CapitalismCommunismGermanyImperialismInvasionSovietWorking Class

THE COMMUNIBT THREE American Imperialism.
עיתון Every terests by virtuous pusing New York, Monroe Doctrine few have realized bypocritical od against which it Tho workin class of the ire or less familiar with the crimes of United States Is inest mable. There are 16, 000, 000 Moulan the English Government Erypl, wuge alaves, conty freed from peonago, who Indin, Ire.
land, and clswhere: of the Belgian Govern.
can be exploited at low WHEO ment atrocities in the Conso with Germany revolution In Mexico, in rocent Taid tuto Belgium, etc. The brutal imperialismo years, has been esgineered and Danced, on of the governments of European States acting one ride or the other, by American capitalista in the interests of their respective capitalist Carrunza offended the American Oancial in.
tinanciers, the bloody rolgus of terror, the hla Mexicana.
Blogan of Mexico for the 11as: murders and atrocities porpetratod upon and ho WAB promptly doprovod defencelent unarmed colonial peoples in and nurdered, as was Madero before him Tho and Africs, their enslavement and the merci.
Asia Capitalist Government of the United States less exploitation for the advantage of will tolerate government in Mexico inter which national nauce capital, has often will obey orders from Wall Street and Waab.
been ex posed to the Lorrified vislou of the so called ington, otherwise they will invade and conquor American public. The innocent and gulliblo Mexico.
workers in the United States have wondered By far the greater part of the populations how such things could be, and swelled up with of the presenteren of direct exploitation by indignation at the treatment American Capitalist. imperialism, are dark skin.
corded the Irish and Indian pooples at ned peoples; Malay, Indian, and Nogroos. How tbc hands of English Imperialista, believing their Capitalist America, the boasted land of the fres and home of the own capitalist government to be culties of brave. the reputed buren of refuge for the oppressed of all the such practises, earth, the hypocritical defenders of the rights The American Imperialist Government 8s the righteous protector of defense.
of small nations, the advocates of world de mocracy. how these Banctimonious snobs less and econoinically backward pecplee, has those political perverts, the money mad rulers long been held up before us in the shape of of Ainerica treat the 13, 000, 000 negroes within the kindly, benevolent ncle Sam to whose the territorial boundaries of the United Baton mugnanimous soul nothing could be doarer a mutter of international notoriely. What kind than the welfare and prosperity of the little of treatment the dusky natives of the small sistor republics in the Carribean Sea, Mexico, nearby republics, helpless and unarmed, may and Central America. For the dark skinned expect at the hands of their white American tho people of these undeveloped countries, Capitalist masters, may be inferred from tha United States professes an enduring and disfollowing authentic event, which is only one interested affectiou. Against the evil designs of thousands of recorded CASOS States of frequent of European Imperialism the United occurence. The Jackson News (M18sissippi)
acgia of the has shielded them under the ran the following in largo headlines on June School children and other 26tb, last.
political infants have been taught to believe JOHN JARTFIELD WILL BE LYNCHED that the application of the Monroe Doctrine BY ELLISVILLE NOB AT O, CLOCK THIS protecii these weaker states in the Westeru AFTERNOON.
Hemisphere against European aggression, but And under this head; committee ot that notwithstanding its Ellisville citizens has been appointed to make and high sounding phraseology, the necessary Arrangements, for tho event the Government of the United States in the the Capitalists, and the mob 18 pledged to act in conformity American has interests with these arrangements and tyrannies practised the very 46 Tessions The New Orleans OD Stato the Pamo Barehas pretended to date ran as a headline covering this scheduled guard these weaker states.
lynching: in earnest American Imperialisin began NEGRO SULLEN AND JERKY AS BURN.
in the year 1838, when the at the in.
