BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

The Communist All Power to the Workers. Official Organ of the Communist Party of America Vol. II, No. X2 MARCH 1, 1920 Price, Cents To the American Communist Party In answer to the greetings of Louis Fraina, International Secretary of the All the facts indicate that the final struggle between proletariat and bourCommunist Party, to the Communist Party of Holland, we have received the fol geoisie will come in the United States and the issue of this struggle will lowing response from the Dutch party. Our revolutionary comrades in Holland were among the first to join the Communist International and are an active and decide the issue of the world revolution. Your fight against American Imvital factor in the European movement.
perialism, accordingly your work of aligning the American proletariat with the world revolutionary movement if of the first importance. You must Dear Comrades: weaken the class power of the American bourgeoisie, and finally break it The Communist Party of Holland sends you its fraternal greetings, completely. Only when the American proletariat becomes definitely and in response to the greetings of your party. It is not in a formal spirit, but actively revolutionary will the Communist International conquer, and the in the spirit of active revolutionary solidarity that we answer you and es world Soviet Republic become a reality.
pecially at this moment, when all the terrible power and savagery of the We feel the utmost confidence in the American proletariat. We feel, American government are being used against the revolutionary movement comrades, the utmost confidence that the Communist Party realizes the imof the United States, and particularly against the Communist Party.
port of its historic task, and will fulfill it in spite of calumny and represHOT We are aware of the brutal repressive measures used against you sion in spite of the government and the corrupt Socialist Party. he brigand raids upon your meeting places, of the arrest of 4000 of your members and of nearly all your officials, of the threatened use of the death cialist Party we fought and won ten years ago in our struggle against the The fight that your Left Wing fought and won in the American Sopenalty against active revolutionists. We are aware of the White Terror of the American bourgeoisie the most brutal and powerful in the world reactionary party of Troelstra Co. The Communist Party of Holland is although we do not feel its sting as you do. Comrades of the Communist Soviets and proletarian dictatorship as the means for the revolutionary conunited as your is upon adherence to the Third International, mass action, Party, courage and faith! Courage in your magnificent struggle against the reaction for Soviet Russia and the Communist International! Faith quest of power, and no compromise with the bourgeois enemy. United on this basis, the proletariat is unconquerable.
in the coming revolutionary action of the world proletariat!
Comrades, battered and bruised, you will still carry on the great strugThe repression you are experiencing is an indication of a revolutionary awakening among the American workers. Your great strikes and the gle. We know it.
tensive revolutionary agitation of the Communist Party in these strikes Long live the Communist Party of America! Long live the Comaugurs of great changes to come, of a developing sense of mass action munist International!
For the Communist Party of Holland, ing the workers.
Upon you, comrades history lays a great task. American Capitalism, WYNKOOP President this thout art, 188 possession of world power, and consistently reactionary. Amsterdam, uthenberg Again Arrested prospect of a reversal. Bail pending the Seventh General Soviet Congress appeal is set at 10, 000 and some of the Folkets Dagblad Politiken, peace that will undermine us. The work arrested February 17th at Detroit for selves in securing bail and funds for the FROM Stockholm, December 13, 1919, are er and peasant government is the only the Illinois authorities. He waived contest appeal, realizing the importance of this taken some fragmentary items concerning power in Russia, and will always remain of extradition and was taken to the Cook case as the first criminal conviction in the Seventh Russian Soviet Congress. so.
County Jail. Bail of 10, 000 was sécured America for mere membership in a political February 24th, and now Comrade Ruthen organization.
Party Representation at Congress rg is at the call of either New York or The appeal also will be argued by ComProgress at Ellis Island By a decision of the A11 Russian Central llinois, with a total of 25, 000 bail against rade Ferguson, assuring strict adherence Executive Committee admission with conhim.
to the party principles, as in the trial of sultative rights was given to representais now reported that nearly 400 of those taken to Ellis Island on deportation On the understanding that Illinois would this case and as in the argument before tives from all parties which have declared warrants are out on bail, while 81 are await the outcome of the New York case the Secretary of Labor on the deportation themselves in defense of the Soviet Re still confinement.
against Ruthenberg and Ferguson, there ases.
