BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismImperialismSocialismSovietStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

Fivo THE COMSIONIST Letter from Rutgers to a Japanese Comrade.
brve a constant supply on hand, but not so the working clase, wbici liver from bond to mouth, day in and day out. To labor Council there. doubt tho Left Wins and direct action North, and that even in Aplinal dovelopment, fore found Suso face to face with a situation have the futuro, since only by sell activity mocles do not develop from those that have It hnd never even dreamed of. Afrin decision can the workers loarn to control their own, not udapted themselves mot perfectly to their nur WT. Decessary. The Council other had to feed only in bringing about a change for power Init unding, but from moro printivo species that the workers or surrender. May it be said to No to reconstruct society on nuew basis, which have more lition for ndaptation to new the lasting credit of the Counci. that its med is the more dificult part of the tank. Even if to: circunstance his, however, in dangerous BOTH braved the wiltuation and determined to was morrow the workers kot the power through par likewise analogy to transmit into social life and we should feed the workers. Tho Council entry means and the capiinlists would not ho very careful with such examples. But till obliged to provide food for the sick, keep the have recourse to armed power which, of cours There is some fundamental truth in it and it Birch clean, furnlub lights to the hospitals, have trourne to armed power (which, of course, throw more attention to the East. It may be ete. Furthermore, 10 order not to let the rowthey would) the workers, by potrusting the re. remembered that instinctively tho Russians al.
dies run rlot, the. ouncil provided pickets (or construction to their parliamentary representa ways live paid moro attention to the East than Rud Guards) to patrol the city streets. Henco thick and leaders would again fall into new Automatically Or Western friends to general.
the functions of government Klavr Only tho sell activity and participation of large groups of workers and poor pabaut, Of course, all this should by no means diml. dropped into the hands of the Labor Council But was this Revolution. Not at all. It was in our activities here on this ontrary, the with the exclusion of exploiters and close con never intended to be such. What actually bad world will have to change all around and are trol over intellectunds from the old tom geols nuous efforts will be required everywhere. But pened was ths: the capitalista, terrified at the od middle classes can help. This is. course.
It may omphasize for our Eastern friends their power displned by the workers, called on the diMcult situntion since the workers have no responsibilities, and stimulate Uior activities. It milllary to interveno, and with force in ODO education and leadership, and science is a non would be a dancerous mood to expect too much hand and promisecs in the other, they were Ole of bourgcoiy intellectuals and organiza.
from others, more dangerous, the possibilities prepared to talk to the workers on their own tions are that a great part of the common task will termo laturally! This ended tho general The Russians have shown the way in a mar. fall on their own shoulders. cannot Judge strike. What wish to point out to tbat the velous manner, although the lack of response whether already for overpowered subversion of the small crafts into that great in Western Europe throntens the results and by capitalist organization and spirit, that dif ocean of General Labor not only secured the for ca them to have recourse to militarism and ficulties there are almost equal to those in rights of organized labor in particular, but de bureaucracy to a certain oxtent. In order not to Western Eurono and that we have to look mora monstrated beyond a shadow of doubt that the be crushed by outside forces and inside misery to the subjugated races of China and India. But working class was able to take control of the It was a great disappointment to me to And anyhow fec! bcatly increased interest in industries, If they only desired to do so.
the workers in the West so much less prepared Far Eastern affairs, especially in the actual facts Industrial Unlonlsm Not Enough.
for real action than in Ruevia. The strength of about the life of the original population, To be sure, Industrial unionism is absolutely the old bourgeois or capitalist civilization 18 so Tha Soviet System is very fexible and can essential to modern class warfare, but industrial strong here that conditions are much more dir. be adapted as in Russla, to ball and middle unionism per so is not the be all and end all ficult. But the worst purt is, that the workers of capitalism. Indeed, there are plenty of inpleasantry, handicraft, etc. But to know whether themselves have becomo quite a part of the and how this could be possible we ought to study dustrial unlops today which are highly reactia capitalist world. With their erormous organl. those conditions in the list of Russlan achieve. nary. The Miners Federation of America stul zations, buildings. treasuries. strong staff of ments.
tolerates the renegade Lewis ag Its President, bureacratic leaders, participation in capitalist In spite of bis open betrayal of the miners La Could you not help us in this respect by your Institutions, in the league of nations, etc. thay their last strike. Australia has a Ono BLE own judgemont, And by sending literature, as become imbued with bourgeois Apirit and bour.
