AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismLeninMarxOpportunismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Problems Of The Third International (Ramsey MacDonald On The Third International)
By LENIN to THE COMMUNIST Four toward the Russian revolution in particular, But only hypocrites and fools cannot understand, that the exceedingly rapid successes of the Revolution in Russia are the result of the work of many years of the revolutionary party in the above indicated direction of the building up systematically for years of an underground checal) apparatus for the leadership of demonstrations and strikes, for the work among the troops, of the study and cre.
up the ntion of underground literature, do the results of their experiences and whole party to the idea of the necessity of revoluthe best and most devoted of workingmen tion, training and preparing leaders of the masses (Continued. Iskrists. leaders of the revolutionary proletariat for such occasions, etc etc. Iskrists. lenders of the revolutionary proletariThe dennest and the most fundamental dilter.
Ramsey MacDonald with the amusing naivette of at, and who was shot by Rennenkampf in Siberia in ences which summarizes all of the above, and parlor Socialist who merely juggles with words and who was shot by Rennenkampf in Siberia in explain the inevitability of an irreconcilable theo.
entirely lacking an understanding of their import 1906, was just a little a Zubatov adherunt as retical and practical political struggle of the re.
not even conscious that preaching a thing requires Loriot is Berne adherent.
Its being carried out in deeds, says: The Berne al are the questions of the voutionary proletariat with the Berne Interieron Conferenco a concession to the public opinjust for Conclusion number two: The Third, the Com.
munist International has been organizes to get war Into civil war ana thon version of Dictatorship of the ion of non Socialist elements.
Exactly. We consider the whole Berne INTERthe purpose of not allowing the The infection of the Borne International with NATIONAL yellow and treacherous because all its away with such lip service recognition of the reof which Ramsay MacDonald bourecents dology is best exposed in having failpolicies are a concession to the bourgeoisie.
volution, example. The lip gervice recognition of ed to understand (or not wishing to understand, or Ramsey MacDonald knows perfectly well that we gives in his simulating ignorance) the imperialist nature of the have built the Third International and unconditionwere the revolution, in reality covering up the throughly war or 1914 1918, it did not realize the inevitability ally severed with the Second, because we opportunistic, reformistic, nationalistic and detty convinced of its hopelessness, its incorrigibility.
bourgeois policies, was the airect progony of the of its conversion into a civil war between the its playing the role of a lackey of imperialism proletariat and the mourgeoisie of all the advanced Second International, against which we are waging countries.
carrier of bourgeois influence, bourgeois lie, and When the Bolsheviks as early as November of bourgeois corruption into the working class move.
When they say: The Second International died, 1914 pointed out this inevitability, the Philistines ment. Ramsey MacDonald, desiring to discuss suffering shameful bankruptcy, it must be underof all countries retorted with stupid ridicule, and the 3rd International avoids the real issues and stood properly. It means the bankrupcy and death among Just walks around and around the question, uses of opportunism, reformism and petty bourgeois SocBerne Be Philwere all the leaders of the At present the empty phrases and doesn say what is necessary For the fallsm. Because the Second Internatinal has its the imperialiet war into a civil war has become a conversion of to be said, it is his fault and his crime.
historical value, has accomplished some good work fact in a number of countries, not only in Russia, proletariat needs the truth, and there is nothing which a conscious worker cannot deny, namely: but also in France, in Hungary, in Germany, even more damaging for its cause than a polished, re.
formation of mass co operatives, trade, and politicin neutral Switzerland, while the imminence of spectable, mediocre lie.
al organizations of workers untilization or bourcivil war is being noticeably felt in all the advanced The question of imperialism and its connection geols parliamentarism as well as all institutions countries without exception, with oppo betrayal of the working class sauce by of bourgeois democracy in general, etc.
