BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismInvasionWorkers MovementWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST Official Organ of the Communist Party of America.
SECTION OF THE THIRD COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL Vol. 11. No. 11 OCTOBER 18t, 1920 PRICE CENT8 Conditions For Affiliation To The Third Communist International The first Congress of the Communist international did not lay down exact condi.
tons for acceptaice into the Third Interna.
tional. Up to the time of calling the first con.
greus there existed in most countries merely Communist tendencies or Communist groups. The The second Congress of the Com.
munist International assemblea under differ.
ent conditions At present there exist in most. countries, not only Communist ten.
dencies and movements, but also Communist parties and organizationa or lors imortant posts in the labor movement party organizations, editorial officers, trade unions, parliamentary groups, co opert tivey, and municipal administration) and replace them with well. tried Communists, with.
out taking offense at the fact that, especially In the beginning, the places of experienced opportunists will be filed by plain workers from the masses. Spurn Bourgeoisie Legality. In nearly every country of Europe and America the class struggle is entering apon the phase of civil war. Under such circum.
stances the Communists can baro DO COD.
fidence in bourgeoisie legality. It 18 their duty to create everywhere parallel Illegal organization machine which at the decisive moment will be helpful to the party in fulfilling its duty to the reevolution. In all countries where the Communists, because of a state of slege and because of Exceptional laws directed against them, aro unable to carry on their whole work legally.
it is absolutely necessary to coinbine legal with illegal activities.
a One Day Pay The Second Convention of the communist Party Chariously adopted a resolution calling on the me:nbership to contribute ONE DAY PAY to a national organization fund.
belong Increasing numbers of Partics and Groups.
which until recently belonged to the Second International and which would 110W 11ke to affiliate to the Third, are applying for arolla.
tion, although they have not becoine really cominunistic. The Second International is Sr.
revocably crushed The Internedialy parties and the centre groups, seeing their hopeless situation. are forced more strongly every day towards the Communist International, hoping, at the same time, to retain an autonomy. which will allow them to continue their opportunist or centrist policy. The Communist International is to a certain extent the fashion The wish of certain leading centrist groups to affiliate to the Communist Interna.
tional shows indirectly that the Third Inter.
national has gained the sympathics of the 1ujority of the cias. co. scious woher through.
out the world, and that it constitutos force which BT0W6 from day to day. ader certain conditions the Invasion of the Communist International by undecided and rencommunist groups. who have not yet broken with the ideology of the Second Inter.
national. might be a menace to it. Moreover, certain Important parties Italian and Swedish. in which the majority hold Communist views, still remain amongst then numerous reformist and social pariflst elements, who are only wait.
ing for an opportunity to raise their heads and to sabotage activly the proletarian re.
volution. thus helping the hourgeoisie of the Second International No Communist should forget the lessons of the Hungarian Sovint Republic The union of tl. e Hungarian Communists with the reformists cost them very dearly.
This is why the Second Congress of the Com.
nunst International thinks it right to fix quite definitely the conditions for the admis.
sion of the parties, and the saine time to point out to the Parties already affiliated what their obigations are The Second CONTOSS of the Communist International has decided upon the following conditions of admission. The entire propaganda and agitation must bear a genuinely Communistic character and agree with the program and the decision of the Third International All the press organs of the party must be manazed by responsible Communikts.
who have proved their deve.
tion to the cause of the prolotarian revolution. The dictatorehip of the proletariat must not be talked about AS 11 it were an ordinary formula learned by heart, but it innt be propagated for in such a way as to make its necessity apparent to every plain worker soldier and peasant through the facts of daily life, which must be systematically watch.
ed by our press and fully utilized from day to day.
Party Must Control Press. The periodicnl And non poriodical Dress and all party publishing concern must be under the completo control of the party Inanament. regardlo. of the fact of the moinent loyal or flokul, It 18 Inadmisible for the publihing concerns to abuse their Ruito.
nomy and to follow Policy which does not entirely correspond to the party policy In the colun. ns of the press, at public Ineeting in trade unions, in co operative, and in all other places where the supporters of the Third International are adinitted. It is nerary to inattendly and uninserully to rand, not only bourrcolste, bit nito Ita retoplicom, Dr riform of all types Yvoy organization that was to at mate with the Commit International munt regularl and statically renovo thoro.
formit und rutriit clonents from all the nore In accordance with the decision of the Convention, the C, E, issues ttis call to all metnbers of the Comunist Party to contribute one day pay for the national organisation.
