BujarinCommunismCommunist PartyRadekSocialismSovietStrikeWorking ClassZinoviev

Two THE COMMUNIST. The Panic Is Coming THE COMMUNIST charges OS statement issued by Noorteva of the Russian Soviet Bureavemains from Stancinthat Nuorten making any Fraina.
In fact, however, he most unscrupulously raiso With the defeat last winter of the great Longshoremen s, coal and steel strikes, a lull, like the men story was given a calm before a storm, has come in the class struggle of OFFICIAL ORGAN OF in this country. True, certain industries have munint Party and on the basis of the Executive Council passed the roomTHE COMMUNIST PARTY rall strike and textile trades and the continues in more or less intensity to cripple the solution: Chicago, Ill. Dec. 17. 1919.
rail carriers but in general the situation is superOF AMERICI ficially less tense than it was last winter.
The capitalist class breathes easier as far as the The members of the Executive Council of the Of have carefully examined the PUBLISHED BY domestic situation is concerned, and is beginning to hope for a perceful rendjustment of the labor Si leport of the hearing of the Cha problems and relatively peaceful reconstruction which report is attested by six Nes or the Party: period in the future. Its main concern right now of the and declare that the charges have The Central Executive Committee is with the international situation which they no basis in fact.
As to the specific dates mentioned by the la for which they are not prepared.
former the members of Counc! can stnt: In this hope the capitalist class are doomed to from personal knowledge that Com. Fraina was deep disappointment and that before the year in the city of Chicagonul late at night on VOL. 11 JULY 1, 1990 is over.
Over the horizon, awaiting only a 15 Intensity The black clouds of class war hang ominously the City of Chicago on Party business, The Council is unanimous that not the slightext favorable moment to break with the taint of suspicion attaches itself to Con. Fraina a deluse The three great strikes of last year the resu of this charge and declares its faith are bound to break out again, iespite all the in him as loyal and trusted comrade unshaken.
All the circustances in the case point to a plot lavorsendeom nainsicos and vine, which is pressing against the Communist Party Comrades! There are tens of thousands of so hard upon all classes of labor. is increasing. The Council is in full stegnent with Com.
Train contine world as Intern See. people in America who are appealed to as according to the United States Labor statistics Comrades by the betrayers of Socialism the almost at the rate of three percent. a month. Many anul requests at the representative of These cowardly factories are working part time or shutting down the of. that he be received as its official vile officialdom of the altogether. This is true of nearly industries, representi counter revolutionists need but to cry aloud for aggravating the already intolerable conditions of meeting of the took the help, when they are in need, and the response the vast majority of the workers.
same stand and issued a staternent, which was is made in a ready chorus. Having forsaken The export trade is decreasing every month.
because of the inability of the foreign nations the struggle, they are permitted by the forces in and by the and innuendos especially descuintontinued rumors to pay cash, or because their credit is exhausted.
of Lawandorder (who are not slow to recognize The banks are calling in their loans to manu The best answer would have been to publish the their aides! to carry on in the open. Remainfaciuler andare 11 Son tight to their money, stenographic report of the hearing, but we coula or investing ing a legal party, they meet in halls and in guarantee foreign secur not so that because the he trius brought out facts ities at an exorbitant rate of interest. So much and relations very damaging to the Soviet Bureau: the streets; they print their legal papers, give their benefits with great popular success, So that of on because it would have beon like giving materiai market because of their relatively small to the. of with which to attack the Sovie!
correspond with their comrades without fear interest rates has reached the stage of a national Bureau.
of post office interference, and in every way are The wholesale price cutting of large stores is Hoween, since the of apparently has, in free to appeal for aid without governmental resome unexplained way obtained in formation abou: another evidence of the instability and precarious the hearing and since Nuorteva has seen fit to Etrictions. They are safe, and it is possible for industrial and commercial conditions. Financial come out with his statementonitting and mixthem to be so only because they have turned thu panle in due in this country and will brenk ere statinis important acts a free their backs upon every revolutionary principle attacking the interity of the long.
now to publish the proceedings in full, and we and forsaken the class struggle. The stinking In addition to the above a new wave of strikes are going to do that just as soon as possible.
carcass of the that we forsook for the is impending which may hasten the industrial thereby to disprove and destroy all charges, living body of Communism can call for help chaos and put an end to the capitalist delusions rumors of a peaceful reconstruction period, and suspicions.
when it is in need, and get it get it promptly The anthracite coal miners, who have been neNuorteva is a ciever and very unscrupulous in the thousands, yes, in the tens of thousands, gotiating these wenry months without coming to of dollars. satisfactory arrangement, are champing at the bit. How much longer the leaders can hold them the of he does not make us direct charges The Conimunist Party. Comrades, has no such in check remains to be seen. Likewise, the railbut repeat the accusations of it spy. and relatex opportunity. Every channel is practically closed road brotherhoods. whose leaders have performed and co cates Various frets which appear to yeomen service for the capitalist class in checking support these ceusations; incidentally he de.
to us.
