AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyGermanyImperialismLeninMarxismOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSyndicalismWorking Class

THE COMMUNIST Six Who Is Santeri Nuorteva?
Greetings To Communists Abroad By LENIN. Continued from last Is tc. The followers of Scheidemann and of Kautzky The history of real revolutions shows that the of democracy in general: they sympathy of the majority cannot very often be are still the ideas of 1849. They pay lip.
stolus proved by any kind of ballot and certainly not service to Marxism, but their deeds are those of by a ballot organized by the exploitere, notwith.
Louis Blane. They talk of majority rule in the standing the existence of Parliamentary equnlity beltet ant sauntlig eksploster and exploited, the 08 between exploiters and the exploited The sympathy of the mnjority of the workers worker and the capitalist, the poor and the rich. Very frequently finis elon not through the the hungry and the well fed onllot box. but by the of one of the pare The sheidemanns and Kautzieis behave as ir ties, or by the incrensed number of that party the kina honest, noble, peace loving capitalists meinbers in the Soviets. One successo some strike which for some or other had as: miner Seitpital. bureaucracy, miitany dictatorship sumed great importance, or by success in the civil but und always in truth applied the majorit rule in the decision of public Affairs.
The history of our revolution has, for instance.
Thesebedemanns and Kautzkis shown that the approval of proletarian dictatorengenhypocris und partly from extreme du Partly from ship on the put of the majority of the workers are recordemoernes, bourgeois 1532 decades of reformist activity) are bolster in the extensive territories of Siberia and the parliamen Urals did not manifest itself by the vote, but by tarism and the bourgeols republic, and year experience of the rule over these terri devorito conducting Sate business According make the workers believe that the We must bear in mind that Koltchale rule also begin with to the wil of the majority, and not according to a coalition of the Scheidemanns and Kautzkis of the capitalists, not by means of de. translated into Russian the Nenshenkt and the Social Revolutionaries, the partisans of the Con.
The Scheldemanns and the Kautzkis are willing stituent Assembly. just as to cny in Germany to recognize the proletarinn revolution that an election conducted by the bourgeois Messrs. Haase and scheidemann, with their conll tion, are paying the way for von der Goltz and State with bourgeois election machinery, a majority. of. cos electorate declared Ludendorf Here should like to say, in parenthesis, that the Haas Scheldemann coalition has como solutions it is difficult to realised for the reto an end inside the Government but the political oli si bourgeois obtuseness and of small bourcoalition of these betrayers or Socialism remains in the bourgeoisie in geols, trust in capitexeois State machinery.
general and in the articles in the Vorwaets, and Particles on their In reality it was the bourgeoisie which was followers on their unity and so on.
sulltsitaocrisy when it invested the hollow equnlity with the high sounding The proletarian revolution cannot be achieved Time 87 emocracy, while it oppressed, exploitunless the workers give their sympathy and this sympathy edanduro no support to its vanguard. But of clever devices tricked the and support cannot be gained all at once, nor will istic. which the Scheldemanns and Kautzkis they be determined through the ballot box, bu they will be obtained by a long difficult and hard vere sintietully bolstering up has revealed this fact to class struggle. The class struggle of the pro.
the prsleriat is the only means of protection letariat for the support of the majority of the for the workers from the yoke of capitalism.
worker does not end with the conquest of politiefront the military dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
al power. After this conquest, the same struggle and front imperialistic wars. It is the only step continues, but assumes a different character. In which, wil lend to equality and true democracy the Russian Revolution all the circumstices were not a democracy on paper and consisting of politic exceptionally favorable to the proletarint in its al phrases but a live democracy, bringing eco struggle for dictatorship. The proletarinn leolu nomic freedom with it. The Scheidemanns and tion took place at a time when the entire nation Kautzkishaving failed to grasp these facts, have was aimed, and when the entire peasantry desired proved themselves of bourgeois ideas.