Comrades, the need is great. You know it. We need not waste time and space telling you about it.
The Communist Party 16 unined and solidified on the basis of principles and tactics AS never before in its history.
There are difficult tasks ahead of useducation, organization, propaganda and agitation.
The fpirit, the will, the determination, the energy exist to carry on this highly important work BUT WITHOUT FUNDS WE CANNOT CARRY ON!
Comrades! Rally to the support of the Communist Party!
the workers the fact that, without thore volutionary overthrow of capitalism, DO kind of an international court of arbitration, DO kind of an agreemeut regarding the limite tion of armaments, DO kind of a democratic renovation of the League of Nations will be able to prevent fresh imperialistic TARL Must Break With Reformlam. Tbo parties wishing to belong to the Communist International are obligated to proclaim a clean break with the reformism and with the policy of tho centre and to propagato this break throughout the ranks of the tire party membership. Without this logica Communist policy is impossible. The Communist International demands unconditionelly and in the form of 10 ult.
matum the execution of this break within. very brief period. The Commusist Interde tional cannot reconcile itself to. condition that would allow notorious opportunists, such Rs are now represented by Turati, Kautsk, Hilferding Hourt, Jongel MacDonald et al. to have the right to be counted as members of the Third International That could only lead to the Third International rosembling to high degree the dead Second International In the matter of colonies and oppressed nations a particularly clear cut stand by the parties le necessary in those countries whose bourgeoisie is in possession of colonies and oppresses otter nations Erery party wishing to to tho Communist International Is obligated to task the tricks of its own imperialists in the coloniesto support every movement for freedom in the colonies, not only with words but with deeds, to demand the expulsion of Its native imperialists from those colonies, to create in the hearts of the workers of its own cuunto a genuine fraternal feeling for the working population of the colonies end for the oppressed nations and to carry on a systematic agitation among the troops of Its own country against all oppression of the colonial peoples. Every party wishing to belong to the Coinmunist International must systematically and persistently develop Communist agitation within the trade unions, the work ers And shop councils, the co operatives of consumption and other mass organization or the workers. Within these organizations It is Decor sary to organize Communist nucle! Whica.
through continuous and persistent work. are to win over the trade unions, etc. for tho CRUSA of Communism. Thesa nuclel are obIl gated in their daily wort everywhere to expose the treason of social patriots and the instability of the centre The Communist nuclel must be completely under the control of the party as a wholo. 10. Every party belonging to the Com munist International is obligated to caIT on a stubbor struggle against the Amsterdam International of the yellow trade unions. It Munt carry on a most emphatic propaganda among the workers organized in trade unions for a break with the yellow Amsterdam InterDatlonal. With all its means it must support the rising International absociation of the Red trade unions which affiliate with tho Communist Intornational.
Must Watch Parliamentarians. 11 Parties wishing to belong to the Third International ATO obligated to subject tho personnel of the parliamentary groups to revision, to cleanse these groups of all un.
relable elements, and to mako these groups subject to the party executives, Dot only in forin but in fact, by deinanding that each Com.
munat mamber of Parliament Bubordinato his entire activities to the interorla of genuine.
ly revolutio propaganda and Agitation. 19. The parties belonging to the Commun.
International must bo built upon tho principle of dennocratic centralization. In tbo prrannt noch of Acuto civil war the Commun.
1st Party will only be in pooltion to do Ito duty if it is organiind along extremely con.
tralized luna, If it in controlled by iron dia. Continued OD AKO The duty of spreading Communist ideas includes the special obligation to carry on vigorous and systematic propaganda in the army Comunist nucleus must be Formed in very unit. Where this agitation 18 forbidden by laws of exception it is to be car.
ried on Illegally Renunciation of such actIvities would be the same as treason to revolutionary duty and would be incompatible with membership in the Third International.
Systematic Agitation Urged. It is neccesary to carry On system.
atic and well planned agitation in the country district The working class cannot triumph unlose its policy will have insured It tho supDort of the country proletariat and At least a part of the poorer farmers, and the neutral.
ity of part of the rest of the village population T? e coinmunistic in the country guning kreatly in importance at the present time It must principally ho carried on with the help of tho revolutionary Communist workers of the city and the country. Honunciation of this work or Ita transfer to unrollablo Birofornuist hands 18 equal to ronunciation of the proletarian revolution. Fuery party ishing to belong to the Third Turnational 15 obligate to UDMX non morial. patriotian, but also the du. Lionely Aud hypocriny of social pacitam, dystematically bring to the attention of work