BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismSovietWorking Class

Section No Federation shall be formed with less than 250 members, Greetings to the Communist international Thereupon a motion was made to adjourn Section Federation secretaries or repre in order for both sides to consider their subse sentatives of their E, should attend the In the name of the membership and the quent action This motion carried and the meetings of the Central Executive Committee organization, we, the delegates assembled at the Second Convention of the Communist Party meeting adjourned.
of the party, with voice but no vote.
of America, send fraternal greetings to the At no time was there any intention or the Section Federation shall appoint Third International.
slightest reference to splitting or bolting the district organizers for each district.
Federation district organizers must maintain convention from either side. Both sides agreed We stand firmly determined to fight under contact with the party is xict organizer at all on all fundamenal questions of principles and the Red Banner of the Communist International times.
tactics. Both sides were consciously Communist till the victory of the proletariat and the ComSection 10. Federations shall make financial. had withstood the demoralization and persemunist ideal is attained.
returns to the Party by the tenth of cution of the government raids and the subse.
Down wih capitalism, each month. They shall make a complete finanquent disruptive tactics of the minority CenLong Live the Proletarian Dictatorship!
cial report to their membership and to the trists who had split away from the party. The Long Live the Communist International! of the party once a month.
Long Live the Communist Party of America!
disagreement was on an organization question, Section 11. Each federation shall freue an which though important in itself, could be solved Long Live Communism!
underground, official organ in its respective lanby mutual agreement without in any way hindering the party work.
guage, under the control of the federation Resolution on the Relation of Communist to be published at least once a month.
Parties to Soviet Government As a result of this both caucuses considered The general policy of the federation official Representatives, not the question of a split but the question of organ shall be under the control of the Central The Communist Parties of the various coun. reaching a solution which would not interfere Executive Committee of the party.
tries are the direct representatives of the Com with the process of underground organization and propaganda.
munist International, and thus, indirectly of the Art. 1X. Conventions.
This solution was quickly Seection The convention of the party shail reached the following morning and the convenaims and policies of Soviet Russia.
be called annually by the tion resumed its sessions without further interRepresentatives of Soviet Russia in various ruption. It was agreed by both sides to accept Section Upon the demand of a majority countries, engaging in political activities, should appointment of district and sub district organ of branches within a sub district an emergency co ordinate these activities in some form or izers and the election of local organizers by the convention shall be called by the sub district other with the activities and policies of the organizer branch organizers, the branch organizers by the respective Communist parties, so as not to harm Upon the demand of three sub district congroup captains and the election of the group the Communist movement in those countries; ventions a district emergency convention shall captain by the groups.
if, however, this co ordination is impossible in be called by the district organizer.
case of commercial representatives, they should The constitution was quickly adopted with Upon the demand of three district convenrefrain from any political activities.
one important modification, namely: the election tions the shall call an emergency conof four alternates, who could be chosen to fill vention of the party.
vacancies in the in any order, and the Our Attitude Toward Workers Councils Thę shall notify all districts of the right of co operation after these alternates were actions of an emergency district convention (Soviets. Before, During, and After exhausted, instead of the committee recommenthe Revolution.
The may call an emergency convendation not to elect any alternates at all.
tion, such convention shall have all the powers Workers Councils are the organs of the proof a regular party convention, The Program and Resolutions Committee then letarian revolution and are created the time of Section submitted its resolutions (printed elsewhere in Elections to the convention shall revolution, developing out of the revolutionary begin in the groups. Each group shall elect an this issue. which were adopted with slight corsituation itself and through the Communist Parelector to the branch electors meeting. The rections and revisions.
ty Shop Committees, which become the nucleous branch electors meeting shall elect a delegate for the formation of Workers Councils.
The Committee brought in the following reso to the local convention.
Before the revolution the Workers Councils lution on Unity: The local convention shall elect delegates to tend to degenerate into philantropic and cultural the sub district convention which in turn shall institutions because they have no revoluionary Communist Unity is based upon the organic elect delegates to the disrict convention.
function to perform. The Communist Party unity of principles and tactics. Communist unity The district convention shall elect the dele.
alone has a revolutionary function to perform means unity with the rank and file and not with gates to the Convention of the Communist Party.
before the revolution. the task of building up the leaders. Our aim must be to separate the rank Representation in the conventions shall be revolutionary movement by means of Communist and file from their Centrist leaders.
in proportion to membership. upon a basis as propaganda and agitation that will lead the This resolution was carried and then the fixed by the convention call issued by Cen working class to the proletarían revolution and following resolution on Unity with the tral Executive Committee.
proletarian dictatorship.
was submitted: Section Local, sub district and district orAfter the proletarian revolution the Work.
ganizers shall attend the conventions of their Unity with the as a party of Cen.
ers Councils (Soviets) themselves become the respective districts and shall have voice but no trists, is impossible. We can unite only with proletarian state the organ of proletarian dicta vote; unless they are elected as delegates.
torship (1) for the suppression and coercion of such membership, or parts of the that Section Sub district and District Convenwill repudiate their Centrist leadership and join tions may elect as their delegates members of the capitalist class and (2) for the economic rethe Comunist Party on the basis of our prin.
construction of society.
the party from any unit outside of their territciples, program and tactics.
orial divisions.
