CommunismCommunist PartyEnglandWorking Class

Communist Party Shop Committees. اما ۱۱ ۱۱۱ ۱۰۰۱۳۱۰ الر ها: ۱۱۳ ax 3) tp to the present time the Imerican ft Wlog Soclallats bare paid Kreat oral of attention to properanda within their own reaks and in this respect they have done in.
TENTATIVE PROGRAM, portant work, But limiting theinxelven lo more The. shall work at the or As narrow circle of commaren, they hav The following program is a tentative outline to larre deseret stood aside from the immr.
Yor the immediate organization nf communist direction in the 00ALYXY. CUTIVE COMMIT.
diate class wirkle nf the proletarian manta.
Any Shop Commliterx, Your Contral Executivo TEVA, anbjart to the supervision and round litrh is widmed over the country. At omitter Krupplhes with this problem, has of the higher party rodiny BUB NSTRUIT any rule they have not player Irailin leon Run throughout he necesity of (OMMITT EX aud the X). the blakunt onlllsione tworn capital and Tegin Allwidiary orralization which must The chairman of the shall Inhor. We must remember that the wriod of be Holdly and at wil time: subordinau. o the minti Taularly with the local Ortaal 10 durive butlle in romina Shilink wiltan orkanlynithn. ineploy and nicles of the Com make port and preler Inat purtlung and rollous ranks all the mont Artiv 9) Hemlin of 1, mhall bare mnunin Intly well. Moreover. 1: Was tard with lement ni tho worrins Clai and doing the lank of ruinis month which is on Pnny rights that IBAN AA tuloy party memin, the treatest an agitation and proof entirely new rr or Minniunto organiza Note: All morty work 91 be chudincted throuch the ideas of Communim, th. omni Itlone in this country.
Ihr regular party uni oder no circumftantes Primul at the wine time all to arennir The plan of orrini tutin 1x Turture mball. take the place of the party the role of the Icadrer or the dars Mrkkle o Is therefore tu te consider! ar purely impo. KHp or brunch.
the proletariat in all hw forms, binning with rary and broudly all to meriit of H1XETIN. hr local. lodhemlal My Heatrullen change and revisjon wd trienn Max niretinka. certion Amiga 10 will dictato.
1) The. shall distribrne leatKontial political wirke au dink with the Il function. uirline. low,. 001 alen Trix. pl and literature in the workers armord uprising of the proletariat. The main two conselord from the Mint. vlet of imno In the whole problem of the Firan. minit Al the diale practicability Intl mi male Note: Plans for the lunnar. nf. Irgal mlier.
prruent moment is to bring the broad proletarian npr. more compro. ch retain at Maint manet into the revolutionary clar MEREK. hrfurn the plan. pa pon by anlable for projagan. lu in the shops and indus.
While al in miery HIPMIX IL my perience, might load 10 tulification and trien. at der. cutidoration, kplit of the American torntion of lant and vone 10, 11, PN 11 :IA thì Inct. The. shall build up krop het nimillar trade union. the ris Hut at niyah aw: rur in their principle, net bi Mathizetx within the shop or from tha. AMP Im Endeavor to rainblich cos 1:Taction and the who prol functhe wall hr in rlp them cutitart with thorn unutie Organization. perine of the muninimizing as Appudink tonnanimi propaganda, working clam in which there u tondens HT IM prible any londriction between Nore: The grown of Mymphibidopri le tie awaid Industri inicniani. Hi the whop romikilfe and the munint arty. inuterial thr future tempship In the individual uniunx that lins plit and the pribillty of madnetfont before boos Communi hy. and would be vlertne with asay from tho of The parts must foudrinies have ertulliard.
The end mi lowFurthermore, the sympathi.
work in close contact with them, endpainting Finally, in ohler for any pat. o succeed 2ill in many can do the arial distri.
at the ver tipe to unite thieht and to create no matter how knol the arumt en operation but inn literature, as any nombra may, bo stronk CADA concloun nomie DIRANIZATIMI of the rank and fil. kirjutely won LlalA how or librind of afiliation with he parts: of the proletariat Wollo supportink hy all niran fnir period trial alune. will determina Ito sound. 31. Th. CP wha! organiso edin.
the industrial walons in their pryday a ruko nca or in soundtyx, Tmiring. trial period Linnal ki of lip work Yor Tromedial economic deinund, ihr party Commune hower, the central. Fx Note: Onlich workers as ar lihown to him mudre vor to brondon and diren thix Dust Il mariinily hdy hr tre. Its from porto mjinthizer. of how ID of promiar mrurale. to transform it into atrukklp for ibmitted and with the help. Pureation pathizr. plouk br Included in thrto pluns.
tho final revolutionary aim of the proletariat from the member whl. ordially Then whop durational meeting borld prove the overthrow of the bourginikin and the thed. Ill attempt to ship and mould en to lin! 17 value Ir properly and carefully abolition of the caritallot order. Into an active advart of Con. catre mu, lalu on. small mass mootingu The part) mort NO far mail huvinin nanlullon hud mpananda amona tha Worker inot IAAS mer ting of party memben. support the fortsallon in the Paciori. lnuidora broad of the work cloning of America.
hihinin MUI mot hope for this purpo Community party unite of shop com.
may DALI in ople lo get more difunt hich srnr. me the nor band. AA Jain Ire pohy pe ONG 172ATION.
Tuince. With the workery Would recommend reryday oromie. Mrurale, and On the. Jarly nitr, hall innlately dia. thad no linken in inis direction for the other, as a cliool for the preparation of the truth and rollnet all wala. Pelative to 10 Inmediato nont.
