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COMMUNIST BIX What the Communist International Was and What It Must Become.
a volution is on ita foot again. We had casion Intely to talk with two workmen, Just AT.
rived from lelringfors, where they have con.
ducted Dexnl Communist work for whole eur. On the detail of what is kolns on now in Finland will whow the wpirit of the Finland workmennt present. The comrades RY 2INOVIEV.
told thnt in nearly all largo towns and 10dustrial centres in Finland which were the (ontinued from Niv. 1st issue)
Aroma of the struggle between Whites And Reds in 1918 they have organized curious xhur arts of Germany (K. to Saturday, After dinner on Saturdays and The emnunint International. repat, rom the ts. In the therAro Sundnya, at the graveyards where the victims to his owned it within man dood honest proletarians, who did of the White Torror in buried, workmen, and NA 1. IN to be organizations to us bune of the oportunism of the enpecially work women moot in large numbers, majority of direct stupolu of the working class of di.
tho attir (intral Committee of dron and arrange the grave, build simple ferent In the bourror This torni. onumunint Bart. the Spotas melaborate nemorials to the workinen who mits turn problemes before We Hund. The communist International will con fell in the struggle with the bourgeoisie.
mit but that timingle large organ. dom in tinciple ile 11 tondencies of the Simple PONE8 and common verses are coin.
ization is in the band of cour 11. ad At out the mistake poked among the people it memory of the cannot at that althoi the Second inter of tire (eutral committee to the comunnist dead.
And the usual theme the simple national is deated an otomational Union o: Hartof (mat. 01 these Kround united thought: You have not perished in vain. We s yellow Trade HAN been founded in Connaint Jarty must be founded in Germany.
are continuing your tank, From your Loner Amsterdatu, in which the Second International 11 Trance we must ut any cont dissipato will rise a sinister reronge, of kept be it the very possibility attempts tud sundhrt, And the Finnish bourgeoisie secs All this But International an and a Communist Marty, Wich such but is helpless to undertake anything becauno whole there be no meious questions as to Tenced comrades. In or instance Coin.
this is general, DCCause thus think all the ther Communista hall or shall not be ade korner, till display. The time 106 como work men and a large majority of working her the Trade Unions this question raised when single comunist Party must at any pensants. This 18 AsymbolIt throw light ty the e (muists in Germany. Holland CONE le founded in France. And besides, WO immedintely on the situation of the proletariat and England. Not to be the unions, but to must of course begin the organization of in the cruel civil war who going on. No enterremotis in the countries where we love compact party of actual adherents, which ono cnn Low crush tho proletarian revoludonc NO touch is the motto of the later on will call to their side elements who tion It CAD only be delayed: tho traitors of Communist International. Berywhere Where are not yet Communist.
our own clash can only enrich it with numer.
there are wormeu there must be communiste, In England the group of Sylvia ankhurst оцн worker victims We cannot abandon several millions of work hus lately modo un attempt to found a Com One thing more did the Helsingfors work.
turn to the Intluente of social. traitors and munist Party of the on the ground of monn arrived from the country where the stand aside ourselon, The Foxial traitors, who denial of all participation in parliament and bourgeoisie has killed 30, 000 proletarians, have been thrown out of political parties have labor Party, of membership in the British notice on his way, Ho baid to us: The Fin.
now surrounded themselves by thick wall The Communist luternational canin no caso nish workmen certainly hate tho bourgeoisie, of Trade Unions, consider this dictum the last word in but it! moro do they hate the Social De.
We must sit hold of this fortress, we must Communist wisdom. On the contrary we will mocrats. who betrayed us during the revoluconduct a regular internatic patient bieg, we do our best to unite all the Communist groups tion. Our spirit is this: First deal with the munt expel the traitors of the working class in England without exception, and that, of trultors, the yellow Social Deutocrats; the from their last refuge, we must exterminate Cours, not on a separatist of the left move.
bourgeoisie will come next. In these words, their defense Itween us and the bourgeoisie, ment, but on the platform of decisions of the which sound like a paradox, lles the right and then we shall stand face to face with the Communist Internutionnlag a whole.
valuation of the fart that now in nearly the capitalists. who will have a hard time then. Tho fraternal party of Italy stands in a whole world the bourgeoisie exists only be.
