BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyLeninSocialismSovietStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

Counter Revolution in Germany ܠܐ0ܪ Oops: THE COMMUNIST Seven At Last The Centrists Unite! nor in an outright condemnation of the of (Continued from page Finally, the former Chicago Distriet Committee l esolution question was adopted Co. concerning from the pens of Damon which Bave an Det endorsement of the overthrow of the cap! Continued from pace talist wywteni (note the same mistake that Damon and unity, the convention reconsidered the made in his article about the overthrow of the fortunately, only a obiective. The procapitalist Mystem. Isn it more than a coinThe result is that their position on is letariat wannained, while it repsentative ani.
cidence? Ed) it was insisted that the word neither fish, fresh fowl tor good red herring.
fested neither resolutionary initiative nor fordible be added. Likewise, at the first men It has one inerit however that is, it preventwhich the unity consatisfied the call and sevelop measures for the attent manded that there be added by the use of armed thor Split at the collvention.
of the proletariat: No suel cailway is nied force. One mendment was piled upon another PARTY NAME ALMOST LEADS TO SPLIT meanne during the it four days of meritable force panic (Italics ous. 10. Then came In vain was it argued that this part of the question of a party name and when the basis had to be laid for cuent program continued onls preliminary definitions, into pieces.
statements of the goal to be achieved that the Pro.
for Communist After thirty votes had been east But elevher the solutionary scruza ered gram, under appropriate sub divisions, gave full former troritarron roll call you out up. Where the workere were arnt to initiated tried their best to bring confusion into the communist Party by attention to the methods of action that the item trueste for power userped power in other ot armed force does not standby itself but is of ed the L. rused a loud holler, and what ouil name) which nennt that the name optin to the struggle for power. Is its after its That is tactio nust be presented in its developY. calis the moral power of effective minority Soviet Republic we reclaimed: witte in the mental character armed uprising as the navoid criticism and what we call the deadly fear of Ruha usiant revolutionary struggle toonied that.
able sequence of the advancing class conflict. a deadlock and a split, won the day. The question, ening:1y. Among these workers the way coup (Italios ous. like all the others was reconsidered and a new was a call to retion, the opportunity to conquer The delegates for the most part, were motion re introduced to ready for test of strength against the breakine loose, in spite of the dangers, in spite irreconellables. They were conscious that this hovered in and the dove of peace again benignly over the unity convention.
of the Party moderates and compromiser, Thon minority would have to accept defeat, since the Thus far, on the question of reconsidering pas.
Vital development indiested that both the Re sed motions the battling average of the unity action and the Revolution had epletely under thing should be stated mythe past page Somes convention estimated the German proletariat: the Reaction WRs 1, 000 per cent.
sensed too much langer of misunderstanding be18 balm to the wounderl feelings and the its capacity to rest a military tictatorship th.
hind ch a vote. too much anger where agree suspicious of the 1. they were permitted to Revolution its will to engage in the struggle for power ment could easily be reacher. Caxton in which retain their emblem.
we recognize our old friend moved to CONSTITUTION MAKING The menace of Bolshevism whit. Kapprecommit this part of the Program, then to adjourn.
Then came the discussion of the constitution.
Littwitz dictatorship in its first proclamation nad There were sono protests, but the union prevailed. Two questions occupied them one centralization.
projecter is a pores. way now a real menace.
Meanwhile the tension relaxed by the brilliant To continue th. strugle between the Government satirical speech Otherwood, whose Yankee wit ground organization way IOL apparently discussed and the coup meant to prepare the comitions for was the perfect antidote for passionate argument for nowhere is there mention of it in the Conthe revolutionary conquest of power reminds use of Oscar Ameringer at the CON stitution On the testion of centralization two You win every tense situation, was used main Kroups stoed it. One group apparently and compromise tnfty Salust the Evolution y tlu. to put the delegates in rood humor headed by Danion who not talks of giving nak idem forget what was itching The danger was very real. Hindenburs appealed the 10 Kapp luttvitz to withdraw from Berlin, and poter to elect and control the them.
party office hypocricy. and the other to the Government for consprounine and recent antificially stimulated issue.
