BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyStrikeWorking Class

This (Translated from the Jewish issue of the Communist. official orxan of the The following article, reprinted from the ocial Jewish organ of the United Centrist the names of the delegates are not found any discussing the various problems on the poor of arty In xuwer to Y, s article onvention kuown in 1919. In kon what cxogorated. MANY the convention, have influenced it towards the of Kerolutionists. 18 highly important as shal of the delegates were well known to the mem left. Among them were two delapatra from New dink more light on the vicious Centrist char.
bership of our party us valunble workers in the York, one froin Phlludelphia, one from Bulut ACL and Tendences of the louders of the movement.
more and one from Chicago. These ovo dele and the lack of communist understanding In reality two konventions met on the first gutes obtained the 0, peratioy of five other, among the groat majority of the delegates at day: u convention of the Communist Party, in who ulthough participating but little in the de the so called unity convention.
which participuted 39 delegates, and a conven. but, have nevertheless helped to move the tion of the represented by 25 delegates, convention to the left. This is mentioned bers It is no surprise to find that Damon. Caxton, Fisher Co. ofthe former minority of the and one fraternal delegate, all 58 delegatex. in order to throw some light on the subaquant to this ni bp suded the representative of events.
Communist Party, and the leaders of the the Third International. the total reach 69. After a prolonged dicube on the resolution Brown, Klein, Dubner (o. framed a pro The two conventious opened in different places, to vroceed with the elections was adopted. The gram kud constitution which completely evaded not far apart. Occasionally a delegate of the ten delegates refused to Yote and began to the fundamental question how are the work. would pay uk u visit to see whether retire in order to hold a caucus. That bad an ere 10 assime power and establish the proleta.
We were reudy for the fusion.
effect on the convention. Comrudo Klein (C.
rian dictatorship. The Communist Party had It already branded and exposed those louders As moved that the electious be suspended sod WAR Already noticeable during the first that a discussion of the prograin be taken up.
Centrist whose bession that the convention of the Cominunist chic object was to split the The motion pumped. And so tbe left delegates arly was not a unined body, but was composed Communist Party and effect a mechanical amal celebrated their first victory. The program was of different elements. who didered not only in gumation between the splitting of faction, the read and digc11b8d, every word belog carefully tactics, but IMO in fundamental questions of And the beſt elements of the principle. It and force this heterogeneous mixture back to Welghed. In thix monner two hours were con46 Cusy to foruree that it will sumed in debating about one word, Le incult to present a solid front against whether the Lelt Wingism of 1919.
the This became the more capitalism collapsu. because it cannot proThe reader Deed merely refer to the state.
duce tbe necessities of life or because it can.
When the program and constitutiou submitted monts issued by Damon, Caxton. Fisher Co. by the Unity (Committee were read.
not provide the necesary means of existence.
in the recent split to verify the truth of this. program was prepared by omniittee, comIt Bewed as 11 party distinction disappeared.
Xor is it yurprising to learn that naturally pogod of three menbers of the Damon, All trying to exhibit their accomplishments in the authors of this program. Comrades Dainon. Caxton and Fisher) and three of the political economy.
Caxton and Fisher, wore also Its chief defend. Brown, Klein and Dubuer. It was read before storm began. The part of the program ers This was very evident from the tone of both conventions As basis of unity and it about the selzure of state power was read.
the articles which Damon and Cuxton, editor called forth freat dissatisfaction among reveral This part that should indicate the means and and associate editor respectively of the official Eastern delegates and a few Western, because Ways through which the proletariat can seizo national organ of the published in the of its (the prokran weakuees and of its Dolitical power, does not even mention. word.
convention number of their paper.
failure to express a definite revolutionary ut It avoids even mentioning the word mass action, The following article also explains why those ulude, especially in regard to mass action.
It is in general very weak and colorless, BDtwo political adventurers atteinplad to evade The parts of the program dealing with mass deavoring to dismiss it all with a few phrases about tre clays struggle.