Now, to pass over this question in silence (as In order to really defeat opportunism, which their leaders has been raised.
does Ramsey MacDonald) or to dispose of the quesMarx and Engels during forty years from 1852 brought the Second International to a shameful tion of inevitable civil war by using honeyed.
up to 1892 were constantly pointing out, that the death in order to help the approaching revolution, phrases (after the manner of Messers. Kautsky which even Ramsay MacDonald is compelled to reCo. is equivalent to direct treason to the worlding working class of England, duo to economic peculiarities of that country (colonies, monopoly on the cognize, it is necessary: First to conduct all the class, is equivalent to actually going over to the world market, etc. has been acquiring bourgeois propaganda and agitation from the point of view reside of the bourgeoisie.
character (or: hsa been becoming bourgeois in of the revolution in contra distinction For the real political formism, systematically explaining to the masses leaders of the bourgeoisie have long ago undercharacter) Marx won to himself in the seventies stood the inevitability of civil war are thoroughly of last century hatred of contemptible heroes of Berne International tendencies of that time of tication tra distinction both theoretically and prac.
and systematically carrying out their preparations opportunistic and reformists, for the reason, that and other kind of work. Not by any means to for strengthening their position in anticipation he branded many of the leaders of English trade reject (exempting special cases of course. untilization of parliamentarism and all the other liberties Employing all the forces at their command exunions as men sold out to the bourgeoisie or paid for services to its class rendered from within of bourgeois democracy, not to reject reforms, but haustinen kisante erre mond anstidoterme, atlon of labor movement.
to consider them only as a by product of the revoluDuring the Anglo Boer war, the Anglo Saxon tionary, proletarian class struggle. Not a single demning whole countries to hunger, disease and starvation, the bourgeoisie of all the world is press already put th question of imperialism quite party of the Berne International satisfies this requirement Not a single one shows even an clearly as a new and the last) stage of Capitalism.
preparing to suppress the proletariat in the impondunderstanding of how the propaganda and agitation ing civil war. But the heroes of the Berne interIf my memory does not fail me, no one else but Ramsey MacDonald resigned from the Fabian must be conducted by explaining the difference benational, like fools, or hypocritical preachers, or pedantic professors, continue to harp on the old, Society, this prototype of the Berne Interna tween reform and revolution, how necessary it is tional, this cultivator of seed plots, and exempi ti prepare both tire party and the masses for the worn out, reformistic string. There is no sight revolution more abhorrent or more repulsive. The Kautskyg of opportunism characterized by Engels with gen ious, force brilliancy and truthfulness in his cor Second, it is necessary to combine legal (open)
and MacDonalds continue scaring the capitalists and illegal (underground) work, The Bolsheviki respondence with Zorge: Fabian Imperialism.
with the revolution, frighten the bourgeoisio with such had taught this especially and insistently during civil war, in order to wring some concessions from the war of 1914 1918. while the heroes of comtemptithem. in order to win their consent for a policy Tenglish Socialist literature on Rameezioactontha forgot about this, so much the worse for him.
ble opportunism scoffed at that, self cinceitediy of reforms. To this end only resolve themselves Fabian Imeperialisin and Social Imperialism praising lawfulness. democracy, freedom of all the writing, the entire philssophy and politics. this is the same thing: Socialism in words ani the Western European countries, republics, etc.
of the Berne International.
Imperilaism in deeds, the TRANSFORMATION OF Now, only plain swindlers, bent upon deceiving the This pitiful and contemptible method of these OPPORTUNISM INTO IMPERIALISM.
lackeys we already had occasion to observe in This phe workers, can deny that the Bolsheviki were proven nomenon became now during the war 1914 1918 right. There is no country in the world, the most Russia in 1905 on the part of the liberals (Cadets. and afterwards, the WORLD EVENT. Inability advanced and most free of the bourgeois rein 1917 19 on the part of the Mensheviks and to understand this is the greatest blindness of publics, where the rule of the bourgeois terror does the social revolutionists.
the Berne yellow International and its greatest As to educating the not reign, where freedom for agitation for the masses in the realization of the inevitability and crime. Opportunism or reformism must have in Socialist revolution, of propaganda and organizanecessity to conquer the bourgeoisie in civil war evitably grown into SOCIALIST IMPERIALISM tion in this direction has not been forbidden. to shape all our policies in strict conformity with placed in power a group of the richest, advanced PARTY, WHICH BY THIS TIME DOES NOT RE.
