Civil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyItalySovietSyndicalismWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST FIVE this country could then to meri.
ther can 01 let tactics vote they have nay JOULD ENDORSE THE THIRD INTERNA.
in more way than one FIONAL. It man als strometheniup the ynd.
Aside allt sentiunt and healng to connun 1:011 th ars errated Fruire this would five to th. Olet 10 this count at ta the. man that br. WW tomuuuit for. demands the Cu upernt. Ith most by ontouni ruch this thin Paris o: through th Communist u to the third International in order DUC. ior DOJRng Cominginn to the work.
ere to an udara. dine with the Iww. woning the trade union rank and he MADS that be i ready to the way from comper and the winl. patriot Only Teal vu. operation bor strength to build up the IWW.
andud derstanding le acblered urtween the connuun.
tbe basis of ridicalist semi adical in and the W. Coupratin between th. Cmix and the W. must be it is quite certain that those of the rack bu po prading Cominiu, building up id flerembers of the who are Communist nuclet in the shop and factories leo communists, who have baru carrying OR Dot on building up the WW.
deterrain and clasele e agitation for it. es only slation of the to the Third Intro by referendum favor of affiliating with the Third Internation tational without sertations will talize that been betrayed ul. can thr puree itself of its sindical.
by thesa Centrint 1st theories and prove that it bas accepted the traders who practically advise the. www.
grabeinhip Dot to vote for nuh aflation. It ominiinist position, Torte is no other way at present that this cowardly one of Anything less than that, an lso retria for u.
stanc. altiliation with positions, or afliliacompromise will be rejected by the tion to the Red Trade tid mbership who batever their liortrunning pion International would be no criteria that there W. has are not cowards They bave been Tried and trusted in the long fight for their BOUDC its syndicalls. Sanderen. ditor of the Out Bir aion Monthly. anti. commit id an idra wbich though they are DOW ob and syndicalist is in favor of affiliating with vete and even potentially counter revolatio23ry, as the Red Trude uion International; nur does now exemplified by the Fyndiralist be consider that he will in any reabe reDOUDC lasco 10 Italy wort oncu the helpt of re bir yndicalist theories in doing so. Here is solutionary daride in this country. Either they h! portion in his own words to prove it: will accept the program of the Tird Interna waal in toto and affiliat Without Terve.
but ke are sure that not a voice tous, in bich case they will not be afraid. raised auxt affiliating with such an to take tho full consequences of their act.
industrial International, men 16 it meas belox driven underground He islwae bave been and are now or they will reject it beaux they do not as Durely industrial Organization and exjort to understand the Communist position. BUT Folie the whole porlal problem on an ind intrial THEY SURELY WILL NOT TAKE HALF. union hasis want Build Audustrial WAY POSITION THROIGH COTARDICE, AB up! on as OPUS of production aud di tbui.
tuo audeantral Councils emanating from the By thin conardly offer o compromise the diatria! wonx as organx of local and regional C. leaders have sbow yond the shadow adninistration. That is how propore to of a doubt that they are absolutels incapablo wolv th social problein, We canuot lotroduce ad unfit to main at the brad of any repolitical party, communist or otherwise, into olutionary organization of the working class this theme, without surrendering our lund.
in this. country.
mesta! principles and abollshing our dapadence.
e cio COCKDOW hether there bas bren any collusion in lbis deal with aby memThry (The IW. ure out to establisb bers of the GE or other leaders of the the rul oi ton worker thes (the W. w. J! there bax been the facts will have bea a It Dow for Steen year sod rume out socer or later. In the meantimne Tu Brow LO world Dovetoeut on the trengtu would advise the consumist ner birs of the the IWW) are not likely to IW. to demand as favestigation and adop!
prokram which saddles political collurion ly found to start paty on their back as their taskmasterx mote for the expulsiod of tbe guilty on or UDC. OLA Big pion Youthly October 1920)
As for the treacherous leaders of the Or tale tbe following brazen comment of responsible for this act of betrayal, Saadgun on Zinovler statements printed only of the Third laternatingal but also in the same 15sue, The Communist Party up the rank and Ble of the C, ad and ladustrial Unlopis: ho bave bearing a bitter trufrle within At time when the bept clements to tr W. whicb Sually culminated in the Prearb adicalison are abandoning their for. suance of 59 Pelereadun THE TIME HAS mer errors, and moving towards Communist OME FOR THE MEMBEPSHIP OF THE In laying down the principles: All power to (P. TO RID THEMSELVES OF THESE the Workers Councils, there are orklos LPECHES AND POLITICAL ADVENTURERS, cles Sroups and cirolcs in Rus614 which are WHO, ON EVERY QUESTIOX, HAVE PROVED TRYING TO REVIVE THE WORST FEAT THEMSELVES TO BE CENTRIAIS 19 URI:S OF SYNDICALISM. The famous Lot WORDS AND OPPORTUNISTY IN DEEDS.
