BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSovietWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

COMMUNIST BEVEN London and Moscow removal?
the mortal BY KARL RADEK, At the Scarborough Conference of the labor arty shost appeared Camille Huysmans, inaterial and cereals, Jlowever, for the English Seceretary of the Second International, borgeoisie to abandon the colonies would incan declared that the Second International was about who committing suicide, and it will never consent to to remove its chattels to London. Why this such a course. The English workers will there.
fore be faced with the ulternative: either to Froin the Continent, oue half of which 13 rise against their bourgeoisie, so that in their already in the flames of the proletarian revolu.
struggle for liberation they may win the con.
tion, whilst the other hall 11 alrendly feeling the Adence of the peasants of the colonies, and in quaking of the earth beneath the tread of the the future obtain from them all they need in Labor battalions. from the Continent of friendly way of proletarian intercourse; or the rising sun of the world revoution, the Socond the English workers may continue to serve tho International is obliged to fee. The Second interests of their bourgeoisie, in which case they International was founded with the object of will become the object of the revolutionary furtbering the cause of the revolution, but in policy of the world proletariat, the object of the process of its development It has become revolutionary policy of society in revolt. If as enemy of the Revolution NOW yet the majority of the English workers are unfolding still the funkeys of their bourgeoisie, history, Workers Leaving Second International, which has condemned the world. bourgeoisie to One workers party after another is leaving death, will compel them through war and famine the Second International of the continent to rise against their masters, and, for their parties, apart from few would. be Cabinet Min. safety. to join the ranks of the militant isters of small States, such as Holland for inrevolutionary proletariat of the world, Moscow and London are now two world stance, only the party of blood stained Noske the executioner the German workers, is left poles, two emblems. The one is the emblem The European Continent is lost for the se of the new world of Labor, born into the light cond International. For the bankrupts of this of day in terrible pain, and the other is the emblem of the world of exploiters and capitalist, counter. repolutionary organization there WLS collapsing into the utter decay of rottenness nothing left but to turn their eyes upon the And Alth centre of capitalist counter revolution. And just As all the Capitalist States of Eeurope, having Poland or Moscow.
At the inoment of the meeting of the Second lost their own strength, look to British and Ame Congress of the Communist International, the rican capitalism for help, 80 does Huysmans at. London of the exploiters is tilrentening the tempt to save himself in the Noab Ark of Messrs. Lloyd George and Wilson. They see 10 Moscow of the proletarians of the whole world with a new war It wants to hold back the proEngland and America the centre of a healthy Labor movement, because there the majority of letarian sword raised against perfidions White Poland It tells the revolutionary workers and the workers are not conscious yet of their own peasants of Russia: Do not dare to touch the power, and they trust the leaders who betray Polish landlords and capitalists, because they the working class, selling their bodies to the are a part of our capitalist army. On its side, capialist governments. The Huysmans hope to the Communist International of the proletarians And a sale shelter in countries where Labor will tell the Russian workers: Io not waver in leaders like Henderson or the old pave of the fight against the enemy who has ang bim.
Gompers, still bave in duence.
sell upon you with the help of world. capital, in At the same time the bankrupt politicians order to interrupt your constructive work, to hin.
of the Second International cast furtive looks der the building up of a new free life: fight this at beroic Soviet Russia, at Petrograd, and MOBenemy, and we proletarians of all countries will cos, at the Congress of the Comunist Inter. help you.
national. And no wonder Whilst English capi. We are convinced that the help rendered by talism is the prop of the counter! revolution of the revolutionary proletariat of all countries to the world, the Russian proletariat represents the Russian workers in their fight against White the vanguard o the World Revolution, and Rus. Poland. will prove more effective and mighty sia the spring of the future federation of Euro. than the assistance which Lloyd Ceorge and peap Soviet Republics, the main reservoir of lerand may offer to White Poland, becaust the human power in the fight against the capitalist guns they may send to Poland are made by the counter revolution, workers, and the boats and trains which are lo Russla, the Teacher of the Poletarlat, carry munitions are in the hands of the railway.