this aim, to formulate, clarity and solve all quesnations, robbing the whole world and thereby COGNIZE THAT. UNDER THE REIGN OF THE allowed the bourgeoisie of these countries to bribe tions from this point of view the cringing, slavish BOURGEOISIE, AND DOES NOT CARRY ON SYSminds of the Berne international do not even with its monopolistic surplus profit (Imperialiem TEMATIC ALL. EMBRACING UNDERGROUND conceive. And therefore, our only purpose must is monopolistic capitalism) THE HIGHER STRATA WORK, IN SPITE OF THE LAWS OF THE BOURhe once for all to shove all the incorrigible reOF THE WORKING CLASS of these countries. GEOISIE AND BOURGEOIS PARLIMENTS. IS nine tenths of the leaders of the Those who fail to see the economic inevitability PARTY OF TRAITORS AND SCOUNDRELS. Berne Intel. into the filthy karbage pile of this fact are absolute ignoramuses or hypo PARTY, WHICH BY ITS LIP SERVICE RECOGNIof the senants of the bourgeoisie.(Italics ours. crites, who deceive the workers by repeating the TION OF THE REVOLUTION IS FOOLING THE The bourgeoisie needs such underlings who still old commonplaces about capitalism and thereby MASSES. THE PLACE FOR SUCH PARTIES IS enjoy the confidence of some portion of the working hide bitter truth of the desertion of a large class who will paint the faction in the Socialist movement on the side of CANTHE COMMUNIST INTERNATLE NATIONAL IN colors. Orate about the possibilitoisio in beautiful forms, blind the workers with their trashy stories, of the path of reFrom this fact, however, two conclusions resolvo Third a persistent and merciless war must be divert the masses from the revolution by portray.
waged for the absolute expulsion from the working ins the charming possibilities of the reformist Conclusion number one: The Berne Internationclass movement of those opportunist leaders, who path, al is in fact, by its actual historical and political showed themselves before the war, and especially role, regardless of the good intentions and All the writings of Kautsky as well as our Menduring the war, in the field of politics as well and shevik and Social revolutionists present substan.
especially in the trade unions and co operatives of its membereveen ORGANIZATION working WITHIN the working tally this sort of portrayal the whimperins of OF The theory of neutrality is a hypocritical and the cowardly philistine who is afraid of reyoluAL contemptible subterfuse which helped the bour tion class movement, spreading in it bourgeois ingeoisio to gain a hold upon the masses in 1914We have no possibility to repeat here in detail fluence. bourgeois ideas, bourgeois lles and bour 1918. Parties which in words stand for the revoluwhat funciamental economic causes make this regois corruption tion, while in deeds do not carry on persistent world volutionary, and only revolutionary path inevit.
In the countries with democratic parliamentary for the influence of the revolutionary and only culture of long standing the bourgeoisie has learnfor the revolutionary party, in all and every mass problems placed by history on the order of the ed how to act perfectly not only by means of force working class organizations are parties of trai day be Wossible except through evil war.
but also through deceit, bribery, tors.
It must The Song of in the mont approved and volumes will be written on this Fourth. it is impossible to reconcile their conquestion. Messers. Kautsky and other leaders of (1. e, lackeys of the demnation of imperialism in words, while in deeds Berne International do not understand this Winte. labor leaders ods.
in the field of fooling the workers) did do not wage revolutionary war for the liberation yet but we need only add that understand this less distant from the truth than prejudice.
motobecome famous for renting kender thein. imperialist bourgeoisie. this is sheer hypocricy.
For the ignorant but sincere workingmen and to the same category Cantlady spoken placed the war time This is the policy of agents of the bourgeoisie in the social traitor Merrheim by Mr.
the working cover which in words is Such a party, English, now, after Clemenceau. the cordial reception of leaders of French, Dutch the revolution, of civil war and the dictatorship of the Berne International by the ministers of the hostile toward imperialism, while in deeds do not of the proletariat than such fentientings, Turaskys. MacDonalds, Vanderveldes, Entente, and so forth and so on. You shall teach as Kautthem, and we will buy them. said one clever for the overthrow of bourgoisie, which does tis and others, glutted with the most learned reEnglish capitalist woman to Mr. Social. patriot not help systematically the revolutionary work in Hynd man, who described in his reminiscences, how the colonies which has already begun everywhere, One of the most potent illustrations of the this lady, more farsighted than all the leaders ot which does not import into the colonies arms and generally observed phenomenon of the awakening the Berne Internal put together, had estiliterature for the use of the revolutionary parties of revolutionary consciousness in the masses are mated socialist leaders frm the working class.
the socailist intellectuals in there. 18 il party of scoundrels and traitors.
