CapitalismCommunismGermanyMarxSocialismStrikeWorking Class

anuary 3rd 1920.
THE COMMUNIST Page Three The Struggle for Control.
Communism vs. Pacifism.
of collective agreements or wage arrangements) with under the leaderslip of Varney and By MorrisGordin the capitalista Sandgren, are very insistent in denying the Iruring the Dictatorship of the Proletariat the 11. 11. remain indifierent to the political volitical character of the class struggle. For General Workers nion PLACES ITSELF AT hom Karl Marx famous assertion that struggle they cannot claim an identity or THE SERVICE OF THE COMMUNIST 1995 cven relationship with the General Workstruction of industry (The adjustment of work. every class struggle is a political struggle crs wion of Germany. The organization branches of industry, etc. the regulation of production in the various is of ro conscqucncc. According to their iew tlc political state is only a mere superin Germany fully recognizes the political character of the class struggle. It considers ructure which will collapse of itself the onient the basic foundation of society, the it clí subordinate to the political revolutionClearly the General Worker Union difary party which is the instrument for the fers fundamentally from the non political conoinic system, is removed. Hence the and pacifist section of the The state should be ignored. The class struggle capture of the state power and the inaugurmust concentrate and develop its full impact ation of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. recognize the political character With such an industrial organization of the of the class struggle which must be carried on the economic field. There is nothing to bother about the state power.
on by all means (mass strikes, demonstraIt is a working class we would be glad and happy tions, uprisings, etc. considers its work to work hand in hand and to fight together only a part of the task. The main part of shadow and will disappear as soon as the object creating it the economic capital for the triumph of Communism!
Following is Section One of the Program lutionary political party which is the instrathe task is to be accomplished by the revoist control of industry, will disappear.
How will economic capitalist control dis of the General Workers Union. We reproduce it from the official organ of the ship of the Proletariat, during which ment for the inauguration of the Dictator:ppear? In an arnicd clash with the master class? No! Because that involves a struggle Organization, Der Kampfruf, for November THE GENERAL WORKERS UNION with the state power which is the armed 27, 1919: PLACES ITSELF AT THE SERVICE power of the master class, in other words OUR AIMS.
OF THE COMMUNIST RECONSTRUCa political struggle. How can the master class be dislodged from industry before it is HE World Revolution brought international TIOX OF INDUSTRY.
capitalism to the brink of bankruptcy.
Tv show with the utmost clcarness bow leprived of its most powerful weapon of Itence the proletariat is confronted immediately definitely the recognizes the podefense. namely, the state power? How can with the realization of its historic mission, the litical character of the class struggle, we he working class attain the control of in overthrow of capitalism.
permit ourselves to cite one more quotation dustry without coming to blows with the In Germany the November Revolution intro from their official organ, Der Kampfruf.
master class? To these questions no clear cuced the period of the final confict for the cap We refer to the last paragraph in an article answer is given. The only explanation which ture of the political and economic power. In this reproduced in The Communist, December period all the industrial struggles become masscould be found among the many vague 27, 1919, under the caption: The Struggle struggles and take on a revolutionary charcter.
answers something like this: The workAt the outbreak of the mass struggles which after for Control. ingelass will assume control of industry the Xovemher revolution involve all the imEvery struggle for the industrial control to when suficiently organized and ready to as portant industries it became esident that the political and economic alike. The aim of this sume such control. This Jocs not presup existing trade union organizations not only have Union is to point out this identity and to do away with the fear of the recognition of the political pose a revolution. The assumption of failel to assume the leadership of the struggles, but have employed all means to counter act them.
character of the strike weapon. This Unioe most control is not a revolutionary act; it is an The creation of a new militant economic organiz.
not only widen, but also deepen the strike more volutionary process (Se Varney s: Ination became an urgent necessity. The new or ment. The demands for wages must be transstrial Coinmunism) which at a certain ganization is The General Workers Union (Allformed into political demands. The economic at oi time will be realized of itself, with gemeine Arbeiter Union. struggle for economic aims must develop into en economic strugnie for political aims, and later out any sort of violent means being 10 develop into a political struggle for political IOS COOL sary, because of the readiness o fthe proleaims. And this last aim must be finally fought tariat and the ripeness of the historic pro.