How is rout composed of the cl. whoxe conception Now the strateny of the Socialist bourreais Govfor peaceful unity session.
Du son se: the significance of the whole proceed of Communist Orgintions har! not advanced ernient wax parents avotdin toe decisive in in this topion? TS. characterizes those who from the bourgeois democratic ideology of the military claim the cou, the opportunity sy list to hit and his centrist colleagues 1. Note thoitruments Lack of confidence was provider for green and unity at the Revolution. The oportunity was seized it the in officials was the central theme of the contrary reference to deten of armed force. such carliest inomen. 11 they mean their own opportunist paltry detail Note how he speaks of armed leader we don blame then but then why didn It is a fact, it suite o? denials, that the footernuprising as the matelable sequence of the ul they remain in the since there is little to ment W: erotiating with the Kapu Lauttwit Tancing CaSS con ciet. Here is a Centrist conchoose between the opportunist leaders of the dictatorshin On Wednesila these negotiations reception which looks upon the warmed conflict Right in the Centre in fact, it is ensier to fight ulted in an enement. On Monday the Kappas something to be avoided, if possible but not. the Right leaders because they are out in open, Luttwitz dictatorshi had announced gotiations, then to get rid of it as of some terrible nightmare. but the centrist leaders who lean toward the and stated its conditions Elections to be tiek The dreadl und fear Left, Lenin aid are the most dangerous. Ed. IXO months hence for the Reichstan and the Yolution, tardily unalinis at last to the reuncertain in their The party affairs, it was urget. must be brought Prussian: Landta: new resident to be elected.
movements with the pacifist moral aspect in nearer to the control of the rank and file. The the former President to be requested to continu.
their attitude toward it and desiring to get rid central committee hnd been the breedium pince of Cantina of it as soon as possible. To the Centrists armed factional controversies.
denied by the riovernment and the It was not asking 100 insurrection is nocessary evil not something much to vive the district conmittees Veto in sembly; but the teement was concluded the Communist Party si prepare itself and classthe choice of the organizers upon whoin their conscious workers for as the highest stage of the ditions. On Wednesday the kapp Luttwitz dictator work Utalics ours. 10. Xothing not show the Centrist character of class wirkgale.
ship declared that having accomplished its mission, the unity convention better than the italicized B::t our opportunits of the type of Damon.
should be held with two months and electius the old, Government agreeing (1) that elections Co. Dav lip stice to the proletarian requoten statement, about the central committees being the breeding places of factional controof the residit the direct vote of leople.
volution mouth the rage of mass action versies. 18 matter of fact, the whole paragraph it would with direnThis was tot ace (which they termed 173 actions before. Isn natural fu. advocate of mass actions to unite is the SI. echo of Left Wingers who left the program of the coup. but it was victory. ane, morcoscr. the Kapp uttwi: with the alvocatorietion of the masses Bd. the SP not because of fundamental difference in principles and tactics. it because they were Withdrew Berlin with all the honor War and are upes but in their harts they are sisteil opposed to the Sp. machine, to the steam roller to the strains of the martial uusic and opposed to their Ceatrist activity is for the in their evacuation by the Government of the Right Wing to the Crooks ni carrying with them. Moreover, in enorm ma class servic and her openly or surreptitiousty unong the officialdom.
of captured munitions proclamation will retard the working ass reparation for this But perhaps lest you think that the other side izes the agreement in this fashion: llon culmination Peally believed in revoluulonary centralization, we Bogotiations between the representative the As for their con which was thrown baste to dispel such an idea. Their policy is Gior pentru a recognized Tarties and representatives of both into a veritable for panic. one thing stands hallod hull. On paper the is the highest KappLittwitz dictatorship. osiecitly but we repre.
out ce body between conventions, collects all the duck.
