Civil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceSovietStrikeWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST Official Organ of the Communist Party of America.
war for u. nst your brothers Russia who ure Heuting Apalust the capital staperialist Governmen France, Englad, and the 9, Demonstrate your colldarity with all the workers of the world in their struggles agunt ther capitalist pressors. Join the Red Trace Union Telerational the international organization of revolutionary labor unions the world, You widers are in a strategical taltion ja the class ruggle. You are engagea la bas!
Industry. Without coal not a wboel can turn, The United Mine Workers can become a poner.
ful factor in the revolutionary truslu for tho conquest o! polit! power by be working class.
were תישן נגר.
The present government o: the nited. tates, in spite of its pretense of representing all the people, is, in really, the dictators bip of the Capitalist class. It can only be overtbrowa by MASS ACTION, culminating in urmed in.
surretion 2:0 civil war MASS ACTIO. led by coreciously rerola tionary 125gurd of workers organized in highly tralized political party, is the ONLY way to con political power for tho workers; to destroy the Capitalist Goverment and stabling the ICTATORSHIP OF THE PHO. ETARIAT One Day Pay At our convention Cleveland last yeur. Hyderal Government Healt. ne apul.
jour delogates drow WP program for wig it prons Mes about you: De damn and conditions which were to prevail through. sou: and tho OFFICERS OF Tour NION out the coal Industry. At that convention you DETRAY YOU.
demanded a wabour day and a sixty per cont ALL IN THE NAME OF DEMOCRACY increme in wages. Your raders were instruct and of LAW AND ORDER.
ed to call a strike li these and other demande 10 very strike, and all the one you are DOC granted. After much bickering be.
UD Agnast then combined orson the machin.
to the Government, the nine owners ory of the Capitalist Statetbe GOVERNMENT and your own leaders, the strike was called in the of the THIS CAPITALIST STAT bituminous ticlds. That was in mid widtcer, up.
MUST BE OVERTHROWS AND DESTROYEI, der conditions in which you were bound to NOOT ANI) RRANCH, AND IN ITS PLACE win. The Government stepid in: invoked to THE WORKERS MUST ESTABLISH THEIR Lever Act: issued an injunction tying up your OW GOVERNMENT TH DICTATORSHIP OH TIL funds and crippling our organizaton. ROLETARIAT. FATIONING You were ready to Aght to olsa, TIROLO WORKERS COINCILS OR SO.
in spite of VIETS.
in functions Soldiers. Your cowardly.
placles, leaders abjectly obeyed the Capital In other words, you Cono ist Government of the intimidated by with all other workers, must to to underthreats of jail, with tears in their eyes they stand Lho forces that kro oprosd to you, said that they could not Hent tho koveroinent.
and how to intelligently for ad cekvat theio.
Betrayed by your faithlors leaders. You were THE POLITICAL STRUGGLE.
forced back into the mines, in some places at Repudiate and get rid o: you? tionar.
the polots of bayonets; you were forced to and traitoroux leaders in the and the accept the award of commission aprointed of Kick your Wismo. and take by the urch hypocrite, Wilson, wbich ignorex every demand made by your convention in the antracite region, you mloors, arter WXUDS monthx for an djuntment of WHEUR to meet tbe increasing cont of living recejid 17. Increase by a commission pointed by the representative of capitullom 10 America, The Second Convention of tho Com Hocdrow Wilson Again your union laudere, munist Party unanimously adopted. re.
Lenty and the cutive Board of the solution calling upon the me nbe ship wade to contribute ONE DAY PAY to a common with :4 nine CU: owners and to apitalist Government, Aguinst you.
national organization fund.
In spite of the protest and walk out of hunded thousand miners.
In accordance with the decision. Convention, the C, 1624. ca. lo West Virginia ou 114 11 com.