Union. yet it is far from being revolutionary.
far as this has has been published in some grois interests. Sc. onls. chuchee, the press and It might even be stigmatized as conservative modern languagc! mead conditions of agr.
all that we call civilization ter is to confuse cultural them. Riving thom just enough knowledge to en.
property llence all talk of Industrial Union om u tho (reministences of priiniuro Sav lour of Mankind 18 puro bunkum and clap communism or family property. tenent iarmers able the workers and pensants to fall victims trap. oleks the unloplom be permeated with and proletarians on tbe land) conditions of work.
of the reasoning of the master class, and not a spirit of rebellion, and a conscious desire ens in small industry, handicraft, etc. traditions puongh to analyse and dretroy the Illusione, Not of primitive communes or family life ctc.
to overthrow capitalism, its changing from craft Those workers that deveiop Eemselves above to Judustrial organization is like changing from only about Japan ut about China. Korea and tbe avere ce necessary for the capitalists are Siberia as well.
largely brihed and corrupted by money. positions Also from the standpoint of Tweedledee to Tweodledum.
Communism and the Limitations of Japanese Socialism 11 in bo highly valuable or respectability Economic striket.
for you to study more cloeely conditions in ChiNowadays, in all the countries of the West, na. close. co operation will be necessary be Howerer, it is not at all essential that all the masses are starting from the bottom in ta een Japanese and Chinese revolutioniste. Ja. the workers be class conscious. Had the Rusdirec: action and golf activity, but they are be.
pan seeks domination of China for imperialistic sian Communists waited until each and every trayed time and again by their leaders and by reasons. The foremost dirty of the Japanese Russian was e Bolsberik, they might have UIntellectuals from their own ranks. This process Seo will continue. fear, for some time and mean.
ats therefore, is to count ct this policy: gered an eternity and longer still It there be in the first place. by opposing mlllt arisia and disratisaction and discontent and no one ca wile western society is running fast towards a complete coll80 and chaos, and it will be imperialism in every form, by weakening the deny that this is so today. a CODscious minor Japanche capitaliet stronghold. by Aghting for a Ity. conscious of ito historic mission, can and Extr. mely difficult to rebuild anything from the r::ins left. feat deal of misery and cruelty huvian life and material inprovements at home, must swing the masses towards a revolutionary erort etc.
to capture and IE destroy the bourgeois now awaiting 119, although the collapse But the other side of the fight against Imiestate.
It is the very bence of this active, of capitalism proceeds so rapidly that elther a condicte slavery or a new life will have to riallem is to strengthen the Chinese proletariat. organized minority that causes the impetus of to increase its power of reistance, to help to Sink up. No doubt it will be nem le. sitre all the great strikes to spend themselves in bring the Chineec NOVO Tent in the lur o class Risin holds out to help ne thoigh.
utter exhaustion and in temporary weaknes counciou 1085 aud BoiBu vism. Hur tout purpos But for some time we full exprced that This is the reason why the Seattle general it is necessary to study closely its conditions.
Western Europe. Odre awakened. would soon strike was a failure, in spite of its apparent tale the lead and help Russia to reconstruits its history. Its traditions and feelings and to success No greater exhibition of solidarity Ecoponic life and its new rnnial structure.
create by your own actions and deeds that feel. was ever inore complete than that of the work.
ing xanutual trial, that is necessarr for (o opeSome of 116 are now inclined to believe that ers of Seattle. Yet it falled. The same is true cihiculues in the older countries to overcomie r11101 under such difficult circunstances. Japan of Winnipeg. general strike wuch as Seattle Lourgeois civilization and hour rols institutions ad China as uations are in such a direct anta or Winnipeg can easily be turned into a rational gonism, that It may he helpful to have the supare great that the low developed general strike if the active minority is on the coun: ort of European comrades in clearing up the tring of the East, including nesla, offer a boter job and well organized in a Coinmunist Party.
chance anil na prord in the new develop ferral pitnation and mutual misunderstanding To recapitulate: Industrial Unlouism to day 1s We are becoming more and inore aware of the ent. Such Communists roember (Lat cirtil ut not importance of developments in the Fa: Dade Imperative by the development of machs7:10:i has in former tince Also changed its nery and the coucentration of capital, but this center froin Erut to West and from South to East for the great problem of the world revolu. organization in itself is not, and cannot be the tion Vessla! of the Revolution. The union organizations, by the very nature of things, Aro pot adapted to revolutionary action. Thecir fight being always a struggle to better conditions, they are not able to distinguish between the By WORD WILGU immediate illusory guin and the complete emadcipation or their class. It is therefore important comrade from Aincrica inquire of me will cll us on this fundamental problein of tha! realize the natural limitations of purely whether the Triple Alliance is foeping, Industrial Unionism and the General Sirke, economic strikcs.
