AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismEnglandFranceImperialismLeninMarxPrivate PropertySovietWorking ClassWorld War

THE COMMUNIST Six Reply to Bertrand Russell Vertraud Russell impreenICHE 0!
Suitet nt human Istitutions las taken place under Russia bnie len rinn the widest publicity in turs 01 the rulins Classes, but Its political the most adverse circumstances Those work charcter the capitalin press and in the Iberal periodi hunged simultaneously with Call.
ing for the establishment of a The articles cals. Including the NY cooperative chu Ue lu bociety. At the name pace at ich ale ne corrutton to the knowledge o! the commonwealth deferve not only words of enthe progress of modern Industry developed, Soslets, alrews unade available through the couragement. but deeds. In their support. Dril widened. Intensited the class antagonia be ial labor Isured to Mympathetic Atriking in ald stigations of ich trained observers as, tween capital and labor, the Mtato power RO of inen striving for triang mprovement in con Hansome. Hullit. Pron. Meliride and others.
sumed nore and more the character of tne Rud are valuable only insofar as the ow the ditions, but the Russian revolutionisl. Mtrike national power of capital over labor, of public effect of a tiroletarial rivolution upon the mind in the most effective way for all the wealth for force organized for social en lavement, Ol tie workers who aid in the production of that at the bourgeois pacifist and radical engine of class despotism. After every revoluHussell barae famous during the war for Wealth tlon marking a progressive pbare or tho class his opposition to the capitalistitiperlulist ko Sympatheti action is due to them because trurgie. the purely repressive character of the thes ure in the van of the proletarian revolu.
th Cure of all stato power suunds out in bolder and bolder ermineats, riehus attributing tionary movement. and every advantage they helpen capitalist nations to relief.
odern Warfare Imperialisin is, at the same thine, the most can obtai, etery reform they can achieve, will the need fur world markets and for the ex loitation of the peuples and resources o: affect the workers in other countries prostitute and the ultimate forin of the state the These are the initions made upon de Jond coalhin the interesis of the power which ancient middle class society had mands of men who, although they are not Com of the nations in olio and commenced to elaborate as a means of its own capitalist class Because of this and the articles contributed since munists, are ly their own roletarian experi. emancipation from feudalline and whicb full groun bon geois society had finally transformed ene, moved to the expression of international the var, many to believe that Russell was convinced that war with all its horro. could solidarity of all the workers of the world, and Into mans for the enslavement of labor by only be permanently avoided by the forelule ho have observed the workings of the dicta Cupital. Civil War in France. etisdiosessica of the capitalist class and the in torship of the proletariat in Russia, not as Eng. Here is a rfect picture of that bourgeois slimen, brat a workers troduciion or communist rocit Atc. which our bourgeois pacifists fondly im. went to Rusis. fars Russell. believing Russel stresses the fact that by dictator. uelne will peacefully evolve into co oper.
myell atomunist: contact with thos Nip the Russian connunist actually means the tive commonwealth, but which the working who have no doubts her intensited a thousand rule of the class conscious proletariat, the ruth. clags is coming niore and more to realize u ust fold my doubts, not only of Coininunism. less crushing of the counter revolution, the ve destroyed, root and branch bit of every creed xotirmly licia that for its forcibl. expropriation of the capitalist owners. Russell fears that in the revolution thích win the revolution. sone.
the ironi discipline or sake meu willing to inflet widespread are 10xtToy tiris capitalist state machinery, mirrry.
thing that his bourgeois pacifist mind cannot that. the heritage of civilization is like y to Russell night will have spared himself the tolerate especially when practiced by the work. be lost while batredy suspicion, and cruelty betrouble or his inonta spent in Russia amere Ingmen.
come normal the relations of buman beings.
Teading of the literature of communisin should Opposition is crushed with out mercy, says One would thing to read this, that in Eng.
land. and Anierica today, Russell. and since all evils are due o private baie convinced him that he never was a Com.
we are living ni perfect heaven of fraternal bliss, and that love, property. the evils of the Bolshevist regime.
while it has to figh: private property will auto confidence, and kindness are the normal rela Russc! cannot think in terms of the wornik ons between capital and labor and with each matically cease as soon as it hus fucceeded. sargos sentimentalist and relornier.