Wing Suelal Hovolutionary Party Tecasty In the 20. rtsolution dezoding the Irhuster 20e article thesr (eatrists Fy: of a whole administration of icdustry and AN NDERGROUND INDUSTRIAL VION purt to tha Cootrat Coronittes of the WOULD BE AN ANOMALY. THE EXISTENCE industrial Union. It further proponed OF SUCH AS ORGANIZATION IS NOT (ON. COMOX ACTION 6HOULD BE TAKEN BY HIT COMMITTEE AND TIE INDUHRILL, OROLSIZATIONS OF THE WHOLE WORLD As கy 10 boo TucuDCR Vols to FOR THE EVITRE MANAGEMENT OF THE SOCIAL EVOLUTION AND THE WORD Certainly to real connuupists! CortoCONTROL OF INDUSTRY AND TRANSPORT Dot to the Russian Corruptst Parts who BY COMBISE OF INDUSTRIAL UXIONB.
bow that LU 1udutrial Organizations ol The comment of the editor who itu sa 2x voll as the politiral were under the 145 by tor (zar! Certainly not obey to Allate with tho Rud Trade Calon to the German Sonik Party bera rien International os bls is as follows: MA 10. THIS JS PRACTICALLY THE POSITION Sanizations are Dourishing under.
around! Th. Kights of talror, The Indust OP TIL 621 Trottsbood and othiet reanizations In other words, breadores the monition merke vere recret underground orizitiona DEA Zico fer condemus trying to revive thr oret fratures of syndicalism.
YND the argument In this cions syndicallat can wish to af.
the IWW.
allath the Red Tredo Volod Intorpatioad Durvis utriul pranization were prevel de tot, but the IW, W, 11 stal bolding och opinion. It follows tbat all ton baftly advocating Fyndicalist theotud proc.
Dalis Will also Yol for it. Thereuro 11 blog bere DO Wikimair Trasfur skirt ir referead stn wins It will not tan that Ur W has changed its policy.
the. not to vols endoth the Third Internativ der sin of wine drives (tulution for Olliallon to to Tbird In. ton41 with Tervetutis buld Bhould to 12 id prima facie mridutee that lato thes Wed Defin! Our lov cbe W. propines to retain its own court dwndrive this wild Up of its reject the Cutoupit protop. di tinct overt JA Mac THERE. PORE, AND M. 1288 TH. W. VOTES FOR AFFILIATION TO TIME TWIRD INTERNATIONAL WITHOUT Huy SERVATIONS, THERE CAN BE SO PUB SITY OF NDERSTANDING AND (0.
The terms which the subralt» ure camoudag intended to have their face. They or some rapprochement with the w. On the basis of compromise with Con rounist principler. Thos probably that they are doomed to exunction Ixt woon the byudiculist forces on the one hand and. otomunist Party on the othor. They are mak.
105 80 eleventh hour attempt to catch ut.
drowning straw in order to save themsolo As for the leaders they can de ceive no one by wanting to callato with too Red Trade Union International, so long as they do not acopt Communist principles and taction, ay laid down by the Third International, they Dever be admitted to the Rod Trade nion Interuational, which will be condoter of Conimudirt trade Unions, party organizes.
tone and Workers Councils us well as indust.
rial union all of whom must accogt Come munism. The will be compelled to change their portion or will not de peronit.
ted to enter.
The Comunist Party of America calle upon the rank and file of the I, not to be the treacherous propoul of the It calls upon them to vote for direct affiliation to the Third International. It calle upon them to expel the syndicalists like Sandgren from their organization and to entrust tho leader.
ship and editorial positions only to con.
vvinced Communists. Do not be afraid of being driven underground as calamits. It would be a calarity only if tbe should be afraid to accept Communist principles aa tucties because of the fear of being driven underground, and becoming outlawed.
By voting for direct collation lo the Tbird International the rank and nlo ll buke toe cowardly tactics of the leaders a the i, and the and PTOTO to the whole world that the on the right road THE ROAD TITAT LEADS TO COMMUNISM THROUGH THE DICATOR.
that CEIVABLE. Continued from 440. The American workPTA should take tho Italian lesson doeply to By doing so boy ay lessen the period oi tuolr polluca lo maturity and harten the day of their completo excipation from the domination of the oupital t clars, compare the proletarian revolution Runnia, with itprogramms of MASS ACTION (U LMİNATIN; IN ARMED INSURRECTION UND CIVIL WAR AGAINST THE CAPITALIST STATE THIE DESTRUCTION OF THE CA HITAWAT GOVERNMENT AND THE EST.
TEMPT AT REVOLUTION BY SEIZIXO THE INDUSTRIES, WHICH BROKE DOWN ERS IT HAD BEGU The workers and Dent of Russis sro now in power for threo years, resisting the wkeressions of the capitalint kovernments of the entire world aud in spite of it, taking such progres In FOY. rding therowolses and buiding Up and administrating Industry bolely in the laterest of the working class, and poor peut ary. that it stands for three years.
brucos dirbt for the workers c! all other count.
TIC the mot fpiring Oxuruple test world bas over heen The programe of the workers aud DORS.
ant ur sovint Hussin, by wbieb they accomplian.
and twintained tbrir revolution, the pro.
gramme of the Communist Party of America.
il the programme of the Third (Communist)
International, the revolutionary vanguard of the workers of the world!
Croma 1673 to 1979, widerkruid, The myndicalist prome, bleu led the workery of Italy into wholes tid bliod way from the nad it lourd to stricat.
lems, in the promise of the und ward wint organization in Aiserica Wurbris of menc! Blich will you by 1521 ore 10 (۴ دوعا ره