BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceImperialismItalySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST Two THE COMMUNIS7 No. principles: French polley of licking Buron Wran:rel and Nupity Were elected, of wagen war upon the workers of Soviet Rup itir IN national omtals uud IN Nillerud BRTOE with Wilpon thut. the clcet o 11o nk of the unied party.
future of civilization NL like und y: Tots dont turOwn another light upon the unity convention NO ably described by The America and French government CRI Omeil organ of not huse omal relations wito government member of the of the in their rwolved TITE COMMINIST PARTY OF AMERICA to compre Against inftitutions of Jewisborran lefuting article on the France, whose diplomat would be instigatorn convention and translated and reprinted else.
published by the of revolt And whore Apeakera proclaim they where in this inle.
CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE will win contract with the intention not to live up to them.
And NO. Wnile the bolshevih are mnohing Vol. 11 September 1, 1920 It is reported that the Rurulan branches of tht oordon sanitaire freeing the peasants and the recently held convention apa workers of olund 1roin the bondage of the Polish and Allied finperinlikts, they at the name decided to organize Russian Federation des Wilson Last Note.
pittir decision of their convention.
time, and with consumute skal. are uplitting The Gernon Federaton of the former th. Alex themselver, so that now the pauper we understand are also taking steps to becede Capludimo Nk and dyink and it is Attink nation France, is taken under the munificent and organize new Independent Socialist Party.
that alck and Jincredited man whould be it wing of Capitalist America. while Imperialist eblet throrin And spokesman.
Enrland take care of Onkrupt Ilaly.
Woodrow Wilson once facinated the bour Thus, after two years of peace making and In the future the members of the W. full of Kools world with his diplomatle noter.
treats making and war inakink, this is the end will have to swallow John Sandgren venomo:16 Out of sound and fury, sixnilink nothing.
of the League of Nations that fatherless of spring of the old has capitalism. still born attacks against the principles and parties of tbe bts poor paralyzed brain there is oner.
Third International in huine and wilence. From lanl. en the Russian corpse, dellvered by the inla. wire Wilron. Rud his latest. perhaps bis which la now kuinking currion. And this is the the column of their official organ Solidarity question, thing which is the 18 ur in the coming prent.
we reprint the referendum vote for the editor.
Wilson praking for that dictatorship or the ship of the Ono Big Union Monthly which dential clections. Quick, W11. another note.
the American Govern own capitalis Billy John Sandgren 742.
npesk for itself.
and some disinfectant.
mueat, kuin expresses his love for the Russian Waldon. 103. humley 186. John Band.
While Wilson is spewing forth his venon at nuntains pele. Tur be unimpaired faith the victorious Nursinu proletariat, and Millerand gren, theoretician and editor inchief of the in the Russian people, in their high character monthly organ is the most rabid antirevine in imputent raxe; wille Glellett is play.
And their future.
Bolshevik, anti Communist, opportunist and syding hide and seek with the Soviets, and Lloyd dicalist within the TO Judge by the What RUBÍND people in Wieon here reler Georre 13 walking the tifht rope of British ring to? The emigree: The expropriated cap.
politics. looking for a soft place to land, there vute there must be many Iko him.
talists, aristocrats and land owners! The Run met in conference. Nt London, the representasian bourxeoisie and former exploiters of the tives of British Labor, who created Com The has long been the prey of its Russian pearants and proletariat, represented mittee of Action which was instructed. TO own inherent contradictions of attempting to here by Bakhmeter.
ren. ain in being until it obtained guarantees 1)
reconcile the Irreconcilable. In form and strucCertainly not the Russian workers and peathat British forces would not be used in sup. ture it is an economic organization; in functon sants, against whom Wilson sent an American port of Poland. General Wrangel, or ANY army in Archangel and Vladivostok to express OTHER and character it is a political organization. As MILITARY OR NAVAL EFFORT an economic organization it must do all in ito America love for them with bayonets, shrapAGAINST SOVIET RUSSIA; 2) of the Withpower How well Capitalist to organize all the workers in each nel and inachine guns drawal of the British Naval forces blockading industry and rightly 80. As a political organt America lores the Rusian Workers Govern.
