BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFranceGermanyImperialismItalyMarxSocialismSovietStrikeWorking Class

TAN OOXXUNIST SET By Dr. PANNEKOEK The Universal Crisis Infinitely and deaf to this dissolution. They regard THE capitalist system is in its death the workers are compelled by means of port. We hear again and again of huge the march of events without understanding.
strikes to defend their standard of living, throes; its end has commenced.
credits proposed to be made by American and without knowledge. To hope that the and, because of that, the conflicts between The world wide war destroyed the probanks to Europe. But it is certain that no ductive powers of Europe, drained the life capital and labor grow ever more acute bank on combination of banks will offer collapse of Capitalism will find a proleand more wide spread.
blood of the people, and burdened the states tariat revolutionary prepared and conscious its millions, even if that is the only way to What does that mean? The American with gigantic war debts. Many people, when save Capitalism. For Capitalism is a blind of its mission is now shown to be utopian.
the was finished, believed that the victori banker Warburg says: Europe is bankforce which drives along its own masters The collapse proceeds too rapidly, events rupt. In other words, Capitalism is colous countries, at least, could expect a pelike so many blind slaves, thirsting for gold. spring too suddenly before the eyes of men riod of expansion and recovery during lapsing.
for them to be able to adapt their minds In no direction can we see any reason to It is only possible to understand the which capitalism would be rebuilt. But toto the new realities. That, however, does expect the reconstruction of the capitalist deeper causes of this by the teaching of day it is clear that it will be impossible to system.
not mean that they will do nothing, and Whole populations have become Marx concerning the essential character of rebuild it. In the conquered countries, quietly submit to perish together with the stripped bare by the victors, economic stag. Capitalism. All the solutions advanced. pauperized and need help! the world becomes plunged more and more into chaos State control of prices; increase of proworld capitalism; it means that the transnation and social ruin becomes increasingly and misery.
duction by means of more intense and formation in Western Europe and in Amerintensified. From them the paralysis deica will not proceed along the same simple In face of this collapse of human society velops westward to France, to England, longer labor on the part of the workers; to the neutrals, to America. Intercommuni the restoration of free exchange; each and the mass of men stand deaf and blind. The and easy way as in Russia.
cation has become disorganized; the lack every device put forward in order to save bourgeoisie tries to make itself, and others, greater difficulties must be conquered in the present order of things, appears as so of raw materials makes the reconstruction believe that the revolutionists are preparing those countries where a deeply rooted bourmuch pitiful nonsense in the light of Marxof industry impossible; and, because of a forcible destruction of capitalist society geois civilization has impressed itself althe lack of man power and of manures, the ist theory concerning the mechanism of in order to replace it by a socialist one. It most ineradicably upon the mind of the harvests are not sufficient to meet the needs capitalist production and circulation. That. does not realize that Capitalism is destroy workers. The road to Socialism will be of the people. Still more grave is the chaos production is not for use, but for profit. ing itself, that Socialism is the only possi by tortuous ways, across many barriers, in the currency. Under capitalism in nor Every business enterprise is, today, para bility, and the only foundation of recon under the debris of oN ideals, through new mal times money is the oil of the social lysed at its commencement by the difficulty struction, which human race must ac deceiving, vain experiments, and great machine, the instrument of every economic of selling its products, even when it succept unless it wishes to perish together events. year of gigantic universal strugtransaction. Today the uncertainty of the ceeeds in breaking down the barriers caused with Capitalism. The bourgeoisie perse gle lies before us.
exchanges paralyses the nerves of capitalist butnings, by strikes, and by the difficul cutes the revolutionists and hinders their (Da. Pannekeok is one of the best known production the credit system. The everties of communication. Because Germany propoganda in the senseless hope thereby theoretical Communists in Holland. He is mounting price of commodities is only one cannot buy, England cannot sell, and so to save Capitalism, while, indeed, by those also a scientist of repute in Europe, and of the symptoms of the economic disloca the crisis spreads throughout the whole means it only prolongs human misery, and an honorary member of Petrograd Univertion. The middle classes are reduced to civilized world. In America huge quandelays the coming of the new world order.