History imposed upon the Russian proletariat men and sailers, the exploited workers, our the Decessity of being the first to accomplish brothers and allies the proletarian revolution, and although it is Moscow and London are row world poles, younger and less experienced than the proletariat but the soundation of ondon is the very sam of other countries, nevertheless, because it was labor which in Russia has freed itsell, and in the first to hoist the banner of revolution, the England it is striving ton, with all its soul. to first to carry it into effect, it had become the become free. The ground beneath the London or teacher of the proletariat of the world. It goes the capitalists is shaking, and therefore this without paying that tbe word of the Russian ondon, the centre of the counter revolution of proletariat is not the last word of the revolution, the whole world is going to be destroyed, in or.
that the Russian proletariat will have much der to become the centre of the World Revolution to learn from the proletariat of other countries when the latter will bare taken up the fight ANNEX TO THESIS ON PARLIAMENTARISM against the exploiters; for the present, however. Continued from Page 5)
It has said the first word from which the proletarians of other countries have to learn, and regular introduction of denonstrative hills, not they hurry across land and bea to the Congress that they may be passed by the bourgeois ma.
of the Communist International, and do not balt Jority. but for the purposes of propaganda, in the face of tremendous difficulties. Amongst agitation and organization, must te carried the delegates of the Communist International on under the directioa of the Party and its there are comrades, who, upon their return from Central Committee.
the first Congress, fell into the hands of the In the event of labor demonstrations in White Guards were sentenced to death, but the streete, or other revolutionary movements, miraculously made good their escape. There are the Communist deputy must occupy the most amongst them workers, who, though not yet conspicuous place at the head of the proob Communists, have overcome unheard of Jetarian masses stacles, in order to see with their own eyes how The Communist deputies must enter, by the Russian proletariat 18 Ochting, in order to All means at their disposal, Into relations (under find out what the Communist International can the control of the Party) either in writing or otherwise, with the revolutionary workmen, teach thein. We are opposing the Communist International to the Second International: the peasants and other toilers. And not resemble, International of Action to the Internationa of in this respect, the Social Democratic deputies Phrase who try to enter into business relations with Every delegate to the Communist Congress their electors.
can prove by the experience of his own life Every Communiat member must remem.
that in the midst of the old world now going ber that he is not a legislator. who is bound under in inadness, new working CIANS to seek agreements with the other legislators, rising, new leaders are being born, who are but an agitator of the Party, detailed into the ready at any moment to lay down their life enemy camp in order there to carry out the in the ca1150 of the workers.
orders of the Party. The Communist nicmber 1s Communist Influence Growing.
responsible not to the scattered mass of his We are nrmly convinced that in this tight constituents, but to his own Coinmunist Party the call of the European proletariat will be whether local or Illegal.
answered also by those workers on whom thn The Communist deputies must speak in Rhost of the Second International, the lackey of parliament in such a way as to be uderstood the bourgeoisie, Aro pinning their faith. The by every workman, pakant, wosherwoman and English and American workers are taking their whepherd RO that the Party can publieb nie Arst step on the road to Revolution, and they sprechek in leafle: form and xpread them in too. are already in the grip of a wide fermen. the most remoto village of the country.
tation, and their distrust of their leaders is grow 10. The rank and no communist workers Ink. Equally the infuence exercised upon htem Dy must not be thy of sproking in the bourges Communi mis krowing. At the Name Brar. parliaments, and not to kivo Way to the 10.
borough Conference, which was addressed by called experienced parliamentarion, even if such Buy ADX, the workers have declared for the workmen are novices in parlamentary methods.
unconditional bertation of India, Erypt and In cox of need, the workmen members may read Ireland. What does this imply? It implies that their peecher directly from noten, in order the workers comprehend that tho policy of op.
that the wpeech may be printed afterwards in POTERIOD, paraned by the ruling classes of Eng. the prior or in Iranets land in the colonien, 1x pregnant with the kreat.
11. 7b. ommunist monen must mako UK PL misery for the Euglim workers, that it is of the Anor of parliament to donounce not only drawing them into a new war, and will yet in. the hourg DINO and dorinrod hangern. on.