Russia: And. 3) the recognition of the Soviet zation it must rigdly exclude the backward mont is further attested by the support given Government and the establishment of unrestrict every immature sections of the workers or be swamped to Kolehah. Denikine. Yudenitch, and ed trading and commercial relations between by an influx of workers who are interested in other reactionary Czarist counter revolutionist Great Britain and Russia.
nothing but the immediate betterment of conThis who werd upon the Russian Sovjets.
This ulumatum was handed to Lloyd George ditions in tbeir particular ndustres. Torn be wonderful and abiding fall in the high charbacked up with the throt of not only a general tween tbese two conficting aims tho acter and future of the Russian people is fur.
strike. in case of non compliance, but the over. falls economically and politically. On the for ther inanifested by the shipment, by his govern throw by British labur of the present capitalist mer. It is being superseded by the One Big ment practically gratis, of tons of war material imperialist government of England.
Union niovement. It has failed to win over the to aid the Polish Imperialists in their attempt Wben workers begin to talk like this the Bersion unions of the of L; It bas to destroy the Russian Workers Republic, and beginning of Soviet power und the end of the failed to organize the overwhelming mass of la the blockade naintained against them, dur.
Lourgeols parliamentary regine is a right. CI:C1. 11:2ed workers, in which hundreds of thousands of these belov. Russian workers, men, women, and child. Robert Smilie, of the Miner Union als red died of bunger and discase. The sintencing significally. If France and General Wra. ge in an American court of four young R18! an eit of Rusia coal supply. will it be inter.
Aside from its syndicalist tendencies tbls workers to twenty years inprixonment at hard fering tou much with France. the British cou. ct of structud function is the greatest Jabor for issuing a len Ort calling upon this gov. mines cut of France coal supply defect of the It cannot be an econom erotuent to raise the blockade, and the raids and Robert Williams, secretary of the Transport organization and a political party at the same We surgest askaits upon the persons and property of Rus.
It must be one or other.
Worker inlon, asseried that lahor was far bian citizens who are meinbers of the Commutint more representative of the country than the 11. e reuding of the thesis on political parties Party of Ala orica which is afiliated with the House of Commons, and Toin Shaw, secretary submitted by the Executive Committee of the dominant party in lumia, Qud their subsequent of the Textile Worker t uion said. This 18 Third International to the Second Congress of de portation, are further examples of how the the beginning of a movement that will lead to the Third International recently held in Mos.
American capitalists love the Russian worhing a real cugu.
Cow printed in this issue as shedding more ght on this subject.
The deler les observed ibe solemnity of the The hypocrisy of this discredit od politician. ccasion by ding in silence for a full minuto, WI, 18 so collosal as to be almost iarcicul and adjourne That the present rulers of Russia. be ter singing The Red Flag and Analysed from this angle the Incident of the the Interna tle.
states, do not rule by the will of any consider.
Philadelphia longxhorenien will be clearly UR.
At the sau able number of the Russion people is ine the laternational Seamen verstood.
un un The expulsion of this local does not Congress, mes con estable fact.
in Brussels adopted a reso.
change the situation. As the Krows lution that Wonderful Wilsoniun logic. If this be true.
vent future capitalist ware 26 an economic organization the recurrence of the Beamen. rus to transport troo or similar incidents will rise in proportion. The the present government of Rumia 18 now minutions, pling this messur to the Polista. nust throw on its political fuuctionssupported only by an inconsiderable nuinler. Kesan contlicl.
the Russian people, and with this wlight upthat is propangudising its anti Communist ideas 1:1 Cm. ly and France Wie workers and cudore the princples of the Thrd Internaport, Soviet Rias been able to exist in Have twken wirin action. Mass furthugs are spite of lay blorhude and six yes of continu beink beld in ting industrial center in France tlonul and help spread them anong its owu min us We 23 to the working cl386 in us Warfare, and has bucerded delea protesthink FRIS: the attack of the French and baniliating the United Allied Twiperialists rener. It must accept the Communist Party ultidis! Governant upon Soviet Russia.
of the world including America, on the politicul field and work hand and hand in all their TiO workme class throurbout the world are efforts to destroy this proletarlar ulic. with it for the organization and education of realizing that wille Wilson, lyd George and in spite of all the dict, Clauder, und villin the kroat Diassus of the workers to Commanism.
11. und mand uotes to each other, po.
