BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismLeninSocialismWorking Class

(OMNI NIFT RIX Should Communists Participate in Reactionary Trade Unions?
ha onton it to Ti. cung of political power by the pro. Tariat in a treous step forward. The miss Kip of the to fucate the trade union, Un tuctie instead of old ones to lend them. und at the same time to remembe that ti union are and wh for a long time school of Com. and waratory who By Lenin ols for the realization of the Proletariun Ine tator inip. The unto te necessary to achieve Conistch beit.
The German the solidarity of the workers in order to take emocrae the ruching of independence of over the ailininistration of all the Industries the trade untons e making the amour iner Parteis alterius der the ques chinitely rejected the liriposition dependent of proletarian satu per. culmina of the tire country by the working clase de Tenctionary (urtet whole and not ly the individual trade of tinki sabotage and the destruction of proindustrial unione. tititi.
letarian discipline, etc. etc.
The cottider that nere denuncia roletarian tto not consider that juncture with the Dictator hip and erlamation ainst the reactionary.
En under the The centraltary union munici sex though trade unione in itself rulent, xone forms of reactiou are unavoidable within baten aud utility of the wation by Conference of workingmon and pensant who the trade unions. Not to understand the means polutketar community in Vellow sociat har political atillation wit created during Hot tolve the slightest roncaption of the patrutie, actuars, counter. ruohutionary trade the prour of the Revolution which the Commun randatuental conditions obtainia. in the trana.
tintons of frien and coenphasis on the Ik to fupport. bro:den. and develop into ition priod from Cupitalism to comunism. To. Communist leader Horst mure thun by institutions throurl which we can keep in touch fear this backwardners of the trade unioun to and understand the masses. answer their an.
to try to coupe It attempt to chicumvent quiries and dwelop from out of their ranke DOHSxical and indicates a lack of faith in Natuitstanding the certaint on the Gierman men fitted for government TONTA etc.
the role which the proletariau vanguard must Lets that tarties are revolutionar. they erroneous and INSUMP in the instrurtur, the leade, and the RM ralit. Pondamentally The ople Commissariat of State Control ont of but holl phrases. In order to clarify was recently reorganized by decre into the beacon which attracts to the new life the lowest this is will take plamen from our Own trata and the backward elements of the masses Norhers and Parts Bureaux of fupection to the working class and peasantry. To postpone periene which the conferences of how partial workers honets. the realization of the Dictatorshis of and paraut wire invited to send delegates to The Rhral tan ef this article aims to adapt thie Proletariu, lutil the lust reactionary trade that part of Hur Rusion experience which can participate in the elections of menbers to the Purprobtubli applied to Western Europe and lute control commission created for the pur unionist of workingman relinquishes his craft which is ut avoidably in keeping with the his or trade union bins. would be a profound mistake Dose of controlling the different departments tors and contemporary tactics of Bolshevikm.
The art of polith. the proper underland 16 Iunt be understood that the work of the The terrations of leaders. parties, class ing communists of their problenis. conkist Part is carried on through the Soviets, wbich And ma. and the relations of the Dictatorit all working masse. rekarders of dis. in correctly considering and discounting the this of the proletariat and the communist Party conditions and tbe moment when the proletarian to the trade unions is representated in Russia.
tinction in trades or industries. The county insti successfully conquer vanguard tiay.
contiolla of Souls ore deuocratic political attl. present time, concretely in the following power: to be able to immediately olilain sulficient tutions such as. even the best bourhol uir.
for The Proletarian Dictatorship is realized support from all wiata of the working class liamentary democracies have never could. through the commanist Party Bolsheviki. which and from the non proletarian elements of the counts in its ranks. 611. 000 members according and through these sent, which are kept la borinx masses, and afterward to able to mare der the vigilance of the Party, and by rigning the latest reports of the ninth evention of Kuard and maintain their power and to extend class conciou workers to all village posts the art. Bild in April 1990. Before and after whole it, educating. lending and attracting the the November achiests for the proletariat the leading role in Resolution the membership Juboring narxes.
