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COMMUNIST SIX Vantus and Haubrich Problems Before The 3d International.
to ume.
and BY DELA KUN. be it! Better to break than to tolerato counter revolutionary the ship and confusion which activities hinder the Ideal, the It would be sheer stuplity to expect.
theoretical revolutionary growth.
By Zinorley, Communist, even the most heroic, to ako it is better to perish than to tolerate and his defence before Zinovlev begins by examining the oventa his condone mediocrity and OC.
executioners RD Irresolution, casion for Communist propagunde, uluss which have taken place within the International he Lenin had alandoned all hope. The virtue since the Third international wu founded in We know that what or con we are about to Ray sistent veracity becomes March, 1919, at Moscow. criminal folly 10 will aroused the bitter resentment of those, the face of the declared cnomy.
No Opportunista.
who, hide bound in their iniddle class pre It may sound paradoxkal, but these two During this nfteen months. number of par Judices are incapable of ever becoining the ties lale left the Yellow International of Huy meu are to be counted betrayers u une revolutionaries. It will enrage the revolution.
wh. is represented to day by three inans, working class just because they did ary defeatist, wbose fickleness and instability tell the names Pilsudsk, Branting, and Nosta truth while on their trial Heads them to perpetual moralizing, and whose Horty before The Communist International bu, to a htty dilettantism betrays Itself in constant judges. Touy stated that they had sabotaged certain extent, becomes tbe fashion. Very ma.
even in the the proletariun reroutin days vacillation. No doubt they will say that it 18 ny organizations have voted for follation to asy to talk boldly from a before the Dictatorship of the workers, by Moscow. In So far these organizations are sale distanc. Let their intemperate habits, bs slackness and them proletarian and are resolved to bght the caplo They will launch their fiery denunciations iudolence, by bad ex sinple, and total neglect ialist to the end, their resolutions deserve to at our beads. Let them. Denunciations have of their duties. They were telling the truth be warmly welcomed. But we must beware of when they become their daily bread. They will accuse us ubseitel that they had accepted the opportunists who knock at the door of the in important posts the of attacking men who are belpers in Horthy Proletarian State.
This must Communist International remun An International of action without conviction of enthusiasm, at power, let them. It is part of their almless when or the conscientious execution duty What ought our attitude to bo towards the de eRRy to do BO.
Centre Partles, which have left the second IDWas a matter of life or death for the workingWhat we are about to say must be said, it curs Thes must be said, bauause we must make good our ar cepted ternational and have not yet. Joined the Third!
these posts, not from coniiction, not pos.
because they felt they own errors. We have to make good what we We know that the workers who are memberi of these parties are with us, and that they Bessed superior political gifts, not from misfost through sentimental weakness, and through taken, bu uniscalculation. We have to make reparation Levertheless Dovost sincerely desire to Dght in our ranks against intentions, the capitalists sad the social tralton. But we but why?
for having only vaguely warned, and not buri.
are convinced that they will escape all the One of them publicly acknowledged that ciently impressed upon the proletarian masses, quicker from the ali omened in nuence of those Die had participated in the that among their leaders, were men counter revolution, who were bad shepherds the more thorougrly wo Unmuk which during the Dictatorship. A8 Well RS Kabotaging their cause; who, from malerolent all these gentlemen Kautsky, Hilferding. Hu.
afterwards. was responsible for the lives 01 intention, or from. weakness and inconstancy.
quit and co.
many heroic proletarians.
were supporting the counter revolution, and beWhile the First Congress at Moscow WL They are prepared to bring witnesses to traying the power of the workers. We must only able to put forward the Communist Pro rove their betrayal, and they will succed.
make reparation, or at east do penance for the This gramme, this one must define the tactics of assertion, Haulrich corroborates Fid of having tolerated men, who gave the the Communist Party in the same mould impression that they were leading the march that the reason wly he did not fee after the Diversity of Tactics, fall of the Dictatorship.
Te olution of was because he did when, in reality, they were. is certaldly quite impossible to cast an limping in the rear; men, who by their ovil not feel in any Way guilty. We, who fed be.
the Communist Parties in he kamo mould example and counter revolutionary conduct.
cause we did feel guilty towards the bour.
