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TUN COMMUNIST THREE Address to the French Socialist Party by the Communist International.
واران to not only dor not preparo for a proletarian revolution but mabotage it with all its powor.
By TULBOn of their conduct, many of your deputies have tried in ibo working mansor The Tresidiurn of the nd World of France un antipathy to any parliamentary Concinlist Party have poisoned the minds of tho Activities and Theonice furnish Touterjal gress of the Communist International to All members of the French Socialist Party and solliers and workmien. They have helped tho for the proposande of the anarchists, ICCHURO linperialist bourgeolwie to tlood the whole count to class conscious proletariads of France.
of their opportunisin, your parliamentary ry with tho turbid waters of chauvinism, as group nourishes and trengthens the mistakes The latest party convention of tho Fr. Soc. never before, hour They have helped the und prejudices of Hyndicalism. As a result Party has decided by a grea majority to leave tho nd nlternational which is now kroste to introduce slave rule in the in of the conduct of your deputies there las го dustries and factorics: even to setung uside been strengthen in the proletariad Damaea, cognized by all class conscious workers of the modernte laws as tralorous organizadon. But world designed for the protection contempt for parliamentary Intriguen the of the workers. They have involved themselves und for the people who call themselves to name party convention by two thirds vote callet, but in the full responsibility for the imperialistic in reality fruternize with the has declined prompt entrance to the rd Inmost rabid en les vi the working class.
ternational, slaughter. They parucipated in the government with the equivocal resolve to of the French bourgeoisie. They have carried 2) Your daily prºss. Firstly, the papers, enter into certain relations with he rd Inout the dirtiest orders of the Entente. When, Humunitc und le Populaire are uot revolu.
ternu lonal and to call into hire an organizain 1917, the February revolution broke ou in tionary, proletarian papers. Wo inies in these tion which stands between the nd and the Russia Albert Thomas, in the name of the organs the dally, a tematic, propaganda and rd International aritation for the idea of the proletarian reTWO delegatos Party, and in the service of French imperial of the purty convention inm, Journeyed to Russia to convince the Yolution. At the best there are in these organs majority, Cachin and Frouard have come to Russian workers and buldiers, of the neces.
only dry, bplritlers words about the dictatorRussia to enter into dealings with us anent.
mary of the iniperialistic war. In this manier hip of the proletariat. But these words have the decisions of the party conference. The Exhave the French social patriuts aided the French 101 become the flesh and blood of your daily ecutive Committee of the Comm. International has in its extended conference (with the help cnpitulints to organize the expedition of the agitation. Your apers are as similar to those Russian White Guards who have declared of the French bourgeoisie us one drop of of the delegates from Italy, England, America, war against the working clase and pendantry water is to another. Even us the others you Austria, Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria and those of Russia.
devote the chief place to parliamentary trities of other countries) devoted a special session As to what concerns the former minority and the Delty occurrences in bourgeois to the clarification of the question which was in your party, they have never led a princip circles. Your nowspapers buve not tho will, called forth by the presence of Cachin and led, powerful, clearly expressed campaign against nor do they understand how to express the Frossard. Besides, the Executive Comm. held the majority, although this campaign was clear revolutionary wrath of the pro. ctarian masses number of more private conferences with ly their sacred duty. Now, when they have Your newspapers do not speak of the disbot.
of the above named delegats of the become majority, even to this day they tress of the working masses into which they Fr. Scc. Purty. We have received from them carry on un ambiguous policy; they do not were plunged by the war. Your organs conino written reporte three which have been pub display the necessary energy.
themselves to dry, fornial, platonic, and pedant lished in the omcial prons of the Comm. in.
Albert Thomas, Renaudel, Johaux ana ic protis. You have delivered your organs ternational in all languages. We have allowed into the hands of the social patriot, Comperi.
Cacbio and Frossard deliberative voice in others, even to this day, play the reactionary tbc nd World Congrese of the Comm. Interrole of lackeys to the bourgeoisie. Not alone Morel for propaganda among the peasants.