flur salud. a their lation to the peasantry and reail. com the was much annaller even during 191 and 1919. We fear the abnormal increase Dictatorship of the city Proletariat, through the Furthermore, in conneries inore advanced of the constant conflict for the supression political and of the Party for intellectual than in Russia, the reactionary tendencies in adrenturers who usually deserve to be thot rich, exploiting. speculating bourgeois peasantry.
the trade or are naturally nor pronounced Naturall attempt to insinuate themselver into All this IK the general mechanism of the more conspicuous than in our country. In Rus the Parti by cajolers and chicaners. The last bla. the enxheriki bad (and to some extent Proletariani Stute Power as examined by the Link that up then the doors of the Party wide still lave in a very few trade unious) the sup.
leaders from the point of view of the practical (11 to the workingen and peas. uits war in port of the trade unious due to trade narrow realization of the Dictatorship. We trust that the winter of 1918 when Yudenitch was a few the reader will understand that the Russian ness and opportunisin aud craft exclusiveuess Builes from Petrograd and nihine reached The Mens herthi of the western countries have Bolsheviki were familiar with this mechanisin Ore! 354 Terrt from Moscow that whert and watched it develop. during phriod of a greater Influence in the ranks of the trade the Sunet Republic war menaced on ull sides wenthe stars from megal. underground unions because these unions are dominated by und in deadly dateer. In the dark days, the mall circles to itk prosent proportions. All be a more powerful element of labor aristocracy, carierints whd other unreliable elements. did talk ax to whether control should be exerIsu who uphold trade union narrowners and the not join the atty cause. Instead o reiving whether interext and sordiduess of these petty bour.
from above or from below, or in sponsible and remuneratire position, they these xbould. dictatorship of the leaders Sous inspired imperialistic treunions whoso would expect to be sent to the allows and or of the masses etc. ar ridiculous 36 10 leaders are corrupted and bribed by the capital tortured by the counter revolutionists.
ark whether a man foot in more essential ist imperialists. These ratenents cannot be Brefully contradicted. The struggle with the The Communist Party meets annually in to his body that his right arm.
Compres. Jonhaux Hendersons Merrheims, convention and is represented by one delegate ms tu u thuit the German in are Ligiens et al. in western Europe and America, for rach 11 members 10 is leaded by alko involved ridiculous childish brditie: is much verer than the contlict with our ential tonimittee elected at the Constitiou in their giare und vers learued and terrifically Own Menshevili who represent a inore homogene.
and risting of 19 members, while the current Ous social and political type.
revolutionary chatier. as to the advisibility of work is conducted by a still small group at Communist carrying ou their work within the Muscow the Collegium called the Organization Thix struggle must be carried on without reactionary trade unions, or of their refusal a. olitical Bureaux consisting of hye nem compromise and these reacticary and incorTrach, who are in un lected by the plenary 10 NO participate and to withdraw from them rikille social patriotic opportunist leaders must entirely and surm ebligatory. brand new. hmon Horion of the No important political pure be posed. discredited and expelled Thes, induntiul mions.
workingen: din.
organization questions decided by any imions are very youthful and are the inventions grace from the trade unions. It is impossible Simte institution of the sdiet Republic with. o the c ommunists.
to conquer political power, nor should we at.
cout the auction of the C, (of the Com.
enipt to the oner olitical power until this AUDINI Part. Whil Capitalisin transmits a lieritugi tiht has been wared up to certain degree.
Socialismo. litury old call and trade dis. In different countries and in different circum.
