AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyItalyLeninMarxRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking ClassZinoviev

TWO THD COMMUNIST THE COMMUNIST Alid Amount Hillquit Attack on the Communist International.
tenses: Hillquit A desire TBof practically the whole body of thoir Don. BoMy that bo is not opposed to tu. Dictator.
up of the Proletariat, Freuch HOCIN. Patriot cialist oountrymen, to official Spokesman of under Centristo will the rewolu.
the Moscow International opreased thoir adOmcial organ of preciation ofthis manifestation of later tion for the Dictatorskip th. Prolvlarial TIE COMMUNIST PARTY AKARICA tional soolallat solidarity by publicly donouno. 50 duur Willout)
published dy the ing them renegades and tra traitona. They do not wory. Any world as what CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE In what way bas the wbolohoortod de.
fense of Soviet RuRRIA by tho Bocialist Xot lip service recoguition Decorary Vol. October kt. 1920, 11 Party differed from the defense of boviet Rusbut the actual rupture with the policies of SA by bourgeois llberalat No of tbo proJudices of bourgeois hypocritical laudatlou by tho Over reformism, with AD tho actual accompllabed proletarian frcodom, bourgeois democracy, revolution Abroad can cover up its treachery to the revolutionary CARRYING ON THE POLICIES OF THE km movement at home, VOLUTIONARY CLASS STRUGOLD.
Lenm castigation of these They attempt to recognize the Dictator. can accord certain Amount of re patriotic aympathizors with the Russian Bytopathy to a self confessed bourgools pacient order ship of the Proletariat in worde, in volution еxрово Hiquit hypocritical prolike Betrand Russell. He tells you quito openly secretly to read into It the will of the major.
what he doesn like. One feels, ronding the (Kautaky precisoy general sufrago All the coundrel. leaders of the Berno Rrticles, that he is genuinely borried is bourgeoia darllamont.
doing this tbins)
somo International HAVE on their lips declarations of the things be witnessed in Russia. Part. of their sympathy toward revolution 1D arism, the refusal for the completo destrooicularly is he distayed at the manner in which general, and toward the Russian revolution tion of the bourgeois staty machinery WO the Russian Communist Party wields its starn In particular. But only hypocrites and tools arninst would guard ourselves those Cannot understand, that the exceedingly rapid porer over the insttutions of Soviet Russia tricks, against these new lackets of reformim successes of the Revolution in Russia are tbe The Third International the organized, revolu.
result of the work of many years of tho revolu.
more than anything else.
tioulay proletarian vanguard of the world, tionary party in the direction, of the build.
And Intellectually spiritually 18 to him anathema.
an undering up by tematically for years of But when hypocritical, Detty bourgeois ground (Ulegal) apparatus for tho leadership still belongs to the Berne International. The the work reformer, nasquerading of demonstrations and strikes, for BB Tevolutionary leopard cannot change its spota, The Second creation Socialist, like Morris Hillquit, Among the troops, of the study and вреуі bis International is his god and Kautsky bra Venom upon the Third International It is dau.
of underground literature, sumining up the ro.
sults of their experiences and educating the only prophet, seating. It makes one wick to one stomach wbole party to the idea of the necessity of of to read his thinly. relled but vicious attack As revolution, training and preparing leaders The printed in the Call of September 23rd.
the masses for such occasions, etc. etc.
An Ebert, or Noske, turning Junker machine. Lenin, on Ramsey MacDonald)
Furthermore it must be remembered that Moves to the Left guns uj on the revolutionary workers are honest KERENSKY and not Lenine was the God of men by comparison, FOREWORD.
SocialDemocracy the world over, in tho early Ilis article is compound of the fulmina.
dayep of the revolution. The Call rellered The following solutiont, reprinted from tions of a fool, and scoundrel. There is not in those anarchists the to Bolsheviki BG the ONE BIG UNION MONTHLY for Septem. single note of sincerity throughout Ho days. and the National Executive Committee ber, which are being submittod to the member.
whides apologetically. with his tongue in hir of the Socialist Party waited months before ship of the I, for referendum voto la chek, as when he bemoans the fact that endorsing the Soviet Government, and only a clear indication that the rank and floof for some reason, bare had the misfortune then after its membership compelled it. Wbat the ls waking up. The Communist of incurring the particular wrath of the autoconvenient memory Hillquit DOBEesses. agitation is beginning to bear fruit. However, crat of the Communist International, and have One of the main reasons, according to Hil. It is too much to expect that the resolution been repeatedly held out us one of the hor.
favoring unreserved affiliation with the Third rible examples of Socialist apostacy.(Italics Iquit, which impelled him to attack the Third to International will be his the clarify carried. Most probably International, is oure) Think of it!
Intellectual This proEocialism Western of the the second resolution, in favor of an Economic issues between stitute, who, as the recognized leader is Industrial International will be carried instead.
sponsible for every act of commission ang type and the new doctrines from Moscow.
This only means that we must redouble our omruiesion of the Socialst Party ever since Notice how cleverly ho lets the reader inter propaganda to the rank and file of the I, its inception, wonders why He has incurred that there is only one kind of Socialism hlo Members of the Communist Party who the particular wrath of the autocrat of the kind while the new doctrinee from Moscow. are members of te should take con.