These views are the familiar con quences of other Here again. Marx. with almost prophetic be himse. has lived soft and eleily upon the fanatical belief. To an English mind they re vision castigates the Russell of our time.
una la jo: of the workers. having no conInforce the conviction upon which English life It is a strange fact. In spite of all the Ret with them or their problems. Steeped in Jias beer besed ever since 1G8X, that kiudliners tall talk and all the immense lltcrature, for the bourgeois ideolo: be has 10 conception of and tolerance are worth all the creeds in the last sixty years.
about the Emancipation of the class struggle of the clash of Irreconciliable mer view, which, it is true. We do not Labor. no rooner do the workingmen anywhere class interests, culininating in civil War, the apply to other nations or to subject raves. take the suinjort into their own hands with a ered using or the works and the seizure hind:iness and tolerance by ihe capitalist wlll. tian uprises at once all the apologetic of roser tbe consciousness and wilurent altatorship. in England. indeed. et Russell phrascology o! the mouthpieces of present. 80of their historie milxsion.
consider the ruthless suppressiou of the workers ciety with its two poles of capital and wage It is fhent. says Russell, to exaggerate during the Chartist movement. the East End slavery (the landlord is now but the slenping the difference between Russian and Eng.
of London. the cotton mills of Manchester. will partner of the capitalist) as 11 capitalist society Jishman. am convinced that there is for more bear eloquent testimouy to the kind and tole. was still in its purest state of virgin innocence, esemblance betteen Mr. Smillie and Mr. Winrant treatment of the children, the women and with: 1:s antagonism still undeveloped, with its ston Churchill than between the fornier aud the men of England at the hundr of her capila delusions still unexploded, with its prostitute Lenin or the latter and Kolucak.
list class realities not yet laid bare.
Here is an alternat common to all Lourgeois Xo workinx class in the world has been NO Why those members of the ruling class who Ideologists to make one believe that there is mercilessly exploited and sacrificed as have the are intelligent enough to perceive the impos. randamental difference between the peoples Workers of England in the utrenipt of the Brit. sibility of continuing the present system and of our nation and others, and that the Bolshe 1so imperialists to niake Eugland the Work.
they are many have become the full mouthed vist Revolution is peculiar to Russla auu could shop of the world.
and obtrusve apostles of co operative producnot possib take place in England or America Perhaps Russell missed in Russia, the plea tion. cooperative production is not to remain wih biriler results. We venture to assert Fakt English countryside and the comfortable a delusion and a snare: If it is to supercede tha Russell would feel as uncomfortable the capitalist Mystem: iu nouses of the smug and conip! ace: British 11 united co operatve so the company of the English. ommunist McLean bourgeoisie, whose guest he has 30 often beon cieties are to :egulate national production non as he wou in the con pany of lenin. And as much aud thut other British institution the poor a common plan, thus taking it under their own out or place in a meeting of Welsh ininers or hoise.
control and putting an end to the coastant the ship workers of the (lyde as in any meet. But Russell is appalled when he contemplates anarchy and periodical convulsions which are Ing of Russian workers in Russia.
the prospect of civil war. of world revolution. the fatality of capitalist production wrat else, sentlernen, would it be but Communismim.
lu this be sex an universal cataclysm in which One of the conditions upon which Russell under for civilization might go thousand possible communism.
was allowed to enter Russia was that he travel ears.
whose Russell visited Maxim Gorky and found him with the British labor delegation. in dying, and expresses the opinion that the ar Russell completely ignore the fact that the coin any he niade the journey, a condition that tistic and intellectual life in Russia is dying capitalist system is collapsing. is breaking up Russell says lie was glad to conply with qua 10 tou.
and falling to pieces about his eurs, that as hich the labor deler. allowed him Just how inuch of the intellectual and artstic life is vouch sared to the workers in rest of this system and the world wars it faldil. The fir nembers of the British labor England and other capitalistic countries le tuo breeds. whole populations are dying of famine Tregation were not communists und observed well known to need extended comment: the arand disease in the midst of fabulous wealth the same phenonena in Russia that Russiu did.
tiets and intelligentsia under capitalism are not that capitaliet imperialist governments only funcAlse they are real Englishmen. at their banes free but like the workers are the hired mea would indicate tion to enslave the greater part of mankind The London Daily Herald of of the ruling class.
and will if they endure alteinpt to drown in July 1xt oublirled interviews with the neabers their own blood the of ibis delegation, from which we quote, audit In the Bullitt report we find It stated. The workers who seek to achieviments of must be remembered that these British trade aclleve their einancipation and with it the free the Department of Education have been don of the buinan race.