Cation boaped upon then by the whole link tent political power is Otherwise the Is doon. ed to find ilselt capitalist press of the world licy Havenue.
in the hands of the in the cup of the enemies of the working class work ry But they rust rise, arm themselves ceeded in winning to confidence uud Ipport and disarin the DO Teolble; Overthrow as the class aniakonie LOB flarpen and the strik of the working class of every country. If 18 and kle for political power begins to loom on the troy the machinery of the bourgeois tute an uncouzlable fact that the present horizon.
and organize workers councils (Soviets. csof Rela do not rulo by tho will o! au coin Lalilish their own governmrut, the dirtatorship siderably number of the Russian people. of the proletariut, whicb Juring the transition tremble to think what there Kundinn paranta 15 Government has just turned over 500, period from capitalism. 120mm will ex.
Aud workers will to to you, Mr. WPISOD, and 0, 000 to the railrou which represents the propriate the capitalist exploiter. And udmialster to the time and :c veruwent on represent. industry in their own behall, thus setting free subsidy of bir por cent. guaranteed by the cov. they shall save kained the wherunce of the menta of the new Noclety with which Chat when it Sured the roads back to its the 150. 000, 00 oplo of Russia, to Say Nothik collain. Cantalletu ter is pren.
P: owner. Add to this to twenty live to of the 6, 00 Duo British rido uniuniin, and the Mie handwriting in on the wall.
laty per cent increase in fruight and presen Wors Poland, France, Italy. Cormauy, tolat bystems doomed.
Turkey, lodiana, America, etc.
Ker rates which has been computed to reprewer Susit usla has blazed tho way and the Woodrow Ilson, la lote, ex his work! clasy are changing the goverunient. 601, 000, 000 in round ligurons and deduct the udaluable oposition to the rocognition of So tho Luthorits end the power of tbe rulia class 600, 000, 000 wage increaso award, and we have viel Russ which is utterly repugnant to his P LAB PLAN which dikers from Glenn on Me and boxawo of the propagande Plumnu only to the proposition in which CAT lud on ainst Amuricon capllallst luati The PLUMB tutons Bud bo cywical repudiation of their th! hur booty is to be split up.
The inevitable VMCORS of internal frict: 02 KAUORe etc.
and dissolution wruy taking place in tho PLAN Meko 1yfty division of the Apollo No, Mr. do not expert you and mited CentrirL PATIF. cw than two monte The workers get further boost In the Hip your class to the 20 tho government of the after the No one unity convention, the Sute Cont of Living in either care orkers and DADI Russia. Ant Hot of Waylsington confron o rumor that tbie until the Anerican working class turn you wild part of their organization bas repudiated the uplint friend. Wy to one of the pek Al 1. At their Simo Convention they de loyd George, Morand and Wrison tbu art of your love Breucbr mud forer DO LICEJ the prokruto und priuciplon adopted at on throw their arms around the yellow BO you to do the British works halo XD the ny convention and bavo suvered all od Janboritos 10 WAV. from the recretly done to yov olluaguo lyd Gorku.
cunuudlons with the Du Party.
lo mediately non to theipt of the nurk menace of Bolsheviam and theno dir trole It is interestiny to note that this look ni lou of the former Was to ontd bin Amerirali Jurulent. Yrally on chilly. Vielden Imuperslim will Juuip it the chanco.
oguld the Gunnan Jlaron Wrangel, operating by proxy at the cmirip with the following n, nowdon, Itenwidel, Tboman, dompers, in tue Crinn peninsula, the bext of the Intru: To Mtand by Yo Hochle of yult Co. know now how to improve oa uev Allduolun kurort, while tho HM Internetul Moeindru. 10 ol. wuch Annie, ul Muret kurslo arr clumlux la ou the posle of the foreign word nad nulou Sonde. Chert und Kerensky they will bave Polish taulul, Aud Auw Workers zorlut Ru Haliliy Udin uur uni. to work le rund by the lutho mikate.
Juullo is about to be bure.
for a continance of the furin la organi Isner Wilraud, puk atau for the French xwtion: 10 LITE the cundary of bueno 1x bu for Insident: to bor. for the wuity of TIIK JAGUN OP SOVIIST REPUDIJOS Laukor Audi. mullat, LOOY that tbe Awetica but oon wite 116 KUTU Int to be th. could Lu dicted will soou chutes the imperialist FACUN lihout us folder of democratic Bociall. OF RATIONS for world wupruhoy.
in The citpl.