AnarchismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandGermanyMarxismSocialismSyndicalismWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST ALL POWER TO THE WORKERSI Official Organ of the Communist Party of America Tol. 11. No. SEPTEMBER 1920 PRICE CENTS Thesis of the Executive Committee of the Communist International tion.
an 0!
One Day Pay o Presented to the Second Congres on the Role of the Communist Party in the Proletarian Revoluton.
The first year activity of the Communist they forgot that. even if this were LO! 50, achieved without a centralized political appaInternational WAN devoted principally to prona.
jol! ucal party. onthe duty of the proletarian jury. onder Intus, that is, without a gandx and spreading of Communist ideas. AL Uh conditions, was to declare itself against equently, the propaganda of the revolutionary the present moment, beforo the Second Con the opinion of tho majority of the workers syndically ts and of the supporters of the Ingress of the Communist International, the world and to defend the historical Interests of the daytrial Workers of the World Against the neside organization of me proletariat Is eneming proletariat in spite of all. Thus, in tho carly cessity of an independent working class party, new phase: the Communist International is years of the twentieth century. the Russian objectively speaking, has helped, and helps, entering the period of organization and construc Modelevity of the time the called cco only the capitalist class and counter revoluHlberto in the various countries there Tornists repudiated an open political struggle tionary Social Democrats. In their propeexisted only Communist tendencies amongst the akalnk: Tourism on the basis that forsooth, ganda against the Coromunist Party, which the workers. At the present moment, in nearly the working class as a whole had DO: ye: syndicalists and the industrialists wish to reevery country wbere there is a serious working attained to understanding the poll.
place by Trade Uplops alone, or by formless clars movement, we have no longer tendencies. tical struggle. Gencral Labor nions, they come on to common ground with acknowledged opportunists.
but. ommunist organizations and parties. This (4) The Communist International un.
circumstance must move the Second Cougress The Russlan Mensheviks, after the defeat of shakably convinced that the collapse of the of the International to take up a perfectly cierr. hc 1903 revolution, for several years preached old sucial democratic partics o! the 2nd and exact position on the subject of the of the was to 90 called Labor Conference, which International can in DO wise be represented role of the Communist Party before and after take the place of the revolutionary party of as a collapse of proletarian party life altogether.
the working class. All kinds of Laboriols in the conquest of power by the working class. The period of direct struggle of dictatorship Ungland and America, who in practice are openAmouest certain supporters of Communism (tbe the proletariat Kies birth 104 new party Left morement in Germany, the supporters y tng250d in carrying out bourgeois policy, of the proletariat the Commun at Party of the. in America, certain groups o proach to tho workers the creation of shapeless (5) The Communist. Intornational decir vu Labor Ulions in place of a pollucal party.
revolutionay Sindicalista And Anarchisty) there repudiates the view that may be noticed an insufficient estimate of th: the proletaria! can The revolutionary syndicalists und Industrialists in any role of the Communist Party, as such, and even way accomplish its revolution without are anxious to struggle against the dictatorship having its own independent a direct denial of the necessity of the existence poltical party. of the capitalist clasy, but do not know how to Every class a political struggle.
of Communist Party. truggle. set about it. They do not notice that the work This will serve as an additional motive to impel the Second Congress The aim of that struggle, ipovitably transform. king class without an independent pollucal ing itself into a civil war, is the congues of Communist of the International clearls arty is a body without a head.
and political power.
definitely to deal with the question stated above.
But political pow. cannot be Revolutionary syndicalism and industrialism represent a step forward only in comparison (1) The Communist Party is a section of to with the old, worn out, counter revolutionary Working claes. To be more precise, its most advanced, its most class conscious, and there.
ideology of the Second International But, in comparison with revolutionary fore. Its most revolutionary section.
Marxism, e.
The on with Communism, syndicalism and industrialism Communist Party has no interests distinct from those of the working class.
represent step back. The declara:! on of the The party is distin.
The recond convention of the Commu Left Communists of Germany (rcade by them gulsbre! from the general mass of the workers by the fact that it reviews the whole historical nist Party adopted resolution calling in their program statement at their first condevelopment of te working class in its ec1 upon the members to contribute Eress in April) to the effect that they are creatONE Tor Fres ine a pery lut not rarty hr veral, traatve: tirib. ALC: gan zat.
ditional sense of the word (ace Partel im that path. 20 defend the Interests not of sepaberllettelen Sinno. a 80ronder to those rute professions, but of the working class AS a views of syndicalism and Industrialism whicb whole, The Communist Party is that lerer of political organization with the help of which the In accordance with the decision of the are in essence reactionary.
Conveution, the issuos this call (6) Tbo Communists wholeheartedly foremort section of the working class guides sup along the right road the whole mass of to all members of the Communist Party to port the formation, side by side with the Comthe proletarial and semi proletariat.
contribute one day pay for the national munist Party. of tht widest possible non party (2) util the time when state power has organization.
labor organizations. The Coromunists consider ag their most important task a systematic work been conquered by the proletariat, until the Conrades, the need is great. You know time when the proletariat has once and for We nred zot waste. imo and space of organization and education within these wide all firmly establired Its supremacy, and has But, procisely to ensure telling you about it Jabor organizations.
secured the working class a Fainyt a bourgeois that this work will bear fruit, precisely to The Communist Party 15 unified and ensure that tho enemies of the revolutionary Testoration 11011 that time the Communist lidi Bed on the basis of principles and Party will naturally include in its organized proletariat will not guin possession of these tatics as never before in its bistory.
ranks only a ininority of the workers. Until organizatiode, tho foremost working class. omthe keizure of power, and in the transitional There are dimcult tasks abead of us munists must always have their independent, period, the Communist Party may, under favor.
