BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST Three Constitution of the Communist Party of America Art. Name and Purpose.
Section The name of this organization shall be the Communist Party of America.
Its purpose shall be the organization of the revolutionary vanguard OL the proletariat to educate and lead the working class of America for the conquest of political power; to destroy the bourgeois state machinery, to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat; to abolish the capitalist system and to introduce the Commun.
ist Society Section The Communist Pary of America is an integral part of the Communist International Art. II. Emblem.
Section The emblem of the Communist Party shall be a figure of the earth, in white. red flag across the globe bearing the inscrip tion All Power to the Workers. around the figure of the earth, a margin in red, containing the words. Communist Party of America, and. Communist International. in white letters.
Art. lll. Membership.
Section Every person who accepts the principles and tactics of the Communist Party of America and the Communist International; who submits to the party discipline and agrees to engage actively in the party work shall be eligible to membership.
Section Applicants for admission as mem.
bers shall be vouched for by two members who have been members of the party not less than six consecutive months.
Acceptants of the applicant shall be determined by the Branch Executive Committee.
Applicants shall remain in a probationary group at least three months after which he may become a candidate for admission into a group.
Candidate admission shall be finally decided by the Branch Executive Committee.
Section Special group captains shall be placed in charge of probationary groups. They shall be appointed by the Branch Executive Com.
Section Transfer of members from one branch to another within a local may begranted upon application to the Local Executive Committee Transfers of members from local to local, from sub district to sub district, or from one district to another may be granted upon application to and decision by the sub district and district executive committees, respectivey.
Section No person whe has an entire live.
lihood through the exploitation of labor shall be eligible to membership in the of Section No person who is a member or supporter of any other political organization shall be admitted to membership.
Section No member shall contribute articles editorials of a political or economic nature to the bourgeois press.
Adopted at its Second Convention Section Candidates for the and alternates) must have been members of the of or of a party in other countries aftli ated with the Communist International, for two consecutive years.
Section Members, who are not delegates to, or not present at the convention must be supported by not less than four delegates, when nominated for the Section Upon presentation and investigation of charges against a member of the he may be expelled by a vote of not less than seven meembers The accused member shall not vote.
Section Upon the demand of three disrict conventions the shall call an emer gency convention which shall have all the rights of a regular convention Section The Central Executive Committee shall divide its work on a department basis.
Departmental heads shall appoint committees from party members, to carry out the work of the departments, subject to the approval of the These committees shall work under the supervision of their respective department heads.
Section The Central Executive Committee shall sub divide and co ordinate the following departments:a) Secretarial and Finance. Organization and Communist Party Shop Committees c) Editorial 3d Press.
d) International Relations.
e Technical Section 10. The identity of the members shall not be made known, either by themselves or by those present at the convention.
The heads of departments and departmental committeemen shall be known only to the except in cases where this rule may interfere with party work.
Section 11. The shall call conferences with district organizers and federation secretaries, or representatives of the federation Central Executive Committees as often as neces.
sary Section 12 The shall appoint the international delegates.
The shall appoint the International Secretary who shall be head of the department of International Relations, and a member of the C.
Section 13 The shall issue a month.
ly financial statement to the membership.
Section 14. The shall appoint district organizers for each district.
Section 15. District organizers shall appoint sub district organizers. They, together with the Federation district organizers and the district organizer shall form the District Executive Committee.
The district executive committee shall meet at least once month and work under the direction of the district organizer.
Section 16. District organizers shall make complete reports to the district executive commitee as to the general party work in his district. He shall transmit and carry out the instructions and decisions of the He shall make remittances, financial statement and reports to the at least once a week. He shall submit financial statements to the membership in his district at least once a month.
Section 17. Sub district organizers shall submit reports of all party activities in their subdistricts to each meeing of the district executive committee. They shall make remittance and financial statement and reports to the district organizer once a week.
Section 18. Federation district organizers shall make financial statement and reports to the district executive committee once a month.
Section 19. The sub district executive committee shall consist of the sub district organizer and the local organizers, or the branch organizers in places where there is no local organization. Local organizers shall be elected by the branch organizers.
Sub district organizers shall call meetings of the sub district executive committee at least once a month. He shall make complete reports to them of all party work in his district and carry out the decisions and instructions of the Section 20. The local executive committee shall consist of the local organizer and the branch organizers.
Branch organizers shall be elected by the group organizers. They shall work under the direction of the local organizer and shall meet at least once a week.
Section 21. The Branch Executive Committee consists of the Branch Organizer and the group organizers within the branch.
Group Organizers (captains) shall be elected by the members of their respective groups.
