BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyKamenevLeninPrivate PropertyRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainTrotskyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

THREE THE COMMUNIST Kolchak, were locked in war and the blood.
every. peace. All power war Soviet Russia and the World Revolution.
wrecked by four years of continual war, sabotaged by the bourgeoisie and chinovniks. forced to immediately organize a little more than six years ago the an unceasing, propaganda expressing their new working class red army to meet the great guns of the German imperialists were devotion to the revolution and the working simultaneous attacks of the Checko Slovak booming against the granite walls of Liege. class, not only in words, but in deeds. For troops marching upon them from Siberia, Germany had invaded Belgium; the world twenty years the Bolsheviki had been perthe Americans and English along the Murwar was on, and capitalism had signed its fecting and building a highly centralized, mansk coast, the Japanese in Vladivostock own death warrant and sealed it in the disciplined, under ground political organiza blockaded and hemmed in on all sides, the the French in the Crimea and the Don, blood and tears of thirteen million of its slaves. The world had grown too small for man and Anglo French capitalist imperialists the sky. Zinoviev, Bucharin, conscious workers. This organization, now of class glorious Red Armies of Soviet Russia, have two imperialisms to batten upon.
The Gerthe Communist Party of Russia, developed revolutionary troops of Kaledine, met and successively defeated the counterin a bloody death grip which menev, leadership of Lenin, kaand the Yudenitch, one after names were hardly known out other, notwithstanding the fact was to embrace every exploiting new siers side of Russia before every one of these Czarist Generals were 1917 of war with tons mine the financial supremacy of the earth, swept on with irresistable spotted. Upon the winted Statesy supplied and use rance, started Russia has been forced pression of the small nationalities, the con bourgeoisie led by Milyukov, Guchkov, Rod to defend itself against the attacks of all quest of territory and world trade on the zianko and Lvov, and backed by Anglo support by Anglo French American Impertering capitalist regime by dividing and de volution for their own predatory purposes inia, Roumania, and latterly Poland. The ceiving the workers in the various countries, but the workers under the influence of the indomitable Red Proletarian and by drowning their protests in their own Bolsheviki Armies of Soswept them from power. Mean viet Russia has met all, defeated them, and forced them to sign treaties of In this deception these bloody imperial weity wherein inges, the Soviets were rising in Russia, city and Soviet Russia, under the guidance and masons and begiens in Germany, the Hen Councils of Workers. Soldiers and Mease controld of the Communist Party of Rusdersons in England, the Renaudels, Guesdes ants Delegates, in the Army and throughout sia, and the genius of its incomparable leadHilquits. themselv into the arms of the Menshe of others, has spread its liberating propaga Radek, Bukharin, Kamenev, and hundreds Gompers, and other leaders of the majority viki, the social patriots, and yellow Sosocialist parties connected with the Second cialist traitors of Russia, who, with Kerennda to every country in the world, in all International. These social patriots and trait sky at their head formed a Coalition Gothe languagas of all the races and nations ors to the working class, many of whom vernment, into which the yellow Socialists of mankind. It has awakened and quickened accepted ministerial posts, deserted to the Tscheidsi, Skobeleff, Tstretelli, and others into life the age old dreams of brotherhood bourgeoisie at the beginning of the imperial joined with the Cadets to betray the Rusin the hearts of the peoples of the Orient; istic war. They denounced the Basle Manithe Chinese, the Koreans, the Persians. It sian Revolution.
festo which declare that such a war could has inspired the Hindoos, the Turks, the There can be no coalition between the Georgians, the Egyptians, the Arabs, the not be justified on the ground of national working class defense while singing the praises of their and the capitalists class. Afganistans, to shake off the chains rivetLenin immediately raised the slogan of, own bourgeoisie, deceived and disunited the the Soviets. The Bolsheviki ted upon their necks by English and French working class of the various countries. It Russia has set the Imperialism. Soviet demanded immediate peace, the publication was under these cirucumstanses that the of the secret treaties concluded between the holy fires of proletarian freedom.
East in flames, flames drawn from the second international broke down and the Czar and the Entente, and the immediate workers, deserted by their leaders, were seizure of the land by the poorer peasants And in the West, the workingmen and driven to against each other, until through the Soviets, etc. Kerensky conwomen of Germany, France, England, Italy, after four years of continuous warfare the spired with General Korniloff to overthrow Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Serbia, Holworld hecame one bloody congealed mass. the Soviets. Korniloff marched on. Petroland, Scandinavia, Belgium, Spain, Ireland, The history of the world is a history grad and the ked Guards defeated the first in fact all the countries of Europe, ennobled of class struggles, and the world war, while attempt at armed counter revolution.
and enlightened by the heroic sacrifices and temporarily repressing the class conflict, but solidarity of their Russian brothers, have The effect of the Korniloff rebellion served to sharpen and intensify the strugrefused to fight Soviet Russia, have refused was electric. The Bolsheviki won the asgle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie cendancy in the soviets everywhere. The to support their capitalist governments in and transform it into a civil war between Petrograd Soviet called for the convening their attempts to destroy Soviet Russia, so two irreconcilable and hostile classes that to day no government in Europe dares of the All Russian Congress of Soviets.
