CominternCommunismCommunist PartyWorking Class

THM CONNI NIST The Answer of the to the of the Communist International אחרון ortal אחחlחון REPRINTET FROM THE COMMUNIST POREWORD: of thorp who have been for wnies in tho mumloto: Dout it to yet to be som holder the We sprint from the United Centriot Con. kommunist ranka at all times, that o are membership win longer, tolerate the muniat, their reply to the Communist Inur. in entire acron with the purpoor and the propagandh. It is important for us to bring inte national al to. Un y between me atauments in your letter. We stand ready to the an understandist of communiti and the former LP breeuse we want tvery consider and to act as promptly 28 roonible through Orar educational work and through the merther. of the Party to ren for himee upon any nun for romplete WIL of American inuence of communists who now belong to Merelt the pathetle Centritt apology which the Community which conforros to the fundamental the I, 11. Anthinto not stand it la Impoothie mistake fer en antwer. It dodgee primelpler of the communist International. as for the Unlend Communist Party to act in an every lomite alt important facts bearing statert in len potram and an developer in your clation with he on the only megolation. It morto the very communication to tin.
Di The development of a moral Industrial Cheats of the Communit international, which It is apprlair for the initpone of a com ornitalon out of a wally of existing mittant treprinter to the same looove. relative to plete understanding of the attitude of our party unlona.
principles and see while corroborates the toward. ommunist unity that we Indiente our 3) Tht nited immunist Paru lo prorred.
online portion of the Communist Party ope. roor vlevo non the partiralar questione Iur on a program to entablah contact with a slally on Unionio minimle the role of WIPCWed in your Intter.
working mees by means of sbor agitation the language federation. In deliberately 2) Ao home by its program the linland Aroupe and through shop committen. The obop repleete to me that it has abellehed them ommunal Party acion the ta limited btrole agitation groupe. conwint of our pary members In the party mallelovely give the imprecolon for the nverthrow of the power of the bour. who unite themPolyps for arrilation work in that the Communlet Party to. me longer in Kelute and the Palmblinhnient of the power of the places where they are employed; alan ilk existence promo to coneider Mlo meso the working Cinn, an water in our menare. their union loral, Thr ahop cnmmittreo, ini.
cheap demogasy. ofelent anewer to. The nited communist Party la opponed tlnlrd. hy be efforts of our tombrra, constat de the Communlet International!
tumn In Motion polles which falls to memhen and non party miembro logether, To cap the limerit gratuitously throwe nk Into ro and to trire for inne contact our members Pins in flyr communiat dirur.
ove a oltly challenge to the Federation Group with the man of the wonten in their conplant. tlon in tear committen and to the latter Inas contemptuovely refer to the Communist pronomie riglen. Indeel. It exactly thID Hatrial and cnniminitronnells into which Party dere print the Appeal for Unity.
contention upon which the former onintialat Thenr committer ahuil derelone.
What foolt there centrists be! Art) memlerphir hrokin with the majority of 6) to forrim. laproape KTOND withio Editor Communist.
Their Printimnmmitme.
The Daily. It hur polley in confine the marial 2) We are kern conscious of the Intern of activities of the kronpn to propaganda in the taar ondes: what in Mald allt atitntion on wide the circle foreign lamarx, Dimtiet ar tauon committee of nur narty. ARRn hirh pro om. In the foreign Innenlagen are provide for. to Yuilt hoandato for inits but the top mitini Iriterst in the immediate Atriz PR chann ou of the Inn branches: anne.
Com prtles of the Intel Xiat. the Oi th. mer enn worker Ohr own inimalurily slonal nateraal conferences for advianty props Turnier niet her and the intendit ON ri. diuersion of hergl, Into fortal Art provided for by the constitution Labor art. fluo mit into for hand controverain on antint miattorn. the perar. Vi south oar mina ni won mom time Thr Teleration pleated within the sno itons which learnin und in dinortanlerd NA be:Or Any Word lid reach out of the riallat My rainst the rot ratching. mormint our work. have limited tre eitoral Arltallon propagandle which was all that alineared in the Arniston, hy unity on pntion of the Com And in urher of the communist naram in matmist laun TMTRid the mainit party palta. The appral som directed to chlpena thie Comminist Party during the latfr part of May.
this rolitr. The formation or the intend ton. axvox hot in workers an workers. No inu: the uited communist art.
munt arry ill brin: plant and more terrat was taken in the forrian. langnate pro ER. e polls 11. This pospre:1. In addition makanda. AWAK this 11 which brought the Tlin. nited (y. mmunfa Part Harga to the intrarile edmuntional work monk Its Irderacion into existence. The oned Communist inn o tom hierty rlenints of the former Art dels with pll workers allkp. pardlem IN. 19. ut. dan fremhers the boats will hunha pirts 10 sibln We have already reported Muit trwani Tytoration of the iminellate of Innguage and Tranens of citizenship.
