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Editorial Page of The Communist party States.
role Twol van The available supply of jurors in the county, Mr. French said, would be exhausted before the trials could be The conspiracy is the social revolu are true of the American Socialist Party.
completed and under the Arizona la Communism and tion which began in Russia and is going There is a sort of pretense within the only the defense can ask for a change around the world!
party ranks that the Socialist Party is conof venue to another county.
in the the Law Revolution scorns indictments. In the cerned with Socialism. But all this is There are 7, 500 possible jurors in the county, it was estimated, but of these more than half are employed by HE decision of Secretary of Labor courts, to accept the language of the Su hushed up when the party appears TH Wilson and the verdict of the jury in preme Court of New Jersey, revolution is open arena. Then its entire existence is merged in the system of representative defendant companies. Many would be excused in selecting a jury, the attor the Gitlow case appear to mark the a defense only when it is successful.
The Communists of America will yet democracy, entirely oblivious of this sys ney said, and added that it would not tem as itself the organ of capitalist dicclose of open legal propaganda of Communism in the United States. Secretary make good their defense!
tatorship fendants with the available supply of Wilson, by his finding and order in the deThere never was a more glaring item of jurors.
portation case against Englebert Preiss.
The Passing of the political irony than the publication, durIt is obvious that law and order will be has outlawed every alien Communist in this ing the Albany affair, of the Socialist Party country. He has declared that membership Socialist Party Membership referendum Communist Internain the Communist Party is of itself ground favor TILLQUITIAN Socialism has reached alignment with the vote in favor of vindicated in Arizona tional. The vote was 3, 475 to 1, 444 The Soviet Governits verdict against Gitlow for publication its lowest depths of hypocrisy, cow if an allegiance to the Third International ment Wins that any discussion of Communist prin class struggle at Albany, New York. Even methods. That is the Socialist Party in our months ago the imperialist press ciples and tactics constitutes criminal an the ultra reactionary New York Tribune, a nutshell, anything by way of phrases, of the world was heralding the march archy.
of Yudenich to Petrograd and the Larkin, Ruthenberg and Ferguson (as well by Speaker Sweet, does not miss the real nothing particular as to programs and early capture of Moscow by Denikin. Toas five other former members of the Left point; no matter what is the outcome of methods. Depends on the weather, precases will be reached within two or three cisively on the side of capitalistic con The Alche class struggle in the United appeared, what is left of Denikin army is Wing Council not under arrest. The other the trial, the Socialist Party is now de The Albany episode is a most significant day Yudenich and his forces have discent stitutional regularity. Indeed, the vseks, so far as now appears.
diciall It means the inauguration of ex running for safety, and Kolchak is a champion glories in its The appeal from Secretary Wilson orThe Red army of the Soviet Governder to the courts is not likely to result of bourgeois representative democracy. ception laws which the Socialists will prisoner.
in any serious modification of its effects in the New Republic (February 4th) is that condition the tactics of the real Socialist ment has practically wiped out out the Deportation is an administrative matter: the Socialists have been put in too admovement, now represented in this coun counter revolutionary forces, with whici The liberals are envious. The complaint manage to accept but which will virtually the courts can intervene only when thervantageous a position with respect to try by the Communist Party and by such the imperialist governments of the world is palpable abuse of administrative discretion, or where the requisite formalities have propaganda of freedom of assemblage, of membership of the Communist Labor Par sought to destroy the proletarian reworld as will survive the selective process of tion in Russia. Fighting on the inside of not been complied with. The appeal of speech and of opinion.
the next six months. The larger aspects the circle which marked the territory un It is the special mission of liberalism of the Albany expulsions will be a major der the control of the workers republic, the Gitlow case will bring an upper court determination of what is criminal an to play with the phrases of freedom while it includes almost all the territory of the archy. This will be the first appeal under exploitation goes on crushing hope and problem of the next Communist Party con the Red army has widened that circle ublis; the New York law, which though passed in cialist Party has now been given an ad democracy, under the tender guardianship threatened by the counter revolutionary The present danger is that the SoThe Socialist Party is now safe for former Russian Empire. In place of being 1902 was never invoked until 1919.
others were recently convicted under this vantage over the American liberals at of ex Supreme Court Justice Hughes and forces in the pay of the imperialist gov law but lacked the means to take an appeal. The other laws on criminal an Not even the Socialists themselves sug many others who have long been entrusted ernments, the Red army now threatens archy, like those of Massachusetts, Il gest that this affair at Albany has any by the financial masters with keeping dem the British Empire in Asia and the ims linois, New Jersey, etc. are of recent date, thing to do with the class struggle. The ocrary safe for domestic and imperialistic perialist press expresses fear that it may exploitation sweep through Poland to Germany.
The constitutionality of the New Jersey five Assemblymen and their Socialist lawWhat was fully consummated at Chicago The Allied imperialist governments law was sustained, with Justices Minturn yers are blind to everything except the during the first week of September, the sought to strangle the socci revolution ber of appeal decisions under the related lined up with a galaxy of respectable darisiv elements from the Socialist Party, lies to the counter revolutionary forces of and Kalisch dissenting. There are a num constitutional issues upon which they are decisive separation of all the virile prole in Russia by financing and furnishing sup espignage, sedition and criminal syn riend dicalism laws.