Firth, the greatest hypocricy is a typical phe.
the novels of Henry Base Under Fire and Dreamers.
nomenon of the parties of the Berne Internationtranslated into all languages with a circulation The has already been and this whole band of raitors were al in words to international conferences, the French bombnis pose before the to the revolution, and to of 230 000 copies in France alone. The conversion with flowery phrases about papers were scoffing at them very cleverly: these their recognition of the revolution, while in deeds completely held down by the average man of the masses, Vandervelded are suffering from some kind of to display the reformist attitude toward such begintio (spasm or convulsion. People thus afflicted ning of the growth of the revolutionary manises.
and prejudices into a revolutie erght of false Ideas by his reaction cannot say two sentences without suffering a tions, which are the mass action of the strange convulsion of the facial muscles. In like brenking bourgeois laws. stepping beyond the talented and truenrayed in an unusually forceful boundary of all legality, such as for instance, The masses of the proletarians and the sem politicwithout words like a parrot: er the Vanderveldos cannot coine outism, mass strikes, street demonstrations, soldiers proproletarians stand with us and are joining us by leaps and Hocialism, workers international solidarity. retests meetings among the troops, distribution of volution of the proletarint, etc. Let them repeat staff withomas lenflets in military caserns and camps, etc.
Any sacramental phrases they wish, provided only an army, doomed to crumble like Any hero of the Berne International. asked a house of cards the moment it will be thoroughly exposed to the masses.
they help us to lend the workers by the nose.
whether his party is on such systematic and shall serve us capitalists Incarrying on the work, will reply either with evasive phrases, screenThe Name Karl Liebstente countries and the was made use Imperiallat war and in onslaying the workers.
the war by the of ins OT such work: lack or SiS press for the sole purpose of decis for it and times be very clever and know perfectly how to organization of his party to estimate the lackey role of the Berne internathe carry it on or with action instireentins anarchists. etc. But just this constitutes the mo, take the bandits appear 28 and English Germ to this hero, to this only honest and robbers of tional.
working class. Its actual desertion into the onmp they used to say Mertoy has written there you. BolsheNow the heroes of the Berne International vik, so donotorio of the bourgeoisie.
International, but your own friend are participates in it.
This is the argument of a crook, because every.
All the scoundrel leaders of the Berne Inter in the same organisation with the Scheidemanns who are planning the murder have on their lips clarations of their nation toward revolution in general, a one knows that Loriot fights for the Thiru ur.
of Scheidemanns national openly, honestly and heroically.
in 1902 Zubator was arranging meeting for Iskrists, or Iskroytzy followers of the the services to who played the role or with the hangmen of the the workers in Moscow. In order to fool them magazine Islrarted by Lenin and Plechanov a. in Switzerland in to condemnsmanns (As if condemna and which was Hip service attempts kin, attended those meetings in Zubatoy influence (the ubato. And to to fight together a11 instrumental tion can help to change the situation actually forces within the Russian stratie Labor Marxian Bet the workers of its clutcher. Babushkin waars organization with these economists at the 2nd Party Convention in workerá propaganda etrelo in Petrograd, one of called German Gover need a meetinuttgart in 1907. be The late Harry Quelch was expelled by the Baltor Onuse he from Zubator was the chief of the Car okhranthe Socialist Labor Party America ka, or, secret service police in Moscow.
European diplo.
of exality, na, for instance and Rais the Berne of thieves. The 1tor.
mats anthersonal are not only leaders of friends. please accept the compliment.
a satherEditor (Continued on page formists, supporters of the working masses undertant more the and in bringing In the same Gentlemen of the Sociand another advocates