BourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyLeninMarxPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStrikeWorkers PartyWorking Class

Moren AC doar this their Unul battle for free on And the TAH udir capitalin the proletarit hus way through long TIRA.
dexrer of mering will depend upon the pe thro eh rahintoric prock, rar hen the oppressed the cine which was DATtion and Intration of the worhers lu forker innen and men They have no med OTHMD of the neany of production, reci cuntry or the workers bed the lewens Wenn in roulle, but to not free the clementi which am Directly and competely op of the Russian Revolution. If coinmunist Pro of the new rorty with which entlang bor xwed to the bourg uhi Therefore it WAN tuo pakan reaches them, and the road tower FOMOCNIH Doregnant the full only cun Hable of remaining resolutionary made plain the overthrow of the capitalist concer of thir historie inisin, und with right through the true le sing oimhrown Dictatorxhip will be less ranguinary lot the the heroic Force 10 act up to it, the working the boirasle, and having conquered political workers follow false teachers of tbe Russell Clans en afford to me at the core in power, the proletariat un become the koverning IN Mud tho yellow Socialist, the blood br OIAR tive of the sonormen with the pen and Ink her of the Rince with their siren song of The Sint Power 16 loito hands, it horn, and at the didactic pirome of the well controls the hillzeu means of production, it peace. prace en there can be no per then indeed. led into hund alloy of soul retor.
Wohins bour doctrinaire, pouring forth guides the vallwin intermediate elements and ther Ipnorant platitudes and enterian crotchets Onsnes, it crudes ile power of resistance of the way out by be bloody beyond coupure. in the oracular song of lontine in alluilty. to exploiter NI bere are peciul tasks of The working clans did not expect miracles The C1 War in France. Karl MAPX) the cun struggle, Inoks whichformerly. tbe troin the Commune They have no roadly inade Thur Marx stond of the bourgeois und proletariat did nor and could not undertake.
tropias to introduce. par dreret du peupi.
They know that in order to work out their own yellow orlalu crtion of the community THE EXPLOITERS ARE OVERTHROWN BI NOT DESTROYED.
cancipation, and along with it that hasher On The these own of our kencration, The class of exploiters, landowners and Apform to which present moclely in Irresistibly blinking in the sunlight of the workers dawn, tulis not discared, and could not die tending by its own economical agencies, they will never know, can never understand.
purit once under the dictatorship of the proletarint. The exploiter urr overthrown, but THESIS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF THE COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL not destroyed. They ruin the DANS of Inter. Continued from page 1)
national condim, of which they are part and parcel They still once some MCA of pro manist labor Party of Germany. deciare that train the majority of the working class. daction, as well as miony and extensive BOCIAI the party, too. must adapt itself more and (1) The neccinity of politial part of the connection Their power of resistance has 11. more to the idea of the Soviets and to, adopt proletariat diraproark only with the complete creased a hundred, buy a thousandrold by the a proletarian character Wird Hefordert dang bution of classes. On the road to the Anul vry fact of their defent. Their ability 11 auch die Partei sich immer mehr dem Satogen Victory of Communitin. It is possible that the State, military, and economic adininiwiration, danken anpasst und proletarischen Charakter relative importance of the three fusilamental acords them great superiority. Ho that their annimmt Kommunistische Arbeiterzeitung. This is misleading statement of the idea that proletnriun organizations of today the Party, importance 16 considerably out of proportion the Soviets, and the Producers nions) will to their numerical strength. compared with the Communist Party. forsooth, must melt into be altered, and that gradually one wingle type tho wholo ropuintion.
the Soviets, that the Soviets, can, sumehow, take the place of the Communist Pary.
of labor organization will be crystallized out. The class struggle of the overthrown exploit.
But the Communist Party will be amarra mated ors avainst the victorious Vinpeard of the ex.
This idea is fundamenally incorrect and entirely with the working class only when com ploited, the proletariat. ha become more in.
muni in un to be an aim of the struggle and tense. This is only a natural developnient of in the history of the Russian Revolution.
the whole working clans becomes Communist. the revolution which the heroes of the Second we witnessed a whole opoch when the Sovie19 (12) The second congress of the Communist International are Vainly endeavoring to dopy, Pored the proletarian party and supporteu the intomational must not only in the historical by abstituting reformist musions for the hard policy of the agents of the bourgeoisie The mission of the Communist Party generally, bat facts of revolution.
same was witnessed Gertuny. The same must point out to the international proletariat, Finally, the pearuntry, and the entire sinall is possibile in other countries also.
if only in the most general terms, what kind Longcoiste ure occupying, under the dictator.