Our ruin mitto, a minoris faction of they KURR and more the communist There in de longer anywrial hanin for a difter. munist Party still stands out the this units vindertanding and puta Thin lartlon Joned of part of the member en portando ainone the allen workom. Parept 21 Pin the mi o Ulator on tint the form of the total languae paper matrof the lasti krainian. Hinnan ihr kral of Till Linian tertions of the comment arty, communix arty will antially DAS merr all ntion to tertain tond xfollow malerts of nowhkh ar or Renter rignificance. rareally all murmurs of the tenimunit Optition in the follant the Mob atleular nationality stoup. The policier.
If xit ho. mr Inie the third party mother Helen of this character. delation to howrin. nn ho thout Hermined up by Hith this Higiment of the former prin hiru the MINIT. thin ol. and in the parti cumintimis and hy the control Eer.
it. barunt. ther is only a chinnen in of the nine character. by itniting the militant bilir mire.
the form of the rollemol tlir Imeriran partles met within the por me hnient to Omis thigh Chrohr 10 mimitier. There MIIL controlla oranlation 11 thrur rareinhars The nin ad. Ar an Communist prin: inform mina anda bo voetred, aloo nullitant moment of these muat choles are inecerint, there in hin whilon of kunnittal the member to the party rather than he resanded alone incontinlund wlinn linea for this inity. Thir hurumon to their national Rro. The autonomou the polloner Fall infon nuenientens mynt tbly internal prin may has been intensified Indrration of ihe omminist Party cou othuted te druhound both. rm Biarnmental pormention of Innally parale national political organisallona,. tellation fror Industrial union min.
the Inminiuulsts which brran with the Spermbop hullin mo thr Ha the lo upr.
Indeed. At the moment tharram several former Rhinlebrations of last yfar.
TIeration divisions of the Sociallat Parit aid. co;thon with thr! WW: condi of the trimiinist Party which exist inderen.
lle accert oot mandate for not there.
forp. mually applicable in the prennt wua.
Ionel hummer. Ma rritimi ani primestion dently of any party. Onir alm. on the contrary, of the W. ll. hich will end mnt. com is to build a Commualet arealation ou tot tu pur Amritionnection of the. ommunist munt pringanda. this time, confortunately Inricht. Indly norexsary to wild, since contrallel lls. with memberi lp HB party 1h kental proganda oi th. han meme glip and with a winyle system of. dls.
the mind part is the tilt of the efforts dixerulinel that of a lization anong the Com. clpline which will rompel uniird party action at all en ex. At the paine time we do not mean to dotras in the IPAAL Irom propaganda in all the tormbership should they discover it. The conclusion of the answer of the ti. the langue. Nour activity has already show, This is fnded Ajalicy of contraljzation with. dralme, with urley o American political i) Our party orrablation to on an llegal onit com non and the moniurtship of Aud oncle conditie roliched in such Dunia only. Our open activity coaxials malar of the I: CP. Are ting make up to my olon a to lead to the inwarranla ble the rulinition of mecral lemal rapers, 1x te have pointed out time and time AXNUM thone una quainted with the real (four are already ratablisb. and of other again or are not blind worshipers or federations fue tx. The followind. Dotation in chararteratie: literature and to the collection of funds for Irgal We merely recoguise thelr. Larorlirs aine Inevitably there IRCTCBNINRIN sharp divimons defense.
tud milite their prabbilities in the print wern the workers on the government mua We bri. prisciple with the sustration Alain of the communist movenient in thin 800 tallex oues, editori dovelop Into mas of yon tom. Ite that every recourse for opp country. The fiderations cannot be deatment action for Doleuariau conquest of the political party whl. must be used in conjunction with or bolished El me blow ax the win power.
