AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

SOVIET RUSSIA ANNIVERSARY ISSUE THE COMMUNIST Official Organ of the Communist Party of America.
NOVEMBER 1st. 1920.
PRICE CENTS Three Years of Soviet Russia.
Soviet Russia. If they did, they know they would have to face a revolution and civil No class conscious worker in America war by their own working classes. SOVIET gles with the master class in the period beRUSSIA HAS WON THE SYMPATHY can fail to thrill at the thought that November 7th, 1920, marks the third anniversary fore the war, dragged down to the levei AND AFFECTION OF THE MILLIONS of beasts beasts of burden for the master OF TOILERS ALL OVER THE WORLD of the existence of the Workers and Peasclass.
In Germany the workers are preparing ants Government of Russia. It seems more Slowly the masses lifted up their heads to overthrow their traitorous Socialist like a dream than a reality yet it is un and looked across to Russia. There the Government led by Ebert, and to establish deniable true. The workers and peasants of workers and peasants, poor, ignorant, Russia have accomplished the greatest feat pressed like themselves, had risen like opa Soviet Government in its place. In Italy the workers are recovering from the synin all history.
giant and smashed to pieces the chains of dicalist fiasco which led them into a blind saults of Kolchak, Denikin, Yudenitch, Pet annts owned and controlled their governDespite the counter revolutionary as wage slavery. There the workers and peas alley and are preparing to overthrow their lura, Pilsudsky and Wrangel all of them agents of Allied Imperialism, financed and ment and held the reigns of power. They ment. In Poland, Hungary, Austria, Checkotook over the state and turned it against Slovakia, Spain, France and England the supplied by London, Paris and Wall Street; their former oppressors; they compelled the workers are waking up and menacing their despite the starvation and hunger due to intellectuals to go to work for them and governments with the threat of revolution.
the economic blockade, which has cut off the intellectuals went; they took over the This is the greatest contribution which Russia from the rest of the world with a industries and operated them through the Soviet Russia has made to the workers of ring of steel; despite the breakdown of in government in the interest of their class; the world.
IT HAS INFUSED NEW dustry inherited from the Czarist regime They took over the land and gave it to the HOPE, NEW COURAGE, NEW INSPIR ai:d further disorganized by Kerensky; de peasants. They took over the banks and ATION, NEW DETERMINATION AND spite the plots and intrigues of its enemies railroads and built up the machinery for THE CONSCIOUSNESS AND THE from within led by capitalists, bankers, real democracy in industry. They took over WILL TO ABOLISH FOREVER THE manufacturers, merchants, Socialists and the homes and palaces of the rich and EXPLOITATION AND OPPRESSION anarchists; despite the sabotage of the Rus turned them into homes for workers, hosOF THE MASSES FROM THE YOKE sian intelligentsia. the technical experts pitals and schools and nurseries for the OF CAPITALISM!
of all kinds; despite the antagonism of the women and children of the working class Workers of America. Citrjena ilic of The workers and peasants governmen cun HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO the poorer peasants who are slowly being pressed the capitalist papers which fed the PDAMIT KEECTINANTLADOR AND SOCIALIST LEADERS TO BETRAY won over; despite the active opposition of working class on lies and gave the people the petty bourgeois classes the small shop working class papers which told them the AND FOOL YOU?
keepers store keepers and professional clasSTAND FOR UNEMPLOYMENT.
ses; despite the nobility and the bourgeoisie; Is it any wonder that the free workers despite the devastating results of a three and peasants of Russia gladly volunteered LOCKOUTS, HUNGER AND WANT?
HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO years war with Germany and three years by th emillions to fight the battles of Soviet PERMIT THE CAPITALIST GOVERNRussia. The Red Army of Soviet Russia fighting on thousands of miles of front MENT TO BREAK YOUR STRIKES?
against the mercenary White Guards of is the finest army in the world to day. It HOW LONG ARE YOU GOING TO World Imperialism; DESPITE ALL THIS is composed of free men who know what STAND FOR THIS GOVERNMENT. SOVIET RUSSIA THE GOVERN they are fighting for. They are fighting to SENDING ARMS, AMMUNITION AND MENT OF THE WORKERS AND PEAS retain the achievements of the Russian ReSUPPLIES TO THE ENEMIES OF SOANTS STILL STANDS STRONGER volution. They are in the first line trenches VIET RUSSIA?