ING HOUR NEARS. And under it the in.
stigation of the American Sugar Co. and the formation that, The officers have agreed to American Tobacco Co. took under its proturn him over to the people at o clock, who tective wing the Island of Cuba, incidentally it is expected he WILL BE BURNED gathering in the Phillipine Islands, a territory Not one of the committee appointed to AS large as Nevada and Connecticut combined, make the necessary Arrangoinente und to comprising 115, 000 square miles with a popula.
an investment whom known offcer of the law deliberately tion of 400. 45. representing two, And handed over native born American citizen of 20. 000, 00 an old battleship to be BURNED ALIVE, bus evor boon LD the lives of about 1, 000 unemployed American prehended nor was there so much AS An in workingmen soldiers uniforms.
vestigation ordered by the United States The Filt; inos took the hypocritical Government, American professions of good will and de Law and Order is the blogan alwaya mocracy at their face value and under the raised whenever the property intereste of the leadership of Aguinaldo. who with his native capitalists are threatened. Law and the Ordar troops actually captured Manila for is the cry raised by their prostitute pree proclaimed the Filipino Republic. Here and politicians whenever they propose raid for the first time American Imperialism show.
upon the resources and wealth of neighboring ed its teeth and claws, and for more than two countries. In the posture of outraged virtue years huniced and murdered these Unarmed and righteous indignation they call upon the and naked natives, 1n the most Approved suplue and duped working class of the United Europcan fashion, States to avenge the death of some American Cubs was given an American protectorate, entrepreneur while engaged in robbing the under which the American Sugar, Tobacco, helpless peons of. neighboring republic.
and United Fruit Companies exploit the Cuban To further the interests of American workers to the limit of their endurance; strikes Inaperialism and world trade the American being mercilessly suppr ssed with the aid of Government projected the Panama Canal which the Anerican Navy und U: Marines.
ran across the territory of the United States Revolutions and disturbances in Mexico of Columbia Under the administration of and Central America are fostered and Ouauced Roosevelt, the American Government fomented by Wall Street and its agent the United and staged a revolution against Columbia, States Federal Government and made the in the 18thmian region, and created the Re.
Occasion for intervention by the rayal and mil.
public of Panama, whch is completely uuder itary forces of the resulting in forced the control of Washington franchise and Concessions to American The small States of Guatemala Hondurus, Capitalists and bankers, in the natural reXicaragua, Salvador, and Costa Rica, in Centr.
sources of these fertile lands.
al America, are exploited by the United The howl for intervention in Mexico and Fruit Co. the coffee, and other interests, and tho invasion of Mexican turritory by American are practically protectorates of the United troops, 16 coinmon knowledge, Mexico furnish. States, policed by the Murine Corps and e one of the bost examples of the nature of menaced by the guns of the American Navy.
American Iniperiullsin, its purjows, and 13 The elections for president is at this writing modus operandi. The NY Times time! being carried on, in Nicaragua, under tho the original cash invested by American guns of the Marine Corps, and the selection capitalists in Mexico, at 360, 000, 000. This in. ol candidate acceptablo to the interents vestment of 650, 000, 000.
says the Times, engaged in exploiting that country is absured. had grown in value until in 1910 It was wald and if by accident any other were victorious to be worth 2, 000, 000, 000. In other words there will be o revolution in Nicaragus 0, 50 cash investinent after paying fubulcusly Porto Rico has witnessed bloody COD largo dividends, hud increased in a few year flict between its dusky wage Glaves and to cush ins stment of 20. 00, or over 200 Marines, and is a colody of the with.
Per cent. The American exploiten of Mexican out the rights even of u territory labor and natural resources have thus reaped Santo Domingo du been reducod to a 1, 234. 000. 000 Upon which they intend to dejendency and its poighbor the Republic of TralizeThe ugures are for the year 1910; Halti in process of reduction. What 15 what are these properties worth today?
huppening DOW in that Negro Republic The combined holdings of foreign companies Justrates the brutally, chicanery, and hy.
the oll producing lands in Mexico total pocricy of American Imporialism, 436, 271 ares, of which the Standard Ou The pretext upon which the United Company OWN 906. 922 acros and 291 Américan Statos Invaded Haiti in 1916 wwe the removal concuk hold 1, 26. 207 of a man from the sanctuary ho claimed in acre The MexICA 11 Sretary of Industry und Commerco reported the French legation. Upon the protonio of thut Juring the year 1918 tho value of 01 waferuarding foreikgations and songw.
portos froin Mexico was 140, 667, 613, 20. The tre in Haiti. Against violeuce, and to prevent which bypothetical contingeacy юро lue and extent of the coppor, gold, gllver, wnd other one dojot In Mulico 10 buoni forelkn wor ikht slexo and hold Halti u sus lane for naval action Marut the Uolted The value of the cruin of weal. the T4W niaterial from which is due tomado) Obec.