IL 18 tho necessary that you renounce the frankly sucial patriots in your party, but national. In the congress. commission we have also nuny well known Centrist representaabsolutely inadmissible inethods of proportionlistened to be speeches of Cachin and Frostives. Longuet and Co. still champion te al representation through which fissure your sard. The Exe. Comm. of the Communist In.
view that the robber, imperialist war of 1914 party press will opened to poisoned scrabblings ternational considers it to be its self evident 1918 was for France a war for national defence of Renaudel and Co.
duty to grant the greatest attention to each (Defenso Nationale. Your party, your centrist 3) The same may be said of your agiladelegation of a Party or Group which has in majority, has not up to now clearly told the tion in the country and in the army. This view leaving the nd International and coming workers of France that the last world War agitation is either actually non existent, or else into the Communist International Was a robber imperialistic war, UD the part il bears a decidedly reformist churacter. Where We are thankful to the Soc. Parts, of the French bourgeoisie as Woll 28 OD the and when has your party explained to the in that through the sending of their delegaside of the Germans. The speeches of Longuet, French soldiers their revolutionary, proletarian tion they have a orded us the opportunity Grossman, and other leaders of the Defence duty? As far as we know, never. If the balance ior candid understanding with them, as Nationale delivered at the Strassburg party of power, at present is such that the socialist boats revolutionists. From the following lines in France cannot carry on their convention, came very close to social patriot.
work and you will learn how we appreciate the state THE agitation legally. THIEN IT IS ism DUTY of affairs in France. Our reply o that we OF EVERY JIONEST PROLETARIAN TO are assured will at once be published We must tell you (rankly, comrades, that in SUPPLEMENT THE LEGAL BY ILLEGAL France, and will be made the basis of disthe situation in the French Socialist Party.
WORK and 80 full bis duty to the working cussion for all class conscious French work is even worse than the internal situation of class of his own country and to the proletariat the German Independent Socialist Party. You innen. of the wurld.
have, even in comparison with the rate of The appreciation of the condition of the tebind.
relation to the trade 4) Your Goran deve. opneat, remaiced You unions wethers purty of France two points of view (Syndicalist) is full of ambiguity. Not only do have not yet so much as separated yourselves arise. The International role which the you not carry on systematic, struggle from your public traitors, the social patriots.
French bourgeoisie are playing at present, against the social patriotic leaders of the Con.
You have not yet done that wbich the Cerman The condition within the French Sosialist federation General du Travail, but conceal it.
independents did as far back as 1916. lu jour Party.
When Johaux und Co. helped the bourgeoisie parly tbere ure yet Euch traitors As Albert The French bourgeoisie for a whole series to rebuild the yellow Internatioual of Trade Themas, who hulds a responsible position in Unions in Amsterdam, when Ibis same Johaus of reasons play at this time the most reaction the robber peoples league (Volkerbund. In and Co Together with Albert Thomas at.
ary role in the world. Bourgeois Franco hes your party there are yet such регворы tended the International Conference called become a prop to world reaction. French im Pierre Renaudel, a most zealous servant or perialist capital has, before the eyes of the by the Imperialists, when the members of the the French bourgeoisie. You are tolerant to General Labor Conference by traſtorous meth: whole world, taken on the role of International such traitors to the workers cause as Jobaux ods sabotuges the strike of June 21, 1919, you gendarine. The French bourgeoisio bas con. and his comrades of Uke mind, who now did not declare war against them; you dia tributer more than the others to the throt. want to resurrect the yellow trade Union not put them in the pillory of infamy: you tling the proletarian Soviet Republic 10 International in your ranks you permit people.
did not unwask them as the most abject traiton Hungary. To the French bourgeoisie belonged who at the request of the cupitalist of the to the working class! No, you continued your and belongs the leading role in the organiza Eutente, staged tbe comedy of the organization Co operation with thein. You did not make tion of the brigand campaign against Soviet of an international Labor Burcau. Your party t your business to tear the French unions Ruxsia. In the Balkan countries, tbe French even now, permits the deputies to remain in away from the disintegruting and corrupting bourgeoisie plays the role of the bloodist the party who had the samelessness to exinflueitce of these agents of capitalism.
executioner. And fipally. It is the French ercise the vote in the French Chamber During the last great May Day striko Louigtoisiu bich bas takes upon liselt ho of Deputies when the question of the diswhen the government put you into Direon.
chief work in throttling tho cerco Pru. Fruceful, bloody, rubber Versailles Peace one of your comrades Paul Boncourt, made letarian revolution in Germany. It has taken Treaty came up for discussion. Comrades, you the remonstrance in parliament tbat the govern.