The Branch Executive Committee shall meet at least once a week.
Section 22. Each group shall meet at least once every week, under the direction of the group organizer (captain. He shall make a complete report to his group on all party work; the activities of his branch and of all other party units.
Section 23. Sub distriet organizers appointer by the district organizer and subject to the ap proval of the Art. VI. Dues and Finance Section Each member shall pay 60 cents per month as dues, and all assessments Section Federations shall make returna to the Central Executive Committee of forty cents for each member by the tenth of each month.
Section Applicants for membership shall pay one dollar initiation fee (to be remitted to the and all dues and assessments dup ing the probationary period.
Section Federation branches shall par chase stamps and make returns through fede rations channels.
Section Special assess tents may be le vied by the convention; th Central Executive Committee of the party or ne Federation Con tral Executive Committee (subject to the ap.
proval of the No member shall be considered in good standing unless he purchases all such assess ments.
Section Members unable to pay dues and assesments on acount of sickness, unemployment, strikes or for similar reasons, shall be granted exemption upon application to the Branch Exe: cutive Committee.
Group organizers shall include such requests in their reports.
Section Members who are two months in arrears in payment of dues and assessments shall be dropped from membership. unless within one month after notification by the group or ganizer he places himself in good standing, Section The Central Executive Committee shall make a monthly financial report to the membership Section District organizers shall make weekly financial reports and remittances to the Section 10. Each federation shall make a complete monthly financial report to the Central Executive Committee.
Section 11. complete audit and acounting of all party funds shall be made once every six months.
The auditing committee shall consist of five members elected by the convention.
No member of the Central Executive Commit.
tee, and no paid party official shall be a member of the auditing committee.
Complete report of the auditing committee shall be made to the membership within one month after its completion.
Section 12. All sums in excess of One Thousand Dollars shall be deposited in the name of two members of the and shall be with.
drawn only upon their joint signature.
Art. VII. Discipline.
Section All decisions of the governing bodies of the party shall be binding upon the membership and sub ordinate units of the party.
Section Branch Executive Committees shall have the right to expel a member subject to the approval of the Sub district Executive Committee having jurisdiction.
Section Groups may be expelled by their respective Branch Executive Committees subject to the approval of the District Executive Com.
mittee havins jurisdiction.
Section A sub district or local may be expelled by district executive committee, subject to approval of the Central Execuive Committ Sect: 5. Districts may be expelled by the Central Executive Committee subject to the approval of the Convention.
Section The federations may discipline and expel their members as provided in sections and In the cases of federation local or sub district organizations, action is subject to approval of the federation and in the case of a federation district organization, action is subject to approval of the of the Party Section Any member or unit of the party violating the decisions. program, or constitution of the of shall be subject to expulsion by the party unit having jurisdiction, Art. IV. Form and Units of Organization.
Section The Communist Party is an underground, illegal organization. It is highly centralized, with the convention as its supreme body and the Central Executive Committee as its supreme body beween conventions.
Section The unit of organization is the group. Groups shall consist of not less than five or more than ten members.
In places where there are less than five members they shall become part of the nearest group.
Groups of ten shall not be divided.
Section Groups of the same language, within a city, town or locality, shall form a Branch Branches shall consist of not less then two groups and not more than ten.
In places where there is only one group of the same language it shall have the rights of a branch Section Branches within a locality shall form a Local. Locals shall consist of not more than ten branches nor less than two.
Section Sub districts consist of all locals within a territory prescribed by the District Executive Committee.
In large industrial centers locals may function as a sub district.
Section All sub districts within a prescribed territory shall form a district. The limits of districts are determined by the Central Exe cutive Committee.
Distreits and sub districts shall be organized within industrial sections regardless of political boundaries.
Art. Functions of Units of Organization.
Section The supreme body of the Communist Party shall be the of the parts Section Between the meetings of the Convention the supreme body shall be the Central Executive Committee, elected by the convention.
Section The Central Executive Committee shall consist of nine members. The Convention shall elect four alternates. When the list of alternates is exhausted, the shall have the right to 11 vacancies.
Art. VIII, Federations.
Section Language federations are integral parts of the Communist Party of America and are subject to the discipline and control of the party.
Section Language federations shall hold annual conventions which shall elect the Central Executive Committees of the federations.
Section The Central Executive Committees of the federations shall consist of not more than nine members. They shall meet at least twice a month.
Section The of each federation shall translate and issue to its membership all statements, circulars, communications, eto. sent them from the Central Executive Committee of the Party, within one week after their receipt.
Section All language branches shall join and become part of their respective Federations.
Section There shall be only one federa tion of each language (Continued on page 8)