AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyItalyLiberalismSovietWorking Class

COMMUNIST Why The Swedish Party Takes Part in Elections. CRITICISM OF THE ANTI. PARLIAMENTARIANS ציון tratami. Sint Emittee cof.
Yo torbidden the will PHARAM tut the site district dretle Mud del with the Its Juridion.
141 All our ommation to the andme publication of and audit turn nature in the JewiD Innenge 10 transwered Since the inception of the the has been resisting and putting og fort of the foreign lange group to Torta Vatronal committees for propusanda 10 ther stativ. languager. Tot the forme ution Na prend committees the hax in threatening ripalvion to. Nenor daring to rais his voice in favor mura unities. The has prevent and discussions in the US prer bar DHE on the subject, lud when the National 01. to the Russian (roups elected Satio.
at. committee, the C, E, orde te ih omrunt: to immediately dikband throat. Npulsion.
Finthermore, the C, 1. Hud its oraun Net as far AX LO ARTIFICIALLY (REATE. BNORAGE ALL KINDS OF DISCORD ON THE DISTRICT COMMITTEES OF TH ANGLACE GROUPS. In the Russian group the pitted one waist the other the district committees of Chicago, Philadelphia and Now York. In the Jewisbroup they played th came rame with the District comunitteey of Nrw York And Poiladelphia, this all huvir e been done for the single purpose of preventing the tablishment of unity and larinonious relations between the Jewish comrades of the 16. When the Jewish comrades of New York and Miladelphia have finally succeeded in coin ing to an agreement with regard to the Jewish Irons and propagandu. THE REFUSED TO RATIFY THIS AGREEMENT. ordering a Plexn. instead of the Jewish language urons of all clements wibo dared to demand a National ropaeunda Committee No cburked Wer tre forred. No trials d. They simply decided to expel the whole Jewish organiza.
tion of New York, and to begin the organiza.
tion anew. The very same operation, somewhat modified form, has been started in Philadel.
phim 119. HOGI. S. Vertint this crom the British Com.
BIN by Coraracel Hoglund of Siden, body in which the proletarian litatorship linds we contribition to the son of it. pression. This is the Count of Harlin Third International.
ratatiain cromosomali ammen er of the Suish Parliament. The whole 11 criticise Tarliametumim but is not repliants, though Nuor.
anti. Iarliamentarihli.
at antion in ali the titles 01 The Bolsheviks, whoin nobody an CU the Third International and there is liberalism. la represeuttiset the luna Hepation in Damentarism in this count: aradante a present instar commun et par before th Rolation mul took part in Clintons of State anthorities iter the Herolu.
Cuned due to the outlawins of vur tion till the moment was por whether tactie.
har Nill a more immutant side to it.
the The me position is taken up by understanding this Spartacists in Germany question in its relation dialectical under.
At their first congres Standing of the whole field of Communist taste under the intoxication of the Revolution, an anti.
Parlamentaran section gained Victory over The routionist who understand the ques.
thao Mentarisin. and its revolutionary Karl Liebknecht and Run layihurs been proved that among tbose catre Tadical anti.
use the communists will be better able to armamentaria its were stieral hired urents pro.
er the position of the Third International vocateurs. The tali ni Socialists, who, as its flation to monism. Read Comrade cuin Shall Rolutionists Well known are one the most trusted comments participate in in the third International, take it in jarlia.
Rationary Traile Chions elsewhere in mentar activities as do the Bulgarian ommun.
ists, the Norwegian Socialists, etc. articularly it important to understand thear tu questions as the har 10 Nothing is more convenient than to ustain xreat Went corrupted the minds of the class.
rom elections, nothing is cheater than our cou. HON by their dogmatic altitude Sexlalist lengucap the Young is now doing. to on both of these questions. der un lection hoy coll. To abstain froin takin: att in cl. ctions does not incun tim. lxrifying of the class struggle but the evasion The Social. docratic Lelt lurts in a reof the issues. The working class is not strength.
volutionary Party declaring for Proletarian ned but rather kokened by Hintaining. The Dictatorship and the Soviet system Revolution is not furthe ed init hindered Why does it participate in the elections to But arliament will corrut the represent. aliment? Is ked by many who cousid this His pent there by the workers. They enter standpoint i! lopical Taking bare surface point a Radical Socialists but lohy reptable vies, it may seem illogical, moderute reform. rs. So say the syndicalists Hut it all depends on what is meant by tak.
and anarchists.
iuk part in elections for Parliament and also by truth with modifications That wladt es wud means we inarticipate in the lutill Parliament. The difference betwen labor leaders have been corrupted nobody will and the Richt. Serinlists is this. We do not deny. But it is not necesarily a logical conas do the Right Socialists. believe in the pos.
