CapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandSocialismSocialist PartyStrikeSyndicalismWorkers Movement

I NYC Six THE COMMUNIST Januury 3r1. 1920.
The Menace of American Capitalism Or the Power Behind Wilson Democratizing the Railroads.
By Newbold, Ph.
velt had been told to holler all he liked. Hinal tallment. and discovered in the process. Taft was. LU want from the Trear to placidly acquiescent to the trust maghe Director General of Railroads, and South American market, as well as that of mates. Bryan was unsatisfactory as a candiin that orice surrounded himself with a Genoa and Paris, and so is beginning to date for President, too visionary and too potched stafi vi assistants from the llarriman.
threaten the trade of South Wales, and to suspected of demagogery. man was urgRechefeller railroads including the clever.
strike at linglands valuable export business. ently required who would initiate a clean est corporation lawner the interests have di cred in recent times This gentleman Hard upon this comes the news that four up at home and who would enhance America reputation abroad. There were omin.
ir placed by Wilson son in law in charge textile export associations have banded tool Legal Matters. Vc. ldoo and his staff gother into one body to further the export ous indications of a farmers revolt in the o safe men proccided to co ordinate the of these staples of Lancashire and Yorkshire, Middlc West and of a labor slide towards the Socialist Party. Unless something ape orious lines and to override or abolish the strike at England valuable export business.
antitrust laws against which the railroads Finance, shipping, shipbuilding, iron and parently honest, straightforward and drastic, was attempted, and, in some measures, achad been duing battle for twenty or thirty steel, coal and cotton as supremacy in these slips from Britain fingers, what re complished, the outlook for the Money years. Whilst in charge of the lines, Mc doo told the railwarmen not to take part mains for her whereon she can rear her Power was by no means reassuring. The fabric of political eminenec, of maritime trusts had got too firm a grip upon the in politics and, at the same time as he proeconomic and political life of the country for Ceded to spend 8:00. 000. 000 of the people supremacy, of imperial pride?
muner on improving their properties, inade There remains for her the British Navy. any man to dislodge them, and it was quite President Wilson demands the Freedom of safe to adnit to office a Liberal reformer the corporations aware that he was not in the Seas and ofícrs as an alternative the whose good intentions would win the confavor of nationalization.
Hilson latest utterance on the firess.
prospect, nay, the certainty of proceeding fidence of the lower middle class, the farmin railroad problem is a plea for a with the construction of the greatest navy ers and the trade unionists and, at the same inodified private control, under a more uni in the world, wherewith he and Vanderlip time, would lead nowhere in particular. The and Chas. Al. Schwal will teach the virtue American capitalist bosses had seen the fied and affirmative public regulation and mader such alterations of the law as will perof thinking internationally.
Lloyd George budget and land stunts and ini: wasteful competition to be avoided and a knew how powerless Liberals like Campbell Democracy at Home.
Bannerman and Woodroow Wilson really Considerable degree of unification of adininistration to be cliceted. World Work, President Wilson as he argued and pleaded American industrial developnient demanded Such is the power which stood behind were. Besides, the time had come when Jen. 191. This, we are told, is what Harand Jictated at Paris. Gompers came to Hinan hinted at. when he said that Europe, with his passports viscd, to persuade minded moncy lords who, by political means, measures to dislodge the conservative. the combination of different railroads the European Labor Movement that tradehad entrenched themselves as a cosmopolishould be regulated by law.
unionism has nothing to do with Socialism.
