbund) Through Leglen, Gompers and that you fight against bourgeois reformist ideas.
Johau, the bourgeoisie seek to make of the This, comrades, is what we chiefly have Amsterdam trade union laternationa) just such to say to you Your delegates Cachia nad a tool for their robber purposes as the social Frossard. belore their departure, have oillcllly demucratic parties of the whole world were du. declared that they are agreed with the terms ring the imperiallstic war.
drawn up by the Sicond Coursess of the Third This places upon us, the communists, the Communist International. They have declared duty of increasing ten fold our attention to that after their return they will propose that the trade union movemout At any cost wo the French Socialist Party break with the must tear these trade unions away from the old reformist tactics and take the direction of hands of the traitorous social patriotic, Cominunists.
Derialist leaders. To this end we must work It is super due to add that we shall within the trade unions and there devote our greatly rejoico when the French working class utmost energles.
movement finally will open for itself How Onr adherents, the communists, must re path. We shall follow the further develop main fu the unlone but they must not work ments within the French Soclalist Party. The there separately and scattered. WE ARE IN Congress will rive their Excutive Committee DUTY BOUND TO ORGANIZE IN EVERY full power to admit your party into the rauks TRADE UNION, AND IN EACHI UNION DI. of the Communist International it the terins VISION, COMLXIST GROUP, COMMUNlaid down liy the Congress are accepted by 18T NUCLJI. We are in duty bound within you and transporn. od into life.
the union, and on the basis of the dally strug. In conclusion we formulate Just another Rie, to utmax the big and little Jobaux. point which appears to us very inportant and and expose their webinations. We must drive upon which we ARXIt from you an explicit the social patriotic and traitorong leaders out and clear reply.
of the unions. We must through a systematic We are in perfect accord with the reply and persistant atrapegle, fear away ono union given to the German Inde endents and which after another from the influence of the social akn published in the arlinn Comm. press traltors, and yellow myndte alikts such 20 This reply 1x also dirctd to you, the present Johanx and others. The Rubrian Communists tuajority in the Prench Socialist arty.
through many years of experience buvo Icarded how to accomplish this task, even though usBear in mind the conditions in France, ሶ til the October Resolution the Rugulan Conmun drum up and resent the followak ten wore 11 the minority. When aftur to points: IE: conruest of political power, new inod utos or 1) The French Soclullat Party inuut radioprograda were opened for the class consci ully alter the character of their daily pro pacand exitation in their pres (in the direte indicated alove. 2) An to the colonial question, it is crsary that an especially distinct and clear stand by all parts fahr towards those countries in which the bourgeoisie estend their Juminton nyer colonial peoples The Frencb Sowialist Party must decidely unrask be maclinations of the French Imperialists in the colonies, support every Woment for freedom in the colonies, not in words but in deeds: popularize the slogan. Imperialists Ent out of the colonies; insist in the French workers true fraternal ferlines for the working flas of the colonics; conduct systematic agitation among the French troops against the oppresson of the colonien.
3, The French Socialist Party must unniask the hypocricy and insincerity of SOCIAL PACIFISM, systematically pointing out to be workers that without the revolutionary de struction of capitalisin, Deitber international courts of arbitration bor peeches about dis armament can protect mankind from new Imperialist Fars 5) The French Socialist Party must, by organizing Comtalinist elements within the Con federation General du Travail. begin to carry ut a struggle against the social patriots and traltorous leaders of the Federation 6) The Freich Socialist Parts must ac complish, Lot in words, but in practice, the strictest abordination of the Parliamentary Group to the will of the party, in order to certainly xecute the party docisions ADd alter their whole daily parliamentary activities in the direction indicated herein 6) Thoresent inajority of the French 80cilist Party must radically alter their conduct toward the left (communist) wing of the Freuch working class movement. The present majority must seek a vincere approach to the Communist elements of France.
7) The French Party must radically break with reformisin and undertake a systematic pargins of their ranks of elements who w011 not tread the revolutionary path 8) The French Socialist Party must also change its naise and step forth before the whole word as the Communist Party of France 9) The French comrades must recognize the necessity of Illegal work along side of legal. work in an epoch in which the bour Bolsie makes exception lars for the working.
men and their leaders.
10) The French Party, as must all parties who wish to enter the Third International.
must unconditionally recognize as binding all decrees of the Communist international The International recogizes the varieties of situations and conditions in which the working men of direrent countries inust struggle. The Congress of the Third International will always bear these conditions in mind and will make genera ly binding decrees only as to such Questions where such decrees are possible.
We ark you to bring this reply to the notice of the French Proletariat Consrades we have expressed our opinion to you upon whole series of important Questions. We know that only a small number of your leaders now reported by us will assent We are, however, convinced that the hearts or the enormous majority o! class conscious work ers and honest revolutionary syndicalists best for us. Yo matter what form our mutual re lations will take in the future, we are ab solutely certain that the French prolets at will create a mighty communist arty and will take their place among the first in the revolutionary union off the fishtina proletaria It is impossible that the revolutionary working class of Fraure with adinirable revolutionary traditions. With its brilliant culture, wlin its glorious fighting spirit. will not create a powerful comun unist party in edoch when bourgeois society is at its last gasp.
Comrades, Dext near the International Proletariat will celerate the Fiftieth Anniversary of the aris Commune, that great working class uprising, of which the proletarian revolution in Russin is the continuation. With all our brart We Wish the Fr. ch Proletariat that this Fiftieth Anniversary of the great Paris Commune will find you a powerful. proletarian communist party. continuing the traditions of the Paris Coin luunards and prepared to storn the citadel of capitalism.
Long live the Working Chairs of Hyanca!
Long live the one powerful French (Commun.
ist Party!
With Communist greetings: The Praesidium of the Second World ConKrets of the Third (Communist) International a. Zinotiev. Lenin. ovi. Roser