This struggle, which prior to 1914 and Counter revolutionary to declare open war on Russia, but are complots under the leadership of the second international, was of a defensive nature and conhatched. It was a contest between the old pelled to carry out their black conspiracies cerned itself chiefly with measures of po its hypocritical pretense of democracy, and outworn form of the bourgeois class and In far off Australia and South Africa litical reform and economic amelioration, the new form of working class political the influence of the Russian workers is must henceforth take on the character of offensive class warfare, mass action culmipower, the dictatorship of the proletariat, in having its affect, and the workers of those the form of soviet power. On October 27, countries are responding to the call for nating in armed insurrection and civil war Kerensky ordered the entire Petrograd garworld wide proletarian revolution.
for the overthrow of the Capitalist State rison to the front. These soldiers were bolIn Mexico and South America the and the conquest of political power by the working class.
shevists to the last man. They refused to Bolsheviki are considered the liberators of obey and instead organized the famous the proletariat of those exploited countries, The bourgeoisie could not long delay Military Revolutionary Committee. Lenin who are far along the road to working class the coming of a revolutionary crisis pro demanded the immediate overthrow of the emancipation, waiting for their brothers in duced by the war. And it was natural that Provisional Government by the armed insur the North to join them.
this crisis should first occur in Russia. rection of the masses, arguing that proEven in the reactionary United States whole series of serious military defeats incrastination would be equivalent to death. and Canada, the very name of the Bolsheflicted upon the Russian armies disorganized On November 7 the revolutionary masses viki throws the American Capitalists into a the mechanism of its antiquated govern rose led by the Bolsheviki and the com frenzy of fear. The American working class ment. By 1917 the incompetence and coris being rudely awakened from its dream ruption of the Czarist regime, together with promising Provisional Government fell like a house of cards.
of liberty and equality under the bourgeois the court scandals associated with the name This proletarian revolution annihilated democratic government of Capitalist Ameriof Rasputin opened the eyes of the Rusthe fake bourgeois Socialist republic, was ca. Already the Red Dawn in Russia is sian masses as to the true nature of the not an arbitrary siezure of power. It was throwing its rays across the black night of autocracy.
the outcome of an historical development. reaction in the United States, illuminating As early as November 1914, the Bol It was the successful carrying out the the almost hopeless slavery of the American sheviki (now the Communist Party of Rus historic mission of the working class. It masses.
sia) had issued a declaration urging the was the first act of the world wide pro Lenin, the Russian Bolshevik, once said conversion of the imperialistic war into a letarian revolution which will sweep into tothe English Premier, Lloyd George, civil war against the oppressors and for so oblivion the whole capitalist system of ex Command more men in England than you cialism. On March 12, 1917 the masses ploitation and class rule, which will destroy do. and he could truthfully say, as the in Petrograd poured into the streets and the capitalist state, and under the Dictator foremost theoretician of the Third Comsmashed the powers that had ruled Russia ship of the Proletariat based upon Soviet munist International, and the respected revnfor centuries the assassins who bathed Rus Power, will crush out the last vestiges of lutionary leader of the world proletariat, sia in the blood of the Jews, the workers, wage slavery and private property, and that he commands more men than all the and revolutionists. These workers had be usher in the Communist Society the free kings. crowned and uncrowned, potentates hind them the lessons and experiences of association of workers carrying on produc presidents and capitalist politicians put torevolutionary period 1905 07. three tion for the common good of all mankind. gether.
years of revolutionary struggle which called It is not the purpose of this article to Soviet Russia in the three vears of millions of Russian workers and peasants give a detailed account of the glorious its existence has torn the mask from the to political life and revealed all the classes, achievements of the Russian Revolutionary face of every yellow socialist traitor and and the parties which represent them, in Proletariat. Betrayed by the German so left them naked to the gaze of their detheir true character, exposing their im cialists of the Scheidemann type and forced luded followers. Soviet Russia has been the mediate interests and ultimate objects. For to sign the Brest Litovsk Treaty the peace acid test for all petty bourgeois reformers, twenty years the Bolsheviki had carried on of Tilst inheriting an economic system (Continued on Page 8)