Many of the delegates, sincerely desiring to let the issue squarely, having learnt from publishes all the papus. etc. etc. but actually. santiesTo me compromis has been Trimbon. Sudekun, Gothen, Suresinan the majority criticisin of the minority posleach distriet holds its own conventions to legislate tion, were determined that their discredited leaders for itself and elect its District Committee The reached: Tho representatives of the majority parwould not rool them on this issue.
tieg i!! ud elections to the National AsTherefore CC organization machine extendis only as far as the District Organizers. then it stops and sembly to take place not later than Juke: that the force panic. It is a natural outcome where the opportunist leaders are determined to put ono meets the machine built up in the various sections, the President de tout by the people that the over on a convention where some of the delegates sub tiistricts and districts. In other words, there National Government 111 undergo change in at least know their same.
the near futur are two machines in their party. the catryinion of the business Of course, the net chine and a democratic machine. slow. cula berof Government in Berlin to be taken over by vice9: Tar as the program is concerned is as y some and weldly. tates. He knows why he criticizes them: Chancellor Seniffer. At 12:15 Thruscas morning The friction between these he is unod to the whole thing and by ridicule two machines must leart to paralysis of work.
name, o Schiffe issue the Government, devient in the General Seckt disasteenunte. appeals. counter appeals. tc. in he swe the whole program inferentially into case of serious friction in the organization, cach commander of the troops in callink for restorathe refuse.
District Committee can do as it please even to tion of econonite and political activity. join: The writing of force into every part of the the extent of boltink the organization. Haring proclamation by Schilfe and Hirsch isoleI Or does not make it a (entrists will ho program abolisnod language feriorations, the has crat) in the name of the National and this is a thing ou: Cnited no ffective counter check against the possible (overnments declared it was false to use the to learn. Another son they will have to learn machinations of any organized group within the National Army and the security (Nokke troops)
is that even a good program in itself does not parts of offering 10 resistance to the coup. and has make the organization really Communist in characPer although the cicarness and soundiness of the But eve this half and half measure of centrali that on nicht of Friday. Saturday (arch lioram does Eve the clarity and zation was won only after the most stubborn fight 12 13) the troops stood at their posts ready to consciousness of the frames it. Over At first the proposition was defeated of course, defend the Government: but, because of the airlia Communist Program with it bunch of opportun it was reconsidered a and re introduced It took cult conditions of night fighting, they were, before ist leaders such as Damon, Co. to lead three roll calls for it finally to pass.
the advance of the rebels. re called to barracks. the orrnization, expoun the principles and tacLANGLAGE FEDERATONS DISPOSED on Simultaneously with the conclusion of the com.
tics. puble its propa anda to the masses would We now come to the question of language fedpromise, the Government and the bourbois par.
stain that organisation 19 ties issued the loss Back to work. The arand Centrists Sections Freport is interesting in lysis of the economic activity united with the thoroughly exposed 15 pone entris having been question in the spilt.
federatie This COIT menace of Bolshevism to compel a compromise.
the Joint Committee had come to no agreement.
But as a matter of fact, the PrOSTILm of the But the proletariat of Berlin rejected the call to In curion contrast to the listory of last Sunumer.
United Centrist Party is a poor, mechanically it was the committee members who were end the strike, the lades unions and the Social Democratie Party being compelled to order the stultified docume made to suit every antago. lonth to inke a rigorous standlagninxt federations, nistic faction in the convention in some parts At the convention the delegates took to strike to proces against the compromise.
a poor paraphrasing of fundamentals put together group stand on this question. Two plans were The tienern! Strike was now, in its impulse and helter skelter without any idea of correlation of presented, one for the CP. delezntes by Damon in the mood of the masses, a strike ainst the ideas or sequence in some places yague in some Cremember Damon insistence that he was not Governinent. But in the conscious direction. Implaces taken directly from the CP. and the to Oppolish them federations that he did not want last two columns a roprint from the manifesto Tarted to it by the trades Deco but only to change their ST. the stritte was uninst the tovermour contreyallas situa.
er stupidity atins of the Third International, where their own efforts methorl of Daving dues) the other by Dubner the problem, in that Was not evidently had proven fruitless. It might do as a primer for beginners in Communist study classes, 11. Th. for the teleration members of the in it formal greegrenbut in the after the proper revisions had been made and it federation delegates on both sides. The principal tlon itsell: the Government might pudiate the had been touched up in general.