Party in this country revel in such con now stands plainly revealed to all the world Yudenich, Denik and Kolchak. They did not dare to employ their own armies quests of respectability. To mention the under the searchlight at Albany.
Considering the law as it now stands, it class struggle in such company would be The Socialist Party is now definitely part against the workers of Russia because of must be said that open discussion of Com decidedly bad manners.
of the bourgeois order of things in the fear of what might happen at home if the munism is now a crime in the United tioned.
United States, part of the ragged fringe took such steps. Bankruptcy already States The difference between discusThe defense of the Socialist Party is of pretentious respectability. It is past the stares them in the face as the result sion and advocacy is not worth making, that its program, constitution and princ, after the year 1919 of the steel strike the world war and they could not risk ti.
since any approval of Communism may be taken as an advocacy, as in the Gitlow ciples mean nothing in action. Does the this country can be misled by the empty their financial obligations by a war on and the coal strike, when the workers of collossal burden that would be added to party constitution provide for control over slogans of a representative democracy such a scale as was necessary to give any This does not mean an end of Communist forced resignations? Yes, the constitution in which so transparently veils the iron heel. chance of success against the Soviet Govagitation in the United States. Nor does says so, but the evidence is that nothing ernment. The workers at home, too, had it even mean an end of open Communist of the sort was ever done. Did the party shown the opposition to the program to agitation. The question of political crime program call for opposition to the war? Fair Trial drown the Russian revolution in the blood is always definitely related to the balance Yes, that was the program, but the proof of the workers of that country. That opof power between the contending forces. is that Socialists did their full share in THOSE who have witnessed the selec position might develop into action if the Communism is openly advocated in Italy; íurtherance of the war. Does the party tion of juries in red cases, and have capitalist governments were not careful in practically all countries except So constitution forbid a vote by a legislative ſcarful ignorance which makes these trials reflected on the social pressure and so they backed Yudenich and Kolchak.
cialist Germany and Democratic United representative in favor of military bud mere formal lynchings, will recall also the reaction are utterly smashed, with Odessa Now that these agents of imperialist States. But now the Noske repression is gets? Yes, but it doesn mean anything: pietistic insistence upon the privileges of again in the hands of the Bolshevik army relaxing its grip in Germany, leaving the Did not Meyer London vote in favor of fair trial accorded to the defendants. and a revolutionary movement taking con United States in the uniquc position oc the Congressional appropriations during Fair trial across the class lines, at this trol of Vladivostok, it is not surprising cupied before the revolution by Czaristic the war?
Russia The defense at Albany is an exact imi time of world class conflict, is largely a that Lloyd George offers to deal with the But even a weak, confused, inert work tation of the Berger defense at Chicago slip a cog now and then. It is not quite bars which have kept all foreign supplies The machinery of repression may Russian Co operatives, letting down the ing class will find its occasional expression and at Washington. It is the exact oppo automatic.
through the defant individual who spurns site of the Debs defense at Cleveland.
Its agents, the prosecutors, out of Russia, and it is even hinted, is wilall penalties of law that the truth may be It would have been so simple for these allow an occasional escape through inad ernment.
judges, spies and upper class jurymen may ling to make peace with the Soviet Govheard.
Socialist Assemblymen to say that the So vertence or incomplete preparation.
The grand climax cames with the direct other political parties; that it has a con certain quantity. The percentage of chance they fear a superior power. It will be the Most of all, the jury is apt to be an un peace with Soviet Russia it will be because If the imperialist governments make indictment, in Illinois, of the Communist Party, the Communist Labor Party and the stitution calling for W. in the persons of their executive in public office because it is the organized quite near the zero point. But it is in mising with the virle, militant Communis for control ista in favor of the defense is extremely low, rotten, worn out capitalist order compro officers, as criminal conspiracies. One hun Mession of its membership, not megteresting to note the reverse proposition: society, in an effort to save itself.
dred and sixty men and women are charged a vehicle for the self expression of the the same machinery of bourgeois justice individually and collectively with crime officially from time to time. It might have ficials and agents: individuals who happen to to serve the party directed against the Phelps Dodge Co. of which the imperialist government seem calling for a maximum ten year penalty been said that the party has alien memSoviet Russia may accept the peace offer in each instance, ready to make.
bers because it represents the working The workers of Russia Tombstone, Ariz. February The class struggle in the United States class, which in the United States is prelack of competent jurors will hasten have born burdens and made sacrifices is at the straining point. These legal prose dominantly alien and negroes without vote.
the end of legal proceedings against against the enemies of the revolution such cutions will prove an empty flourish o: 11 might have been said, also, that the 210 men charged with kidnapping in as no people has been subject to before COMCLion with wholesale deportadecadent power long beiore any of the party has international working class altions from Bisbee in 1917, it was indiPeace means an opportunity to recuperate sentences are served. This is sham power, legiance because the class struggle trancated today.
to consolidate their strength, to build up stupid, ostentatious, futile. The real power scende dhe atonai boundary lines. None Forty seven defendants will be distheir power for the final struggle against is in the inert mass. It will soon be prod of these things were said at Albany for missed and an effort will be made to imperialism, that final struggle which can into action.
combine the trials of those indicted on the very good blanket information, County Attornot be avoided and will not be over unti ney French announced.
imperialism give way before the United Soviet Government of the World.
It is not mencase.
of that none of