The ordinary ways are shut with a and out ing the strikes of the most dissatisliver it wickerl low to representative of the sign up: NO THOROUGHFARE. Underground fied and underpaid workers, Communist Party and through him to the Party machinery, in the early stages of organization Enther their forces for a fussle with the owners. itself: The Call taking up the cudgel cheerfulls and quite innocently directing it also against (facing, let us not forget, the rapidly ripening There is a strong likelihood that the steel, coal period of world conflict. is a slow and clumsy and railworkers may como the Aside mechanism for meeting a financial crisis. ment in he near fucurento Som workins agreeT: the order quoted by The Call the changes upon the government to forc. wase increnges from are as follows: from our underground Party paper, the means the Wiers. This will naturally fails the 1) Peterson (a spy of the of and a for making an impassioned appeal to the mem capitalists will absolutely turn down any demand friend or Nuorten hai Sen Fraina in the for more than ten or fifteen percent Wire increase New Yorkfice of the of bership are unimaginably meager. The task bestances indicating that he must be one of the under circumcomes incredibly difficult to bring home to the financial and industrial panic, complicated by a series of the most gigantic strikes in the history agents of the partment.
heart and mind of every member the realizaof strikes in this country plus the new post war 2) Certain information grding communicate tion of a crisis. We can only send an SOS psychology of the workers in Keneral posseses tion with Moscow conveyerl to train which couid potentialities and possibilities of tremendous sigover the wireless of our com non revolutionary not have been in the possession of anyone else nificance from the Communist viewpoint. By this outside of our office became known to agents class consciousness.
is heren the of The time has come, Comrades, for such an tic from that the social revolution is will however hasten 3) Peterson reported that he had seen in the the capitalist disorganization of industry, demoralappeal to be sent out broadcast for such wirefiles of the NY office of Paner department ize the soci and economic structure to an extent a returned pay check indorsed by Fraina.
less stations to pick up. Your Party wants that will recovery impossible. It will even 1) Peterson asserting in the face of Fraina you to pick up much that is not ordinarily hasten the cessary objective conditions for a that he was the man whom he had learned to heard that cannot be set down. Your Com revolutions situation.
18 all.
know as an agent of the of munist understanding will help you to grasp For the as far as working class is 5) While other members of Traina groun concerned twill get a taste of the full weight were being arrested at that time nothing happened the situation and the need. Respond as genof the capitais state upon their heads. Court to Frain limsel. erously and as promptly as the need is great injunctions, impounding of union funds, martial Fraina left (for Europe) in company with and immediate.
law, backed by the armed forces of the state, This must of necessity be no long winded ap eyes and force them to adopt new methods of on a scale that will compel them to open their of a British stearns livssing doctor in the employ peal. If we could hold mass meetings, you strugkle a new objective political objective 7) The letter (from Rotgers to Martens) could would be fired by the eloquence of your speakers.
the overthrow of the capitalist state, the conYou would dig, down into your jeans and throw quest of the state power and the establishment Mr. Frank Or Dr. Norovitzky.
of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. S) Palmer is in possession of all reports from your silver and your greenbacks into the conThat is all we can hope for from the working that conference Amsterdam Conf. which was tribution basket. There would be enough of class in the coming era of panics and strikes: supposed to be a secret one and where no alle you in the audience at one meeting to raise the 1) a krowing class consciousness which will lead from America was present except Frain and money for the week issue of the paper or to the ousting of their old Nosovitzky.
leaders in the industrial world. and the adoption of more pay an old printers bill so that the printer will asgressive methods of waging their battles with the emloy. The main charges. Nos. are all based upon continue printing our paper on faith (how few ing class. 2) new. orientation towards the prothere are to print ours under present conditions blems of the state as taught by the bitter exthe words of apy PROVEN APSOLUTELY UNRELIABLE, CONTRADICTORY AND FALSE.
you hardly realize. or meet the cost of technic perience of their own struggle.
a work essential to the conduct of your Party.