Communist international. This renegade, who well they may be anarcbiem, or Blanquism, structive action by organizing Communist joined tho Socialist Party to the doux001s but they are not socialism section in the similar to the Lett pacilidt outfit during the war, merging with of perrersion Marx Leaving aside his Wing Section in the before the split the Peoples Council this traitor, who con.
of the defpition tranaltion perlod, leaving of last year and «upplement the outside Com.
uoped by his ellence and acts the social.
munist agitation by direct internal intensive patriotic activitice of Meyer: London, Aside his corruption of Zinovley statement Daniel agitation and pave tho way for capturing that the recognition of the strugglo for to Hoan, Algeron Lee, and others. this SCOUDthe next general. elections. of the organdrel, who Jeued the ukase leading to the exdictatorship of the proletariat is tho general Ization.
unifying pulsion of all Left Wing elecents from the tho program (Editor, the Communist. mala diferenco last year this heroic defender of the between the Communists and social. patriots ousted Assemblymen at Albany whose defense Moved by McClellan, Seconded by Mash.
and traltors of all brands, Huiquit draw the lykin, brought down upon his head the denunciation following ronclusions 88 constituting the air.
That WC endorse the Third. International.
and condemnation of every member of his own ference between Socialism of thd Western Hotlon lot party with a shred of self respect left this type and the new doctrines from MOBOOW: For: McClellan. Mashlyl. in. Against: Brown, reactionary leader who, at the last convention Bordquist, Lessig. Sullivan end Fisher. France, England, Germany and the United or bis par. forced tie elinination of the Moved by Brown, Seconded by Sullivan, claus from the constitution forbidding SoStates have not entered upon the poriod of That wo do not endorse the Third Interna.
cialist legislators to vote for active Socialist transformation.
tional fficialy, and that we notify the Third war approprit that International that our position makes it We all accept the Martian asser tions and compelling Socialist candidates to possible to endorse same as It is out! ned in the political form of the transitional stato piace their signed Teelgoations in th, hands the Zinoviev appeal to the I, and that of the party. In order to make the party sur.
minst be dictatorship of the prolatariat. we are in favor of an Economic Industrial ciently respectable to sit with sweetco, in but, our difference arise only on the proper International Motion carried. For: Brown, Lessig. Sullivan, Nordquist, Against: Fisher, the State Legislature this opportunist whe Interpretation of the term dictatorship in the McClellan, Mashlykin brought down upon his head the denunciation abovo priso. Moved by Lessig, Seconded by Nordquist, framed the most conservative program in tho Opposition to Soviet power, and favoring That we endorse the Third International xa convention this with rezervation, as follows: that we reservo intellectual Constitcont Assembly.
pervert the right to develop our own tactics accord.
se program of the so called Lofts who wanted There To Do Third International Ing to conditions prevailing. Motion carrlad, bring in an innocuous clause stating that Reduced to plain language Hmquit means For: Nordquist, essig. Sullivan, Fisher.
Il Doner during the transition period must be Against: Brown. McClellan, Mashlyxin not that he is la the hands of the workers this unspeak.
Opposed to tho proletarian ro.
able calicuture of a Socialist deres to win.
volution, that he is Opposed to tho dictator. Moved by McClellan. Seconded by Mash.
lykin that the three above propositions be sub.
ship of the proletariat, that ho is opposed to publlely that for SOME REASON he hus in.
mitted to the membership for a referendum curred tbe particular wrath of the Third lo.
Soviet power, that ho 10 орроя to tho voto, Motion carried.
Third (Communist) Intornational As if illiquit is but sud ciently acquaintThe Byndicalist attempt at revolution 10 Hinquit Socialiam of the Worlorn type with Bocialist philosophy to know that to Italy bas izzled out, as was to be expected.
is not being attacked individual turns out to be but nothing elso than phrwe.
This tragic defeat of tho Italian workers AX Tognized leader and exponent of opPOBOB Klaringly the fallacy mong ring of the Second International. What and impotency of postulatu und reformiam tho Ryndicalist and theory and tactics.
in the United Tania waid to MacDonald CLD bo very aptly Staten. Iko Kuusky in Germany. Longuet The Italian situation contains very valu.
ablo object lesson of the futility of hoixirs the applied to Amgutt Prance, Maclunud And Boondon in England, Industries and locking out the bones. wbllo etc.
Thoront dangorous. coming from tho leaving tho capitalist stato intact, and throws Or, take another attempt of his to cover Berno International. is the LIP BRVICE Into bold rellot the prokrum of tho Communist Party the organization of up his treachery to the working cluas 10 oz.
the revolutionary cognition of the Dictatorship of the Proletar.
proletarian Vanguard into highly contralized Bolbox White the socialists of England, political party, the destruction of the bourgo lat, TIEAF MON ARE ATT TO RECOONIZIO in nd the Uuid States and th. ID.
stuto machinery by Dans of MBSD siffident Societs of Coriany rullied whole.
ANYTHING, TO BION ANYTHINO, IN ORDIOR (Armed idaurrection and civil war. treriruly to the drous of the Buviot Govern tebilehmont of the Dictatorop of the Pro TO ROMAIN AT TIN HEAD OP TIL WORK. Internt in the form of Soviet Government at in is of vilifiution AL Alack INO ARS MOVEOX ONT. Kateky already as the ON! m4 of ushoring in the Cum munist nociety.
AL action Led tha