BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyImperialismLeninSocialismSocialist PartySovietWorking Class

THN OOMMUNIST Some Jobs At The Passing Show of Capitalism a decent inheritance.
COMPLETING THE JOB SOCIALISTS SEEK IS ROYAL IGHNESS DISTANCE LENDS PLATFORM HINTS AND THE ENCHANTMENT Our own American White Guards, the It is rumored in reliable quarters that the American Legion, have received a gift of. Call Headline. Arthur Gleason, writing in the Pittsburg NATION is going out of business, before a half million dollars from the pious In view of the declaration of party posi Dispatch, says, Britain will probably have a labor government long before it touches It is claimed that this gift reprelong. It is said that Villard, the owner, tion by the spokesman of the during the king. Indeed, it is quite possible we sents the earnings of the Canteens during declared to friends that he cannot afford the trial of the five self declared, but unshall see in Britain a Socialist monarchy.
the war. This reminds us of stories of this the losses the printing and circulation enappreciated, patriots at Albany, we trust tails. He was quoted as saying that he Christian organization profiteering over He is quite right. King George may that a suggestion or two from a one time wishes to save enough to leave the family there, brought back by thousands upon party member will not be taken unkindly. some day forget the slight he suffered at thousands of uniformed workers. There We mean to be helpful and trust our ef the hands of John Burns, who refused to It is a no un natural bourgeoisie desire.
were burning tales of outrageous prices forts in this direction will be appreciated attend his garden party, and attend with Only those workers will be disappointed charged for everything candy, tobacco, by the noble of the Socialist Party pleasure a Socialist Party meeting. Should who expect anything more from liberalcigarettes, newspapers, something to drink. at least by the spokesman aforementioned, Comrade King George, and the local Lonism.
something to cat, in short, anything they don Branch of the like each other to wit: Morris Hillquit and Seymour StedIn the glow of enthusiasm for a revohad that the soldier boy wanted. Especially well, is Royal lighness may forget anman.
lution thousands of miles away, no doubt the profit making in cigarettes rankled. We other historic slight when Kier Hardic Plank The Socialist Party is absoMr. Henry Villard, who is the NATION, have no doubt that some of our saviors of did valiant service toward creating a bet democracy returned more bolshevik luptely opposed to any and all wars 4, 000 refused to wear a top hat in the House of Commons and wear his crown at the next ter understanding of Soviet Russia. It than democratic because of the undemo miles away, even 3, 000. war so far away Branch meeting. We are sure that every cannot be denied that he has done a good cratic proceeds that accrued to the godly as that, is none of our business. The little peanut politician in the would farther away it is, the less business of job, so far as he has gone. The trouble canteens from the sale of cigarettes. Now be flattered and pleased. As for the big is, we think, that he doesn want to go it seems like pouring salt upon an open ours it is. Conversely, a war on our politicians. No word for it. No, any further. This, again, is perfectly natwound to use this money for the up build very border is decidedly our business.
there is nothing incompatable in the idea.
ural, for Villard is not a proletarian. He ing of the White Guard! half million The Socialist Party therefore is not opSince the can use the King parliais, on the contrary, a man of wealth, bedollars profit wrung from the boys who posed to a war with Mexico or Canada.
ment for its purposes, y can the King Plank The favors the organizalonging to the upper bourgeoisie. revo enjoyed their coffin nails now to be used use the local branch meeting for his. lution in Russia appealed to him as an in attempt to nail down in the coffin of tion of a Pink Army to fight the Russian American industrial kings, please take ideal, stirred his imagination. He took fire reaction, the hopes and the aspirations of Red Army, when the Bolsheviki come over notice.
at the idea of Russia as a great laboratory.
the workers. to our shores to destroy our GaloriA new system could there be evolved, from The workers who answered the call to ous government and institutions.
which other countries could benefit. The war for democracy, never dreamed how Plank We stand for absolute lawranTHE FINANCE CORDIALE Marxian theory of Socialism, developed by far the fight would be carried. They them order.
Lenin into practice, could then safely and selves may have stopped fighting and smok Plank We believe in Evolution, and The real Allied Council is meeting in slowly he incorporated into the life of ing canteen cigarettes long ago; but the repudiate REVolution, and pledge our Japan, as may be seen from the following other people of the American people. But canteen profits go marching on, to com selves to slap it on the wrists whenever despatch: changes come, not as bourgeoise liberal plete the job here so patriotically begun it should raise its red head.
TOKIO, Japan, March 26. generally gentlemen desire, nor even as the revolu over there!
Plank The Socialist Party swears by hearty accord in views has been shown by tionary proletariat desire, but as the colWe remember, too, with what tears and lapsing capitalist system impels.
the eighteen bankers representing the the public and damns the proletariat.
protestations the denied that With the rapidly disintegrating system ing financial houses of Japan in the discusPlank We oppose the idea of the they had ever sold anything for more than here, discontent decpens, becomes more sions of the past two weeks with Thomas Proletarian Dictatorship with the greater cost. The announcement, therefore that wide spread; capital seeing its end in sight, Lamont of Morgan Co. who idea of the Golden Rule. Rich and poor, this 500, 000 represents the earnings of the grows more desperate; there is greater reis here representing the American group in exploiter and exploited, should love one canteens during the war, is pression. Underneath, the fires of revolt the proposed consortium. In addition to another and live in peace and harmony.
smoulder. The class conflict rolls up toequivalent to admitting that they lied. But Once the Socialists are captured by the the proposed loan to China, other general financial matters relative to the Orient, esthat is not surprising We told them sol ward crisis. liberal like Villard finds Bourgeois State, we pledged ourselves to all the signs of impending revolution here What will the White Guards do with the pecially China, were discussed. The Lawork to this end.
in his own country not in Russia, not in moncy?
