BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartySoviet

CASH RECEIVED: Dues: Distr TI 125. 00 Let. Fed 225. 60 152. 80 Russ.
388. 60 Ukr 288. 00 1180. 00 Spec. Ors. Stampo: Distr. II 10. 00 217. 00 IVab 942. 00 Defense Stamps: Distr. II. 39. 25 ITT 110. 20 20. 00 Russ. Fed 212. 20 Defense Contrib. Distr. II 25. 00 IV.
150. 00 28. 00 203. 00 Org. Fund Contrib. Distr.
55. 00 II 239. 45 III. 122. 50 90 120. 20 LeRflets: Distr. III 63 63 Hehry. Fund Contrib. Dist. III 63 09 Distr. Acct. Entries: 1 00 III 98. 62 IVab 59. 66 ya. 120. 00 188. 10 567. 58 of 9720 Total Received in May Balance from April 3097. 16 1230. 44 But we are 4327. 60 11. 77 24. 15 00 320. 00 100. 00 CASH PAID: Office Exp. Sundry Supplies Postage Salaries Organiz. Exp. Prts Statemt.
Traveling Dietr. Trav. Exp.
II III IVab Distr. Salaries: 23. 02 123. 02 12. 40 19. 98 63. 90 221. 89 II IVab 1625. 00 Communist: Edit. Sal.
Printing Delivery Mig Exp.
Office Mchry: Neostyle Scale Deposit on Comm. Forms Distr. Acct. Entries: III IVab IV 11. 66 113. 95 175. 00 535. 00 360. 06 270. 00 285. 00 202. 50 368. 60 19. 00 181. 18 65. 00 00 100. 00 37. 00 90. 00 27. 05 100. 00 80. 00 167. 90 590. 10 181. 18 69. 00 100. 00 party?
501. 95 Total Paid in May Balance to June 3828. 17 499. 43 4327. 80 Inc. same back salaries and sub distr. salaries. At Last The Centrists Unite. Continued from page before the next conventin. organize their own District No. Last week was in Wilkes Barre sub district. Things there are allright and our lenders (save the market. They have done it work is proceeding vry well. The Polish Comrades before and they can do it again.
repudiated their former actions, voted that they THE ELECTION FARCE will decide whether they wm participate in our and Now we come to the piece de resistance of the unity convention of the fourth day of the convention.
elections. We shall quote: Garish came to his Jewish comrades to make a to report of the unity convention; he Late in the. thought read the program and constitution but hr startenere Luin the crime it was a unity convention house didn want to listen to a new program as they it mean of to so cruelly, shatter our illusions say they wanted only to hear some changes, broke up. There is complete disorganization, and it was decided to proceed with elections of party officials. There had been many hours of they are disgusted with the actions of the miResto caucusnority. It is too late to get now, but do not Ing on cach side as to elections.
the sentiment of the convention cxprenned by a worry, they will come to us.
further enucunes (what is majority vote convention. to Damon Co.
Baltimore Sub District is a majority vote Convention and unanimously decided to stand and the Menshevik leaders! Ed. neither with the majority. Contributed 50. 00 with greetstrength. Strange situations for people who have ings to the Party.
been shouting unity for over a year and are District No. (Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Erle, about. to accomplish It at last. Ed. small but active membership Polish, Lith. Jewish, Note how even both groups in the unity conLettish and Russian branches committee meets vention distrusted each other after the adoption regularly functions excellently. German branch of an apparently satisfactory program to all con neutral, contributes to our Party and distributes cerned. No better proof of the insincerity and our literature. Total membership about 80. hypocricy that animated the whole convention and Buffalo Russian, Ukrainian, German, Polish and ite procedureying, bargaining trading diekering English branches. Committee meets regularly finances absorbed by local defense membership that went on during the election of officials.
sound and solidly with us. English (35) and The mask of unity was thrown oft at last.
German (15) are most active and loyal.
Both groups stood, ready to battle for the control Wheeling. Va. district consists of small towns or split be of the new organization Control along Ohio River. Membership small and inactive. came the new slogan of both sides Pittsburgh Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Russian anticipating. Let tell you all about it. He branches only has large and active membership in 30 towns mostly new and not broken in to waminations amor the nine places on the came to party work, but loyal and active finances good. Damon, Scott, Reinhart, Dellon, Zemlin (C. will become very powerful district as members are Meyer. Klein, Flynn Brown, Dawson (C P. young and enthusiastic.