The above article was translated the position of proletarians by the high tities of goods are to be found, but Eu That deafness and blindness concerning from the Internacia Socia Revero, an Inprices, while the masses themselves are rope cannot buy because of the increased the coming dissolution of Capitalism is the ternational Socialist Esperanto monthly, forced down into still deeper misery. If value, in European money, of the dollar, historic fatality of the bourgeoisie. edited in Holland by Comrade Nutthe purchasing power of money decreases, and also because of the high cost of trans But the mass of workers are also blind ters, of the Dutch Communist Party. By Why These Strikes JOHN LANGLEY CLEARING THE GROUND. unrest, dissatsfaction, decrease in superresuscitator of small nation apparent everywhere, in the armies. HAT ails the working class in efficiency, and general uncertainty alities England. Only the part in the working class and lastly, in America. Why the many are only the symptoms of a chronic icular material conditions prevailing circumstances, for there are already strikes? Why this tremendous un malady. They are only signs of in Egypt and India have given the foreign bodies in the capitalist rest?
the times. The present lack of so struggle of the masses there a na system: a fundamentally antagonSome would blame it on that ma cial cquilibrium cannot at all be tional color. Apparently the why istic structure, the Republic of the gician. of the High Cost of Living understood if it be viewed thru bour and the wherefore of this ferment Soviets of Russia. the profiteer. Others blame it on geois spectacles. The downing of are deeprooted and universal.
It is this condition of bankruptcy the war. The latter would have tools and decrease in production which gives rise to the wave of WAGES AND HOURS.
us believe that the present proleta are not the cause of the deep unstrikes, dissatisfaction, uneasiness Are the masses disturbed by small and decreased inefficiency.
rian dissatisfaction and restlessness rest. On the contrary, the unrest are temporary. They will pass as is the cause of the strike wave and wages? Not on your life! Any IN DELIRIUM.
employer will confess that disturbsoon as the war effects are for decrease of efficiency.
ance in production is not brought The champions of bourgeoisdom gotten and the world settles down. WHAT SO AND WHAT ISN Of course the bloodthirsty agitatSO.
about by disagreement over wages. are delivious. What shall be done?
Grant the worker a raise to day Panacea is hurled upon panacea.
or comes in for indictment. What Before delving into the why and is the answer?
and he ll be back in a fev weeks Calumny, deceit, hypocrisy, treachwherefore of the present situation a large employer of labor has re few simple truths must be repeated. and ask for another. Is the question rose by any other name is just as of hours the ocvforemostpmoreom ery, murder all are of no avail. cently said: In former years we These are obvious to all but those have always been able rather easily who delight in throwing sand into of hours the bone of condition? Not sweet. League of Loot labelled to arrive at adjustments. But toby a long shot. Quite often the de League of Nations is just the their own eyes.
mand for shorter hours is rather a safety valve. But there is a hitch!
day there is something different; The present dissatisfaction is not demand for more money than for Conferences to save international there is something stirring, some so much with labor as a means of thing which cannot comprehend, livelihood. The worker does more rest. Push a camel thru a exchange, conferences for industrial not and am not sure that the men complain simply because he is a needle eye? Well, stop this re peace, thousands of arrests and dethemselves comprehend it. He goes worker. He complains of the raw curring demand (at an accelerated portations, peaceful annihilation of on to call it subconscious restless deal he receives in the workshop. work. This process truly violates most recent trump cards played by Communist Russia are some of the ness.
For some reason or other he feels The Communist, unlike the bour that not all is on the level in the the Law of God, nature, and the such master gamblers of Imperial geois or his liberal apologist is not factory and outside. The laborer Holy Ghost. that everything has ism as Wilson and Lloyd George.
an end. There is no end to the cry dozed by this condition. Astonish cannot yet put his finger on the sore THE TASK BEFORE US.
ment would overcome him if con spot. He is vague. He sorely needs for more pay and less work. The World Imperialists are preditions were otherwise. There is clarification. He cries for direction.
THE SORE SPOT paring consolidation. Anything to nothing puzzling in this subconThis epidemic is not local. It But where is the sore spot? The pest and revolt. bourgeois victory retain mastery in this epoch of temscious restlessness. The strikes, grips both victor and vanquished. whole thing is the sore spot. The Democratic Japan and América, So entire system is cankerous to the present in an awful hole. If it can centuries to come. Capitalism is at promptly remedied by the amendment cialist Germany and democratized rushed through a couple of weeks ago.
core. Capitalism finds itself to day Hungary, victorious Italy and ruined It took the jury onl yan hour and ten in the throes of social bankruptcy.
get out of this hole it will ride in minutes to find Winisky guilty of desiring tho its manifestation may be differAustria all face the same problem, Bankruptcy in every sense of the ship. Historically the capitalist on a most vicious military dictator not to capture the bourgeoisie state, but word stares capitalism in the face. to conquer and destroy it, which, as ent.
This epidemic knows no Moral and political as well as finan continuation means an era of barsystem has outlived its function. Its Judge Weeks said, and all Communists pole. The background Orient is cial bankruptcy are in our will agree, means nothing else than the aflame. Unrest has gripped the cooverthrowing of the existing government. lonies of that arch liberator and This bankruptcy finds expression in a revolutionary ferment which is The war has destroyed many (Continued on page 8)
midst. barism.