AnarchismBourgeoisieCommunismDemocracyEnglandErrico MalatestaFranceGermanyItalyPrivate PropertySocialismSovietStrikeSyndicalismWorking ClassWorld War

THE COMMUNIST THREE The Failure of Syndicalism in Italy.
ITS LESSONS FOR AMERICAN WORKERS be. which mit of the laban sou fallit Party (roon the unist Paris Torre Ax Only 01 tbox 11 to do) To the order to return the fact.
Up to the owners and Accept the protixe 01 the refurinint social (who are IM) op For wechs past the capitalist proxy has been Jel to the proletaria revolution to write filled with bla bradline about the resolution ants which lud ben vniouldering all through The wrath of the Italian work and pe ne Jaw on the statuite books tut would in Italy. hon the worker die metal into the war ugun 10 aneup. The spectrum Ris 1h workotnyone form of co. opuruti in ori mad seized those factories and had al the control and management of Industry.
tempted to operate them withont.
Boom began to haunt Italy.
When these lawn are passed by the Italian From the metal factories the provenient hud to let all the nations of Europe and America Oribing spread to other Industrie unul rome 1000 or arliament they will be in effect The Italla laborulton grew in strengti and number which many of the American workers are alrrady The movement prend to th familiar with pront wharing aud Rocketeller Nession of the workers. This arcording to the larm. laborers and the pawant. The Italian Po. shop Toninoities whemes.
capitalist paper the predicted Soviet re cialist Party, which all during the war had volution in Italy which was long overdue.
Openly opposed the Government and the war, IL the American Federation of abor, also gained numerically.
reactionity as it in know what this means The something happened which the papers re not very anxious to explain. convention The Italun Goveromut Diet und dichored and is opposed to it. It means the oliminatkin of and compromised and mude law for the TC unionism in the industries and its place is taken of the Italian confulerution or Labor beld in lies of the mans which did not relievo Maltern. met and by a vote of to some by representation of the workers and the boxses weat froin had to worse. The reformist Sucial. ou on committee to arbitrate Wake hours, 600. 00 refused to endorse the spontaneous act its kept on promising reformy. The auarchite conditions and disputes in each factory.
fout of the workers in sizing the factories. This led by Malatesta inflamed the mansex but Jind convention also refused to tuke the next logical no program to open them. The syndicalisis 00 Those of you workers who bronfort. note Was to overtir tho th Italian controlled the Italian (confederation of labor.
nough to belong to Bucb unlons, quch a Government and set a Sovint Government propaRid the direct seizure of industries malgamated Garment Workers Union. The JR.
Sin Russia, as the only way in which to insure their operation by the workers themselves. Only ternational Ladies Garment Workers Union. and that Jalian industry would in the future be run the thin voice of a the The growing section of others. Know what this means workers for the benefit of the working as without Italian Scialist Party, the communists. prea hed are tricked and a board of arbritation compels private protit tu the capitalist class.
social revolution the destruction of the botul.
the workers to accept whatever Awards are into gosenment and the establishment of a pro.
mnade Strike retaliatory Teapons Aro lustead this convention called U11 the letarian dictators tip through a Soviet Govern.
frowned upon and the treacherous contacts peterkte Socialst parliamentary group to ment. as in Russia.
between the unions and the borses make it 11.
file a call for the convening of the Italian parlia Led by anarchists and syndicalists a nuove legal.
ment to pass laws which would create some form o: co. orative functioning of industry, in mont began to spread among the workers for As for profit. haring schemer, there are old seizing the which the workers and the capitalist would be Turtories and operating them for themselves. This movenint is similar to the American capitalist tricks to intensify exploita.
represented policy of the WW in America. with wbich tion to inerende production at the expense of the workers, Proft sharing breaks down all the Ein this step was hailed by the capitalist the workers here are familjur. As the struggle sarkuurds that the workers have won by tens bet with worl. ers and the bosses because in this country as an extremist itempt re of yeurs of struggle as to hours and working into the workers iu revolatiouive industry.
demanding living conditions Profit sharing means increasing the In the meantiine. the Italian worker refused wages which the boxes wou nol Erant aud threatened employersi profits by increased production duo general lock ont the workers tv abide hy te decision of the convention. They 10 intensified exploitation of the workers and.