tan financial clique in control of American The railroads must be rebuilt or should The Imerican Socialist Party could not get credit. The hour had come for displacing we say ho. ctly built at the expense of the its passports to Berne, it could not get thein Gument, in order that billions of dollars the Morgans and for rendering American to the Inter Allied Conference in London productive business the assistance of a banko commodiiica 118 le transported to the last autumn. Eugene Dehs is serving a Atlantic and to the Pacific, fur carriage in a ing system nominally that of the impartial sentence of ten years penal servitude for no and independent Government, but acColossal mercantile marine to cvery corner of the Old World Pcfore vacating office. has repeatedly committed. Mrs. Stokes is interests. The Morgan interests similarly more serious crime than Ramsay MacDonald tually of the manufacturing and mercantile McAdo recommended a continuance of some to serve her long sentence for expressing had hold of the party caucuses and of the masure of control and the clectrification of sentiments repugnant to Wilson Gover intricate political system of the and the railroads. There has recently been formed an ment, but no inore than Mrs. Snowden may Imcrican International Steel to simplify the processes of democratic elecsay in Englaud under Lloyd George. Bill Corporation to compete with the Steel Haywood and his hundred comrades of the Standard Oil as against the pre eminently tion and Legislative initiation was to aid Corporation for foreign trade. and in inciude twenty five firms, consolidating the 11. serie some, their twenty year moneyed power, which, since 1863, had Bethlehem and Milvale Steel Corpions for derent conditions in the mines of Bishce, the Republic.
sentences, whilst the man whom the fought gained an increasing control over the liie of to Pennsylvania Railroad Composteel Ryan, colleague of Rogers and Rockeplent, Lackawanna Steel Company and the ſeller in the cupper speculation of 1899 to The Democrats stood for the rights of the two Rockefeller steel plants, the public 103, VAS President Wilson Director of separate States as against the Federal auDuland Steel Company and the Colorado Aircraft Production.
thority, and to have put forward Bryan or Fuel and I: in Company. This s2. 000. Charics Schwal, compared by the Xew any other party man would have been to cas combiratimis. obably getting reads: York Evening Pust. to Whitaker Wirght, economic cvolution demanded, and which weaken the centralization policy which ist only for foreign business, but to provide the stock for rebuilding the railroads at home. ing Trust in 1903; the man whose character int the time when he looted the Shipbuild. Wilson was known most vigorously to favor.
The great hy uso electric contractors inainWas für einer delineated before the Senate The trut liad been fostered though 1: Standard Oil in duinination will, unCommittee on the arınor plate frauds at the not made possiblc as some contended by doubtedly, curry through the installation and operation of clectric power. The National intendent in 1895. the magnate to join whom Carnegie Steel Works, where he was superthic protective tariff, and having now grown to great size ind strength, could in some City Pank sw in September last the pro Vendeo is said to have betaken himself, acincasurc dispense with governmental as.
mise to day or an onorinon development of sistance of a purcly dcfensive character.
chectrification. Sodowe, in Britain, in the companied President Wilson to Paris as 20 manner, for this very reason ard under one of his commercial advisers. With them Many of them, concerned as they were with ideatical methods of regulated private conwas McCormnick hawking his rcapers and crude minerals like petroleuin and copper, trol Linders.
of which the had enormous and cheap Coal and Cotton.
President 1li! son is not too fortwate in supplies, or of meat, sugar, tobacco, machine.
Xow, that the re organistiberil his political associates and in his party. He tools, etc. in whose production America Suis le facilitated the proved loully unfortunate in the role which was porc cmincnt, could do without a tariff cal.
lie was originally selected to perform.
and would gain enormously by reciprocal and that ly are there sled1. free trade in foreign countrics.
an increase of 16 por cent in The Last of the Liberals.
Such being the needs of the moment, the duction, Sir Alat 1. nie Business groups had been doDemocrats were a suitable party, and Woodthe Cnited St. tcs what they liked with the politics of row Wilson a desirable candidate for PresiWith her large output and Autior many a long year prior to 1913, dential authority.
of productiun. will double side ond had dictated to Presidents and to Con Wilson labor policy was curiously kugo to bring very great pressure to bear press and Senate the measures which they gestive of that rather liberal programnuite 11. Enlil uzcan in that in o should dept or reject, the judges whom which the Liberal Governmend arried to dilex British eval.
the sclect and the diplomats whom through in lingland in 1906 a law declar. seriously insaled the they should appoint to foreign posts. Ruose. Continued on Page 11