On the contrary, in order that the Soviet v! a communist Party is required.
ship of the proletariat, medinm, or interim, 106tion.
may 131 The Communist International con ders On the one hand, they represent carry out their historical mission. We existence is required of such a strong commud.
that, onnecially in the epoch of the dictators: onsiderable and in backward Russia. an enor ist Party that it will not merely adapt Itselr of the proletarin this communist must mous) AFR of workers, united by the desire, to the Soviets, but will be able to exercise be belit up on the foundation o. u Iron rrole.
common to all workers to free themselves from Tatian centralism.
decisive influence on their policy to force theu In order successfully Lo the domination of landowners and capitalists.
of their own record to reject adaptation to Fuide the working aso in the long sind obsti.
con the other hand, they consist of small pro the capitalist class and the White Social 100 nato civil struggle that is upon us, the omrictors and traders in towns and villages. Such cracy, and through the medium of the com Inuust Party itses must create within its runks un cconomic situation muft inevitably produco munist groups in the Soviets, to lead the latter in iron military discipline. The experience of the indecision and wavings in the relations be ween the proletariat And the bourgeoisie. As in the lat laid down by the Party, Russian Coinmunist Party, which has for three Those the struggle of the bourgeoise becomes intenwho propose that CTM liceully cuideath civil war of te th. Coumni Part should adapts itself to the Sovies, thos working as has shown that in this sphere silied, social relations undergo a great radi.
who see in such an adaptation strerthening without the strictest discipline, the most perfect cal change the inkuined conservatis of the carnnt und of the proletarian character of the Party comtralization, and the most complete comradely small hourgeois le is bound to Jend to decision and to badden and spa wodic contiedence of all the Party orgaulations in such persons are conferring very doulful the guiding party contre, the victory of the favor non both the Party and the Soviets, and changes in the adherence of these elemcils workern 18 imporsible.
e. ther ore side or the other.
are 1gnerant both of the meaning of the PATTY and of the meaning of the Soviets, The proletariat ru endeavor to ini. enco (14) The Communist Party mus: le ballt up The Sa on the foundation of democratic centralism. The Gud guide thean vacillating social plo. nonta, vie: ideas will be victorious the more cu. ckly. chief principles o denuocratic contrato re: sted and furing on the wavere. and the stronger are the Communis: parties which the elective character of the lower groups, the burk liders.
we wre able to create in every Country. The absolutely binding character of all the directions Wo have only to take into considerazion all Sov. Idex is now recognized in words hy of a higher body for the subordinate: group the tranierial forces or classe and the y independent Socialists wud Won ty ndt! Nistence of a poweful party centre of chonge brought out in their unutual relations Right Socialista. We shall only able to uuestionable authority for all the leaders or by the proletarian dictatorship. In order to prevent these clements from distoring the so Jurty life from Congress 10 Congress.
realixe how infinitely beurd, nuy stupid, is the Viet idea by strong (ommunist Ply, all borgeois theory (ro prevalent in the seccable of defining the policy of the Soviets. 15) whole series of Comunist Parties on. International) that Socialism will be At and or leading them in its train.
in rope and Americn, in view of the state twined rougn democracy in seacral. This of stoce 15troduced in the capitalis: clase HRD (9) The Communist Party is requieliby the collocal error is based on the older in the The (orimunists are forced to carry on an wuris class not only before the conquest of classiese character of democracy, beliet legal istence 11 18 essentin! to terember pow. and not only during hie conquest of stified ly thc bourgeoisie. In reality, democmcy that iu mich state of thing It is CCC ally DX into the hands of the working club. The If outers on a new phase under proleta ID necessary to abandon the strict application of hists of the Runnian Communist Party, which the principle of cloction, and to wlow the c: dictators. And the class bruksle 16 lifted into for tree years hoe been in power in a bigan higher plano superseding all and every other recte oras o the party the fint of CO forme contest the country, whow that the part played by the Optation, as was the Unre In Rusia at 0110 Comunist Party ufter the conquest of ower Ceneraliti ulost libert. Fully, demotima acto mate of tieke the Commun o the working class has not only not be CHOY TO. ng but a bitud plieno notions ist arty will not only be use to avore.
borrowed from conditions and Intions in indmitihedbut, on the contrary, hall had COISe on Avery roula question to como colorral development.
cratic referendum amongst all the men. bers of dustriot odaeton. The endeavor to solve by nuvango! theve prases the concrete tasks of (10) On the Torrow of the conquesto the party the proposnl of a sortiron of the power is the proletariat, Ib party noworthles American communis. but.
the dilettor: Vip of the proletariat is tantamount the contrary.
e Adoping all along the lines the theories and roma. 18 berore, culy a rcction of the work. murt wrower its executive contwu to be able in class.
incipl: 01 the bourgroise. From the prole.