burticaded the Factories and refused to give entered the factories and attempted to operate return to the old heart breaking competition be them them up to the bosses. But the Italian Governtween workers and workers for jobs. It met Dent backed by the decision of the highest Th. Givernment watched these steps with that the bonuses are are held up by the Lostonsternation but did not dare to intervene. Tbe labor body in Italy, srud armed squads to dis.
soldiers ind more than ses so that the workers can strike under pala oice manifested a JHossess the workers. In some cases the workers of losing the fruits of their year exploitation.
sisted and bloodshed resultat. Ini ang lively sympathy for the workers and could not cases, be trusted to Nhoot them down in cold blond This is the result which the Italian workers tie workers. dazed by the action of th Italian Billy or in and operating factories 111 Confederation of Labor. let the factories peace have fained by following the leadership of the order to feed their women and children.
syndicalists of Italy. Of course. It is not tho abls. They trusted their leaders and believed he seizure o factorics reached sticla last aut in the drama. The next ist will open from now OU till era. Italian industry stage that all Venient and Industry with the Italian workers turning to the Italian land set in the era of Industrial democracy. paralysed. The Governinent and the capitaliet Comunist Party for the overthrow of tho apitalist and worker would cooperat. nenco. clars in this would tail 80 they left their Ital:in capitalist government and the establish forth in plodu. tiou. Cupitalist ano worker would hady of and wait. So did the Communists Diet of a Dictatorship of the Proletariat in tho lehcelorth share the prolits of industry.
The communisto preuchd that such a muve. form of a Soviet Government, as in Russia. Tb.
ment was found to fail as the workers could Italian workers.
Subsequently, the Metal WorkersConfederaafter tbis betrayal by thor uot operate the factories themselves under a Fyndicalist and reformist Socialist leaders, will tou mctm Milan, and at this contion it capitalist stem and government. The Commun.
was also decided to return the metallurgical turn more and more to Soviet Russia for puidists preached that state power 1actori lo tinir owners and wait for remedial necessary Ance.
to entraliz. production, distribution and er legislation iron he luahan lariament whic change. State ower wall necessary to abolish They will learn, as the workers of all other the moderate parliamentar: Socialists diad private property rights. Stal power was heces.
countries, including Anerica. will learn, that poromised them Bury to compel the clerks, the industrial experts, there is no peaceful road to their enuncipaThese are the bare 11s tlie recent thir engineers, the Accountants, the managers tion. They will learn to turu their backs on Italian revolutionary critis.
and superintendente. Etc. to stop sabotagiur those loaders who counsel seizure of industry lt TR Dry for the mer. can workers and continue functioning in industry. State power snoring the capitalist governient and the re.
to understand this Italiau Situation 10. Order was necessary to is: lie the decrees and Inforce formist Socialists (like the Socialist arty in that they may lara boue valarle lessons from them to nationalize the banks, the mines. tbu America) who preach to them that they can it or their own guidance in the struggle with Tailroads the warehouses and the land Stat. accomplish the social revolution by the ballot their own capitalist class.
Power necessary to crush the counter re.
box. They will learn that the presunt capitalWhat reuils happened in Italy: volution of the capitalist class and their hench ist goverument, whether it be constitutional Iluis is Jou know was estrai durius the mall the burearrac. the loyal parts of the monarchs like Italy or England, or parlia.
Jinsi ya the world war. per le re used arma tie police. tie navors, the movernors, mentari democracy like France or the nited to shed their blood for the blood, memulsin etc In xor stato power was the first stop Sta:s. is the concealed dictatorship of the che o either Germany or the Ales. its Necesur to insure the victory of the workers.
pitalist class the instrument of the capitalist pollutist class was bribed with a! offer of ter Put u syndicalists had no such propiatome.
less to suppress and oppref: the working class.
Filmul 414 numercial 10ot. 1:1. te cu Faced with this spontaneous action on the art They will barn that this so called demox racy, has bee pitalist class of America, threw the late into of the rank and 11 of the working class of Consructed and developed by var. course, the prostitute. tricked Itul they called a consention to decide the the capita ts. that it is impossible for the seat about demory and all the otire: workers question or returning the factories or returning it for their own purpom. They will leur. they must destroy this form of IUR sopas propiarized by Wilson, thie rus, then on the promise the capitalist government and the moderate Socialista. UW failur IC. lake 1: laws that would establish some gorer which functions only in the inter.
est of to the Amer. al workers. The Italia Vern. foria of coojative prodution in industry be.
pitalist class, and establish govern.