Thousands of very great.
uninnists are uot apt to be over enthusiastic.
schools have been opened. And the Ransomo Purcell: As on alternative to world revolution to the report states that whereas under the Cur Thracion of the capitalist Kuierameuts seizure of political power by the class con Tegime there were six universities there are and thei. complicity in atteinpts to crush or. selous workers and the establishment of the HOW ixteen, with a constantly increas1:16 at.
dictatorship of the proleturlat. leading to the ganized working clase Russiu bad beth amply tendance Tuition is free, and working men proved. The Russian Soviet Repubite, to be introduction of Communist society. what do the and women are urged to attend. The number (ally. understud, should be nieasured by the Russells propose: of libraries has more than doubled. The numPEACEFUL EVOLUTIOX.
fact that its accomplishments had been perforin.
ber of schols has vastly increased. Art gal: ed in the face of six years continuous war, The world is standlug at the cross roads of leries and the opera are open to the poorest always. Its solland within its buruers, by histury and civilization is indeed in the balauce.
workers at prices that they can pay.
inats u! conspirators bucked by foreigu fin. What is the commune, that sphinx botan.
It ppears that out of a mass of contradie.
Ace talizing to the bourgeois mind? u8kg Marx.
Add to that, long sustained altus and tions. or example, where Russell BAYS 10 ono distortyo? the foreign press, and one night Tho proletarians of aris, said the Central place that, The Russian Government is not Bet lin. ps of the wonderful achievements unaniittee 1p 18 maulfesto of 18th March, imperialistic In spirit, and would prefer peace of the Russin toinmunist and trade union move midst the fullurs and treasons of the rul.
to conquest, and in another, The roconquest ment On the way home, he alted. ing classes, have understood that the hour has of Asiatic Russia has revived what is essenhave read the Jying statements in the cupitalist struck for them to Favo the situation by taking tiully un imperialist way of thinking. that Press regardiac the Polish war. Afitos repeal. into their own hands the direction of public the one thought to which Russell Lolde fast is in the fury of Russian victory. which the unuirt. They have understood that it 16 hic abnormal fear and obsession, common to press inade Russian reverse, he halu, thes their interious duty and their absolute right All bourgeois Perts and yellow Bocialista, Lad retalls senn Polish prikoners dias. reso tu rinder themselves inauters of their own that the centralization of power in the hands Juttog is the piosence of the dorkuttuu, kiving destinies by Krizing upon the governmental of the clabe conscious proletariat, and the world their opinion of the war and their leaderk, power. But. says Marx, thu working clubs Toivolution whicb impendx and which the Third after attacang their signaturre.
This Cannot miniply lay hold of the ready made International is preparing for, will start. con.
we have four poreskion. in concision, tate machinery and wield it for own Dur lingrution. beride which the World War will be sa! Purcell. All powUF 10 the Soviet Republic POSE only a kirmish.
This lerson the Russian Cominuminis Ivarued.
1x khat wild in Hussla, and hot ID Enkiuud Let it bo underxtood that revolutions are not 15 All Joner to the Sults everywbere. They have built up their own political machi. Bade with rosewater. Nothing was ever acblov. p with the dictatorrhip of the prolerful. uery ilu proletarian dictator hlj, o umoxious ed by an opprerred and blave class without Re, Wahend: to the butirreols Russell. wruggle. The every day rukglo of the Marx thux de cribes the capitala tute: The opt of the Volta will ruly workers to maintain living wayo has hasten Hurenir. During the xulquent regime, the KovTrenturion, urendy the developed into bitter and bloody con Turut placed under jarlinnutary control11. ter of ull froin Bak Inuterially biterius Ale niline untold buffering and hardsbl)
that is, under the direct control of the proportiod the sis The poor pearature Jutluitlly uputi the workers and their fumion, and the. Leeking tot wily a hotbed of luge nu Com lire more Xirinishes in the cars WRT. 1 off that they hins ben bulur. Thu til dr and crumbu tx; wleh itu Ir.
1d for the reconstruiu uro opis. le liurements of place, prir, and patInuli do Jot whrink from their nieru duty salle, sad with rearun. Thir Kork is listed The resoluttonury war for emanation frou roda, libra not only the boue or cou ill alter the whole wituation for the better We wavery will not be won without mom ou bi thu rival fuction and odsen.
Bert Tills: 41 on the bravout and the bert. lệ la ven in JI2414 41 PHA 43 Tuy the blood bed and the slaughter of the worker The of the arrutiye (mitte of tu. tr tahun. Tiim Ko in the impermot Mark Wad by capitullani tu. proxrux de riuniti uved thu herifler 10d won the workon Contud on page 7)
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