10 all members of the Comman my to pelled to arm and tixht for the courentars contribute one day pay or te lona!
right to organize in organization, order to kai bir wubeistance, Comrades. tho need is great. You Actuul civil war is in proprio it. We need 1100 Waste me. Tore between the mind owners and the niinern, Again cling you shout it.
the Cupitalist Government at Washington Dan The Communist Purt 1910 sont Federal Troops against ou, in the In.
soldmed on the busis of prins und tactics as neer bufore in its story.
terest of the Coul Burons. In Alabama the same conditions prevail.
There are dificult tasks Lon! is ed neation, organization, propaganda and You beve lost strike after strike. In spite Agliatlon.
of your determination. your recrifices your The plrls, the will, the on, couruse, you are always defeated, thOrky exist to curry or. Lighly imprunt work.
You minerg bare been in the forefront BUT WITHOLT FUNDS ANNOT of the clar UEFA in merica. You have, CANY ON: with jainful ort, allt a vat organiza. Comrades: Rally to the norto! the Lion, the nited Mine Workers which Communist Party!
noteutlully powerful, CIVIS ON DAY PAY TO MAKE TH. Yet every struggle. ou stered wat either PARTY PARTY OP ACTION lost or betrayed. Why?
Is it dot time that you miiners began to dud ll what It Wrons with your BFHUID fuctie und organization? not tiinu that of our M111101.
you, o rommon with all other workers, should in your Hret duty to our ad to your Ris.
stop and think and find the why out of WAR Make the ited Mine Worlu slavery VOLL TIONARY Organization. Yol the POWER ISE IT.
THE CAPITALIST STATE, Organize mine committer ultry The whol. cuplulle star marinery 11 COM, Juilt, polic, kunnen herits, NH OT, and in very district, to take care of YOUR district in KOYO TORR, vinuturor, mit, the urm. on.
Interest. Organizo FTV, the Irident. The prom, the church, every district Audronnect there Industry.
AND YOUR OWN XION OFFICIAL, up throughout the time toining solidly AGAINST you in ۱۰۱ ۰۰۳۶ Keep control in your own hands, and thu. build nght you dike. the organ of workers pd control.
The courts enjoin utdu; the police JIALE THE MVHINERY IN yon OWN lub und stron yun. pin and peerst op LANDS 16 itu didate ou tund TWIN. to broad and 41 sour. you, murin tok up your ex NOK And KOR PLOT wtrike HERRE 10 Icon for port to the Vit Juw which te of Hovin Rumnih, or to in ratura inwha The Profile In the manufaar!
of the nited state bring. URL of the THE DICTATORSHIP OF THE PROLETARIAT, In the transitiva period from Capitulom to com.
inunism, ix the ONLY means to destroy the institutions of capitalismi based on private proper.
ty and the exploitation of the workers; making all wealth the property of all the workers in common: abolishing all clanses; ad lnaugurat ing tho Comunist Society.
which ar anized during the revolution, ar the organs. working class ponur, bymeans of which the workers become the ruling class in society: suppress and expropriate the capitalist Class: crush their counter revolution, and safe.
guard the fruits of the proletar ad volution for the workers, This is tbe program of the THIRD INTERNATIONAL ud of THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF AMERICA THE COMMUNIST PARTY, The Communist Party of Argerica 18 Nection of the workung class; 1ts Clost advance, it nost les conscious, and therefore its most revolutionary action. The conmute arty has no interestinct from those of the working class. It is ditinguished from the general mass of the word by the act that It reviews und analyses tb bolo bistoricul developunat of th.
working in its entirety, and thrives, a!
wory turne point in thut puth, to defend the Internt, to sparate roupa, o: of paruto prolenloos. Dit of the working clasan wholn.
Tho com 1:1 l arty to that of political Organization With the help. tho foremost rections or the working lily along the right road, the whole nos Ul tue Toletani.
und sejro. tariat.
Th. vo. nudist Barts of Ank calls up.
o the liners of mert a to roxolce their chon inter als und bolidarity with all the worker ori, Soviet and!
of the world.