Hient. Instrument of the Italia capitaist class Ech wohnt and the ou ment. Iunctions only in the interests of the worn! clas3. Soviet Government. based up and Espionar laws and conscription laws, Here is where the indicalists of Itals on Workers Councils in the shops and factories, Lud browbt the workers 11 tiir tienenes down with their policy of Reizure of the int.
Irom which those For 100). ars the Italian workers in their who do no usul work dustries and ignoring the oxistence of the cu.
in society will be excluded. They will learn that Wood on the battlefields and th. army joitalist kovernment with its army. Bolic and KIKh Intion cannot be uccomplished peare Gh the front wili inaus fou (FT) l the luwakil e Hud law enforcing powers.
iully elcner througb the ballot box, or by the Ekauli wal. The women Joll und cildren Sindicalist the the communitx, op. Verful mirese of industry. Thry murves and clergi indirib: But the will lear Italian capitalist, mercbant. at bank posto all forms of povernment. But whermas that no ruling claxy ever give up the communists :cognize the neersity of a its power ad Jan. giordy read alous Polits Warhare governet 0:1 the transition period without a violent struggle with the class that of the rig and unit o the italian In The cost or rom (amalinn to communism. In order to klip. hoxht to displace them as the rulink class living had doubleu and dadrupled. Bread was prim tlim cupitalist churn and their counts re.
They will learu that the capitalist class that vocionary plots to overthrow the woker rule that nd: geriled from banget.
children to propriate the capitalist clay, and build up now rules throughout the world. are prepared rdim Dulnutritution. Then th. arm.
the machinery vi povernment and industry that to use wll the power of their coverigents, the Istice. The Alie bad won the war.
will sure the supremacy of the workers and urmuy, the navy, the police, the gunmen, White Ti imple Itulan penulis and workers their ability to feed and clothe thonixcole tue Guarits, the spies, the detoctiva, the office hold.
Hilight that the period other niferm and sindicalist are. Opponed to that, rh. the court. the hugen, etc. to crush Oser. Autocrucs verthrown. Deracy bad conquerel. 14 kroat har of Their plan in to seize the Idustries and utopit on the part of the workorb to overthrow Trumanity had ben fought then the capitalist government will collnps of there 18 no arter that their kuverurnents. In Italy to day, the capital.
neces to WOL! ow now like we for uud 101 domovarn workers and peralt.
ulabili workers government they only pred int olurs is forvarishly organizing a White. uard to control und run bir industries to crush the coming proletarian revolulion for Hlut mone how none of truths loppuru The convention of the Italian Confederation The Atly want demobilized in cordiufels for tuto. power. They will learn to throw off ebo of labor is fuced with this problem. If it of.
the ple reason that there us no work for hourgeois Ideology. the bourgeois Hen, the bour.
ncially endorsed the action of the worker in tha, Italian Industrie bad broken down.
seluuk the factories. And culled upon them to Kolk projudices with which the capitalist class das Mareer thuller Th. Oh or living or going douu lui tomonot higher hold und operate them by th1 act the. on. through the prer, pulpit, schools, etc. fetter federation of ID would have challenged the their Diind und muke theto IDCAPAblo of schia And bigger. mployment and bar on suured Wuorioux lum III tur luce. But capitalint xovernment and art stuell up A in their owu fotorek.
up phim on FOX UL. Weroun tho prosjonul worker ROWTwent in its stead.
it woulil hud to in the order to the The Italian Worker are learning fast. The hot au paat were surser. urowe worher to destroy the old towernment by force who class of rich multon of rxud to dwend the now kuvernment. od. calist fanco which beld thorn back for problem. lind uude tubular fortunes out HITAM Whave plinel, the modul time though it costly wxon. will OLI Wur dhu in 10 to all Gowments. They ar. Jant In the end only bunton the cold of tho potkut of threesotho ure In to the Worki Kovernment as controll the 11:01 10 the cuptulbst Helux la mujor.
noriul revolution, Miret, turar1oul. lords rolled in Linzug newith If the wave they defeated this plan But the work. W brought in the Executive Coin Continued ou PNO 6)
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