BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismFranceGermanyItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

Page Vivo January 3rd, 1920 THE COMMUNIST The Present Situation in America HE minds of people in America scem Our cducators are, generally speaking, By lan Lepin an army of gentlemen capitalistically, ent assertion that this country is something trained, brutalized and paid to keep up the exclusive, in a class by itself, that it differs of less than a year and has made the United supreme rule of capital, to defend bourgeois fundamentally from European countries, and States from coast to coast a no man land. dictatorship against the rising proletarian especially from Russia.
This belief has been ravished by the bitter war of two irrecon revolution, for genuine freedom and justice.
also current in wide circles of radical cilably hostile camps: the Producers and Isn this the education that has been so socialists and those who considered themthe Parasites.
much boasted about and heralded through selves liberals.
The foolhardy attempt to solve class war the world as something exclusively AmeAccordingly, the maxims of the labor problems by means of a conference called rican?
movement of western Europe and the great by the president and composed of big capi These are the outstanding features of lessons of the Russian Revolution were talists, reactionary labor leaders and certain American exclusivenesses. But if we comthought to be of no practical value here in de classed men failed miserably. The con pare conditions of old Russia we may be America.
ference, as we know, broke up mithout suc startled at the similarity. The exclusiveness The Radicals referred to, no doubt, have ceeding to harmonize the opposing inter there was as great as here in America. Al shown fine spirit and enthusiasm about ests of the exploiters and exploited. The the Russian toilers were excluded as comthe Bolsheviki. But there it ended. Bol conference went into oblivion like one of the pletely as their American fellow warkers shevism was good at a distance, in barmany insignificant curiosities of the new from the joys of life.
baric Russia, but altogether out of place period of class struggle in America. It had As long as the causes for revolution are in the United States.
no deep meaning. The capitalists did not at hand and the despotism of the ruling class Among the most outspoken of these radi take it seriously. They know fully well increases the awakening and rallying of cals, John Reed, fresh from Russia, post that their dictatorship is being upheld by the workers will proceed. The results thus poned the American Revolution in the inore tangible means than parleys with reac Revolutionary Age for five years. More tionary labor leaders.
far are tremendously encouraging. Ten months ago we had Seattle, Butte, awbalanced men, like Scott Nearing, proved scientifically that fifty years, at least, will The present situation means only an in rence, and lately the steel workers and clapse before the proletarian uprising will tensified application of outrages against miners strikes. Their interests lie in the workers. Such an intensification that they overthrow of capitalism, the annihilation of erer sweep the country.
However, the last seven or eight months might scem quite new. The mask has been the dictatorship of the finance capital hare damaged this notion, if not discarded it dropped. The constitution has been thrown Only thus can the problem of obtaining because the class struggle has assumed very altogether into the waste basket by the ca security and better life be solved. There is clearly deiined outlines and looms high pitalist and substituted it with a brutality no other way.
that harmonizes with the law and or The innovations of the era of reconabove the whirlwind of passing events. And so, delusions about American exclusiveness der of exploitation. So we now have de struction do not lighten the workers burare in a process of being completely underportations, political prisons, raids, annihil den. Wages are adjusted downward, the mined.
ation of press and assemblage, and abolition cost of living upward, and unemployment Take, for instance, the three most dangerof ordinary civil liberties.
incrcases. Wil these questions be solved by ons inyths dealing with American exclusive It is a sad talc indeed. Especially at the deportation or filling of jails with political nes. 1) One united people. 2) free present when a cloud of reaction of the prisoners. dernocratic institutions, and (3) higher cdu blackest kind is hovering low over Anerica, The capitalists can not give better life to cation.
besmirching crerything. The capitalists are the workers, even if they desired to do so.
Are we a unified people? The artificial conjuring the dark forces, their press is They cannot end exploitation unless they unity created by the war has vanished with shouting blood and murder. They dream of ruin themselves. So it is up to you workers remarkable swiftness during the brief period nothing but the practice of violence.
to do the job.
The Italian Election The World Revolution Conquers (Continued from page 2)
playing the political game these many years be had for the asking. There will be the old determination for revolt. Soon, when the for nothing cry of immediate bencfits for the working Red Army quells Denikin, it will turn in the asked a prominent Roman editor about class, and the more popular of the moderate direction of Germany and as the runnbling the Socialist danger.
deputies may ſcel themselves sale in forming of the approaching Red Army will reach the It is perhaps the best thing that could a separate group and intriguing for min Spartacans, they will rise and conquer the have happened, he said. Socialists out of isterinl responsibility. It is easy to reply power. Then the dooin of capitalism will be parlianient are dangerous. But Socialists in that they will be expelled from the party, as sealed. THEN THE RED DAWN OF parliament soon becom they doubtless will. But what if they were RUSSI. WILL SPREAD ITS RADI Becoine what? asked.
alle to carry their own local constiuntcies ASCE OVER THE HORIZON OF They soon become taine, he answered. with them? It would mean a new moderate EVERY LAND. THE BLACK SHADAnd Epoca prints at the top of its Socialist party and another split in the Ita OWS, THE HIDEOUS NIGHTS OF first page a sentence from one Luigi Luz lian proletarian movement.
SLAVERY WILL VANISH. THE zatti: It would be foolish to deny that the NEW DAY OF COMMUNIST FREE Where a Revolution might be able to thoughtful Socialists are worried over this DOM WUL REJUVINATE THE break out violently, parliament can canalize situation. The warnings of Bordiga at the EARTH AND BLESS THE HUMAN Bologna conference are already being de RACE WITH HAPPINESS AND THE Which means that these people believe monstrated with an cloquence greater than JOYS OF LIFE!
that the proletariat parliamentary activities his own.
Long Live Soviet Russia!
are anti revolutionary activities. These This, however, is in the future. The impapers are consequently offering the new mcliate actions of the party group in parLong Live the World Revolution. Rovernment to the Socialists, if they will liament will be of a character sufficiently TCHAIKOVSKY, the head of the le tame and co operate with the bourgeois embarrassing to the middle classes. It will partics. The offer must, of course, be re deniand the formal recognition of the work. North Russian Government is on the way fused, for the Socialist party, and each and crs councils, now being formed in the in to America. How long shall we have to every deputy representing it, is pledged dustrial centres, with direct representation wait for Kolchak and Denikin?
against any sort of collaboration with the in parliament. And it will demand public control over the finances of newspapers, Now, this is satisfactory so far as it goes. and an inquiry, in conjunction with the AFTER ATT ours is the home of the But human nature is ambitious. Among tnc parliaments of other nations, into the finan free for all counter revolutionaries. We 100 odd Socialist deputies there will be many cing of newspapers during the last war. hope that Paderewski, who lost his job in who itch for office, even as Briand in France Italy, if not a revolutionary country, will Warsaw, will soon be here. We ll be de.
itched for office a decade or more ago. And be at least an uneasy one in the months that lighted to hear hi mplay The Funeral it may be too hard to refuse, when office can are to come.
March of the Counter Revolution.
other groups.