THAN EVER FLAMING SWORD fighting the battles of the working class of THE COMMUNIT PARTY OF 75 ITS ENEMIES, THE CAPITALISTS the world. They are fighting for the destrucAMERICA CALLS UPON YOU, ON OF THE WORLD BEACON OF tion of capitalism and the inauguration of THIS THE THIRD ANNIVERSARY LIGHT AND HOPE TO THE DOWN the Communist Society Therefore they subOF THE EXISTENCE OF THE SOVIET TRODDEN AND OPPRESSED MAS mit to the revolutionary discipline of the REPUBLIC OF RUSSIA, TO REFUSE Red Army under Trotsky and go out on SES THE WORLD OVER!
the battle fields singing the Internationale TO MANUFACTURE, TRANSPORT, The onslaughts of England, France, and are able to defeat the best trained troops AMMUNITION OR SOLDIERS TO LOAD OR SHIP ANÝ SUPPLIES OR Japan, America and Poland have strength of the Allied Imperialism.
ened Soviet Russia, instead of weakening it. The workers of Europe saw that the FIGHT SOVIET RUSSIA!
With every fresh attack it has called up Bolsheviki (The Communist Party of RusTHEIR HEROIC STRUGGLE FOR new reserves of strength, new reserves of sia) were the real revolutionary leaders of EXISTENCE IS YOUR STRUGGLE reserves of energy and the the working class. They saw that the Bol THE HEROIC STRUGGLE OF THE workers and peasans of Russia always re sheviki knew how to lead the workers to EUROPEAN WORKERS TO OVERsponded with superhuman sacrifices that reTHROW THEIR CAPITALIST GOVpelled the invader, and won the respect, af victory over ain their enemies. They saw the Social Democratic parties of their own ERNMENTS AND ESTABLISH SOfection and admiration of the workers of countries still playing the old game of comVIET REPUBLICS IS YOUR STRUGthe entire world. Gradually the real mean promise, treachery and betrayal. These soGLE!
ing of Soviet Russia began to prevade the called Socialist parties and their leaders did YOU MUST REFUSE TO SUPconsciousness of the oppressed masses in the not know how or were unwilling to rouse PORT THIS REACTIONARY GOVother countries in spite of the net of lies, the workers of their own countries to throw ERNMENT IN ANY ATTEMPT TO INslander and vituperation to which it was off the yoke of capitalism. These Socialist TERFERE WITH THE INTERNAL subjected by every prostitute agency of leaders even went so far as to attack and STRUGGLE OF THE WORKERS OF capitalism.
malign the Bolsheviki of Russia thus playANY COUNTRY AGAINST THEIR CAThe workers in other lands began to ing the reactionary game of the capitalists PITALIST GOVERNMENTS!
SOON YOU WILL BE CALLED compare. In Europe and Asia whose willing tools they are. But all this they began to stir menacingly. They began did not help. The workers turned more and UPON TO FIGHT MEXICO OR SOME more to Russia and the despised Bolsheviks. OTHER CENTRAL AMERICAN OR tricked and betrayed by their own capital They forgot their former inertia, stolidity SOUTH AMERICAN GOVERNMENT.
ist governments. Whether they had fought and hopelessness fired by the vision of So REFUSE! PROTEST! STRIKE!
viet Russia. The Socialist parties of Europe YOU MAY BE CALLED UPON TO on the side of the Allies to make the world safe for democracy. or whether they collapsed. The Secod International the so FIGHT NEW WAR AGAINST ONE had fought on the side of Germany in de cialist international organization of treachery OF THE PRESENT ALLIES! IT WILL BE THE SAME OLD STRUGGLE FOR fense of the fatherland the workers of to the working class died a shameful and TRADE AND MARKETS. REFUSE TO Europe found themselves starving, suffer well deserved death.
To day, there is no government in HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH ing, dying of pestilence and disease, stripped of all they had won in the bitter strugEurope that dares openly to wage war on (Continued on page 6)
faith, new think to