at the all on policy of the traitor Socialists the the landowners, and was incensed The Kautzki or Independent party is dying and willinevitably be finally destroyed by the the Mensheviki and Socinl. Revolutionaries, dissensions between the revolutionary majority but even in Russia, where the circumstances were of its members and the counter. revolutionary so favorable, where there was an immediate unity leaders of the entire pretariat and the entire army and The Communist Party will grow in strnegth and pensanty, even there it took the proletariat experietice, living down the dissensions which are months and years to Sain the support of the siinilor in character to those which confronted majority of the workers in its struggle for die tatorshin. After two years this struggle is almost. As far as can judge. the dissensions among at an end, but even now the proletariat ennnot say th man Communists are centred und t1 that the contest has been absolutely settled in its question of making use of legal possibilities (to favor. It has taken us two yenrs to gain the entire use the Bolshevik terminology of 1900 13. To put it plainly the question is should bourgeois pariia workers and working peasants sympathy and support of the vast majority of the in Great Russia ments reactionary trade unionists, the council in cluding the Urals and Siberia: but we have not law (Rate Gesetz. mutilated by the Scheidemanns vet achieved that result with the majority of the and Kautzkis, be made use of, or should they be working pensants (as distinct from the exploiting boycotea? We, Russian Bolsheviki. had to go peasants) in the Ukraine. We may be crushed, through the same kind of dissensions in 1900 and in 1910 19, and we can plainly see that many and yet we shall not be crushed by the militars power of the intente. In the interior of Russia young German Communists are simply suffering We enjoy now such a solid support from the inalived through a couple of bourgeois revolutions jority of the workers that there never has been, in the entire history of the world, a more democratic (1905 and 1917. they would not be such ardent State.
advocates of the boycott and they would not, at times. fall into the errors of syndicalism.
Anyone who chooses to make a close study of Those are growing pains which will pass with this extremely complicated and long history of the the growth of the movement which is developing proletarian right for power, so rich in its manifoli splendidly. These obvious inistakes must be fought forms, sudden changes and transitions from one against quite openly, and the greatest care must form of struggle to another. will recognize the be taken not to magnify the dissensions, for it error of those who wish to prohibit all particimust be clear to everyone that in the near future pation in bourgeois Parliaments, in the reactionary the struggle for the dictatorship of the proletatrade unions, in Czarist or Scheidemann workers rint and for the Soviets will do away with most committees, or r in workshop Soviets, etc. etc. This of these dissensions.
error is the outcome of the revolutionary inexperience of the most sincere, convinced, heroic re.
From the point of view of Marxist theories, as well as lutions (180 that of the experience ode levo1917. Karl Liebknecht and of cours clasembahat is why most decidedly consider it a great mistake to thousand times right when in January, 1919. they recognized and pointed out this mistake, but prerefuse participation in bourgeois Paris. etc. tre: ferred to still remain with the erring proletarian and in the most renctionary workers soviet.
revolutionaries (erring in a matter of Secondary disfigured and mutilated by the Scheidemanns, etc.
importance) than to side the betrayers of At times, under certain conditions, in certain counSocialism. the scheidemanns and Kautzkis who tries the boycott is the correct attitude. As for did not ert on the question of participation in the instance was the boycott of the Czarist Duma by bourgeois Parliament, but had ceased to be Socia.
the Bolshevikl in 1904. But these same Bolsheviki took part in a far more reactionary, nay clownBut a mistake is a mistake. It must be critiright counter revolutionary Duma in 1907. The cized, and one must endeavor to rectify it.
Bolshevild participated in the elections to the The struggle withe betrayers of Socialism must bourgeois Constituent Assembly in 1917, and in. or 1918 they dispersed it to the profound horror of against participation in bourgeois Parliaments, rethe Hits 18 democrats, the nutzlis and actionary trade nions, cie This would constitute renegades. We took part in the an enormous error, and it would be a still greater most reactionary, purely Meushevik trade uniong error to recede from Marxian idens and from the which, in the mntter of counter revolutionism, are priotical line, a strong. centrilized political party.
on par with Legion infamous and most re.