Plank We pledge ourselves to uphold mont party has been cordially entertained Germany, not in Hungary, whose changes The Executive Committee has decided with a constant whirl of receptions and the Law and the Constitution as laid down a gentleman can think of, and even sup that the amount be held as a trust fund banquets. The social feature, however, has by OUR fathers. Now that we have purged not interfered with serious work on the port, with pleasure but here in America! for a period of five years, the principal our party of the alien element, we can at homel where one gets chills and fever sum to be invested and reinvested.
big undertaking, which will possibly mean truly and proudly say OUR.
thinking of one bank account of stocks much in the future relations of Japan, Before the war, men had the habit of Plank We stand for America for and bonds, real estate, business generally! saying for a period of fifty years even France, Britain and the United States, as the American and the for America.
Here before his very eyes are the two well as China.
a hundred. Like ninety nine year franclasses the only two classes that matter Plank We are unalterably opposed to chiscs, they were long term affairs. Often in this conflict lining up for battle; althe Communists of America. We know the term was indefinitely long as the life, what coming to us when they get strong It is reported that Allied Imperialism, ready the skirmishes are developed into they thought, of the capitalist system.
good sized, important engagements. And with its hands tied, is still suffering from We believe in the Bourgeois where does a liberal gentleman (with liberNow they sho wa proper modesty, Events Statę; they believe in the Proletarian Dicthe Yuden itch, and inquiring politely if al sympathies for revolutions where he is Their tottering system may collapse much may yet prove them not modest enough. tatorship. There can be nothing in com Deni kin scratch. Lloyd George says he not 1) find himself? Why, in the only mon between us respectable, law abiding kin. But only when the Big Fear becomes position possible for him: In the political, modesty, considering their historic blindsooner than is apparent. Nevertheless, such citizens, and the lawless, ignorant masses, the Big Four again, which may never be.
They believe in mass action; we believe in economic No Man Land, with shot and shell from both fronts bursting all around ness, is commendable. If they stand to lose ass action. The difference is clear to every him!
before the five years are quite over, Dr. patriotic American.
Sergt. Major Weber, leader of the SparA revolution in Russia? Glorious! But John Mott, general secretary of the ticist forces in the Ruhr district, was once a revolution in America? Well, you see, who was reported at one time to have dabbled a little in Socialism, may It is rumored that the German Kaiser an errand boy for Ludendorff, and is now he lives in America!
Paul Milyukov, leader of the Constihave the satisfaction of knowing that the has a little ditty with which he regales himputting into effect strategy he learned at tutional Democrats, the party of the bourfund found its way back to the class to German headquarters when he was a nonself when chopping wood. It goes like which the boys who were gouged of the this: How much kol could a Kolchuk chuk, commissioned officer attached to the Gengeoisie, declared some months before the great Russian revolt, If victory can be sum, belong the working class of America. if a Kolchuk could chuk kol?
eral staff.
secured only by means of a revolution, then we don want any victory.
TOWARD THE SOVIETS We can picture this declaration on the learning it in Germany. They will the days to come. The victory of cover of the last issue of the NATION. Continued from page 1)
learn it in the other countries of the Soviets in Russia, the coming Mr. Villard using the editorial we. It pel it to adopt a certain course of Europe and even in the United victory in Germany is only the bemight be the most fitting word of farewell action, force it along a certain road, States. The tasks of the Commun ginning of the struggle which will to its faithful readers.
but it is apt to make many compro goal and in the final sruggle to as, ists is to constantly emphasize this continue until the workers everyJOHN QUALIFICATIONS mises along the road before it learns where triumph. There may be pe From the time of the Bolshevist coup that there is but one way in which the working masses.
sume the direction and leadership of riods of quiescence in this struggle, etat in Russia, and the development here such it can break the chains of capitalthe last year in Germany, of a propaganda in favor of similar methIf the capitalist masters of the but the struggle will go on until ism the organization of its own world expected that with the peace ods, have given some part of every day power, the disestablishment of cathe bourgeois power inthe world to the fight against it. hate and abhor negotations with Russia under way is broken completely and the proBolshevism and all its works, because pitalists and the transformation of and the German revolution evidently letarian rule is established.
am a Socialist. John Spargo, in the Call.
the capitalist system.
After this declaration of principles and dead, they were assured a new lease This lesson workers are bound to of life, they have had a rude awakenGermany is the second episode in tactics, there should be nothing in the way the world social revolution.
learn through experience. They ing by the events in Germany. They of John rejoining the Socialist Party. learned it in Russia. They are HAIL THE COMING SOVIET will have more rude awakening in REPUBLIC OF GERMANY.