and la inordination to the Mal work. So hr. cover to their chakrin, The abolition of No doubt the Comma Lonal has as our lituantaners and chergies allow wo federation is a PROCESS rather than tinkle been riceling much voperul pietura tron all munt. Flop open work or propaganda doo uldo rif netoplished by flat at a convention. the delegate of the (L. well. And it in thr Illeur propaganda. Io che present bltuation The federations within the communist ariy obably alth kind or information which has however our main cherry muot Ro into the hull.
have never heen and are not now virtnally in. blurted its propertie «ith regard to the ding of our underground organization, that dependent alleal. organizationx the American communist movement. as rrading diarintiq ol our work wins and the powe: Calwely clams, They have always been ab. of their appeal for unity will disclosu, We can. of the capitallatir afinelen, fart in the ballonal convertinax and the. nol blame themi for now ls dificult of ACTERA conclusion, we realize that do of the Party. Whete they disa krperl 11ke the and they cannot verify such prodictionx with atrickle in this country lx of the highest Impor. Cungarian nation thry. Ieri she parts any dekree of arcuracy especially when BO tance in the world caintint how toing on between its non communix membership with (alle conmunist organization help to spread finanerImperialiam and communism. It is thoni or they wild have borrn inmillel 10 Ulm.
apparent that the Struggle in this country has abid hy the party Heelalonx The American working class only begin.
alrrady altained an extremely sban eharacter.
Co the other, the federations are clours nink Alir. They are a fet HOSTİL OM The tremendous atrikes of the last years have integrated in the tramunint erty and com. INDIFERENT to cominunirm. They are an inert Lora anns the vell of clans harmony. Then 18 pl tly unbordinate on all quration to the mume that swalla pro and anti Noriel pro.
an open campaian to weakes and cruel all the Cwn the policy. of langnam impukanda maganda with Muel facility. Of course we do not Iubor ottanizationo. eren the mont rearuonary stihjert to the control and per tion of the include the more or lens conycloite clements Ohm, mince within these abo alliant tendences Ad is laid down thr nallonal con. which are in a hopeless minority. The great have made their appearence on the labor uld vention and tbe intral Expullive aummitire. MAX of them arrill stepped in bourkeola there is a new milltancy and a rapidly developlor The federation queption in prally 1x no prejudicen, bourgrois lies and boni kroix domo. pense of clans solidarity. More and more it is Qliention at all except to those who fear control racy. They have yet to travel the path of the government which peaks for the employers by thin mezerehij. As a mattoir tt lact, the the British workers who are admittedly still as asihat the workers. The capitalist political Iederations wete always partial to English. far from proletarian revolution. It is tbo partles openly arow their petrpose to outlaw an kunk or merlarn leadership, even when they alperest scil. delusion to build hopes for an large scale Atrikes, as bas already been the knew that pomo of them like Damon and Amicdiate proletarian revolution in this country rame with the minert and the railway worker had wrong Cemirst tendencies. When the Com. and it is a crime to dinseminato auch profound On the other hand, the ever Increasing roet tanirt movement will attract English Apraking predictions to the Commm nixt International, of living and the Imecurity of employment are nt American elements into it as the so. The Coinmuhlutinovement as well as the driving the workers into utrken by the hundreds called forloration problem will gradually. tudo American working class must to through some of thousando. Inevitably three Increasingly shan. raving only their propaganda function, bitter experiences. hrarl breaking drirats and divisions between the workers and the roven.
The control will then be exercired by members alutary leutons, before we can begin to think ment mint soon develop Into the mese action for who understand English as well as communism. of proletarian revolution In America, Jiroletarlas conquest of the political power It is interesting to vote that the entrint We world advine the Our task of building a frulding political on to ko Punglonication which always clamore about Ilille slower in predicting proletarian revolutions nierton to mould and direct the work on In centralization vers federations brought to be This page is one of the graveot Tesponsibinty.
and a little faster in learning Comrannist theory Communist Congres Moscoe Instructions and practise if they really intend to berome an We bellove that the United Communist Party to propov. referendums whhin the movement has within Itwell the elements and to under Influence to the American revolutionary moveof the Communist International and were mont Instead of proving menace as standing for the important lask; and we are terely condement is the thesis published by Benticon dedt that our party action om soow shou mental Cootriste hayo. habit pe beoomine, an the Exocetive Committee of the commualat positive resulta la the class resto la Anorton their food intentions to the contrary Bol with International published in the last tusse. sending The Central Executivt Committee the United Commuplet Party Aug 12