BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismFranceImperialismLeninLiberalismSocialismSocialist PartySovietTrotskyWorking ClassZinoviev

2 THE COMMUNIST March 1, 1920 Editorial Page of The Communist THE LENIN TROTSKY ZINOVIEV INTER of riches, lest the envy of the less for come the real revolutionary leadership gust for the deceivers who govern you, VIEWS tunate classes be aroused. At least the of America. It will not be of the wordy, for the renegades who have betrayed you, The series of interviews granted to Catholic hierarchy is not so stupid as to spineless Hillquit type. There will be men for the cowards who nurse you with hopes by Lenin, Trotsky and Zinoviev are of the only it urges universal acquiescence with forward thinking and unflinching action Longuets. The process of Communism is highest international importance. We go things as they are.
and perhaps it will require a considerable going on: take these men, with all your to press as the second of the interviews, On the subject of capital and labor the schooling such as our capitalists are now strength get rid of the bourgeois capitalist that of Trotsky, appears.
document is particularly interesting. The giving the reds in the courts and in the regime. Send us a radio by the 7th of Lack of space compels us to postpone failure to reach an agreement is due, in a prisons to develop this leadership.
November. Send us from France mesWe have witnessed the Socialists at Al sage of hope and triumph, for the Soviet until our next issue, at which time the is naturally hostile to class. In truth, each bany. We have yet to witness the Com Congress on the 3rd of December. For whole series and the press comment upon needs the other. Capital cannot do with munist Laborites, the Communists and the ward for Communism!
these interviews will be before us. out labor, nor labor without capital. This s at Chicago and elsewhere.
The Bureau of the Moscow French Meanwhile it is obvious that the affairs is obvious; but the more important point And we must not forget the men and Communist Group.
of Soviet Russia thanks to the valor of is that capital and labor are bound by mu women who have been in prison since the Red Army have passed into a new tual obligations, not simply by mutual 1917 in spite of the perfect lawfulness CHURCHES stage. The Communist International is needs or interests.
of the Executive Committee of the Socialrapidly becoming a formidable opponent Labor needs the tools of labor, the mines, ist Party. Only a craven Hillquit could Babson Reports Special Letter to the League of Crippled Capitalist Na the earth, the factories, the mills it does degrade Debs as a patriot, when every Wellesley Hills, Mass. Jan. 27, 1920.
not need the capitalist. The financier must one knows the servis ty of that name as WHAT is our real security for the stocks, give way to the technician of industrial used by Hillquit.
bonds, mortgages, deed and other inTHE CATHOLIC MANIFESTO management and parliaments must yield We still claim Debs is a prisoner of the vestments which we own. Sunday, February 22nd, was read in place to the congresses of workers spokes class war, and we do not disavow his You may have a mortgage on my house.
ON all the Catholic churches a ten page men. Capital cannot do without labor; guilt as declared by the capitalist courts.
pastoral letter, signed by Cardinal Gib nor can capitalists exploit labor without We do not relish the imprisonment of Your mortgage is of value only as everybons and coming from all the Archbishops the consent of the workers as a class. Debs, nor of anyone else, but we would one connected with it the lawyer who drew it the notary who acknowledged itand Bishops of this country. the first is Therefore is urged the right of capital not want Debs free at the Hillquit price, and the little stenographer who copied it, Legal defense by revolutionaries is made sued for 35 years. This letter is most sig to a fair day work in exchange for a up to the jury which enforced it, is honest.
nificant of the assertive character of reac living wage. No animosity, no mistrust as a challenge of the ruling class process Yes, and even then you cannot get me out the slaves must be kept alive, on the one in the particular case. It is never an ad of my house unless the majority of the tion in the United States of 1920.
There was a considerable period when hand, and in turn must with good will mission that there will be conformity to the entire community is honest. With the the Catholic Church was a mighty power and justice give unto capital its custo laws by which capitalism maintains its community sympathizing with me, the offi.
domination against capitalism itself, and the survival mary tolls.
cers would not and could not put me out.
In this issue we print one of Babson The Socialists will be perfectly lawful Under such circumstances what would of this is the bourgeois democratic tradition of non interference by the Church in Reports dealing with Churches.
It is until they have won a majority! Mark the your mortgage be worth? Absolutely the affairs of the State.
But now the a fitting accompaniment to the Catholic ferocity thereafter, as if there were re nothing. Moreover, if this is true regardpression for just such a day only to break ing a local mortgage, it is much more seriChurch is a bulwark, perhaps the chief bul pastoral letter.
wark, of capitalism, and Church and State forth in a terrific rage!
ous in connection with our investments in are reunited. The Church now serves capTHE YELLOWS AT ALBANY The Communists will be lawful only so railroads, in industries and other propertie italism as before it served feudalism and TN the name of Socialism! The genius long as the capitalists stand by while Com outside the city where we live.
absolute monarchy.
of the Yellows, the authority Morris munism is agitated and its forces of action This pastoral letter seems to pass by Hillquit takes the stand and delivers him developed. It is for the enemy to say What does all this mean? It means without editorial comment, by contrast self thusly: when Communism is unlawful. It is for the real security for the stocks, the liberalistic acclaim given in the us to insist that we shall none the less mortgages deeds and othez invest rm of inain Communists and that communism which we own is the integrity of the au. le Constituagainst the Unitea States as the form will continue to mean what the class strug munity. The steel boxes, the legal paner speech and right of representation.