Sleeping dong not describe the Triple liane In order to make the essential point, that now to the gonrul trike in Seattlecorrectly. would rather say that it was stil! Kreat industrial clty on the laclac coast dur. industrial unionis. does not spell Revolution, born. That the Alliance exists can not be doubt.
us 111? the carly polt of 1919. The facts are in aysume that the Triple Alliance to ed, but its existence is that of dead matter, follows: The xhipbulldera bad several grievances united body or One Big lalon. True, such an devoid of exh and blood, and all the other against their inesiers, which they were anxious Orhanatich would bring us a step nearer to attributes that are characteristic of lit. ad to clear up. The un interviewed the owners. Communism, but Industrial Unionis in Itsell action The cause of its inactivity is s not the Soxlal Revolution. It simply den and they cutegorically roused to consider the The Triplo Alliance in coruposed u: tire rore scientific roor anization of organized labor, demands. The workers xwerful Industrial wcu.
distinct bodies: Minere, Railway men, and Trans pou was therefore decided upon port workers; each of which ing! sts on 18 to bring the for the purpose of repulsing the onslaughts of Horses to their renkt.
individually on strike W86 declared.
the centralized ca italist class, which is able bel. alf of 18 OHD Wartar The companion countered with threat of by means of the trustification of Industry to Tutorente, without the binallis! regard for the immediate din al of all those men who failed it one section of the workers against the other, interests of the benerul name of workers or to return to work the following morning, This method of cumination by industry lustead een of the other incnibers of the Alliance. The tbreat which could wasily be enforced, because of craft is not the result of abstract philosophlresult is that the Central Organization in per the signing of the Armistice had diminished the cal reasoning, dont is forced upon the workers less to act as a ringle unit, a situation which 13 dinand for shippin. The situation became cri.
as the only wultabit weupon for defenso. The dangerous to labor HS lt 18 doplerubie, tical, and a meeting of the City lubos Council proof of this lies in the foot that Industrial Moreover, tho moving und courageous spirit that wus culled to consider the grave danger to luionism nove precedes the trustication of is essential to a Etrus entralized body is Organizar labor. After a little hesitation und Industry. but, on tho contrary, in the legits foreign to the fako Labor leaders. Mr. Tuonias is still gallopius after the cuat tails repec. ra ni 11. a general Afriko Wah dic! ded upon male and inevitable of spring of Big Business, 11short. nekter Industrial Unionism or the ability. And big readiness to accept honors iron to take crect at once. The craft unions greeted this tle Durasitic hands of the exploiters 18 VINIC Ceneral Striko (tu wit, the late Irish General rcry with great cothuxingu, and the Kenerul strike Sulke to free the bungor otrikers. iux proof of hy quito trullorous conduct to the was complete. The mcado buzz and Social Revolution. The latter undoubtedly must working class. Thn rewards of Judas Ixcariot tumult of a great city wax 10 nuore. Vot a pre code and then run concomittant with an upwak nilcroscopic compared with those of 11.
thing was moves! not even the private cars of risiuk. but the bucceful engineering of this Thomas, the man who would gladly lick the the mastera. Wherever a Wason or an auto Lots of the arter clum ux Del strike is the tank of the Communist deuonoration was observed, it MMS mediately silenced by of his Mervility. This is the same lulorlaki urty by the pickets The factories were that tiglit.
who whed crocodilo tary on his visit to this When the Revolution WIII Como.
to the city 414 IN quite MA duml bell Tho To battlefields of Franco, where he obrersed the obtain Econoinic Emancipation, it is only vehicles that budged wire those bearing TechAry to fight for it. To wait. an honio body of the Right llun. Haymond Aquath lying large migun, with the Inscription: By Permis.
de luy side with Uint of u humble prolain 11 evolutionary Sélopedic dagog advice u non of Dr. Jacor (10 11. Now, everyone 18 Mery often, all the workers are orxan.
bild. What further proof DO) tu que WAT of the fact thint If it comes 10 1. into Indurik) Unions, and thru to writ Censtruto the Inuinple Identity of the case. of ouduranter, the p181x are by far the er contury until capital crumbles by The Beattle Strike.
ronger. They do bot buy flour, futa uro, coul, its Wright, la weer nonsen. and by po llut tu return to the topie. Let us ante bles et free on the contrary by That to contains the Its uud mu what experience, the ubluat of fact, Dashing them to in larg stiller un druk on esitout, but we met renem.
th 110k only obt. In the Chinjir. but. inted on. Industrial Unionism and the General Strike