to the ideas and tactics of Syndicalism. The chiet actionary. trade unions in Germany. Even now Sodracons of animents, in the reactionary trade two years after the conguest of State power. We unions in the workshop committees, crippled and of the are still struggling with the Teamn. Kaut Menshevik (that is to say, castrated la Scheldemann, In fact to participate Ji, Goinpers) trade unions, which o to prove in every organization, in order to be in continuous that this is a long and tedious process, and that touch with the workers and to exercise the influence of the Communist Party on the working of small bourgeois itens is still very alin order to work 111ystematically At all costs legal be combined gren To begin with, we were in a minority the the strict control of the legal party and its Soviets, the Trade Unions, and the Co operatives. working class organization over the legal activIt is only by prolonged hard work and struggle ities. This is not ensy, but there are not and canbefore, as well as after the conquest of polition not be easy tasks and comfortable means of power that we obtained a Libor Osanigations, and laajorits the nonin all the struggle for the proletariat This difficult task must somehow be fuldmed. The Labor, and still inter in the organizations of the recognition or non recognition of the armed rising small peasants.
is not the only difference (and not event the chief Only fools or knaves can imagine that the prodifference between us and the Scheidmanns and letariat must, in the first place, obtain a majority in a ballot conducted by the boargeols and their in their inconsistent, opportunist, nay even treahired slaves and that only then it can strive for cherous policy in every field of action. bourgeois power. Bach Teronins Parliament, traslo union. co operative docieties ocupanty of the ballo and Journism box unter, the old rexime, the old order, for the We must right on every field of action without class struggle and the revolution any exceptione whatsoever against the socialThe Proletariat carries on its class struggle tractors, against reformism and opportunism. Only With these masses the Vanguard of the proletarint.
the sympaths of the majority of the the MALTXIn centralized political party will lend workers, and consequently of the population, is TO the people without fail to the victorious dictatorquired to ensure the complete success of a strike. ship of the proletariat, to The throwing that carries its custuseleover.
the bourgoinie, without waiting for a to the Soolniist world order.
boncolo democracy paletarian democracy in preliminary ballot, conducted by that same bour. The Third International has won series of seoisie, but it know all the time the for th brilliant victories in the course of a few months successful overthrow of the bourgeoisie It is essen It rows with a remarkable rapidity. Its frequent tial to have the sympathy of the majority of the errors and crowing prins have no terrors for us workera, and consequently of the majority of the By constant and open criticism of these errors we shull bring the working MARRON of all the cultural Chelon.
Parliamentary cretina and modern Louis counurles, who have imbibed Marxism, to the point Blanes Insist on a ballot. and ballot conducted by the bourkeolste in order to acertain the amount whero they will never all connection with the of that sympathy for Socials that exists amon Scheldemanns and Kautzkis of all nations those who tavo betrayed Soolalism are to be found in or overvektiokBut those are the views of all countries.
Tho vlotory of Communium is inevitable.
June 16th, 1920, Twould advise you not to take too seriously the accusations raised by Mr. Nuorteva against Comrade Fralna.
At least we, in Massachusetts.
do knowing Mr. Nuorteva and his activity in the Socialist Party in Massachusetts.
You might just as well believe Nuorteva Menshevik friends in Russia, when they call Lenin a German spy and agent of the Kaiser This is not the first occasion where Nuorteva capitalist state. He is the police powers of the yellows, who, after expelling the revolutionary talist Party in Aumentar from this DENOUNCED THEM TO THE POLICE AND COURTS AS ANARCHISTS, VYN DICALISTS. In order to steal their property.
always been the worst kind of social patriot and will cite a few characteristic examples Dealing with Mass. State Socialist Party Fitchburg Con.
vention in 1916, where yours truly happened to be delegate, and where Mr. Nuorteva with his bloc of yellow Finns and Menshevik Letts showed his skill a politica dentistry (pulling the teetly out of Bolshevik motions and resolutions. Nuortevn ncted as the only spokesman of that bloc, because practically all of his delegates did not understand or could not speak in English. but only gised their hands in voting as soon 38 Nuorteva raised his Our first resolution to congratulate Comrade Juleblonecht for his stand taken against the war, Socialists and burofrieden. was defeated by Mr.