But it is precisely that rection of if not require to take, short notice, the working class which organized victory. The decisions which are mportant for all meraber Anunto? Wir, the only important quusIrons are: Communist Purty during twenty years, as of the party. Freedom hom oppression by which clan Вам in Russiu. during thirteen years, we (16) The preaching of wide Auto for Equality between what classes?
see in Germany In 11 struggle not only with separi local Orknitions of the jurty at the Democracy on the basis of private property, the capitalist class bht with Ulose Scait ont moment only weakens thanh or on the bab e of the struggle for the climwho were the instrumens of bourgeois lluenco Comunint larty, undermines capacity For nation of private property?
on the workern, attracted into its mkn the work, and assists the potty bourrcoin, inaruhul, From Workers Dreadnought iunt feadfunt, the most far righted, the most contritural elemento advanced Aghters of the working class. Only (17 in the countries where tho bourgeoisie INDUSTRIAI. NIONISM ND THE GENERAL STRIKE in the presence of such stronxly hnitted or the counter revolutionary Nocal democry.
Urkontra un of the bent butun of te Morning IR TUI in power the Communist Parties mun Cortinned from page 3)
JS 1x it posible to overcome all th. lenin a. carately to co ordnate their loa MOK Dur that the Truit growing out of this weed is ficulties which arise before the working Jus with their illegal, wild, with this, the tera nching less than the rolwg proletarian data or on the morrow of victory. OTK must always remain under tho de to MANNEN When the between there who have oranization of new prolulu Hol Ariny, control of the legal party. Tho parliament. my hoe who have not IN Jo sheh mn the practical an bintion of th wirurkevin state Froup of Communista, with in the contru) and Atent that it be umbidkable, then, und apurutin und wie entlon luits place of the in the local powerment institutions, mut be then only. In the Rerolation led. No body of being of proletariat state iuratur. Mohitely wid entirely subordinute totho (cm man will war to death without DWXID a We wirurgie Ryainst to sectional tryinky 01 munist Party Wholo independentis disperate fort to get the cod from those who indidit Eroup workers, th Ntrole whether the party A whole at the given anve 17. mit this not suficient. Wn demand Rannt wuland romional Detroit, the moinent in a Tegid or anilloxni organization. ho complete withalation of Waxe SVD being out of paths towards Llor din Thone doputou vho, in one way or another do Pho Social Revolution in hie Surfully in DOK Oluy the orders of the party, must hv. Tionded by Triplo Alll noo that has fallen to the communist Party, the reember pello from the rank of Nic com a to be clown of lothares ndertoo: And of which, by their livinK olamyle. lend in their (To be concluded. in both Vnd imotni Mako Mitchen. Triple Allunce of on deli ornton agt.
monstantly In hindi unit will undoubtedly (Continued from par. 4)
HOColruto shy of Judgment. all ovine, the complete excinction of the capital CAN HOLETARIAN DITATORSHIP WII. Ally diannpeared. there will be no need for CKU Only CORIN hd hy comunit END SOCIAL CHAHSEN.
dictatorship, but they will never diar with. Jarty that cures that in hesaple aim and out the dictatorhu or the workin AB. forth in terly try 01 the inirdi of.
The VIKANON haurem Hl. but onc. of maxonul in all it that urtin. cution.
ditatorship. Die Intran done IIN them ha rakon dorint net dwa Thurrerak hartu for. Pronk tomruuntut UFT to oing wbout this button. But it pwd of prolean dictatorship hun Party of. And ih jury jable to do why with Dr. ou en ce in their mutual rol The thu du. clarorinin of the Worla Ilu Tham thu I and rule duc HL drappar mer e Mr. Will din iul. In order to UTU will remain, it Writy the wind of pr 11. 11. tuto. arly then 11111t the rilin. world 10 mm.
Jeu ditur When an LA! Du futm For the Wa. padedant We وان ۱۱ پول ۲۷ رابر ۱۱ راز الي 10 11;انه هر ۱۰۰ او والا را در سال ۱۰