The Executive Committee of the Communist better WON for playing a great historical part cause of the support of the yellow Bocial International already hall yeur REO raised in the fate of its country. For this it nust Democracy. Never has the reactionary role of the question of creating an Interntional Union clear itset of reformist elements. For this the adherents of the Second International been of Red Labor Unions as a counterweight to It is necessary that the labor union movement as evident A8 1t 18 now. huge work lies the International union of yellow Social De.
in Italy must not be in the hands of reformiste, still in front of the Communist International natic Treeunions. This beginning, we can bul of real Communists. It is necessary that and all parties which belong to it. The Comnot deny it, develops very slowly. We and in the best elements of the Turin section in a muist International must in reality become this sphere many practical difficulties. We must certain oppositions to the majority of the party the General Stuff of the International Proconsider that even in such a country as Itu.
18 well as the abstentionist movement, lead letarian Army, which has awakened and is where the working class is entirely on our lay Conrade Jordiga, should reunite with tho growing stronger before our eyes. The Interside. Trade Unions which call themselves Com. leading mujority of Italian Communists on the national Communist morement is growing like tuunist are uctually in the hands of reformist. grounds of the ions of the Second Con low ball. The International Proletarian Re.
We are intorured that their reformist lenders gress of the Communist International, volution is growing too. The Communist Interintentionally have not summoned a Congress of The Swedish Communists must go through national must manage to organize and guide Italian Trade Unions for six years, for the work the same work of excluding from their ranks it. The task of the Communist International 18 ing made are much more inclined to the Conscious and unconscious reformists. The re not merely to prepare the victory, not only to. It than their reformist leaders. We must formis sickness is catching It has con guide the working class during the seizure of consider the separation in the old Trade Laminated also several young Parties. 08, for power, but to direct its activity afterward.
Unionem in England (the exclusiveness of 11istance, our party in Yugoslavia. It has not The Communist International will either the so called Triple Alliance. All this develops quite shared also the old, ex, erienced commun. Lea united, disciplined, centralized, Interna.
very slowly and the leaders of the left wing Ist Party of Bulgaria, Comunists must not tionul Aghting organisation, or it will bo of British Trade Unlonists are also often con. remain blind to these weaknessc B, even out unable to fulfill its great historic task.
taminated by reformist prjudices. Another 98 of a false sense of arty patriotism. We must This is what the Communist International peel we have to consider that the leaders of deal with facts and meet dunker face to face, must become, and what it certainly will suc.
the factory shop stowards and analogous move. Among Parties belonging and wanting to ceed in being.
ments are often Willed with anarchical pre belong to the Communist International which judices. And Inst, but not least, the very ques. st! contain elements of reformitin and of Despite the nation wide Amnesty Canipaign tion of the Reunion of International Trade the center there is often to be noticed a of the Socialist Party, the Civil Liberties Union Unions, in the actual meaning of the matter, fact which might ho called a game of follow.
and other liberal organizations the trials and can be solved with great ditliculty. We are the leader. The Party of a certain country against the entrance of the Amsterdain Inter.
conviction of Communists 30 merrily on.