On the whole this constitution is a worthy Section Federations shall hold annual conOur Attitude toward Legal and Other ventions to be called in conformity with their companion to the program of the And Workers Organizations.
the program and constitution are concrete proof respective constitutions.
of the Centrist character of the as an Wo are opposed to legal cultural or educaArt. Party Press.
organization, and of the leaders who are in tional organizations. Party committees, con Section The shall publish the of.
control of it sisting of not more than fifteen in number, with ficial underground organ. It shall be issued not approval of the C, E, may use the legal forms An amendment was brought in as follows: less than twice a month.
for special work. We Section The head of the Editorial Depart.
those or recommend groups ment shall be appointed by the from branches of the which repudiate of its membership Greetings to Soviet Russia.
ficially their previous stand with the Section See Section 11. Art. VII. Fede.
We, the delegates assembled at the Second shall be admitted in the Communist Party. But rations)
Convention of the Communist Party of America we are absolutely against unity with the Section The C. shall, when feasable, send our fraternal greetings to the proletariat as a whole as represented by their issue a legal paper to be under the supervision and poorer peasantry of Russia through the The first resolution was introduced by dele.
of the Editorial department and under the control Soviet Government the Peoples Commissars gates from District 1, under instructions, and of the and the of the All Russian Soviets the last resolution was introduced by the dele.
Section Literature issued by the party led by the Communist Party of Russia the rev. gates from District 5, under instructions. Noshall be under the supervision of he Editorial olutionary vanguard of the working class. thing could better illustrate the attitude of our Department, controlled by the Your struggle has brought you great victo membership on the question of Unity than these Section No subordinate unit of the party ries In comparatively short time you have resolutions.
shall issue any leaflet or emphlet without the defeated on the field of battle all the internal roll call on resolution and amendment was consent of the This provision shall not apply to the of the Federations.
and external foes that fought against you. You demanded and sustained with the following rehave crushed the counter revolutionary hordees sults: of Kolchak, Denikin and Yudenitch.
Art. XI. Communist Party Shop Committees.
Now you are hurling your heroic Red Armies In favor of amendment: against 20.
Section The shall provide for the organization of Communist Party shop commitagainst the forces of the Polish bourgeoisie and In favor of resolution: 20: against social patriots, who with the support, both open tees, for the purpose of propaganda and agita.
tion. They shall be composed of members of Those who voted against the resolution and and tacit, of the Allied Imperialists have deci.
the Communist Party only.
in favor of the amendment did so only because sively attacked you. We feel confident that you Section Communist Party Shop Committhey were under instructions to vote for it, and will defeat the Polish bourgeoisie and thus tees shall not be entitled to any of the rights because they saw no difference between the two, assist the Polish proletariat and poorer pea.
of regular party organizations.
But all the delegates were absolutely opposed Bantry in overthrowing their bourgeois govern.
ment and establish the proletarian dictatorship to unity with the Art. XII. Propaganda and Education.
In the form of a Soviet Government of Poland. The Ukrainian Federation sent greetings and Section The CE. shall provide for the The victories of your Red Armies, backed by 500 to the national convention.
organization of classes for the training of prothe awakening Western proletariat, may force pagandists. and study classes in the several the Allied Imperialists to accept peace in some The Lithuanian Strb district of Philadelphia party units for the education of the membership form, sent greetings and a 60 contribution.
in Communist theory and tactics.
Wo feel confident that the proletariat and The 1st Lithuanian Branch of Phil, sent greet. RESOLUTION BOYCOTTING ELECTIONS.
poorer pensantry will not expect such a peaco ings and 25. Taking as a basis the position of the Third to be permanent. Such peace can only be an The Russian Federation sent greetings. International of which the Communist Party of armistice.
America is an integral part, we consider the The Lithuanian Federation sent greetings.
The world imperialists will not give up the use of the bourgeois parliamnet as of secondary fight against you. The proletarian world revolu The Jewish Federation fraternal delegate and importance, and for revolutionary propaganda tion alone will finally bring victory to the work. the Lettish fraternal delsgate were not present, and agitation only. At the same time, due to ers of Russia and the working class of the en having missed connections.
specific political circumstances in the United tire world.
States, the outlawing of our party and the preThe convention then proceeded to the elecThe Communist Party of America will bend valling reaction in this country, we are forced tion of of members and nlternatos, all its energies toward bullding up a strong to boycott the coming elections.
The following were elected: Sullivan, revolutionary movement in this country that Greenwald, Allen, Morris, Leon, Bain, Johnson, will lead the working class in their struggle Thompson, Baldwin Young Peoples Groups.
against their own capitalist class and govern Alternates: Adrian, Larin, Wiley, Klints. We recommend that young people of 17 or ment and play its part in the world proletarian over shall join the party as regular members.
revolution which will establish the proletarian An auditing committee of five, were also Young people under 17 shall be placed in dictatorship throughout the world and through elected to serve for one year. Book, Steinberg, special groups without membership rights, with It introduce the Communist Society.
Pavlov, Retap, and Narrow.
special captains appointed by the Sub district Long live Soviet Russia!
Thus closed the second convention of the Committee who shu conduct classes among Long live the Communist Party of America! Communist Party, just as It had begun, without Loax live the Communist Party of Russia! flourish or ostentation, s018 or hysteria.
that them.