Any discussion of fundamental principles and nction did not mention a word about armed tactics in their paper since the convention. The iusurrection as the only method for the cou. The first to speak is Comrade Newman. Ho first issue contained an article Away with quest of political power by the working class. points out all derects and that the program to Controversy. The second issue contained an It dealt only with the general strike, which 18 even inferior to the previous program of the editorial Shall we argue with Liars!
transformed into a general politiral strike. But The other, says he, at least speak about maxs did not state the manner, in which political Boy) articles were cowardly attempts to run action, even though it failed to defino what Dags action is. And we try not. y from any discuseion which would compel Power can be seized.
even to mention the word. You give us a wholo them to express their real position on funda. It is renarkable, that those, who always chapter about the conquest of political power tuental questions. The firet article seemed criticized the old program of the conmist and you don tell us how, through what ways mor. like the lamentations of oro haunted by Py. which said so much about mash action and means it can be accomplished. You avoid unpleasant memories. trying to drive them out winout defiring it, lave copied the very fame progrand. In particular the part abont of his mind. The second attempted to elude mass the words dictatorship of the proletariat, mas Action, and armed iusurrection.
You must discussion by taking a dishonest advantage of action, and thought that they would easily get either throw the whole thing out or else talk in typographical error which in no way affected away with it. Naturally the authors of this clear lunguage.
the tenor of the argument made by the present program, comrado Da nion, Caiton and Fisner, Tbe convention is rown into an upruar, writer in criticising the unity convention as were also Its chief defenders. Ford, a New Tens of hands are suretched towards the chair reported by Damon and Caxton. Had Damon York comrade reads another program, which 16 man all want to speak. Various opinions are printed what immediately followed the quot. more revolutionary and contains a clear det.
expressed. The debate is prolonged untu A.
ation in question, instead of the typographical nition of mass action. But the trouble was toat Against this part of the program speak also error itsell, he would bave immediately exposed in other respects it was far from satisfactory the comradeg Dellon, Zlank, Ford and Parker bis false accusation.
Taken as a whole. It was not a document, but of the Communist Party and Comrada Brown We cite these two instances as further proof only a weak attempt on the part of a young of the The comrades Dellon and Zlank what he wanted, but could author, who knew of the studied attitude of evasion which the speak heatedly. It is evident that for them chief theoreticians of the have adopted not enunciate il on paper in a syslematic way.
everything depends on the outcome of the dis On the other and the preram of the nited at their policy. In order to continue dumug Committee was well written, but lacked one cussion, that it is a case of to be or not to be.
ging their own membership. It is also interest.
to be a Communist Party or party of phrasol ins to note that Flieher, the former notorious insignificant detail. the revolutionary bought Heated debates began. few Eastern dele Rates They demain bat this paragraph must speak Chicago organizer And lic:tenant of Danon in of dictatorship and an armed Insurrection. For the recent split, also helped to frame auù dupRre speaking in favor of the New York Prog.
this paragraph in its original form speak many port this Menshevik program, This was the ram that in the program brought in by the delegates.
one man whom Damon used to point to with New York delegate. They are demanding that The inost noteworthy speech is made by this prograin should be taken as a bants. They pride as the greatest Bolshevik of them all.
acomrade of the who says that the As for the Chicago delegutes (most of thein are speaking with heat und vigor. Besides the Wert delegates don know what they want former members of the Chicago District Con author of the program (N. also delegate They demand that the words dictatorship of delegate from Ba! 11:nore Crom Philadelphia. niittee who staged the abortive revolt in the the proletariat and armed insurrection shall and another one from New York are deiendin Communist Party. only two out of the boven be o enly repeated several ti: es. am against could be counted among the left delegates, the this program. Comrade Newman takes the loor it. For me the word dictate ship is repulsive.
other five were on the right or vacillating.
and criticizes the part of the program. Unity It is only because it is a necessary evil that more sweeping vindication of the position Committee. where it speaks about maka aclion, We include it in our prograin. Therefore let it of the Communist Party fore, during touches the New York program and speaks And remain under the paragraph about dictatorship.
after the split, could not come from the testiabout the good and bad sides. He points out that the New York program touches very imBut why re: tedly mention 11.
niony of one who wided against us in the split.
It is portant questions, which must have u luce in worthy that the so called lat Moreover, the following article, aside from delegatic the Chicago district was not what the valuable close up it gives of the Centrist our program, As for example, the agraria ques.