ID By: We will not begin a decisive struggle national Union of yellow Trude Unions into for power until the power has been conquered New York, Ruthenberg and Ferguson will be the Central Committe. But are for the in the neighboring country. We must protect railroaded to jail by the time this issue is out participation of Communists and adherents of our rear. Let the others begin. Let victory along with Gitlow Winitsky and Larkin who are Communism in the International!
first be won in that country then we will Congress of Labor Union of separate in start. It is clear that the Communist luterlanguishing in prison for daring to exercise what dustries and trades for the latter are rather national does not advocate premature and the Socialists stupidly reiterate as the inalien.
clurely connected with the working class, WO rash revolt it does not bastou vents in any able right of free citizuns In this glorious are kunst general rupture of all trade cate, but knows how to awnit their develop republic untons, but we are for merciless strugglo ment, calmly and patiently, and calls to action with the yellow leaders of these unions AN only when the conditious all rien. But In Chicago elghty ve men and women char.
this creates great obstacles to the solution of Besides this the Communist International din ged with beins Communists conspiring to ovorthe problems which have set ourselves. But hot forat thut such an ideology of followWe repinat, in order that time ommunist Interthrow the Governments are slatta for trial this the leador struggle was tho hubit of many national should become what it must become. arties of the Second International. This alono month. We know the verdict in advance. the problem of organization of Internallonat is enough to cause us to look upon to above. capitalist court, a capitalist jury and a CADt niou of Red labor Unlous must be solved at mentioned arxuznents with skepticism.
Italist press have already prejudged the case.
The Communist International in 1919 WAS The trial will meroly give formal assent to IV.
clicly a society of Communist propaganda. Tho And at last the Communist International capitalist lynch law.
Communist luternational in 1920 has become may be what it must be it is becessary that in Hilting comradeship of workmen, organizing very country we would have one Commuuint the diret advance on tho trongholds of Puzzle: If the Amsterdam Trade Union IDParty. In America up to now we have two Capitalism. The civil war is not cooling down ternational is YELLOW what color is the AmeriCommanint arties. It is the same thing It is reading with an unheard of intensity. can Federation of labor that accuses the former Germany in England wo have four or nye The war of Soviet Russia with the Aristocratio pirate Coinmunist groups, the name of being too revolutionary in oland hu a tremendou8 luternational im.
France. This tuust be put an end to. The portance, and on unusually favorable prose clearest diference in principle between the two jectives for International revolution. The events Watch the British Miners get the samo dove Communist Parties is to be noticed in Germany, in the East have a tremendous importance, AN the American miners reco! ved last year.
But here, too, we think, the most difficult 110 What we BCO in the Far and Xeur Fast is The cards are stacked for great betrayal.
riod is part and now the time is near when a foolilo buigh. ning. The first flumes of we will be able to have a United Communist the revolutionary Will Smilie go 80 far and omulate Lewis?
con lurration have shown arty in Germany. Tho central Comate of themselves there. The time is near when all the Corman Communist Party (the Spartakus the Eust will be caught in it. In tho countries The Socialist Party of Denmark has just Bund) hay undoubtedly coinmited gruve orxan where the working class has been Heational powor, decided unanimously to affiliate with the nu political mistakes. The chief even if only for a few woch, all tho powers Communist International. The French Socialpolitical wistake consist in its behavior during of counter revolution have not been able to the Kapp days. We print in the ist Party is holding a congress this week to present Interfere in a new proletarian revolution be.
numlar the ton important declaration of such Finning to grow beforo our eyes, decide this question. We expect the great ninen lund of the German Communist The worker blood has boon urt) an dara tkin, aul Lery, Ernst Meyer.
shed in majority to affiliate just as the German In.
When There better, rhwn y executioners in Hungary. nut there dependents did several weeks ago condemunina the up.
retinitiut of the Central Coinnitteo of 100. and this Is oildont now the proletarian Willyuit termed the Third International as revolution the German communist urty during the Kupp will okain lift up luhend. The nothing more then ideas. which statement dny, toate de situation. They open Way Hond mure, Recurding to tho amount trimis commited by the bourgoolsle upon the Debs endorsed recently) he forgot to men.
to thorn wine te revolutionary workmen who working clana, belongs without doubt to Whto tion that this idea is sweeping over, the huvo gong to the DOW art Coinnupiat Pulaud, But there too the prolotaria re whole civilized world.
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