But as a Procontroversy was as to the existence of formal agreement but would inevitably be com Delled to compromises setundly appen.
ram it is a good dissertation!
this proposai beins lecisively votel down.
The compromise agreed upon by the Government PARLIAMENTARIS Anyone who rends the United Centrist constituand the moitas coups the mass listing in Ou the question of parliamentaris another dis tion about language federations will quickly real.
the General Strike, 10W in fact it strike cussion ensued which showed how far apart the ize thit: the object behind the abolition of the the Government, these developments emphasize assembled unity delegates were on all fundafelerations was not to make for creater centraisthe inherent character of the crisis. as developing mental questions.
They only seemed to atten on zation as they claim, but for the purpose of effectthe conditions and providing the opportunits fer the question unity. all other questions the definite Communist struggle for power Ively closing the channel of organized expression free for all match each side giving in a little and control of the vast majority of the foreign It was clear to ail that the continuation of the in order to effect unity. sound, uncompromis comraden who cunnot speak understaan latent with the threat of pro.
ing Communist program was furthest from their English, over the actions of the opportunist leaders General Sution Thursda) and Friday the letarian minde.
of the Inter Centrist Party of America. This cities of Benetet asnmortal terror; the The anti parliamentarians criticised the nomi undoubtoily, is the purpose. But the opportunist words Spartacus Arbeiter nabhaengiku, were nations for legislative offices only and the parTitlden to fall. Note that the eldently leaders composed of Damon Co on all tongues and the basis of Wiscussion in all lamentarians themseltes differed as to whether crowds. At night, stones and hotels were warred to nominate for executive and legislative offices had experience with the federation question for and people ordered off the streets: terror was or for legislative offices alone.
All three groups nearly years had changed its policy, or, inter rabant in Herlin. The tiorernment troops now differed charpy with ench other. year ago was willing to change its polies, They know by occupied the entrenebments creeted by the KappBut Tuttwit trool new entre torment troops this discussion might have been in place.
bitter experience that the foreign comrades who We areet since the theses on parliamentarism which were cannot speak or understand Fuglish, must have eu. Rais Way Pronunt. the il centralized budy of thelr own, which can function using rities and machine gunst the teaat presuch wide publicity in Coinmunist circles every for them. ise, they dritt away. lose interest in text. in three days mor persons were shot by 18 characteristic of this unity con the party, or Trer way from Communism kradual the Government treops than in the five days of that even how they are not clear the ly and are swallowed up in other movements. the Kipp luttwitz deratorship. In the proletariat subject.
It will not be very long before Droinn Co. new energy mautfrated itselt, developlay conFind this out for themselves and then they will, wo sciousness of a means and ucpuses. But INIC STRIAL UNIONISM knowing the character 01 The General Strike did not move to Revolution, The third day canto the longest and most stub these mon)
will change nor was it the mins who were not really but born debate of the whole convention on the question convention deel ou or make it a deal letter the representatives of the masses.
of Industriai Unionism and On this and permit language federations to exist in their question there were also three groug4 one group party Never were the limitations of the fieneral Strike who stood for outright endorsement of the Just as their program is serap of paper so is in itseit more (in spite of the recent convention decisions of the nor their constitutiona serap of paper. Nor are td. 138 not a they afraid of conventions They can defy con to give Another group who were recoup who complete in Berlin. The strike car was in motton. But in spite of all this, the ventions and when it gets too hot split way strike broke and dispersed after unsatisfactory believed neither in a direct endorsement of the Continued on page promises of concessions by the Government.
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