Con the burden of taxation, and that it 10 but also to unminnk the rocinl. patriots, thor rorinio the hallinnd half politicians of the driving in rehellion the probants of the colonies, Centre, and the other opponents of Cominupiam on which England dependent for its PAW THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL AND THE Continued froin Page 4)
munist. of the people in the working class movo.
ment, consist in helplog the most advanced sec.
tions of the Industrial workers to organize little by little the whole maps of tbe proletariat, in.
cluding the naked workers, and to include them In the constructive work of the state. The policy of industrialism, which Rt first sight appears to be radical, ls, in pratice, only the opportunist policy of the leaders of the working class aris.
tox racy. When all is cald aud done, this policy will be the same as that of the social trailors STATE TRADE UNION, The All Russian Trade Unions Congress in Janunry, 1918, declared its convJction that the pro cess which is takinx place in the Trade Unions will lead to their transformation Into depart.
ments of the Socialist state, and, at the same time. Trade Union membership will be a state obligation for all the workers who belong to the same branch of Industry (Par. of the resolution. This conviction of the All. Russian Congress is based on facts. The Industrial Unions are gradanlly Ayuning the attributes of state de.
partments. They really work As veritable dopartmcut of tho state when they mobilize all their menibers, when they concentrate workers in a glven town, when they transfer the worker from one part of Nussla to another, when they give their rote on question of wages, when they exercise, by means of their representatives, decisive influence on the activity of the Supreme National Economic Council.
And just becase this transformation of Industrial Unions into state departments takes place gradually, and quite normally, there is no present necessity of forcing this process, there is no need to proclaim from one minute to AD.
other the transformation of Industrial Unions into state departments The Communists who work in the Industrial Unions have every reason for adnering to the resolution of the First and Second All Russian Trade Unions Congress in this matter GROUPS, TRADE UNIONS AND LOCAL BRANCHES OF THE PARTY.
In every Industrial Union there should be a communist section, strongly organized and disciplined in order that each section may propegate the same econoinic policy as that of the Central Communist group. which is in the All.
Russian Trade Unions Council. No concession to what is called Localism should be made Wages, hours of lahor, food questions and so on should all be considered from the All Russlan point of view. Fach Communikt group within an Adustrial Union is merely a kernel of the local branch of the Communist Party. The local com.
mttre of the Party completely dominates the Industrial Union branch of the town, while the Central Committee of the Party controls, by its dominating influence. the All Russlan Com.
mittee of the Industrial Unions, The Communist Party is the force to be counted on the mobilizing the workers for 10dustry and for the Red army. The Committee of the Party comes to an understanding with the Communist groups in the Industrial Unions. The Communist Party directs all the constructive side of the Trade nion activity, but it takes care that this direction shall never be of.
domineering character.
ORGANIZATION OF THE RURAL WORKER, One of the most important tasks of the work.
ing class movement at present in Russia is the organization of the rural workers. It is neces.
sary to help the already existing organizations of the workers by all possible means. The Com.
munists working in the working class movement should consider it an honor to organize the rural workers. This task requires good deal of energy and power.
THE TRADE UNIONS AND THE INTERNATIONAL In consequence of certain pecularities in the cvolution of the working class movement in Western Europe. false conception exist about the Trade Unions among the German Commun.
Ists and the Communists of other countries.
Our arty believes that we cannot do without the Trade Unions. During the proletarian revolution the Trade nions will xplit up in the same way as the old Social Democratic parties have done.
The experiences of the German working class movement showed us that already the Berlin Trade nions are freeing themselves from the pernicious influence of the social democracy of Scheldemann.
The Russian Trade Union movement should take the Initiative in creating a Red Trade Union International, in the same way as the political party ha, done in the political Mald.
At the Congress of the Red International, not only should the organizations of the party be represented, but alxo the organizations of the Workers Councils the Co. operative societies, and the. ommunist Trade Unions which ap.
prove of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat and the Soviet Meantime it is necessary to create an International linlon to take their etund in the Communist International.
and to spread, as widely as possible, the idou of the Third International, 12. The Communist deputles, even though there Khould be only one or two of them in narlinmout, should be their wholo conduct hurt a challen, ko at capitalism, and never forket that only such are worthy of the name of Communista Rs. not in words only but in derdı. Are the mortal enemies of the bourgeois order and 113 Mocial. patriotic funkeys