Akron committee against us through Centrist the caucus had determined to avall itsei activities of former local secretary consists of of the dissensions in the ranks and to German Polish, Lithuanian, So. Slavic, Ukrainian attempt to elect a majority of the committee.
Russian branch entirely lost district will have (Won somebody be shouting packed convento be re organized after convention. No finances tion soon? Ed. as Secretary has told members that funds will be stolen At the night session was announced the result of the balloting: Damon, Scott, Klein, Flynn, 29.
Cleveland, committee recently organized and Brown, 33, Dawson, 32, Meyer 30: Reinhart, 26; meets most regularly, membership large and in Delion, Zemlin tied at 24. Damon Co. evidently active finances go entirely through Federations got a bad licking and they knew it too. Watch sources. Russian branch (124 members) Just pay them swing into action when the question of dues. Lithuanian branch (300) members very in control is involved. There he fights like tiger.
active. etts best branch and active.
But on principles, that another story. Ed. Youngstown, Warren, Toledo, no connections, one Damon. Scott and Reinhart quickly offered reUkrainian, Russian and Lithuanian branches re signitions. bitter discussion was precipitated.
con benyttes and we be represented in aist.
Both sides had played for control and the result had been a boomerangi for how It was urged, report as to membership, does not supercede.
could the delegates report back to their members that they had been outwitted in strategy RESOLUTION OF BRANCH No. (PHILAin a way to give the minority control of the united Even though the fault was that of the delegates themselves, how could that DELPHIA) OF THE LITHUANIAN remedy the outside situation. Here unwittingly gives a sidelight on the situation which FEDERATION would make pleasant reading about a Democratic or Republican Convention but coming from a soWe, group of delegates of Branch 1, Lithuanian called Communist Convention represents the very lowest order of political consciousness. Do you Communist Federation at a meeting held May 1920. having considered reports of both sides of see what worried the minority delegates the Communist Party, arrived at the following conclusion, and adopted a resolution to Constitution the laying of the basis for their not the formulation of a Communist Program and that effect: activities for the coming year or even the super1. Whereas, splitting the ficial achievement of unity which they did Party, especially at manage to accomplish for the time but what the present soment, while the Party is being torn to pieces by the most violent rage of reaction.
ther members will think if the sets conand while it is in process of reormanizing itsell trol of the party! Ed. from the open existence to an underground basis.
After some bitter retorte from the a 18 treason to proletarian interests and a violation recess was held for half an hour.
of the Party discipline. Then began the tug of war which went into Whereas the minority, headed by Damon, the middle of the night, only to be resumed the appeared in the role of the Party disrupters and next morning the two groups, apparently comleft the Central Executive Committee; pletely welded, now standing sharply apart and The convention vanished, in And, whereas, the fundamental reason for the minority withdrawal from the Its place were two caucunes, with committees for Interchange of offers and counter proposals.
Is a disagreement in the matter of principles and tactics, and not technical questions. The strained item in the camp had been an attack upon Caxton, based on the majority Therefore, Branch No. of the criticism.
Com munist Federation has come to a decision, that. So. our work was bearing fruit at last. Ed. In the caucus, after long We resolutely protest against the minority withdrawal from the cCommunist Party.
discussion, he had been nominated lor the 18 to Was Reinhart, who used to denounce and against splitting the Party: Later Caxton withdrew his name. Now it was when he appeared at meetings one of the We demand that the minority turn the Party funds over to the majority of the insisted that his name be re introduced, making We whole heartedly support the majority Zemlla first alternate.
substitute Caxton for Brown as The offered to on the question of retary.
the with the proposition Principles, which is in harmony Third Communist International and the program of the American Comnded and bargained for not on office in the party is something to be munist Party. The International Bus See man most fit for it but on purely of the Together with the majority we stand for: basis of political trading bourgeois a) The Soviet System, b) Dictatorship of the ProEd. letariat. revolutionary interpretation of The last morning found the situation dead.
MASS Action.
locked. To open the again give the the advance of the to We endorse the taken by the Exeo.
Committee of the Lied. On this question; e.
control all questions or pressure in tavor of solidarity for We condemn the minority with Damon as their iseue of control having been waits. ated by the hend, for their treacherous work of splitting the turn of the election, the delegates were in Party.