Nuorteva and his bloc, on the stound that the workers SHOULD defend their fatherland, and that everybody doing it now.
When we pointed out the attitude of the Russian Bolshevik party (then Russian Social Democratic Labor Nuorteva dismissed them as it sect of irresnensoreheads.
At the same convention we presented a resolution on Dick Military Law. pending in the Senate itt that time, and proposing forced military training. Our resolution advised our young comrades and sympathizers to refuse to become can.
non fodder. Mr. Nuorteva give us the following advice: THIS IS NOT RUSSIA BUT AMERICA This is a free country and we must all obey the law once it is passed. Law and Order won and our resolution was defeated At the same time nents of the capitalist class were ready to invalle Mexico for the glory of Standard Oil Company. We presented il resolution, calling on the working class to refuse to serre.
if conscripted, but in case they are forced to fight, they should fight against their only enemythe capitalist class of this country. Treason and traitors were the only arguments of Mr. Nuorteva against us. pointed out to Nuorteva, that he cannot avoid being a traitor, He should only decide whether to become a traitor to the working class of and Mexico, or commit treason against Standard Oil Nuorteva decided for Standard on, and then and there again showed that he is a traitor to the working class by defeating our resolution On the same day (Sunday. it well known minis.
ter of the Gospel in Boston Preached a sermon on the subject: WAR IS HELL CHRISTIANS SHOULD NOT GO THERE, and called upon his congregation to refuse to serve in any army.
But, you may argue, Nuorteva is a Bolshevik no If so, just read his Open letter to American Liberals. and you will see that he is just a plain.
everyday middle class liberal and nothing more.
As to his connections with the Soviet Bureaubirds of a feather flock together. You ll find there also Mr. Hilquit, the great Red Army slayer: Mr.
ex inspector of ammunition under the rorrime of bloody Nicolas Mr Treedin. Mr.
Weinstein and other worthy Mensteviks who al way fought against Bolshevism in Russia and in this country, and are doing it now The real reason for accusing Frain, as understand it, was to keep our party out or touch with long they will succeed in this remains to Seen.
Her Meanwhile we should continue our work of agitation and education, and not pay too much attention to the barking of dog hounds of the American capitalist class, as represenetd by Mr.
Nuorteva Hoping you will agree with this, remain Fraternally yours.
Jobu VOTGAN LENIN AND LONGUET in the Kommunistl.
sche Internationale Lenin publishes with to a letter written to him by Longuet. In this article Lenin points out that under the influence of the considerable movement towards the Left on the part of the working masses, certain leading Socialists would seem to be ready to save their positions formnal acceptance of the Dictatorship of the letarint, being even ready to join the Third International, but, says Lenin, the Dictatorship of the Proletariat is a serious matter and can only be brought about by those who accept it in fact: ILS well as of the roletariat ani vet at paper. It is impossible to accept the the same time to work side by side with Thomas.
will readily be supplied by our readers. Sen bat, and backe (their English Dictator posing of the character of the Just ended ship of the Proletariat implies the continual ex and the daily emphasis of the of war breaking out again as soon as the people show a tendency to organize the Dictatorship of the Proletariat: One must also show up the traitorous behavior of the Social Democracy during the war and avoid every union with them. Further, it is wasses for the total abolitloparanda amongst the of carrying on a struggle merely to better the Longuet and his friends, says Lenin, do not understand this, and he compares them to the Hungarian Social Democracy. who, accepting the Dictatorship of the Proletariat in wordla, yot sought practicattenanted to put the dictatorship into netual garian Communists have been martyred. London Call. THE LAST WORDS OF COMMUNIST The Mitmensch prints the last words of Fusene Levine (the German Communist at his trial. It is well for all workers to per Socialist Government of Hoffman If your verdiet corresponds to the intentions of the public prosecutor, then beg you to be present When it is being carried out. have known, long time now that we communists are but the SOT whether must and join Karl my ticket of leave shall be once again Liebknecht. but my ideas win live on, and soones or later. Judges thins voted 8t in this court before who who have dared to do any.
the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.
other lieu of them: will be