BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyItalySovietStrikeWorking Class

APRIL 5, 1920 PRICE CENTS Toward The Soviets great nation.
The struggle for a Soviet Govern through the power of the workers, they intend to keep it. This is the methodical distribution merft and the Dictatorship of the manifested through the general shown in the demands made upon of arms to workingmen and orgaProletariat is under way in another stirke and resistance to reactionary the Ebert Government even by the nized functionaries.
forces by workers with arms in their Independents, who are willing to The formation of workers After a year of comparative quiet hands.
temporarily compromise with it and. a year of preparation. the re Irrespective of whether the Com leave it in power. These demands regiments placed under the authority of the Workers Councils.
volutionary forces in Germany are munists succeed in establishing the are: again in armed conflict with the Dictatorship of the Proletariat in The immediate disarmament The convocation of a Conexisting government. The Commun Germany as the result of the present and disbandment of all countergress of Workers Councils of all ist forces have succeeded in setting conflict, one thing is certain: As revolutionary troops.
the country up a Soviet Government in the Ruhr in Russia the power to control had the arrest of their officers Every one of these demands will District and in many isolated cities passed to the Soviets several month and their trial before the workers strengthen the position of the workoutside of this territory the Work before they were ready to throw out courts.
ers and weaken their opponents.
ers Soviet are in control.
the Kerensky government and open3. the confiscation of all arms If the compromise proposed by While the course of the revolution ly set up the rule of the workers, in the hands of the bourgeoisie the Independents is accepted and does not necessarily follow exactly so in Germany today the workers and the giving of these arms to the Ebert government remains in similar lines in different countries have the power in their hands and the workers.
power, or is succeeded by a mothe parallel between Germany and derate labor government headed by Russia is so obvious that even the Karl Legien, the reactionary trade American Bureau of the International usually blind editorial writers of union leader, neither could last very the capitalist press have not failed long. The Kapp adventure has to observe it.
made the workers conscious of their The Pan American Bureau of the Communist International Kerensky came into power after power. No government which seeks the first definitely bourgeois governwas organized, provisionally, through action of the Central Executo maintain even a modified capitive Committee of Communist Party of in New York, ment of Russia has failed to satisfy talist system in Germany will be the workers and peasants. The March 25. Through the Holland Conference of the International, able to satisfy their demands. There held in Amsterdam during February, which was attended by Louis will be new conflicts and in the German Government first made a sham show of liberalization when Fraina, International Secretary of the Communist Party, a man struggle to uphold their interests, date was received directing the Communist Party of America to Prince Max of Baden became prime the workers will be compelled to minister and began negotations for take the initiative in organizing the Pan American Bureau.
take the final step and replace an armistice with the Allies. This Three members of the Communist Party are in charge of the these makeshift governments with government was quickly succeeded provisional organization. There will be added to the membership their direct representatives chosen by the coalation of the Majority of the Bureau a representative of the Latin American Bureau in through the Soviets.
Socialists and Democratkic parties. Mexico and a representative of the South American parties as soon This course of events so nearly Kerensky was attacked by the re as connections are established to call a conference at which the alike in Russia and Germany is not actionary forces in the Korniloff permanent bureau will be established.
likely that it is the way in which adventure and was saved by the reThus the Communist International makes its initial move to the social revolution developes in volutionary workers of Petrograd. organize the proletriat of the Western Hemisphere for the struggle a mere coincidence. It is more than Kapp and his Iron Brigades from against American capitalism and particularly against the imperialevery capitalist country. The workthe Baltic have played the part of ism of the United States.
ing class does not become conKorniloff and his Cossacks, and Hail to the Communist International and the World Dictator sciously revolutionary at one swift again the Ebert Government was ship of the Proletariat.
bound. Its material interests comsaved, not by its own strength, but (Continued on page 4)
RALLY TO THE SUPPORT OF SOVIET RUSSIA Resolution Adopted by the Holland Conference of the Third International REVOLUTIONARY action of the workers to force International mediate steps to prepare an international demonstration strike against Capital to make peace with Russia is a necessary condition to intervention in Soviet Russia. Such a strike not alone to demand endsave Soviet Russia and to hasten the world revolution.
ing the blockade and intervention in Soviet Russia, but to include polTo further this action, the Communists of all lands must utilize itical and economic demands adapted to the revolutionary requirements every strike movement, every mass demonstration.
of the conditions prevailing in each nation. This demonstration to be To place this aspect of their responsibilities to the Russian supplemented by coercive strikes as the workers gain strength for such Revolution before the workers.
further action, in which special attention has to be paid to the expedi2. To convince them that their interests are identical with those tion and transportation of war materials and equipment, propaganda of Soviet Russia.
being carried on, to withhold labor in such instances. To develop a strong feeling of revolutionary solidarity and The appeal to the workers for international strike action must not revolutionary action the world over.
be made exclusively through the beauraucracy of the trade unions, but As the pressure of the workers upon the governments is incrcasing, emphasis must be placed upon the masses in the unions, upon extrathe tendency is for the capitalist governments to propose a compromise union mass organs, and the creation of such organs if necessary. peace, with the object of distintegrating Soviet Russia from within.
The latest proposal to take up commercial relations through reactionWhen the revolution again arises in Germany or in any other ary representatives of pre revolutionary cooperative societies that have country the forces of the international proletariat (especially the transsince merged into the Soviet organizations, aims at separating the peas portation workers in Britain, America, France, Italy, Scandinavia, Holants fro mthe workers, and destroying the Soviet monopoly of foreign land, Belgium and Switzerland) must be prepared for a general strike trade. Under the cloak of such manouevres a great military spring the moment the capitalist powers attempt intervention. The bureau is offensive is being prepared which must be prevented at all costs. to take immediate steps for organizing this action in time to prevent It is therefore essential, that this international bureau takes im the workers being again forestalled by the governments.