DO mood to give up their demand for a majority Group Delegates of Branch No. 1, of the Lithuanian Oommun. Pel, Pushe, Pa. The delegates made only demand to reopen the convention. It was for the other side to New Attack Upon The Com In heated argument, while the other group is en How is one to visualize one group of delegats gaged in the singing of revolutionary songs, most munist Party 1y Russian how is one to imagine an this without something in the way of special almonsione? The ing througroup cherches halfway toward the argu(Continued from page International and reluctantly back to its Ows meeting place.
it. By far not all other members of Fralita There is a committe conference.
Before the report comes back the lines are formed for a group have been arrested, and if this is to be a sufficient basis for charges of connection with ment is reported: a of ten members, the the of then suspicious Indivnost of our active members are Perhaps this is the imfive to stand elected five members to be plication that Nuorteva wished to be drawn from his statement.
to the anxious delegates: As to Fraina leaving in company with Nosothe two groups merke into one anothing the Internntional.
all singing vitzky (No. the arrangements for this wero of hands.
made entirely independently of both, and not at the embrace of Condu 18 the all between themselves, as In regard to No. thalles.
is too much feeling for speech. Unity is achievnothing is said there been a trial which shows that there were other po of Dr. Norovitzky, the stenographio report of sust last as Damon would say the torture cand that letter coming into the hands ot o. united into the United Centrist Party As to No. 8, the Amaterdam Bureau has published in ther Bulletin the whole proceedings of the Need anything more be added to the foregoing Surely, every reader has formed a vivid picture in could get all his informa his mind of the unity convention which save there All the new charges are mere guesses, would not stand investigation. To which trayal, fathered by contrists of the type of Damon out with them without any authoritative nation to one who claims to be a representative from the TI!
that HAS BEEN PROVEN FALSE, these are nets Internationsponsible for a great deal of the disrol of godfather (the latter which must reflect most seriously upon the maker On that has bough his unwanted himself, and not cast any shadows other on the persons or the Soing on rooontly in the Communist Party attacked, For Communism, meddling. This new United Centrist Bunte, Act. Sec. of movement in this country, an Ignoble career in the Communist JEWISH FEDERATION The Jewish Federation Convention held recently split at the last moment, Tour delegatos going to the minority and thirteen with the Communist Party. Raphael and Cornel delegates remaining also went with the minority after all their menoeuvring to win the convention over to the minority. and finally tor neutrality, had failed dismally. Raphael has certainly turned out to be a worthy companion to Damon, Isaacs, Langley Co. since his detection from the ranks of the mejority.
The Jewish Federation elected a and the Process of re organization is taking place repidly.
More than halt of the membership is with them and the others are slowly turning back. The Brooklyn the largest branch in Chicago, a in Philadelphia, are with the majority already.
a brenov POLISH FEDERATION aside. The The of the Polieh Federation has expelled Tylney. its former Socretary, who went with the minority. and le in the process of getting back the property of the Federation in his hands.
Many of the Polish branches are with the of whole Federation with very few exceptiona will the Party: and, after their next convention, the probably be back in the Party, District No. The leaflets will be printed and eletributed. Our comradee bould be printed on one eat that the leaflets only, to they can bo posted on walls, poles, etc. Also toxt should not be very long. bear, that our joint conveation has decided to demand unity with the Big Bluft of BolsheTiarn (B. gang, as if they had not onough of bluft already don think we should fall for it. Perhape, they have realized that they themwolves haven enough of blufl.
Something should be done in the Fraina case Mr.
Bhoud corteve 16 getting too bold. think we expose that gentleman a little, because he le not much known outside of Manchustts.
District No. 400 members celerates claimed they represented Our Americanized Lottieh branch is still undecided and might go with them. Their members say that the unity programa and constitution is very very on hat unity stuff. Our District and Sub District Committees will decide whether we should keep a paid sub district organizer or not.
Yours for District Organizer, No.
Distriet No. The four sub districts in this district are now. fairly well organized. New York City, approximately 900 members, New Jersey, 669 New York State, about 300 members. Queens section, after having bolted the minority has returned to the Leaflets on Transport Workers, and New Offensive Against Soviet Russia, inority in this district are silent on the results of their unity convention, evidently they are not bragging about the results, and for good TORROT too, ILS glance at their new organ will show Work is proceeding well and things are normal in general the only TODO en.
conference and polthout any difficult