the leading part in the elaboration of the must grant that such a condition within the robber Versailles peace terms.
ment had forgotten tne patriotism Jobaux disIt Beut black party cannot be tolerated you are to fulplayed on Aug. 20, 1914 and his great serv.
troops to occupy German factories. It has o the mission wbte history has set for you.
ice during the war and after.
entered into a league with the German bour It is no wonder that with such stale The French bourgeoisle has lately practgeoirjto subdue the German working class. of affairs, the oticial majority of the French ized unheard of brutalities, particularly against There is no crime 60 monstrous that the rulo Socialist Party which still believes and calls the left wing of the French working class o the French bourgcolbie had not carried out Itsell internationalist and revolutionary, in movement Loriot, Monale, Souvarine and World revolution has no worso nuemy than the reality. pursues a wavering ambiguous, vacil.
number of other comradey have been thrown BOY unient of the French imperialist.
lating, centrist policy.
into prison. What: havo you done to repeal This places upon the French workers and consider successively thie 100BT the onslaught of the French capitalists: Way their party an especially mighty, Internation important departments of your dally ΟΓΚ did you not suund the alurin? Why did you al duty. History purposes that you, French 1) Your parliamentary activities; 2) Your not organize u call. prigo throughout the whole workingen, a heavier, more TCADODBIble, but press; 3) Your propaganda; 4) Your relations country? Why did you contine yourselves to more compongating task will be apportioned to the trade unious; 6) Your stand upon the an almost philanthropic agitation?
to withstand the onslaught of the most rebidly most recent acts of violence of tbe French 6) Your attitude toward the left Commun.
reactionary Boution of the international bour. Government; 6) your conduct toward the lcit ist wine within your own purty leaves much geoible. Communist) wing 10 your own party and to be desired. You do not seek an approach But the Executive Committee of the Com. 1) your relation to the Third (Coinniunist) to the FTCh Communists. On the contrary mudint International is regretfully forced to International.
yon Dive organized a strukslo against them.
utand firn and here we come to the second 1) Parliamentary ctivities. Your social. You place the question of admission to the of the above mentioned main topics that the 1st group in the Chamber of Deputies is just Third Communist luturnutional on the Arst conditions existing in the French Socialist as little revolutionary, proletarian, or socialist order of business, but do nothing or almost Party le altered to the end that you be given as before. Euch socialist deputy conducts him. nothing lookius towards a sincero comradely the opportunity to funil the historic inimion Boll ILS pleas28 Din. Your parliamentary approach to tho Communisus of your OWD which the march of events hus entrusted to group AS wholo not subordinated to country.
you. The advanced proletariads of France will the Party. It curries out only there decisions 7) And finally with regard to your relAunronditionally agree with us when we fay of the party inujority which likes. It is ons with the Communist International. You that in the course of the four years of the not to mouth piece of the French proletarian buve left the runks of the truitorous, yollow, imperialist war, nowhere, with the exception Inhases who aro Aled with Iudignation over Second Inernational when the Germun mdepeu.
of Germany. has such an abject betrayal of the busone of tho bourgeolwie. It does not dents went out of it and when the French work Bocialisin buon practiced. The conduct of the fel it all bound to uny responsDItow whnt. ors forced the present louders to break with leaders of your furmor inajority, Kenandel, soever to the working Dossen. It develops the Yollow International. You at your do Thomas and Bombat and others after August no sort of revolutionary propaganda among the Toutes to the notorious Borne Conforence.
4, 1914 Wax absolutely no better than the base millions of buy who took part in the war. Muny of you have them to be sure, defouded Betrayal by Gubeideman and Noako In Cormany It does not mark the infame of the French tho Runwan Revolution, but you made 11o leaders of your party hayo not only volna Government. It huy not taken upon itself to Https there to th. death agony of for war credits; they have, bunden, placed res cal clearly to the working masky of France the Home International. You buvo attempted the whole party PTCHE, the wbole purty machio the criminal character of the imperialist wur tu innka Alignment the Moscalled ru HTY, At tho service of the robber, Imporlulist, yon up to its clone. It does not won the construction or new Third International You bour cosio. Theso louden of the Frenob Bo workurs to orna thom gulve lo word 10 (continued on page 1)
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