The Communist International know Tery were were tripping up and opposing the geoisie, and, far from being repentant, onrush well that the workers in the different countries of revolution. by delaying to speak. we should planning to add to our guilt the fresh offence have to reckon with extremely diverso social become their accomplices.
of a new revolution, we ourselves, can stand conditions If we pass in review all these con.
Crime to Tolerate Revolutionaries witness on their behell, and affirm that they conditions Il we pass in review all these counWe shall shock the senile dodderere; the are not guilty in the eyes of the tribunal tries where Communism has already taken doep send them to the morphia slaves which is and preparing to the degenerates root, we can divide them into four categories: who plagued with an evil Codecience, and who CAD gallows. Russia, where the proletarian rovolution derer come to any resolute decision, will be What is the White Terror.
Is an accomplished fact. Germany.
That these men too should stanj in fear outraged. They will say we are alding Horthy Austria, and, to certa their and justifiable fear of death before extent. the Baltic Provinces, where the revoluand is gang in their hangman work. Nerer.
theless, we must speak. It is our du full true character and judgcs, reveals the tion has begun, and where the proletarian re 88 revo.
lutionary Communists. If what the bourgeois siguificance of the White Terror. It proves volution is being born under rainfully dimcult that the White Terror is rrers is telling the world about the utterances circumstances.
White Terror. It former White that proves c: these two the at aims Peoples England, France and Italy, countries of Terror Commissaries of thc victorious capitalism, with very old parlamendestroying not merely the inembers corresponds with the truth and from our working class who movement or actively experiences of the Dictatorship, we know that tary traditions. where at the present time. fended it does We must gutltily acknowledge that it against the murderous deep dissatisfaction and a revision of values is capitalist general, Torking class in evident amongst the working class.
regime, but the WAS to have tolerated them in our criine even those whose participation in the He ranks, and above all to have tolerated them The Oppressed nationalities tho volution was o in the ranks of the Communists. The sin 1s colonies, Ireland, India, part of Turkey. etc.
the positive advantage to where the movement for liberty cannot fall bourgeoisie. That is why the White Terror ours, we must acknowledge it, and we shall to take on a nationalist complexion, and where is Wbite Terrur. The feature, among others, hare to labor long in the cause of the proTerror which distinguished the White from consequently special problems controat the letarian resolution before that sin is expiated.
the We shall be told that it is easy to talk Red, was that working class the WAS The Second Congress w1 have to welca from the security of a foreign country, and magnaninous, and always will be magnanim.
this diversity of conditions. It will concentrate that those who sought safety in flight have ous. They showed the bourgeoisie unliinted th ewhole of its attention upon these tactical extended only mercy: the Red DO right to question the courage of others.
Terror WAS questions which confront the principal Europea to those admonitions and by who sought do not perturb deliberately, These Us Our countries conscience clear. Nevertheless, all to damage the supremacy and force of arins, our Parliamentarism.
sympatoyour active sympathy. As far 18 It the future of the working class lies in Zidorier then speaks of parliamentarism. As Dictatorship of The White Terror, thy our power is with the revolutionary long as the workers have not selted control, the proletarians, who are languishing in Horty the bourgeoisie, will only permit RO much of as is necessary for shoula Communist use bourgeois Parllamenthe working class to live dungeons, planning how best to escape the tarism in the interests of the Dght for the so the Kallow and their ruthless inquisitors. When of its continuance and security viets and the dictatorship of the proletariat the Dictatorship fell, we fed from Hungary parasitic existence.
There should be no split Amongst Communista for make repiration We write this, to refusing to allow ourselves to be imprisoned upon this point. The Bolshevikl entered into by Piedle government, which Incarcecrated our grielous offence, the offence of having, the Fourth Czarlst Duma; after the rerolution Otto Korvin and 60 many of our martyred both before and during the Dictatorship, perthey went into the Municipal Councils of Petrolorotbers. Every proletarian knows that by mitted the responsible posts of the Revolugrad. Moscow, and other towns; they sent tholr neeing the country, we are not renouncing tion to be filled by men, who, consciously or representatives ta the Constituent Assembly, or betraying the revolution. They fledor unconsciously, served the enemies of the proand there is no doubt that the presence of stayed home so that they might sell the letariat. who. deliberately or from derelic considerable communistic section in that Ms.