That is all, but it is a great deal from our He was positive he had seen Fraina at the of in New York on the 7th of September point of view. It will make possible for the time when Frnina was still in But there are no meetings now. Our mail is the general spread of Communist propaganda The second tirne he had no.
watched, our activities, even the most innocent among the masses who until now have been stoic.
him there between Oct. and Oct. 15. he would not place the date or most guarded, noted with suspicion of its ally unreceptive. It will develop (with the aid at all character. Our press necessarily concentrated of Communist agitation in the shops and Indus The third time he was positive he had seca tries) new type of leader in dustrial unions, who, though the trade ind. inhim there on Nov. before noon, then he changed can carry no long detailed explanations of situainto power will have a strong, influential clausmay not come to Nov. 15. then change back again to Nov tions, and daily appeals for funds. We must but that he had seen leave much to your understanding, Comrades.
conscious minority behind them.
a report made by Frains the making of the Communist rovement a real It will lead to on Nov. 16. On Nov. 15 Braina was again in All we can say is: CIVE AND GIVE QUICKLY!
Chicago. and Nov. le had not left from home mass movement in that it will be possible for before noon.
AND GIVE TO TIE LIMIT OF YOUR POWER! us to have. not a large membership, though the The need is great greater than we can tell. We membership will naturally grow but the possiblack marts description of Fraica clothes sandesuggest that you do a few Saturday ings for of the worker anci better since he admitted himself that he had not the Party. Follow pxample of the Commun dustries who will have the tacit or open sympathy Communist nucleus in the shops and in seen Fraina before those allexed meetings of All he had was a rather vague dexerinta ists of Ru who are Caturday ing for the of the workers in the chops: something out of by one of his chiefs.
up buildin of the Soviet world in Russia, by the question at the present tine, doing likwise for the up building of the Comwith these new avenues open to the Communist When Peterson was brought in at the heart where Fraina was present and was asked Party, and with the class struggle gaining impetus you think that those in this room anyone who munist work in America. For the month of and speed in the direction of an open conflict with July give your Saturday morning wage, and send it promptly through the regular Party vowerful antagonistie social and economic forces would not say 80. Later he pointed Fraina out, saying that he recognized him by the voice. But channels that the work of your Party may be scious effort of the city class, who are being inherent in capitalist aulid not to any con when he had seen him only three times, and every pressed fo. unhampered.
You know in wisst financial crisis the criminal we can look forward, while indefatigably carry.
action of our former National Secretary left The checks indorsed by Fraina and there ins on our work, to ports of Fraina nobody hrs seen except Peters struggle.
the Your Executive Committee is making to the other milestone Doch in the class pased on the son, and his imitation of the signature was proletarian revolution to the overthrow Toad herculean efforts to produce bricks without straw. of the capitalist and the establishment in imitation of the real signature of Fraina. Petro son story of trying to set the locuments How long we shall be able to continue to perform this country of the of the Proletariat.
this miracle we don know. If we could go and the papers taken from hin before he could to Nuorteva, and that he was arrested to you in packed meetings, we would sound the show them to any body, sounds absolutely not note of warning in plain terms. This being details told by him.
nly in Keneral, but in several impor.
impossible. your sends out an SOS.
Comrides, we urge you, don delay. There all taken Con. Fraina asked everyone present to The fact is that after the testimony had been still sufficiently is danger in delay. Prompt and generous action alone will avert it. ACT AT ONCE!
for MONOW: All the rod 80 that he whether he thought that the Ston New York City, June 10, 1920.
present. with the of the chairman and Com. Weinstein, answere IN THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL Dear Comrades: sten roerved his opinion. Among those who sald The Vienne correspondent of the Dally Herald few days ago the NY. Call corried a full yes there was one member of the Bureau writes DRNPLICATED AS S than bare conjecture.
and Nuorteva has nothing more At the conference of the Third International, LEADER 18 CHARODD tasid in Moscow on May 2nd, Bukharin, Radek and WITH! INDORSING HIS PAY CHECKS sideration, for example, the It least of the con may still be there Zinoviev were ned as the Committee to dreide DEPARTMENT OR JUSTICE.
the question friend of Nuoro Laters town of admittance hasten to inform you that THESE CHARGES to the Communist ADE FALSE. The Call quotes extensively from a. on the face of (Continued on page New Attack Upon The Communist Party in the sureilunot