upon wnich to build the future so gle, not the capitalist laws, shall deter and other things which we look upon This protest is part of the weakest liberal ciety mine. The Third International is scarceso important are the mere shells of ism which exists in any of the great na more than an idea or a name.
eggs. The value of our investments. 00 tions, excepting perhaps Japan. Our should say that the Socialists of pends not on the strength of our banks, American liberalism is weak because the the United States would have no RADIO but rather upon the strength of our very rapidity of our imperialistic progress hesitancy whatever in joining forces October 28 easily sweeps aside all middle of the road with the rest of their countrymen to churches. The underpaid preachers of the repel the Bolsheviki who would try To the French Government timidities of the less aggressive and more nation are the men upon whom we are to invade our country and force a To all the workers humane capitalists and the respectable really depending rather than the well paid form of government upon our peoTo the French Communists proletariat, compelling the decisive conple which our people are not ready lawyers, bankers and brokers. The refor and do not desire.
To the Confederation General du Travail ligion of the community is really the oulflict between Imperialism and Communism.
To the Socialist Party wark of our investments. And when we But this pastoral letter is the organization Well, Mr. Hillquit, how do you deter To all consider that only 15 per cent of the peovoice of fully ten per cent of the American mine what our people desire? And oh!
ПНЕ supine liberalism. item and talking about struggle than per cent hold ing the studied propaganda of reactionism, Socialists would do anything rather than that Comrade Sadoul, accused of desertion, becomes even more evident.
income tax, the Importance of the churches a propaganda backed by the most power break a capitalist law, so declares the incitement to mutiny, disobedience, comful educational organization in the world, authority. What about Debs? Ah, in munication with the enemy, is no more to For our own sakes, for our children an organization which rallies to the pur deed, Debs broke no law. How comfort blame for these crimes than the other sakes, for the nation sake, let us business poses of reaction its profound traditions ing to our comrade behind the steel bars members of the French Communist Group. preachers! Never mind if they are not permen get behind the churches and their and experience of nineteen centuries. at Atlanta. Many like him are former members of the In the United States of 1920, with Palmer And so on, ad nauseum. The American French Military Mission in Russia, and all fect, never mind if their theology is out as Attorney General, it hardly seems Socialist Party has become a stench in the of them call the French workers and sol of date. This only means that were they strange to read a church pronunciamento nostrils of all who accept with serious diers to revolt. Like him, they all do their The safety of all we have is due to the efficient they would do very much more.
thundering condemnation upon those who ness the fact and tragedy and revolution best to serve the Russian Soviet Republic. slander State or Church. Since the ary promise of the class struggle. At least, against which the government at Paris churches, even in their present inefficient and inactive state.
French Revolution, it is safe to say, no Scheidemann and Ebert and Noske were has never dared to officially declare war.
By all that we hold such text has issued outside of Russia, face to face with grim realities of social Comrade Sadoul is a member of the French dear, let us from this very day give more though China and Japan have identified conflict. The treason at Albany is to save Communist Group, but he did not found it, of our city, for upon these the value of all time, money and thought to the churches sovereignty with deity. And of these only five insignificant legislative jobs and to he was not the only one to bring it to Japan is now to be compared with free keep open this Hillquit Lee Stedman Ger gether, nor was he the most active conwe own ultimately depends!
America. ber Berger game of playing working class tributor to its paper. He has not been ROGER BABSON.
The Catholic ban against divorce is re politics. To what end? So that here, too, the only one to preach Communism to the stated, thus staunchly holding in violate the junker class shall not be without soldiers and prisoners of France who An advertisement in the New York Call the contract and property character of friends who can disport themselves and joined the army or the French Communist reads: Victor Berger knows Socialism holy matrimony, thrusting the human as. work havoc with the profound phrases of Group at Odessa or Moscow. If, then, as as few men in the international socialistic of marriage aside as mere individual the proletarian revolution.
the English, American, and German radios movement know it. Now that is somepleasure or whim. No divorce, the one Fortunately our American Yellows are state, the French government suddenly de thing to be thankful for. Let us hope it safeguard of decency and purity in the the puniest of all the Yellows. We have cides to condemn Sadoul alone, and not the is very few sex relation. If the obligations as here no Adler, Longuet, Vaudervelde, comrades with whom he worked, and sumed through marriage can. be so lightly Branting, Macdonald, Henderson, Huys against whom evidence has already been munism is a retrogression to a very primiAnd Victor is going to show that Comcancelled, it is hard to see what value shall man, Turati, Martov, Kautsky, etc, etc. found, it is because it has placed once more tive and low stage of human society!
attach to other covenants when these are The American Yellows are merely shys its pretended military justice at the sernot enforceable by law. Divorce does not ter politicians and they never can be vice of the policy of the moment.
Between Victor Berger, Harold Lord ignore the obligations assumed through come a power in the proletarian move French Communist Group warns the work poor feeble Bolshevism is just about done The Varney, Morris Hillquit and John Spargo marriage. But what is aimed at by the ment in this country.
Church is a compulsion of submissiveness ers against this manoevre: they pretend, for!
Out of the ferment of great strikes, and in condemning a man, to kill an idea. Or Notice how many new parties are joining But it does seem persistent.
more pervasive than all power of law. out of intense study and factional con ganized workers, the French Communist the Communist International, that thing There is a caution against lavish display Aict among the groups of the Left, will Group invites you to demonstrate your dis scarcely more than a name?
supple. Here is not the vague alourishe of those pages upon pages of your writing THE French Communist Group declares enhanhold peste centiehood any kind and less