EMPTY WORDS out with the last political bulwark, WITH THE cess.
We do not understand such an idealistic, will not help lead the llas this anything to do with the political peaceful conception and consumation of the revolutionary workers in indifference and evolutionary pacifism of Littereit contest in human ini tury. ic. oi the the struggle for the Dictator Varney and Sardgren? Did they gain. class struggle. It would have 11s believe that ship of the Proletariat. The Pro victory in Germany? Nothing of the the master class will surrender without a letarian Revolution demands revolutionkind! It is our victory in that the fight to the finish. This is contrary to the ary action!
is absolutely in accord (almost to the point entire record of history. Nerer did onc ruling BY SPREADING of repetition of the same phrasing) with our Olass renounce its prerogative before it was THE COMMUNIST PRESS WE SHALL Communist position on the question of the overl. cimed and crushed open combat. AROUSE THE WORKING CLASS TO THE strike ureapon. TIT ECONOMIC The subject class aspiring to power must STRUGGLE FOR PEACE AND FREEDOM STRUGGLE FOR ECONOMIC AINS malc its way to the liclm of society ouer MUST DEVELOP INTO AN ECOYOYthe corpse of the former ruling class. Such IC STRUGGLE FOR POLITICAL AIMS is also the Jestiny of the working class: It is tho militant economic organization of the AND LATER DEVELOP INTO PO.
hrough revolution and scizure of the state revolutionary proletariat in the period of the LITICAL STRUGGLE FOR POLIrower to the control of society and industry! class struggle aiming at the overthrow of ca. TICIL AIMS. Such is the position But we do not intend to expound liere in pitalism. Its task is the propaganda, preparation the entire revolutionary proletariat of Euand direction of economic mass struggles. This this article the entire argument of Revolupurpose can be achieved only in the name of the rope, including the ertswhile Syndicalists.
tionary Communism Versus Evolutionary general revolutionary struggle WHICH MUST How long will the revolutionry rank and ism. These few remarks are made BE CARRIED ON BY ALL MEANS (MASS file of the permit the organization only to emphasize the chief points of STRIKES, DEMONSTRATIONS, UPRISINGS, to be misrepresented by such grape juice division between us as Revolutionary Cometc. BOTH ON THE POLITICAL AND ECO: preachers of evolution and counter revoluimunists and the Evolutionary and Pacifist NOMIC FIELD. The closest co operation with of the Varney ind Sandgren the political revolutionary party which stands tion as Varney and Sandgren?
on the basis of the Third International is imperaThe organization must be made school. This cli. che pecially tively necessary, The General Workers Union safe for Conimunism by ridding it of the noisy the last few. ch all declares itself in solidarity with the program of pacifist and evolutionary leadership and the orgons, ph witheir the Third International and is fighting under its by placing it squarly in favor of the Dicideas in Germany in.
tatorship of the Proletariat and of the poliW. into ferma. y. Hal. DeThe aim of the revolutionary proletarian strug.
sle in which the General Workers Union is to tical struggle. Then we shall join hands cember, 1919. None. 176 WC perform PART OF THE TASK, namely that and work in close co operation (like the made to The General Workers Union of of the organization of the masses on the economic General Workers nion and the SpartaGermany (Die Allgemeine Arbeiter Inion field, is the abolition of capitalism by revolutioncans in Germany) and fight together under euis hlands) which was declared to be a ary methods and the ctablishment of the Dictat! red ban or of the Third International opy of the Anicrican We deny torship of the Proletariat for the realization of Socialisin. The Generul Workers Union unqualifor the estavlishment of the Dictatorship of this claim and assert that so long as the Piedly rejects any co operation (the conclusion of the proletariat in America.