Stolene of parlia inentary work. Were those Bibility of Socialisin being established by arla Bolshevist members of the Duma te Txar sent mentary neth ds. that is. your leisure, by to Siberis corrupted: Was Karl Liebknecht corelections to frin mujoritm Parliament and ruted TEX mnyone belle (lxra tkin and the themes when aul Tuy are likely to be corrupted in we liave rained the hair plus Gorman Reichstag. Or Serrati in Italy. Dia the deciding Vole, expropriate the exproprietor, We know that victory is not a mathematical Fredrich Strom get corrupted in the first Chun.
ber: problem. No! many roles in Parliament for and mutually against. but hard class struggle Those representatives of the workers who in which the ruling clay the very day it no have a Dental 4onomic tondency to be longer commands a Parlamentary majorit. corrupted. whether by reason of character or will put in notion all nicans to preserve its circumstances, or both. Will do so whether sit.
Jower and privileges ting in Parliament or not. And is not corruptiou.
The Word Woons of the bourgeois de secking of personal interests and general slacknota will not avail, will be useless in the oning Bore common among Trad nion and las! Tot strugele between capitalism and the Sindicalist leaders than among political leaders: proletarial. The decision must be through the The reason for this sad state of affair is clean. cutting sword of the proletarian dictatur. not to be found in political Activity, but in ship, and in the Soviet system. the new form pronal character. Let the Revolutionary work.
o Sul Ronstitution will the working class rs hot be misled or sidetracked by the 111fint deu. ocratic cision?
arehlut phrasmongers. The only people Who When we nevertheless, in spite of and to) kain by following such advice are the tahu. 10 tons it is not because we wish Soci atriots. Who certainly will not neglect tu Talk the RSS false hopes of grand to point the moral if the left Socialists Coni. lo ad parliamentary and or thom munists) should show diminished strength by Dariul introduction of Socialini of which Hon of such boycott of election proga unda.
the Right Socialists speah.
The ruinber of lutes (st for us will be a Outie contrars. we will do Hll well to measure of our strength and our enemies will Tot much illusions in the working class. But look Mt it in the same light. Let therefore tu a revolutionary situation, when the work. strih blow that will prove to them that it. un lai taken the power of the Stat the ideas of Revolutionary Sex Talism have take into tibir On lands. is it tim to discard root. 10 ure spreading more Sweden Pre.
Tarliament in favor of the new representative Tetariat.
or אתון Couraden ol the We xplit WHY from the and lund the with the best intentions. We were willing to operate in the building upol part, combining the revolutionary elements of both the foreign langunge Fraking workers Hud the American workers. We accepted the the position of the Third International which expressly demands autonomy for the lang. 450 federations in the conduct of their propapunda and or ani ation. This means nothing else but National Propaganda Comittees of the sort that ist in the ommunist Party of Russia for the Jewish Sections. For this reason e disagree from the start with the constitution of the Which did not provide for committee of tus hind. Hul we believed that the upon coming actually in touch with the livmus 11 the organization would convince it helt that without thoual propaganda committees For tl: language groups no Communist Party America will be possible. As matter of fint, en previous to our joining to the a representative of the C. Sunod the convention of the Jewish Federation of the that the matter of National commnt.
tres as then not set definitely settled, and that the stood ruady to make all DC.
sary changes in the organization to luxure the Smooth course of the communist work wiony the foreign language wpeaking workers Hut it turned out quite diderently. The of the bas warnt nothing. It neglected entirely the most important Held of its Hitivity the Americanized and glishpruhing workorx It rated not a single English DAPET worth the name. It is not receded in Founding up single communist roup worth mentioning in the NTR English traduioux.
Pulit lereed in both ging mud run the ful work of the foreign. AD KUAGE Toups.
The ht destroyed the Hunniu ORXAD.
17ation, it med the Jewish organization and completely reynd the Netivities of other kroup that joined the In te wordx. It dutie toward the Englinh.
peaking most the.
Ens he coul.
pletely meglected, wid it for len lan UKK move.
ment it has ruined. Instvud communist mity the. of the ti. bun crouted in pruutus for winting contribution and rolling UHO. mp.
Whale ommitted error by Joining the 1. mud to rely it we the de tu so both tu the otch! Tarty of Alutrien Resolution Adopted by the Jewish Branches of the United Communist Party.
To the Membership of the وطار Drat Conradies. The dt Thanine policies and actions the of the ep. touard the foreien.
laug Eroups have crruled condition of fairs blue but two courses open 10 TYSIn to completely Iquidato all our anong thr Jesih wurkis. Ant.
pes, the other to Jexte the row of the and in the CP. We have chosen the pedro. That Wo Join the communist uble induene upon the intronscious Jewish of America, but the. mder various CUNIX, toppd the publication of this DARAH21. and KC 11 instead Toolinha ridiculous weekly stret. which our cobrades er banned to all tid distribute among the Jlbi orkers. The presumably for inancial PODRUCTION, has wo ured to publish our Jeuil tinder round Niper, Mer wei Medid at the cort of much unter and her. to build up member of WIN. onomist groups in the trade.
on of New York, the nub. district como of the. ly, with the consent of the topped wil our further with us on the Indunt.
rial Dedulin o rom all muille com.
aun enthou with the Inh work in Irude undon ment. enty of Aneris.
We are but fr facts from our.
Bh the tuplanud arrogant lende.
hip of the 11) Wr breight tutu the jury a kulwechly Iuch which toil airndy red a note.