Orkanization. ed:cation, propa 11. 0a, strongly organized Communist Party, Acting al.
alle circumstances, enjoy and undivided Heoagitation ways in an organized way, and be capable of political influence on all the proletaan. The spirit, the wi the determination defending the general interests of communism semi proletarian elements of the population, but e enerky exists to carry on this highly at every turn of events and in forms of the can be unite them in an organized 19shon with un portant work.
inovement In its okr. Only when the prolet. ian dicta. 7) The Communists do no: avoid the me BUT W7T)101 FUNDS WE CANNOT torship has doprired the capitallet class of mich ARRY ON: non porty working class organizations even when mighty weapons as the presa, the school, Tallia.
they bcar an openly reactionary, Black Hun. omrades! Rully to be support of the ment, the church, the apparatus o government.
dred, character (the Yello Unions, the Cununist Party!
etc. only wheu the final cleats of the neur Christian Unions, and so on. But the Con.
Bofy order becomes apparent to all only then VU ONE DAY PAY TO MAKE TH munist Party Cruselessly carries on its own PARTI PARTY OF ACTION.
will all. or Dearly all, the workers begin to work within these organizations, and untiringly demonstrates to thu workers that Enter the ranks of tht Communist Party.
the nonparty Idea, 28 principle, ls conciously fortered (2) The idea of a party uttt be very 16 and, organized, and directed except by on THON GH the workers by the cupitalet clans and ly distinguished from the idea of a class. Tur political party or another. Only in ho caso 118 lackeys, 1o order to divert tho proletariat members of the Christian and the libra! when tho proletariat has a xuvie an organized from the organized struggle for Socialism.
professional unions of Germany, England, and and xperienced party, witn utrictly defined (8) The old classical division of the workother countries are undoubtedly a sertion 0: me and a concretely worked out program of clars movement Into threo 10 ms (tho Party the working class. The more or less consider inmediale activity both in Internal and ine Trade Unions, and tho Cooperatives) has able maests of worker who is support the external politics. 11 the conquest of polit! obviously outlived its usefulness. Tho Proleta Sch Idemunns. Compork and co. are undoub Power to be a mere ccidental opioide, tu! wul! PUD Revolution in Russia has produced the tedb a section of the working class. In given forve as the point of departure of it prolonged!
fundamental form of working as dictatorship biatoriul circuintances there nia y ՆՔ pre period of Communist reconstruction to the pro. tho Boviote. But work in the Soviets also Rent in the working 1983 reactionary st: ains letariat just as in the revolutionized producers unione, of Tragu nunerica Itrength. The problem 01 Colonnistudos The same as straf uires LA ID inut unswervingly and systematically be guided Tot consist la the arty adapting itsell to thexe backward tralization at one point of the Erneral direction to the party of. proletariat, by die Kection o the working clasy, bnt in communis Party. The ominnist Party. tho raising the che of the various forms of the proletarian move unt working clave organized vun guard of the working class, wlinu.
to the level of Ita Olomu (thie Trade Unionx, the cave.
Dauneously serves the Interests of the economic, The confusion of the two WeaFactory and workshop committeer. Juxuon party and clasy Irad to be pratet vorl. lections, and O forth. Orly pol)
the political, and the education struggles of 1ho working clars, in their entirety.
He isks and ehr. ok. Thus, for exinple.
Lical party can HCL HS a oneral unity and The Com. it is duur that, in mpito of the loond or the Buldinx centre of this kind. The refund to mulut arly inust uppear as the heart and soul judtry, defending the historical Thrret croate And trengthen it and to be coutrolled of No producers unions, of tho (Souncils of Workers Depution, and of all other forms of the prolrtrint Intexts which demanded Wy it. wignifice a refusal to admit unity o! con on the port of the proletaria purty dla Trol of the inolated hunk det boient, of proletarian urunlzutton.
Thu Appoarunce of Suvirth as the chief form, Tition of Walast war.
the roletariat serving on varloux front.
ally, th.
otrogo of thn Thus, for exkinple, at the bekibining storically speaking of tho dictatorship of the proloturial, In no way dininden tho gudine Tguire concentrated natation. throwing the fjali 11 1914, tlir kortaltraitor rolu of tho Coituunist Party in ne proletarian the wions. of the ship from of all antri mupporiing the bour people of Le point of view, Rvolution. Thu Corinnal. Columunints CONCHITISK 11 their country, with common curd en. tention of the foluturint ry vre to upwl of their party in ho tecman IV.
in their do the claim that on ollri frontes comento to OLEH roletariat, April 11th, 1920. ned, The Cow the will of tle urkisk us And Pule the working in This ni De Continued on a آوا ۱۳۱ ۳۰