Bolshevik cause to which they had professed tion of duty, made it easy for the bourgeois sembly enabled it to be dispresed at the clo to allegiance: 60 that they might call those who os shed counter revolution pro torrents moment in the march of the workers revolution had fullfilled their revolutionary task. Red Derial blood.
Communist and the Yellow Industrial Unlane hangmen: 80 that they might sell the skis We write in the full conviction that we are Concerning the question of the industrial rot damuging these men in of the working class to the bourgeoisie but, OC the eyes unions. Zinorier advises the Communists DOC nevertheless, acquired it, not by purcbabe. but Horto hangmen. We would will! ogly save to leave the yellow unions, as certain ultri.
by armed violence, rejecting the aid of these them from their hands and preserve Huem UD. Left Wings Communists suggest. One must adForial democratic accomplices.
til the time of a Kuccessful revolution, and mit that these Unions comprise millions of Flight Not Cowardice.
thien put them on their trial before the re.
workers. in Germany they includo seren muIn itsell, flight 18 not cowardice; nor is volutionary tribunal of Le triumphant pro. lion members, whilst the Arbelter Union of It heroism to remain at home. The test is why letariut.
the German Communits only has about 100. 000 one fled, OT why one stayed at home. Was it members. We must fight inside these Unions to labor for the revolution and the emancipe.
THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE und organize Communist centres in them. The tion of the workers, or to betray the revolu. The of the Comin unist Interna.
Cominunirts must be everywhere where there are orgunized workers tion and the workers, Still further. Did he do tional is compose 46 follows: 11 in the expectation that by staying at home Lery (Germany, with Mayer as substituto: At the end of his article, Eldovlev writes he could go on working for the emancipation Rosinor, France: Quelch (all parties that the Second Congress should wk all the And of the working class, or to protect himselfPartley affiliated to the Communist International Kroups of Great Britain, except the Pankhurst that is the vital question or to take serviCO croup. John Reed Steinhardt (Aus.
to accept in its entirely the Communist Pro with the bourgeololet tra. grainne, and to change their name, clear cut HYUN Sweden (Scundinavia: glven 770se who are laboring for the revival dinerence must exist between the Communists Bparate reprenentation luter. Pak (Far East)
of the revolution and for the re establishment supporting the workers revolution and the 80 Manner Finland. Wijnkoop (Holland. cial immocrats who help the of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat as capitalista to tbo Jansen a substitute. The Russian Communist Ruffocate the working clan.
01. mans 0: emancipation, the workers CAD Party, in accordance with the decinion of the safely afirin that the two men Those Tartles must turn out the loader, whose names Congress, nominated five members: Zinov.
form the title of this article, and who form.
Radek, les, Huhhurin, who only reinain with them in order to mabotage Tomsky, Two Worlds aro in condict: one clus asaldat erly figured amongrt the fighters in the ranks Ierziu, Stalin, Pavlovich, and Chicborin AB another class the workers against the CADIof the workink. class, must from henceforward ubutitutes LA counted with the betrayers of the working. Zinovlov yas unanimously elected Chair INIIBI, No compromine, no oqulrocation, is admieDie class They ure the Coinmunist Vantus, and man of the new Executive Committeo, and the Social. Ikeinorat Haulrich, We The Second Congress will be tho fonen do Dot lurruu, composed of Bukharin, Nuddiansky wish to harm then through these lines, call to the working allto of the world before We und Kobetsky was appointed. The latter wu cannot thily darnage the declive struxeles. The Communista of all them to the eyes of uppointed secretary of the Fxocutive Jorly Judxos tuore than they have damaged countries must do all that lies in their power Committee of the (unnunint International, to enable the present Congress to write the themselves lay ther own declarations, in which in view of the impending departure of Cop. page which it should write in the blatory of the they confessed to sabotage of th, Dictator rade Radok for the front.
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