Vanuard of the working clans for thrudn. ini. EXCITATION. ALATION AND 1) The shall take on in oralion of the industrier Allm The Deatorship SAME. AND ADDRER or EMPLOYER wahr Arlamen up the most advard of the lyoletariat has been mtablished. 11 IN AB Rind on Torm Liens et out for this workout inympathitorn ole. understood that the whop committant must purpose Note: Kleinentury CO TM1 will bn sulattal work in clone contact with the industrial unionis.
2). 111 May his may be classified for this purpose. Workers who take there 6) The party but not be a conglomerate under the followink thr. nuri din rode) conten un he admitted to memberably atter ol Independent. butonomous language fod talloDX fa) Orcipation fb olou anlallot. c)
The feration have played an Ininortant hintoMehr pral prollminary conditions are fulfilled nam and wildren mmplo: The. sball art medium rical part ila tb AmeriCAD Socialine Moyanient Note: Same and address 0: par:y metabeth tot collecting funds for the party in the phone their loos. Syneconllc opposition within the must not bp RİHD. bur only Donalrations and fucinrin old panien. tbm criation of the Houislint Pro usar lomal madeid wer to Insure the Note: It abeolntely berattir that paganda League, the formation of the litt runk and la inator Imihlerine within the work. php called upon to contribute to the Wik. nut Duw, with the rapid der lopment organization ommunist Tart. The regular inrom. from of tho close prueche, and when the American Surh te hell prolely in the proletariat faced with an romrly Di.
dur. inurlent rern for the upker Cody of the entral Executior millor of thirrnization. the Commalat Party raced problee, too long federation will Ir. Not DiOr than 90E timbro in KTO bn Nurace and So Dremelunt only hain Por Inn tb ir duty partirlar shun fartory De. oostituto artvit or driloint ruirink moro 60 min they anal LA. 41 DOMAI nith Trady That and means for collecting 11. ORKADIZAUon th Indian orker AN with a kirpa. local cart. It is not drain.
Inne in an underground organization are nr.
In have the old shall Im appelated hy the VAL EXULTIV ENT Jin. ited. The cah 01historical form of organin testroyed at one COMMITTEE Dlomon: the regular otroke, this might Iron in the cnbiblet nart) or anization for Fach ll tito wa nalainku. Jirectly im the vertet. In dirappearance of the federations thrinatant chuimian thir Industri properator Communlee Idran in America That Ix wby the incouve Comniiltre o be Cominunist lotrrallonal points out that PIOC of the completa dinalgamation of the federation with the of the American Common in Molemmat muy be achieved fra.
dually and with a ratan de reo of carefulnes: The lantero Irralion may TAPPUT their autonomy roparding work of prupninnda in tbelr repertoa lungs. bnt in the case of political and conomic THIRRI they mua!
Dowbordinated to the regular Jarty orkan In Um of Inteualve truerle It Is IGNORES NEQUEST TO RETUAN STOLEN FUNDI Brcrearto reduce them of the referendupi to minimum Alany Tatr. no mferradum honld permitted on quellons denlandink Dear Comrades: In medio action parlods between tbe COAT Hons a musthave full roser.
Uuder the instructions of the Central Executive Committee of the Communit Te i) The over incrradk berarrution against Party of America. dress to you the formal demand for the return of a communiter the Communists in America bring up the Party fundo and records turned over to you by the former Executive Secretary Damon question of 111 al work. Thn Cons of the The allegation that the minority, whlen spilt away from our Party and partielpated Comniunia lalerational or March, 191. hus in the formation of the carried with it the majority of the membership definitely ruled on this question. IIekal work ablolitely disproved by the Murut shown in the incloond extraxt from the ne 15 DOCArary. bourgroine deinen nac th port of our former Acting Secretary Dunto, certified by him and accepted by our world or has actually stablished a star of Slete yuav the Conmunists.
Convention. For further events we are willing to show wr books and recordo.
Tuo or thro representative of our party duly authorized years ago the maxleh workers rerutdrdthe id of Nepal work la wacharrer country on England The statement of our accounts shown by Damon in the lower your abeurd. Now the revolutionary worker per la subetantially correct, minor woments can be made for the getting together of England also hur leampu to conduct in gal for the with ment. Many o the comrades who leemed their menor caving work. The Manor Wint happened in (termany. Communist Party are oplying for their return, and we must Inolee that you where the Social Democratie hankmon Noxke.
turn our funde Immediately. Any debte Mal by you since the it will tako grariorroen mto kcount.
ting to vader grond to blaty Communist Movement drire Through the uume channels with the letter we are sending an Mar o the Oerles raust 03 lan ho your ollal reply IU coordinate the local work with the illegal T!
Krotot matow of on the local poolblueles.
We demand an immediate round to the latter. Should you to comply above atod demand we will be compatted to bring the con boter the rullra Amr me we must len to bude Inomational.
Illegal lanet o Mogal pron moun, to foto oral Coy committees, By onton of the berri Beer bare alllegal directing centr. ru Bam Land, Tb. outro Committee of the Commuala Istornello content that you comme ANSWER OP solroths roms that are fuclar you on the optor the commal tavuuttve come the Wh The Hoteze laternational portariat fowowing action. Daring in there wall mount des th. wc of Cornuale in Aborto Communication from the oking for return money word With Otto Orvetina wor the by Damen DECIDED NOT TO ANSWER The trouve commitme Como llenal.
TELL FERRRRRRRR Caught With the Goods!
Car n!