States and the anama Canal, this country forco or ruarides to 000UYT AD aold co. 1odigo, aud other Agricultural product, Haiti, That was 12 1916. 11. Americks are still there All during the World Wa while American tuo rap of littlu Belgium and to protect the workIDS were called upon to Velo rights of small allous Lu Thiuko thu working en were Culled upon to VELS compelled the little Negro Republic of Haiti with Dopulation of litlie over two Dll.
hon to eigu convention in powering tie to udutulstur lulian Customs an naucu for a period of twenty curs, or Tuucu longer RB the BU Sit, and bare forced the Haitian Republic to uuupt a constitution written in the removing tho disability or un lun owning land in lati, thus opening the Was for American Capitalist to purchase or grab the most fertile land on the Island Military campe were established overywhere, tie property of Dutives taken for military use; Haitians caught carryius runur other weapon were summarily shot; machine gun were turned on crouch of unarmod natives, mell, women, and children to the number of 3000 were shot and killed, while in the are years of occupation aud massacre, less URU twenty Americans were killed in action.
Ав u result of this reign of terior the Xational Bank of Haitis Duw owned by thu National City Bunk of wbien Now all Haitian Curteacy: the nation rail.
ways of Huiti are owned by American capital.
ists, who also control all sugar mills and lighting and power pland. Groups of American Catalists are buying at thir own price, the most fertile land in the Island, one company already owning more than 65, 000 acres.
All this diplomacy is of the most secret nature. None of the acts of this military des tisin are ever reviewed by the Con.
Br of the The Secretary of the Navy the Secretary of State, who are tbe creatures and appointees of the President of the in collusion with bank presidunts and tha heads of great capitalist enterprises, use the army and the Davy in furtherance of their nefarious schemes.
The strictest consorship is maintained over the press on news, the capitalist prees printing inspired articles about Mexico, Haiti, etc. calcululod to arouse the prejudice Rud hatred of the American workers. When in sheer desperation the exploited and persecuted Datives turn upon an American capitalist or his agent, the cry Koes up to avvenge the death of American citizens and to uphold the honor the flag In its designs upon China and trade 10 the Far East, American Imperialism finds ita way blocked by a powerful rival, the Japanese, with whom in the near future they wil lock horus in a contest to decide which shall have lit exclusive right to exploit the peoples ol the Orient, While the American capitalist dictutorship is enlarging Ito army and Davy in preparation for this coutebt, it is quitely absorbing the wealth and labor of the peoples of the nearby islands and contiguous states in the Western Hemisphere and closing its gi Ip on their territories Capitalist America 1B entering ilo last and final stage. Bursting with wealth, the stolen products of the workers toll, it is compelled to Aud ever wider markets in which to upload their loot, together with new sources of raw material for their factories.
In the meantime the Coin in unist Party of America, is training and disciplining revolutionary class conscious vanguard of the working class in whoin the American capital.
ists And their government in Washington recognize their mortal enemy. Driven to desperation in their struggle for bread the American workers will rally to the standard of the Communits in that period when capitalism will collapse as the result of its un inherent contradictions and with arms in their hands will overthrow and destroy tho Capitalist State and in its place will establish the dictatorship of the proletariat based upon and acting through Soviet power. IL may be that Capitalist Imperialism in America will be the last of the great capitalist states to succumb to the Iron battalions of the work.
11:8 class that its death throcs may be furious and bloody, the final act of the world wide revolution which will bring into being the World Republic of labor thus ending for ever the exploitation of labor, doinestic or foreign, preliminary to the introduction of the free Communist society, in which ba the state and classes will disappear, and work will be carried on and wealth distributed for the common gond.
President Johnson of the Machinists Union, labor faker, was accused in the Machinista Convention of having caused the arrest and Bearch of radical delegatus by the Depart.
int of Justice. Johnson WAT record and his betrayal of the Br! dgeport Machininta.
makes him quite capable of such an act do.
spite his deniul. Stodman, Germer, Berger Co.
al denied responsibility for the presence of Odler of Police Carrity of Chicago at the fam.
ous Convention in 1919. The workers of this country inny expect the same treatment At the hunds of these traitors in the worker of Germany received at the hands of burt und Noak, sent