Hearings have begun but are proceeding was no idea that such an arrest would be These parties are: the Russian Commun very slowly.
made, since both Ruthenberg and Ferguist Party; the Bolshevist Communist Party Contrary to rumors and gossip, pracson have been ready to respond to either SCOTTISH FOR THIRD of the charges whenever called.
INTERNATIONAL of Ukrainia; the Social Democratic Party tically none of the prisoners wish to be of the Mensheviki; the Revolutionary Com deported, the exceptions being a very few Meanwhile the prosecutors have come At a recent national convention held at munist Party; the International Social who are discouraged because they have to an agreement that the Chicago trial is Paisley, the Independent Labor Democratic Party; the Bund; the Ukrain not been able to secure bail. No matter to be given precedence, so Ferguson too Party) of Scotland voted by a large ma ian Borobisti Party; the Right Social that some of the deportees, along with is likely soon to be returned to Chicago jority to sever its relations with the Sec Revolutionary Party of Ukrainia; deviat hundred of thousand of their countrymen being still in the East.
ond International and to affiliate with the ing factions of the Social Revolutionary now prefer Europe particularly Russia Third International.
Party; the Poale Zion Party; the Society to America, they do not wish to subject The vote for the step was 158 to 28. The of Maximalist Social Revolutionaries. themselves to the arbitrary, despotic and Gabriel in Prison minority delegates were unanimous for The Bolsheviki recognize that these dif often cruel process of deportation.
WALTER GABRIEL, Secretary of the severing relations with the Second Inter ferent parties and sections intend to supNo exact figures are available, but it Communist Party in Newark, New national, but they wanted to hold up ac port the Soviet Government, not only appears that most of the deportees are Jersey, was found guilty after a three day tion on affiliating with Moscow until the against its outside enemies but also in its alleged to be members of the Communist trial on February 11th, and sentenced to results were known of the attempt on the great task of constructing the Russian So Party. In some instances, it is charged, serve to 10 years in the penitentiary, part of the German Independent Socialists cialist Federal Soviet Republic.
the Department of Justice agents have with a fine of 500. There were two to summon an international congress of themselves made out membership cards in charges, one membership in the Commun the left wing of the Second Internation Expulsion of Friedrich Adler order to substantiate their warrants.
ist Party, the other based on Comrade al, which would discuss forming an entente Upon proposal of Trotsky the Congress Gabriel answers to the judge in the po with Moscow.
expelled Friedrich Adler from its honorary RAILROAD STRIKE IN FRANCE lice court examination.
When the vote was announced, there membership. The reasons were his relaThe trial was quite spectacular and im followed a demonstration of enthusiasm tions with the bourgeoisie parties and his The French railroad strike is spreading Dressive, Comrade Gabriel making a high such as had never before been equalled defense of coalitions.
rapidly. It has taken on a political charly creditable showing on the witness stand, in a Scottish L. conference. Deleacter. The capitalists are again relying on particularly refusing under every pressure gates jumped to their feet in one delirious Peace Terms of Soviet Russia a Socialist minister to break the strike.
Mobilization orders affecting nearly half to reveal the names of any of his party frenzy, surprised and gratified that they The official statement of the Congress the railway workers have been issued. The co workers were united in their desire to link up with on peace terms follows: Comrade Ferguson was attorney for the the Moscow International. It was a spon The Entento in considering an armis aim is to break the strike by calling the workers to the Colors.
defense and won commendation for his taneous outburst of cheering which tice with Russia. We will make peace, but exposition of the Communist program and astounded the press agents (reporters) upon conditions that the Entonte does not ures in the strike and one of the best Comrade Minot, one of the leading fighis plea for Gabriel.
who asked what it was all about, ac interfere in our affairs. We are ready to known French Communists, has already The case will be appealed, with every cording to the Manchester Labor Leader. make concessions but will not sign any been arrested.
in Newark,