It prete the American Legion as a counter revo u to be. or the seven delegates only leaders in action and scrambling for jobs, 18 two left. The rest were either of the niainly interesting for the reason that it proves lutionary power, the role that the church play in tbo struggle against Communism. etc. He proright, or they vacillated so much that it us the inposability of effecting real organic unity a strain on one eyes merely to watch them, United Com.
PORCA that the program of the between the Communist Party and the The session mittee bhall be taken as a busis on the con 18 adjourned, Jeaving dissatistas in this country so long as the latter organization in the hearts of the left delegates. They dition that the part of the progruir dealing with tiou 15 doininated and controlled by vicious and immediately summoned raucus of left doloInass action shall be changed in the spirit of in principle. entrists of the stripe of Dumon, gates, to which only those are invited, who art the New York program 314 ll other abova Caxton, Fisher, Meyer Co. Editor note.
reliable and balanced in question of principle montirner joints shall be included ID La They debate the question: what is to be DIO, 111. Al last the authors submit W7J. roThere af peared in the English issue of the done? They decide not to compromise. Several ve to revise the program. 1: was late in te Coinmunist an article by in which the (vening, when this Bt8fion euded. Some wele delegates express the opinion that tho morning wrlier gives his impressions of the convention. cales were still discussing the question of tars is wiser than the evening and thai tomorrow These Impressions are one sided, exhibiting every.
all will be well. The leaders of the Coinmunist 4:1. on wib few delegates. Une thing from ouo angle only. and trerefore we Party are smarting under the pain of defaul conventira. who came to em convention tu teil found it necessary to throw light on bese 114 that their convention Heol the program They thought that all are already united into Occurencon, to present all the facts in their of thio Inity (ominittce LASIE. The acou.
ono party and they could, therefore, afford to true color. Cven if it is ton certain extent far гоulated energy of the selesa sought an blightly disregard vital principles and here tbox from pleasruit, because we believe that tbe mit with such opposition. They coine to us la bitter truth is far better than the sweet un.
order to make a compromise. The left dole trit. This is not being done to harper the The Arat session of the Unitea Communist gates are disappointed. Chpecially so about the work. On the contrary. It is dune with the pur Party began with dixputes about elections for Chicago organizer, Comrade Hybhor, wboas poxe of corrorting our errors and to hold much the various conduites. The left element of the Buddenly as if by some ruirucle found him soll inistakes ax have been committed in the publ.
convention dem ded, that the program bhould among the Yacillating.
be taken up Orxt, and the electious afterwards.
Their motives were as follows: The morning proved to be winer than tho It seinx that Gnd is with the tomniunints, That we curn to a Communist convention proewink evenink nod thut Was because our the weather was splendid during all the in order to formunte a reul Communist program onderk, the authors of the program, bicum Kesions of the convention. Froin Ume to timo And herefore it is the most important point WIKOT over night. The left dolentus PARA the sky grow cloudy, but It never ruined. Tuo which ought to be in medlutely ullended to, AS Vething they wanted. The comunitteo bring place of the convention was very buitable for the unlou through common is only of necond the purugraph in a revisod form. It is designated much an undertaking, and everything Will AT. ury Importance; that completo union cannot Dow the nature of the mate, and tho DATranku foreland in the best inanner. Delo the place unless WH tund on the same ground gruph about muss action Bruks explicitly about Buty wen present, representing every part of in regard to principles: thut we cannot find a Med insurrection All the only incans for the the nited State in to or all obstac Aud the percution of yovernment Ajonts. Wo huo.
conos xrowd fore comunlutine a programu. bollshment of the dictatorship of tho prolo that the death of the Are outroly alut. 10 1x kreut victory for the ten left ceeded in bolding convention of a United unknown to Un und in order to Voth Intently deletex, who have led the convention towards. Di Party with thry features of WU tu dine the proyrum lrnt if only 10 to right road. It is to thun thint tho Com UD.
Contenito, 1) thi cach, but without quated with the sew point of the dele INT Toyonit of AmericR Indebted for the mitical new. Svortheism there kuten Thein Rural the urin clearly pred revolutionary program.
Operated 4t Us to shadow of inachine. of tho left delen, who, however, were nu in Interesting debatu occur. About tho Lut they could not tunetlou viduti) out of halls weak. It is not goun to me 100 question of Justicuting in politieul oluctions order. The stion of 14 HONE that there were in all only we deuten who (contiunod ou puso.