The Parts in its work is directly supported tinctions along the workers, it. at the tances, the degree to which the fight should The trade unions which now count in their time during out the trade unions wbich in tim. Le carried is not always identical These con Tunis, according to reports from their conveu. Can and will develop broader industrial forms ditions can be carefully appraised only by tion in April 12 over four million members. entra in whol. industries and which trained, thoughtful and experienced political which are nominally Independent of the leaders of the proletariat of each country.
abolish ull trade underart distinctions and arty. E4 hote The Ruslan tad nnion, eventually bridging the Fuir between intel. ording to latest reports in Iren. HOW lectual and manual labor. The workere then In Russia. for example, the criterion of Iden. Der er five million balls become univeruliy educat. irained and equip uce in this conhet was diermined by the matter of fact, all the serutin bed 0: the pard to comolish all their necessary 1:1. ions to the Constituent Assembly in Novem.
Yast majority of the trade union. al of the Comunixiu tends tow. d und Just accomp inh ber 1917. a few days after the proletarian upAIL in teniral Council of Trade Inoue. this. Tout through a long process of develop rising o! October 23. 1:17. In these elections.
te pred of communist Party the Mensheviki were overwhelmingly defeated, bers To into ruptures over this inevitable prowth ho carry out all the instructious o: the Party. and torpect these industriul unions of them receivink 700. votex (including trans. caucas.
By the 101. the Party inaints close Novex to KTOH luto a full theged and perfect in 400. 00010 am against 9, 600, 000 votos ree tontact with ur working class and the muses common Societis criminally foolish ay crived by the Bolsheki. Sen ny article on tut nominally non communit Hud to expect a four year old girl to become a exill. machinesi developed a broad and the 19tions to the Constituent Assembly wid mother. At the best this 1x ridiculous un Inights proletarian aparatur throug! whcl. puerile sud at worst, u nasty crime.
the Dictatorship or the Proletariat.
in the louderxhip and direction of the Com.
Ils arty, is reallyed the Dictatorship of We would and inxt begin to construct com.
ito continued the working clas.
munist wciety, not out of funtastic notiony nor from artificials and man created materials, but then naintaining this close contact with from much niuterials OS Brut hand and in the trade is, without their active support, Hlout their retf. macrifice and work. Hot only that Unis diftiicii talk arcoln but II. e Industrie und economic proptruction, other means to achieve this and in pur проп tbr ni 11111 field drewnvention and unworthy of Mero con.
11 muld be imposible to really, the Proletar.
1a Dictatorship or to kover the country, bot ly for two and one bull rats. ht for two The trude tolony in the early period of Audaur ball mouths.
Cupitalist reprenanted trent advance by the Received October 10th, 1920 working clar during the transition from their Revolution It irc thu u order to bring about help and morgumzed condition to the bethis low coutant with the trade tons und the Kink or chun unit. When toller former ol la very srdnors and intrieuth work of clas mult of the probeturint bn to develop the olls Buch of the or Cowden. after the report prorokand and agitation In Deeparars. Frequent the revolutionary political party or the lolitar10 turis conference with lending ofhelals, aro Hat would be worthy of its name if it failed kiven to us by the delegute to the Polish Federa.
Dars, 11 only in connection with direct.
to underhund how to connect their louders non convoution, and explanations of the district Inx the war brut ulko to krep la touch with with the working class and the marsex in 004 organizer of of. declare: uspry Interiul and active ingu Integrul whale.
in all the trade union, it ul o many a declis conThut after our acquaintance with the 11t with the Mellkl, who riro How to 11 IK Inestable that the trude union will program and the reasons of the plll, we came show Factory craft narrow EX und als nutritive Artsin luence.
to the conclusiou that we were alsled, there.
servutive pur and simple characteritiem, Thir adherent are Hut fore we manimously decide to join the Polish Turlitto Salons ther could be to other proces of development hody of err. evolutionary riekery. Dr.
of the proletariat the throakl the trade unions Federutlou und tur of As the ouly sing with the ideological drie of lourgeois ud the oral in neues of the workin revolutionary party in this country.
class party Orgauzer: Jola Grosby, a in to are from from cantu horien Resolution by the Polish Branch of Camden, We member