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THE COMMUNIST Official Organ of the Communist Party of America.
PRICE CENTI NOVEMBER Ne 14. 15th Resolution Adopted by Executive Committee of Communist International in the Fraina Case. glve Nuorteve 48 hours to present any new evidence; failing which the CASO would be closed and Nuortera warned not to repeat the accuration on pain of severe measures being used against him.
Six Conditions for Unity.
Nuorteva appeared before the investigating Committee, persisting in the accumtion.
The Investigating Committee, after hearing him at length, adopted the following resolution. The Committee on the Fralda Case, after hearing Santeri Vuorteva on August 20th, 1920. as come to the following decision: 1) Nelther the former nor the new accusations brought by Nuorteva against Frains give cause for altering the previous decision of the Committee, Nuorteva evidence consists of his personal opinion only. He offers no real argurents to prove any of his accusations 2) On the basis of his personal opinion, Vuorteva openly spreads the story (eren in the capitalist press. that Fraina is a police spy.
that the program of the Communist Party of America was written by a police apy, etc, etc.
SUCH PROCEEDINGS ARE ABSOLUTELY CONTRARY TO THE ATTITUDE OF TRUE SOCIALIST after this decision, Nuorters does not ceare making his accusations against Fralda, the Executive Committee will be compelled to SE THE GRAVEST MEASURES TO STOP HIM.
Prefece mittee of the Communist Party being a revolu The following document just received from tionary body.
Moscow relating to the accusations raisod 3) We consider as supporting the evidence Against Comrade Louis Frains by Santeri that Fraina is not gullty the fact that the Nuorteva and clrculated by the Call and Communist Labor Party of America through the whole capitalist press, proves every con.
its Executive Committee refused, after hearing tention made by the Communist Party of Ame.
the stenographic report of the Fraina base, to rca in regard to this plot to discredit the appoint an investigating coinmittee, questioned Communist Party through one of its represent.
Peterson statenent, and turned down the proatives. Comrade Frains after a trial and invest.
posal of the Soviet Bureau to take up the igation, in which Nuorters was called personcase.
ally to testify, was completely exonerated.
This document is the last chapter in case of International proportions in which enemies o! the Communist movement of America attempted to bring it into disrepute by Ainging charges of police agent against one of its leaders ADOPTED BY THE EXECUTIVE Comrade Louis Fralna stands completely COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUN vindicated before the entire world. The ComIST INTERNATIONAL.
munist Party of America stands vindicated beAmong other things th. Executive Com.
fore the entire world The framere of the nittee decided: charges stand exposed in their true colors 1) To extend the date by which combranded by the Congress and Executive Complete unity is to be achieved from October 10 to January 1, 1921.
mittee of the Communist International.
2) That pending this complete unity of our movement and the election by the The of the Communist Party of party of an American representative to the America. Executive Committee, each shall have a representative on the Executive with the same vote.
The Executive Committee of the Commun3) That unity must (and this is fst International having investigated the charmandatory) be achieved on the basis of all the decisions of the Second Congress ges made by Santeri Nuorteva, Secretary of of the International.
the New York Soviet Bureau, that Louis 4) The representatives of both par ties must give a pledge to abide by the Fraida was an agent of the Department of decision for unity.
Justice, has unanimously decided that Fraina 5) The two parties have equal rights, is innocent. Moreover, the Executive Committee the unification to be by means of a Congress and party for party.
brands Nuortera actions as absolutely con6) Representation in the Unity Contrary to the attitude of a true Socialist.
gress is to be decided upon the basis of An investigating Committee of three was dues actually paid for during the months July, August September and October.
appointed by thn Executive Committee, after reading the etenographic report of the Louis Fralna case and investigating additional 4) The letter written by Comrade Rutgers evidence, also hearing witnesses, recommends from Amsterdam proves that Comrade Fraina the following statement for acceptance: has the full confidence of the Holland comrades 1) The star witness figuring in the steno. Therefore it is resolved that the invest.
graphic report of the Fralda Case offers Igating Committee (Bllan, Communist Labor a very doubtful statement, which is not proven Party of America, Rudniansky, Communist by the facts based on verbal plory only. Party of Hungary, Rosner, Communist and syn.
dicalist movement of France) Mid Comrade a) It is proven that Peterson (the informer)
хот GUILTY Louis Fraina OF THE bas bimself been a government spy. b) No one can verify his statements. c) Fralna proves CHARGES PREFERRED AGAINST HIM and his allli in connection with dates mentioned recommend that he be given the necessary con.
by Peterson as having been Fraina in the fidence as the uccredited representative of the Department of Justice.
Communist Party of America.
2) We recoguize that tbe Central Executivo In accordance with this decision, Fraina Committee of the Coninuunist Party of Ame was admitted to the Executive Connittee of the Communist International and to the Conrica, after investigating the charges acquited gress as the representative of his Party.
Praina and granted bim Its full condence AS true Party member. To sor use or BU During the sessions of the Congress (AUK.
Dect tbe Central Executive Committee of tho unt 1920) Santeri Nuorteva arrived in Moscow Communist Party of America is being an or Fralna thereupon requested the Executive Com.
Kanization which protects suspicious persona. mittee to re open the whole case, in view of We have belther the proof nor the right. Wo Nuorteva Terner, The Executive Committee, Hayo full conndenco ID tho Executive Com. upon motion of Comrade Zinovlev, resolved to At this session of August 26th of the Exec utive Committee of the International, this resolution was unanimously adopted (among the members present being Bucharin and Zinovlev, Russia: Meyer, Germany. Quelch, England Reed, America. One of the American delegates having sugested that in view of the charges against Fraina being public property, it might be advisable for Fraina not to occupy any executive position in the movement, the Executive Committee. upon motion of Zinovlev, decided that the Executive Committee of the Communist luternational sees no reason why Comrade Fralna should be deprived of the opportunity for responsible executive work in the American movement.
Subsequently, upon the suggestion of Com.
rade Lenin, the following supplementary reFolution was adopted, September 29th. The Executive Committee of the Communist International insist that Nuorteva must retract publicly, in the press, ull tio accusa.
tions made by him against comrado Fraina. Kobetzky, Secretary of Executive Committoo. Seal of Executive Committee of the Comunun.
Int International)
MORCOW, September 30th, 1920.